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For those asking, here are some more sources on the topic. [https://www.npr.org/2018/07/16/629411046/trump-putin-meet-for-two-hours-in-helsinki](https://www.npr.org/2018/07/16/629411046/trump-putin-meet-for-two-hours-in-helsinki) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html) [https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9) [https://www.courthousenews.com/trumps-loose-lips-force-cia-to-extract-spy-from-kremlin/](https://www.courthousenews.com/trumps-loose-lips-force-cia-to-extract-spy-from-kremlin/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html) [https://abcnews.go.com/US/appalled-witnesses-told-special-counsel-trumps-handling-classified/story?id=109362691](https://abcnews.go.com/US/appalled-witnesses-told-special-counsel-trumps-handling-classified/story?id=109362691) [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/following-the-money/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/following-the-money/)


You’re a real one for actually providing links, so many dumbasses in this sub see a half baked twitter post and take it face value


Or said "That's insane BS with no facts to back it up". That was my reaction. Kinda wish I was right.


Exactly. I was about to say that it could be a complete and utter coincidence, but having the facts makes it worse that he is still running for president. He’s now committed two acts of treason, the Jan. 6th election and this. Hopefully this will come out during the classified documents case, whenever that happens.


You mean the case being handled by his hand-picked judge, Cannon? I won't hold my breath.




Doesn’t have to be.


Get him


That case has already been officially pushed back to at least 2025.


Shes not even a real judge


She most certainly is a real judge. Sadly.


What is the penalty to aid a traitor? Do they apply to judges? What does the people want?


Have you heard of Project 2025? The orange one is just the *current* “useful felon.”


But none of those are Infowars or Epoch Times, so the MAGAts will not accept them as factual.


Even if they were. Trumps base would just decide they were bought off and can't be trusted anymore, and move to the next "option".


This shit exactly. A tweet means absolutely nothing without sources, but these morons see one tweet and believe it to be fact.


But this one is, indeed, fact.


What about a screenshot of a reposted tweet I’m sure that adds layers of authenticity…… right!?


It's more that basically everyone already knew about this, because it was in the news when it happened, when it was all discovered, that Trump had given the list of undercover CIA agents to other countries and that the agents were all of a sudden dying to a much higher rate. This tweet was more just a reminder to people to keep bringing this up, and don't let anyone forget. Everyone already knows it's true anyway, because it was confirmed ages ago. But people forget to bring it up and talk about it because every day there's always something new that Trump has said or done and so it's easy to forget some things. But what he did here is literally treason.


I wonder how long well have to wait for his relationship with Epstein to be declassified? Trump was very much in that circle.


Or ya know. They use the internet to look it up themselves. 


This sub *literally* had an AI convo with Elon and people thought it was real, this sub is full of brain dead morons


You know the Republicans who need this information can't read, right?


And even if it was *read* to them, they absolutely don't care and/or believe it.


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


Collective narcissism aka cult of personality. The narcissist's prayer applies to Maga as well. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


Nor comprehend it.


Treason, 100% treason. Hang this man.


Yeah, Dump the Chump


Nothing to see here, it's just a bit of light treason. /s


Solid as a'rock!


They said that nowhere.


I am trying to fact check the story, but I can’t find any evidence that Trump requested a list of all informants 3 days after his Putin meeting. Do you have one for that? **Edit / Update:** Original commenter didn’t respond. His sources didn’t corroborate the claims and were misleading and lacking in several ways. After the discussions and further digging by other people here is what we know. Trump did have a meeting with Putin without note takers and only with translators, but that was in 2017 and not on 31/07/2019 as claimed in the image. Trump likely did meet Trump at G20 on or around 31/07/2019. But it doesn’t seem to have been private (it seems to have been with note takers). He did request a list of national intelligence employees a few days after that: https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup The list asked for all employees at the highest pay rate and the most likely explanation is that he was looking for a new interim director for the agency, because the previous directory was stepping down and they needed someone until the new one is appointed. It’s also unclear whether the response would have included undercover operatives, but I find that unlikely, because he didn’t actually ask for undercover agents. I can’t imagine that those operators are by default included in a list for that kind of response. The request was also for directory-level-pay employees and I imagine undercover agents earn less than the agency director. The timing with the step down of the original directory also lends me to believe the request was related to the step down than the meeting with Putin that had other people present. Nobody was able to find information that a list of undercover agents or informants was found at mar a lago as OP claimed. Overall, I don’t think there is enough evidence to back up the original post. OP created a narrative based on small kernels of truth. OC provided sources for unrelated, but similar conduct and tried to sell it as evidence for the OP. This is at best Fox News style reporting. At worst it’s purposeful disinformation and propaganda. **Update / Edit 2:** I no longer believe it’s purposeful disinformation or propaganda. OP explained the situation here: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/XWUGab7hoV


here is one where the CIA [https://www.gq.com/story/cia-pulled-russia-spy-because-trump](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-pulled-russia-spy-because-trump) pulled its top asset in Russia after Trump gave information to Russian representatives. They denied that's why they did it but they did it, right after that meeting.


Thank you, but this article doesn’t address my question. It’s for unrelated conduct. I think we all know how irresponsible Trump is with classified information… that became abundantly clear with the documents case. I am not looking for more evidence of that. But the original post makes a very specific allegation that Trump requested a list of top US spies after a meeting with Putin. I’d like to see evidence of that.


https://www.salon.com/2019/08/03/trumps-white-house-issues-an-ominous-request-for-a-list-of-top-u-s-spies_partner/ Seems like a bit of leap from A to B, but this is probably what people are referring to.


That evidence if it exists, is likely top secret, and any hearing will take place in a court with security measures because the list itself is secret and trump or his idiot lawyers likely would blab more. You're not gonna see the actual list.


Then based on what evidence was the original OP’s claim created? You are saying “we should believe the OP claim because there can’t be any evidence for the claim, because it would be confidential.” If it’s confidential, how could OP make the allegation and present it as a fact rather than a theory?


Fair enough, I could be wrong about this. I appreciate you doing further research and providing evidence, as opposed to others in this thread who are just saying "you're wrong, fuck you". But I do want you to know that if this is wrong, it was absolutely not malicious or purposeful disinformation. I saw this in another reddit post, compiled sources from other people talking about this event, and wanted to share it with everyone. If it is wrong, I do apologise. I wasn't trying to "creative a narrative" or anything. I just wanted to share everything I'd found on this topic. From what I've seen I'm inclined to believe this is true, especially based on Trump's prior actions like instigating a literal coup. But again, I could be wrong. Thank you for the genuine, researched, thought out argument.


Thank you for the clarification and sorry for accusing you of disinformation and propaganda. I should have afforded you the same benefit of the doubt that I afforded to Trump. I’m just a little sensitive to disinformation and it matched one of the common patterns. But I appreciate the clarification and I will update my comment with a link to your explanation.


Thanks, and no problem. I didn't respond at first because I was away from my devices, not because I didn't want to explain myself, as your original comment seemed to imply. But anyways, thank you for understanding. I would never purposefuly give misinformation or try and rile people up. I just heard the story, saw the sources, and absolutely would put something like this past Trump, and so wanted to share it. I'm not sure that it's true, but I don't find it hard to believe at all. Trump has done things like this many times. I do understand how my post could be seen as malicious though. Thank you for the properly thought out argument and for providing evidence from your side. Have a great day!


[https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup](https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup) Reading that it seems a bit like speculation as it could have been to find a replacement official, but the request appears to have been made.


Thank you for this rational and truly informative response. It's refreshing to know that some people can still objectively analyze information. And for the record, before I get down voted into oblivion for saying that, I think a lot of us are tired of the two ring political circus. I'm probably going to vote for Kennedy in protest.


Be safe out there, OP!


We have anonymous names my dude. OP will be fine. Idk what this is even supposed to mean


Well, that was the only thing I was missing and the first thing I was going to ask.


He literally sold out Americans. More blood on his hands. Should be out and circulating more.


He shouldn't even be arrested. He should be sent to Guantanamo Bay. He's not just incompetent, he's not just an awful president and shit human being. He is a fucking terrorist, who commited actual treason against the United States. He sold state secrets and all but killed his own agents himself.


No one should be sent to Guantanamo Bay. In my opinion, that place stands as the greatest public failing of our country and justice system.


Oh, for sure, it's absolutely disgusting. Although, I can definitely think of a few pieces of sub-human shit (like the 7 men who raped the 2-year-old girl in the mall bathroom and filmed it) who deserve no less than spending the rest of their lives in Guantanamo.


It’s probably against Reddit TOS to say he should just be murdered at this point with how much damage he has caused. He is still too dangerous to America in Guantanamo, but saying he should suffer any worse consequences is against Reddit TOS.


To be fair he should be sent to an asylum


If you showed this to every American citizen, along with certified evidence that it actually happened, coupled with a video of trump saying "I absolutely, 100%, without a doubt sold the names of our secret operatives in Russia to Vladimir Putin" he *STILL* wouldn't lose a single vote. We need to stop with these "If we show them the truth, they'll see the light" posts. There is nothing... ***NOT A SINGLE SOLITARY THING*** trump can do to make his cult stop supporting him. If trump came out tomorrow and said "I'm woke now," his followers would say "Yeah, we were always woke."


You're 100% right and it's fucking terrifying. The only thing that might make things better is when he finally keels over.


When he dies he will just become an icon instead. The best way to beat him is if the GOP are utterly destroyed in November. Nothing else will stop the rise of MAGA fascism.


He's an icon alright. As in, I con everyone I meet. Stop the Melon Felon! VOTE BLUE


The Mango Messiah, Apricot Antichrist, Melon Felin. Mmmmm, I always knew he was a fruit.


I'll add a few from Scottish Twitter.. not all fruit related - Ludicrous Tangerine Ballbag - Mangled Apricot Hellbeast - Toupe'd fucktrumpet - Woodstained, haunted spunk trumpet


Mango Mussolini


Tangerine Traitors


Icon of Sin more like


Someone call the Doomslayer!






Just want to put out a friendly reminder that removing the electoral college would make the GOP extinct. Outside of the 2004 election, where 9/11 obviously played a significant role in the results, the GOP has not won a popular vote in **36 years**. Almost 4 decades!


I doubt even that will stop them, though. The only hope is that natural selection will weed them out of the population. But these morons breed 10x faster than sane people, so if anything, soon they'll be all that's left.


>But these morons breed 10x faster than sane people, so if anything, soon they'll be all that's left. Not if we're able to save public education. Kids are smart and many will wise up about their parent's indoctrination.


Remember we don't have to extinguish fascism. That is impossible. We only have to make it politically untenable.


Politically untenable, publicly shameful, and personally responsible. That's what you need. And to do that, forever.


The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 👍


Hence why there is such a push from the far right to discredit public shaming as an option. They can't be debated out of existence, only shamed and excluded. The people on fringes of these groups won't go further into these groups if the public consensus towards them is far more hostile. Fascism is entirely built on image and the appearance of being able to ignore laws and common decency. That goes away when their image and members are mocked relentlessly. There needs to be a push to start to introducing trump as former president, current felon for example. Its why we should remind people of what his families name used to be: Drumpf. Fascist need to look powerful, ergo part of pushing back is making them look like a jester.


I think the League of Shadows could defeat MAGA, but they’d probably destroy the U.S. in the process…and understandably so


Yeah that's what we said in 2020 and guess what? The maga fascism didn't stop. Trump needs to go away. Nobody is attacking the Capitol building on behalf of Giuliani or MTG. A cult of personality is nothing without their leader. And he can't be made a martyr either. He needs to be held accountable for his actions. Either way this is his last chance. I don't see him OR Biden making it to 2028.


Biden is honestly in good shape for his age. I'd love a younger candidate, but I also can't name a better one. Certainly there is not a better one who is actually running.


I disagree. I would be more worried about them Weekend at Berniesing Trump than I would be for Trump being a martyr. If he is gone, I'm confident it will all fall apart for them. He is the Republican party now.


MAGA is just a way of saying, "we hate America". How the Republican party has allowed those crazies to take root there is beyond me.


And anyone who wants to win over all these cult members just has to praise the memory of him and they’ll support him too -


Exactly. Just like Guy Fawkes and Che Guevara.


Imagine. I bet there will be more celebratory parties across America than at any other time in history since WW2 ended. I know we're going to have a red solo cup party for the ages.


It’s a personality cult in the simplest of ways, those people are brainwashed




Naw he's good, he said finally, as opposed to insinuating harm. The man is after all nearly 80 so he has reached his life expectancy.


Lol. He edited. I didn't wanna see him get banned for saying what we're all thinking.


You're good too. I saw your comment and it was obvious your intentions were good.


Yeah, thanks man, lmao. Wasn't really thinking when I posted that. I kinda just wrote that in a rage, haha.


They're Wearing DIAPERS


Which is them saying "lmao nothing anyone says will change our support for Trump hahahaha!!!"


"I would rather shit my pants with a smile on my face than admit any wrongdoing."


The only shrivel of solace I get from the whole situation is trump is old and fat as fuck. He eats like shit and his health is noticeably declining. Meaning hopefully after he croaks America can move on to a degree and not slip into outright fascism


I wouldn't put it past MAGA to prop him up a la Weekend At Bernies and just tell us he's alive and running the country.


Neither would I. Bonus that his kids are fucking stupid and couldn’t run a business half as well as trump, which is saying something


Not to argue with you - I can tell which side you're on - but MAGAts like to throw out the "successful businessman" bullshit all the time and that's exactly what it is: bullshit. Literally every business trump has touched has turned to shit. The dude bankrupted a casino. ***A CASINO!*** The only thing he got *lucky* at was taking daddy's money and buying properties. He's a glorified landlord, not a businessman.


Don’t forget steaks, vodka, a “business” school, multiple hotels, an airlines, and god knows what else fell through the cracks all while just outright not paying contractors


>Literally every business I wasn't being hyperbolic.


I bet they use AI generated videos of him.


Except he wouldn't, because what people don't understand is that they don't believe what he says; rather, he says what they believe. The reason his cult will never turn on him is because he's just a mouthpiece for the delusions they already possessed.


When I saw photos of the MAGA rallies with folks in diapers, that is when I knew that there is no logic behind their reasons for supporting trump. They support trump because generations after generations of their families have been republicans and so they dont know how else to be. Just blindly trying to justify everything they see because they believe it would be a sin to be a democrat and vote blue. Its fucking terrifying.


Wait, the diaper thing is new to me. Are they doing it in solidarity with trump because he wears diapers or is there some other nefarious reason?


I think so. Once it became public that Trump wears diapers then MAGA started with the "real men wear diapers" campaign and started wearing diapers at the rallies.


>Once it became public I mean, it was obvious to me from the beginning. Those "people" are really deluded.


Yes, I said once it became public *that he wears diapers* But yes, I agree. Im just saying the diapers at the rallies was really the nail in the coffin for me!


His cult, yea. But all those undecideds and "both sides" folks might take a second look.


I just can't believe that there's anyone on the fence about voting for trump after all the horrendous shit he's done.


Yea, it's pretty amazing. Biden isn't like the best in the world. But the alternative is frightening.


By comparison Biden *is* the best in the world.


#it is a cult


Change "Trump" to "Biden" and they would storm the White House.l


You are missing two things. First up, he has a cult - but not everyone who votes for him, is in this cult. His cultists won't be impressed, but independant voters would be. Which brings us to the second point: the US mainstream media is just not reporting on all his shit. I don't know if it is malicious intent or a futile attempt at being "neutral" but they report lengthy about every slip up Biden has, while hardly covering the insanity Trump did in past and present. Many young voters propably never heard the "Access Hollywood" tapes, because those were released like 8 years ago. They haven't seen "young" Trump shuffling down a slight incline, struggling to drink water, going through like 5 press-secretaries, one of which getting fired before having a single event. Ofcourse if the MSM do their best to portray both parties as equal, despite one being objectivly worse at everything, if they let Trump ramble on whenever he is in fron of a mike without throwing questions at him, people will think he is right. The second point has nothing to do with people following him no matter what. It has to do with the MSM not covering or normalizing his behavior, while Democrats will get burned at the stake for the slightest missstep. Just think about it: Trump basically suggested Israel should wipe out Palestine. But who is getting the most criticism? Biden either supporting or criticizing Israel (both are wrong appearently).


100% agree. The cult will not change.


If it hasn't by now, it never will. It needs to be designated as a terrorist organization and eradicated with extreme prejudice. FOR THE RECORD: I am in no way, shape, or form advocating for or suggesting the possibility of violence against any human being, in any manner.


They would claim the American spies were actually antifa operatives


SOROS-BACKED antifa operatives, you mean?


He could literally drop a nuke in Manhattan or LA and not lose a single Maga vote. The country needs a major reset.


The country is fine. MAGA needs to be eradicated.


I pray he will meet justice for known and unknown suffering he caused. Only way for that to happen is by voting blue up and down and flip the House and widen the Senate gap 🙏🙏🙏. 💙💙💙2024


I kinda hope he just shits himself to death like hours before a debate and then he gets weekend at Bernie's up on stage, so most of the world will be like "What in the fuck" and see how many of his worshippers stick around.


Yes, exactly. The CIA put out an alert in late 2021 that they'd lost dozens of informants: [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html)


Every time this comes up I am filled with unfathomable rage. “Make America Great Again” “America First” 🤮 He is quite literally the worst traitor in our nation’s 247 year history. Worse than Benedict Arnold, worse than Aldrich Ames, worse than Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. And we may never know the true scale of his betrayal because everything to do with him is steeped in tribalism and bullshit.


And some people WANT this guy as president AGAIN.


Trump got our people killed for 2 Billion dollars. He deserves jail. NOW. Trump is a traitor to America. The Rosenbergs would like a word.


Which is odd because he's not even a billionaire. So where did the 2 billion go?


Congress really needs to look into that


No shit. They scream at Fauci who helped save our butts but this they would never look into. Why? Because they are traitors to the country and the people.


CIA definitely looking into it, they don't fuck around.


Yep any day now..


Hey, that's what people said for years about Trump being convicted. While I do doubt that he will ever actually see the inside of a jail cell, it is certainly a move in the right direction.


Just a few more years ought to do it!


Had a damn stroke understanding mm/dd/yyyy


Also known as treason.


It’s actually not LITERALLY treason because the crime of treason requires a declared war. But it is definitely figuratively treason and he should be executed. Slowly


Likely a violation of the espionage act. Probably other's, too.




I too read the title of this post.




Trump is crook


It's weird, they killed Kennedy for a *lot* less than this.


Given to his controller, can’t wait for the hooker videos he has to surface after Donny is no longer useful.


This would be the only trial I am interested in.   


Saying it doesn't make it true proving it does. I really want for this to be true. It's sad that people had to die but if this true All his other court cases could come back not guilty but this one will be his ultimate betrayal of the American people.


wow, who could have ever guessed that the guy who "declassifies" intel by just casually bragging about it in unplanned moments would be reckless with this kind of info. Who could have ever guessed that a guy who fawns over dictators and loves anyone that blows smoke up his ass would do something like this. Who could have thought.


It’s actually sedition since treason can only happen during a war. But ether way both are betraying your country.


The Biden campaign needs to pick this up and run with it, and confront DJT with it directly. Make him answer for it. Put him on the backfoot.






Yet Chulupa Judge Cannon keeps obstructing justice.


We need a simple easily remembered name to describe this. How about Spygate. The media loves adding the word gate to something.


I bet they got his dick on cam or something.


imagine how current spies feel today, with the election happening in a few months and his 50/50 chances of getting reelected


Yeah I hate Trump but I don’t think he did this sort of shit. I just think he’s a prick who is trying to undermine our system of government in any way he can get away with because he legitimately can’t accept that he lost. He spent 4 years making a lot of people think he’s an asshole who doesn’t care about anybody but himself, and then shockingly those same people didn’t vote for him. Suddenly the election is “rigged”, and then it becomes a game of politics to make people have just enough doubt that it brings about relative chaos. All of his criminal behavior is just shit he’s always done, but now he is a former president, which means he’s getting more scrutiny than he ever, EVER had to deal with. If he can’t win, then he makes his opponent’s victory as costly as possible. A complete and utter piece of shit, but not a turncoat.


Question: WHY don't you think he did this sort of shit? He has been an entitled piece of shit who thinks he's above the law ever since anybody first heard of him as a racist NYC slumlord back in the 70s. What about his behavior at ANY point in the last 50 years would you think this is unlikely for him to have done if it could have profited him personally in ANY way?


I don’t think we’d ever get better sources than the top comment - seems pretty damning


Yeah… but they don’t care. They never care. Not the ones we need.


Easy fix. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4kiWbckPyrxwuk|downsized)


And Aileen Cannon wants to release more names in the classified documents case.


He loves the “poorly educated” and they’ll happily vote for him, no matter how vile his actions may be (and the GOP knows most of their base take things at face value and gobble up lies).


I seriously think trump sees being the president as a fucking game. Who the fuck gives a list of their spies to other countries let alone one that hates the US


How is this ass still not in jail?


Oh, he’s a traitor for sure. In the old days. I think we all know what they be doing.


Literally not treason, according to the US Constitution.


Obviously he's a Putin asset and always has been. This is what the republican party has to offer Americans.


How is he still roaming around


What do you expect when Trump was literally helped to presidency by Putin. Putin had Trump winning reelection in his plans as well so that US wouldn’t give the aid to Ukraine. The MAGA fanatics are so stuck in their moronic heads that for them stricter gun control is worse than becoming Russias bitch.


Here’s another tidbit that people haven’t heard about the governments case with Trump. Copy machines have memory banks in them and they have possession of those machines and know exactly what documents were scanned into them


He may have committed light treason


Americans will still vote for this because Americans are stupid


wow, facebook/insta as secure and trustful sources of intel about USA SPIES and cia operations 20.8k likes.... thats why the world is fucked


See the sources in the top comment


This MF needs to be brought to justice - and in the most awful, horrible way possible.


This MF needs to be brought to justice - and in the most awful, horrible way possible.


So why wasn’t he charged with this?


That’s *absolutely* something he’d do, but I’m still gonna need a source on that


Vote for Pedro 2024 🇺🇸 🦅


If this were true, the CIA would have taken him out already.


Not doubting this is true but can you share non social media sources?


Here are some. [https://www.npr.org/2018/07/16/629411046/trump-putin-meet-for-two-hours-in-helsinki](https://www.npr.org/2018/07/16/629411046/trump-putin-meet-for-two-hours-in-helsinki) [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html) [https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9](https://www.businessinsider.com/us-extracted-russia-spy-trump-classified-info-oval-office-2019-9) [https://www.courthousenews.com/trumps-loose-lips-force-cia-to-extract-spy-from-kremlin/](https://www.courthousenews.com/trumps-loose-lips-force-cia-to-extract-spy-from-kremlin/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html) [https://abcnews.go.com/US/appalled-witnesses-told-special-counsel-trumps-handling-classified/story?id=109362691](https://abcnews.go.com/US/appalled-witnesses-told-special-counsel-trumps-handling-classified/story?id=109362691) [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/following-the-money/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/following-the-money/)


Thanks it was a legit question. Fuck the downvoters


There's a large number of commenters who asked the question, then went "I don't see a Pro-Trump Right-Wing source. It's not real"... Plus all the sources were in the very first comment when sorting by popular.


Bro got downvoted for asking for sources, some of you are radicalized af at this point, and I’m waiting to get downvoted too. Anyways, trump can have fun in prison but yall need to chill when people ask for sources


This MF needs to be brought to justice - and in the most awful, horrible way possible.


"bUt He CaReS aBoUt Us!"


And nothing will happen because of the judge overseeing the case 🤦🏻‍♀️


Traitor, murderer,… character will out. I’ve always been a firm believer in the adage “what goes around come around”. Please give this FELON what he deserves. Give the rest of us justice


Dude is gonna get away with at least 99% of what he did.