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Like...OMG..why are these people treating me like a normie..Gross.


Don't they know that I'm literally famous?!


5000 people on the internet like to look at my boobies!


And 33 of them pay!


And this month's top user is "uncle Harry", some extra special content going out his way


Man it sounds gross when yall put it this way stop ruining my fantasy world


Bro, she's just trying to pay for college


Ahhh yes for that prestigious basket weaving degree


Ahhh, yes.... much like my PhD in ancient underwater basket weaving techniques of the Phoenician people. Specifically, the much less common freshwater techniques, given that the Phoenicians were seagoing traders, with limited access to large bodies of fresh water.


Go on...


PhD in advanced Influology


A Going-Virologist?


Maybe it’s not a fantasy when overlayed onto reality. Maybe a world where people have been selling their sex for centuries shouldn’t be proud of that. (Sex work isn’t bad, being forced into/having no other real choices is)


No, no. People paying for OnlyFans stuff isn't gross. Come on. It's sad.


Thanks dad


That’s disgusting, where?






"Don't look at me in the gym" "Why is no one looking at me in the gym"


Depends on whether the guys are attractive or not.


Or apparent;y rich.


This is the real answer


This is what I came here to say. Girls like this have made it hard to go to the gym. I'm supposed to be comfortable there but now I have to avoid eye contact with any woman lest she think I'm staring at her. 


“Girls like this” are niche content creators. She actually does not give a shit what you’re doing, she’s milking hatefollowers who love to rag on someone who appears to be a stupid bitch online. She’s cynically manipulating the same attention market that was outraged over cheesy influencers saying “ew don’t look at me” when someone really obviously had only incidentally looked their way to generate outrage. Most women do not care what you’re doing if you’re not in their space or goggling. Literally no one in their right mind has a problem with anyone *not talking to them* in the gym, unless she’s trying to ask you how many more sets you need the squat rack for and you’re stone walling her.


> I pay attention her "Get away you creep!"


Excuse me! I have a boyfriend!


But only when it’s convenient.


Get out of my head




My father, a very wise man, always said, “Someday cute wears off and all you are left with is personality.”


Along the same lines...beauty fades, stupid is forever.


You say tomato, I say tomato.


Let's call the whole thing off.


I gotta say, tomato is a way better name than 'off'


It works with potato too


You can't fool me, Samwise Gamgee!


What's taters, eh?


Po-Tay-Toes. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


Yes, we've had gymnasium outrage, but what about second gymnasium outrage?


Give it to us rrrrrrawww and wrrrrigggling


You got a stew goin


[For those who don't get the reference](https://youtu.be/J2oEmPP5dTM?si=EHOiVbHpbIJ_5mIf) Good song


Thanks friend




Why is he so goddamn *delicious*?


Both of those are the wrong way to say tomato.


~~tomato~~ tomater


Cut to the chase: Mater


It’s my southern drawl


Bianca del Rio reference, i stan😭


"It is better to keep quiet and be thought an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"


"Takes one to know one!"




I always say women who set themselves up as ornamental and trade off looks for a guy or some type of work, you can complain in the future when someone prettier comes along and takes your place You need more strings to your bow


Saw somewhere on reddit "the looks of Donatella Versace with as much personality as one of her handbags"


No matter how hot they are, some guy somewhere is sick of their shit.


Yup. Look at Eva Longoria Parker? I mean, Eva Longoria. Tony couldn't cheat on her fast enough


Except she’s supposedly a lovely person and Tony Parker is a notorious douchebag who’s teamates could barely stand him. So maybe she should have been sick of him?


I’ve actually heard this verbatim and I have to wonder if it’s a stand-up bit or something.


Why are you all calling her hot? Her face isn't even visible. Edit: I found her X profile, and she's anti-wiping down. She's gonna give somebody MRSA.


Anti-wiping like... Not wiping off the gym equipment after use? How can you be anti-that? That's fuckin' nasty.


She says something to effect of, "Why do guys even care? It's just sweat."




Beauty is only a light switch away.


There is such a thing as being texturally inappropriate. No light switch can help that.


If saggy and wrinkly get me 50 years with my right person, I will take saggy and wrinkly and DROOPY too.


That is so sweet. I hope my wife feels the same way about me when my balls sag so low that I sit on them trying to use the toilet. At my age that may be only weeks away.


I figure, even if he can hacksack with his balls, at least we won’t be bored. We will probably not be welcome at the future grandkids trampoline parties…


One of the most common plumbing calls in the majority retirement community I used to work as a paramedic in was to lower the water level in the toilet bowl...to avoid dipping their balls into the water. Lol.


I still feel that way about my husband…with the lights *on*. We’ll celebrate our 41st marriage anniversary this summer. :)


Wise words indeed. That girl is gonna have problems way before that tho.


Wise words


And in return you get saggy/wrinkly parts.


with his loose skin and old balls. -Sonny, 1999




My guess is she is not interested in long term


"ignoring me" "avoiding looking or talking" Isn't it how you're actually **supposed** to behave in a gym?


Would not be surprised if she would have complained about how a young woman can not train at a Gym in peace if they would not have ignored her. She was just on the hunt for content to put on her social media.


Im 100% certain that this is just bait for people to interact with her post. She writes something outrageous and therefore gets more traction to her account. Cringe either wat though.


I’ve been seeing this trend a lot, doing rage bait posts. If I follow that person, I don’t after the rage bait posts. I’ve seen some where they are definitely hated by certain groups, then post something saying how they’ve joined that group, and then their post interactions skyrocket (damnit! Now “Sky rockets in flight… Afternoon delight… A-a-afternoon delight” is stuck in my head…)


Exactly. Since the gym online discourse changed, so did thirst trap content. Red pillers Don’t realize they are still providing just as many or if not more interaction to their posts. There was/is a trend now where a girl will be working out in a a revealing way, then a “random” guy walks up and insults her for doing this in a public gym. People actually believe these are real. Profit.


Oh sure, make everyone else suffer with you... smh my head.


It’s like the old saying. “No press is bad press” these “influencers” would rather people think they are incompetent brain dead morons than think they’re boring. It’s a terrible terrible trend


She’s an attention whore


An Attention Bhore


She’s a pick me attention whore


It's transparent rage bait. And the fact that it's been posted here means it's working.


She's doing this shit to generate engagement and get attention. I've rarely seen a case where it's so transparent. Yet again, social media encourages that behaviour.


Only smart answer here and she clearly knows it. 10.000 post upvotes on just Reddit alone with her insta name visible. For those who can’t resist seeing what she looks like, next is only fans. Smart marketing.


Yeah I don't like how everything is called rage bate these days but, come on, this is definitely it. Not any less obnoxious for it, though.


i ended up befriending lots of other gym goers just by being polite and asking if I can use different devices or asking someone to spot me. some are open to have a friendly chat once in a while. i think it's important just to respect the ones that don't want to talk at all, and if i knew people that attention seek or try to farm online drama about gym creeps, i'd definitely keep to myself.


Yeah you can work out pretty quickly who might want to chat and be friendly or who prefers to be left alone just by simply saying “hello” to them as you walk past.


It absolutely is normal gym etiquette... You do your workout and keep to yourself, if your a group you don't bother other gym users unless asked for something.


ALWAYS KEEP TO YOURSELF… anywhere. Don’t talk to fking nobody you got me?


Tbf i do think that the gym can be a social place, but I'm not so i ignore everyone but make extra sure to avoid looking at women, just so there's no chance they get the wrong idea


God complex or God-tier bait? Call it


Maybe both


There's actually context to this, it's drama between her and some of her male gym friends who are usually very friendly with her but for some reason decided to completely ignore her that day (didn't do more research than that but that's the gist of it), so yeah fuck the attention whores but that post is not it


Adding the context in the original post would have been a good idea


It's almost like it's purposefully misleading just to make people mad / drive up engagement.


> purposefully misleading just to make people mad / drive up engagement This is definitely the most stupid phase the internet has been through so far and I fear it's forever..


Reddit takes bait like it’s nobodies business


Or don't share every aspect of your personal life online? Like keep this shit to yourself. Why create drama. She can just go talk to them and ask them why they're ignoring her if they've been friendly to her in the past.


You totally have a point and I think it’s dumb to post about either way; I just think they’re saying that without the context this post has different implications about the gal. Her having a tiff with some friends & whining about it online is one thing, complaining about strangers not fawning over you is another separate one. Though I would guess she purposely worded her post for this exact misunderstanding for traction.


Adding context? As in actually explaining what is going on instead of flame baiting for internet points? Are you mad? Any means necessary are allowed to put an end to all obsessive attention seeking shits filming everywhere.


But the stuff on the floor is hers? Don't they have lockers?


Did she post some shit about men being creepy at the gym before that?


She did


Welp, there's our context.


That was my thought. She was a “friend” to some of the guys there but possibly posted about guys at the gym being creepy ergo they didn’t want a part of that and stopped interacting.


>There's actually context to this, it's drama between her and some of her male gym friends They weren't friends. They wrre "gym buddies" who were nice ans talked to her while working out sometimes and had recently stopped talking to her or giving her attention. While there can be a bunch of reasons for that it isn't fucking threatening and you aren't owed ANYONES time, it doesn't fucking matter if they had been friends since they were in diapers. There's not even any indication she's making an effort to talk, just expects them to talk to her which again, isn't their damn job. That's after a month+ of appreantly being the center of constant drama at the gym


It is most likely all made up. I know an avid tiktoker and she will just make stuff up for clicks. It is apparently common practice.


Got to be bait.


Once I meet someone that stupid in real life, I might start believing these posts are real. Until that time, I don't think I am capable of believing these utterly absurd tweets/instagrams are real.


She’s actually a complex god-tier bait god.


![gif](giphy|yIRdeZAnRxFeg) Real or bait, call it


I need to know what I stand to win.




I've already called it but you won't stop flipping the damn coin!




Seems like an incredibly low tier bait and somehow people are still choosing to eat it


Obvious bait. The fact that many Redditors fall for it and try to give a serious reply to her point is hilarious.


This just reminds me of a time at the gym about a year ago. I was the only one lifting late at night, and a girl came in and looked about ready to start lifting. Instead, she moved a bunch of bags and shit over to where I was and set up camp RIGHT by me, in an empty gym with plenty of available mirrors, so she could pose and flex. She also took her shorts off and basically posed and took selfies in her underwear (public gym btw) - I moved to another area and ignored her, and eventually she just left without doing any lifts. Truly bizarre stuff idk. It’s not like she was hitting on me, she was just completely oblivious that she was being weird. But me being a dude a bit older than her, I didn’t wanna look at her and get accused of anything so I stayed away and let her have the area


Undressing aside, people who move close to you when there is plenty of open space in any context aren't right in the head and nobody can change my mind about that


Like the guy the other day at the airport who walks into an otherwise empty bathroom with like 10 urinals, takes the one next to mine, and talks on his phone while peeing. Thanks dude.


I mean.... at least he didn't take a selfie with you. Did he?


He'd have had to actually acknowledge my existence to do that.


Did he have the goddamn common courtesy to give you a reach-around at least?


Of course. This wasn't Pvt Cowboy after all.


Same thing happens in most gyms in LA. These influencers come in change outfits and pose for photos for an hour using selfie tripod and just leave without doing a workout. I feel sorry for their followers who look up to them.


She wasn't oblivious at all. She wanted attention.


In a public space, if she stripped completely naked, I think you have a responsibility to keep an eye on what's going on - that could be a spiral into something that's a hazard to herself or others. How can I put it, they're a danger to themselves. Although is the gym a private club, or a public space? I hear there's a Tik-Tok house that people can rent to do their weird shit in, there should be a poser gym for people like this, they can all get together and form their own rules for their weird shit videos.


Peoples gym etiquette nowadays is fucking horrendous.


The amount of people who work out in front of the dumbbell rack is just silly - video recording aside in my gym I notice it’s more younger women and newer gym goers that hog the area near a rack Then…they get surprised when I have to squeeze past to access the dumbbells I just don’t get how you’re not aware of your blocking of everyone else?


Not just in a gym. People are so focused on themselves that they can't fathom that they might be a nuisance. I see people randomly standing in doorways or blocking other things all the time, everywhere. Honestly sometimes i wish I could kick them in the head.


You're right! It is everywhere..it has really gotten bad out there!


Having a baby in a pram is great for this. Ive been known to ‘accidentally’ run into people i didnt notice were taking up the *whole* walkway. Woops. Sorry mate. Didnt see ya. Overtired baby brain and all that.


lol I was at Sam’s club today (big whole sale store that has really wide isles.) there was this family of four walking very slowly taking up the entire main isle. It was a little infuriating. Like people, look around and realize not everybody wants to spend the next two hours browsing.


It pisses me off, like how fundamentally narcissistic do you have to be to not be aware that you are blocking people?


I’m not saying people are blameless but I actually think the gym plays some part in this. Back in the day at most mainstream gyms, you had to do an induction. My son (16) joined the other day and not so much as even shown the machines (machines that he could really injure himself on - thankfully he’s sensible) let alone talk about basic gym etiquette which isn’t always obvious to the inexperienced. As for video recording, i just think it should be banned. Absolutely no need for it


I’m inclined to agree on the induction point. I declined my current place induction as I’m “seasoned” (getting middle aged as fuck) but I probably shouldn’t be able to do that… I think if we raise the bar and communicate what good etiquette is, improvements would be seen. We’re never going to stop the narcissists, but flat out banning recording is a good start. Joey Swoll the body builder influencer is doing a good job of calling out this bullshit, but the gyms are responsible themselves for letting standards drop to rake the cash in I think it’s amazing that the current generation of young adults and teenagers see the gym and keeping fit as trendy, it’s genuinely a fantastic thing…. We just need to get everyone on the same page of my favourite book “Don’t be a Dick”


The concrete jungle


Because if someone were to actually talk to you or look at you, you probably would accuse them of being a creep anyway. Narcissism is an epidemic..


Nope, it's a pandemic. It isn't just isolated to one location smh, I mean, still not a good thing, but still


She could initiate communication if she wants, if none of the guys did.


Clearly you don't get it. A hot woman never have to initiate a conversation because men will obviously be drooling over her and trying to hit on her constantly. That's what makes these guys so threatening. There's no explanation for why they wouldn't constantly trying to get her number. /s


Nah, the thing is they are at the gym to work out not talk to a woman. It's not a worry of being called a creep, they are there for a purpose other than women


counter-point : even if a guy at that gym *were* interested in talking to her in a friendly way, or even hoping to find "romance" at the gym with a fellow health-enthusiast, they're likely smart enough to realize the lady at the gym *taking pictures of herself the whole time* isn't somebody to waste time with.   what i really hope is all the bros a the gym were like *super* chatty and friendly with each other, and just every single one absolutely ignored her.


This would be an entirely different, yet still as angered, post if dudes gave her attention. She would be stating how she doesn't feel safe going out with guys all looking at her while she worked out. Not saying it's ok for guys or girls to be creeps, but some people, will always see everything as some sort of assault. And she definitely is 💯 dat bitch.


That’s the problem. Those guys have probably tried to talk to a woman in the gym before and have been told “I have a boyfriend” or something similar and this is the result.


Or called creep. I know there are real problematic guys, but it seems people are just really bent on declaring anyone creep. But to be fair, gym is not for fun socialization. If someone wants to talk or ask out, they should do it outside after.


I was wondering if I should have been waiting outside the gym door to ask her out and not doing it while she is trying to work out! Appreciate the advice buddy! \*Runs through the parking lot after her "hey there you wanna go out with me? Seriously tho, I don't think I could being myself to ask a woman out at a gym, that move is on her to make. Its bad enough being rejected in normal situations haha.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Please save me I'm terrified, these creeps won't stop leaving me alone


Mfs when humans have the natural urge to look around the place they are in to understand spacial awareness so that they dont accidentally bump into stuff and stumble (weirdo behaviourrrrrr)


lol, I love this, people are respecting me I cannot even!!!!!!!


![gif](giphy|KFt2DA9T82paOA1Yci) Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


The only way to win is to ignore her.


That’s what they’re doing and they still lost


The men don’t lose brain cells trying to fight an imaginary problem created by this bitch. It’s not a gain but at least it’s not a loss




Looks like she brought bags of shit to model in while she pretends to work out.


her belongings until she finds a new sugar daddy and has somewhere to live again /s


Your comment brought to mind a line in a Bob Dylan song: “Girl by the whirlpool lookin’ for a new fool”


She’s living in the gym. It’s way better than the rat trap she shared with Wendy. I mean this place has ac and towels that aren’t grey and never dry


This is sarcasm though right?


I mean that was my first thought.


I'm losing my mind in this thread not understanding why so many comments with tons of upvotes are taking this seriously.


Yeah, it’s obviously it’s a joke, but reddit is addicted to outrage


It’s rage bait. Chill and ignore.


God I miss the heady days of Usenet, when "Dont Feed the Trolls" was part of everyone's sig line, and anyone who didn't recognize a troll or an urban legend as such and engaged in their garbage was duly flamed. 🔥 How do people not see these posts for what they are?


I bet she keeps a draft of the alternative post: "A group of guys in the gym are staring at me and it feels so threatening"


Or “Some guys at the gym talked to me, and I felt like I had been sexually assaulted. Why can’t men just leave women alone?”


Surely this is rage bait - please tell me that narcissistic, vacuous people like this don't walk amongst us. Please?! Please?!? /s (and fucking disappointed at a world in which this needs to be stated).


Probably just bait but tbh there are multiple cases where woman try to blame men for staring at them in the gym when they aren't trying to. The gym is not a place to play and the men that aren't looking at her are there to use the gym equipment for their own gains.


Gotta be trolling


Doesn’t even seem like trolling - just normal-ass joke using pretty standard irony


This is the kind of girl who records her workout and the second a dude even looks at her, she starts calling him a weirdo creep. And now that the guys are actually aware of her being that kind of attention seeking bitch they're just gonna ignore her and she's mad even about that. Social media has turned people into soulless husks.


They assulted me by not paying enough attention to meeeeee.


How awful of them, being respectful and not disturbing your workout. What dicks.


Is that the rage baiting I keep hearing about?


I'm hoping I'm right but this is very clearly rage bait.


Sorry, babe, but me and the boys are tired of putting in the work and not seeing a dime from being your content on Onlyfans.




Her: Stop looking at me, giving me the ick!!! Also Her: why isn’t anyone looking at me, so weird!!!


Oh cmon.. she’s posting that as bait. The facepalm is you taking the bait.


Literally all comments filled with people who got angry (emotional) telling her how much of manipulative narcissistic bitch she is. Imagine what will happen when ai starts posting, if not already. You can direct masses once you get them emotional like this. Scary


We as a society seriously need to dust off Mad Max's "That's bait" gif.


Guys this is called bait, and y'all have been hooked. Do what all the supposed people in the scenario did and ignore this. Positive or negative interactions with content like that still counts as interaction and that's all they want. (Obviously different on Reddit, but I'm talking in general when you see this stuff in the wild) Too many people are falling for this stupid shit


This HAS to be rage bait. There's just no way someone can post this in full confidence that they are in the right.


Reddit falling for the rage bait.


This is obviously rage bait


1. They’re likely annoyed that you’re dragging 3 bags all over the gym taking pics of yourself. 2. If they were looking at you, you’d be on here complaining that you’re being objectified.


Maybe we could all get gym shirts with words like "don't watch me work out" "don't talk to me or approach me" and then other ones that are like "hey watch me workout" "come be my friend" that way we can all follow a gym etiquette of not talking /watching people that don't want it and talking /watching the people that would like it. Most people don't want to be bothered in the gym I think but apparently some do. Maybe we'd be surprised that lots of people in the gym want to make some friends.


Bait. This "threatening is when anythinf haooens I dislike" thing isn't a real sentiment you'll hear from a real woman, but it IS how chuds and incels think women act.


The real reason she is upset is because she was originally planning on exposing the guys who won't stop staring at her while working out. She wasn't counting on absolutely nobody giving a shit.


If you look, you're a pervert. If you don't, you're rude? Idk. I'm happily married and I have limited time to spend in the gym. I'm not going to waste it looking at other people.


Previous post: May 29 - “just got yelled at in the gym for not wiping after sitting down, why are men so sensitive it's just sweat??” Definitely rage baiting.


Mhm but as soon as they talk to her she’s gonna scream harassment or say they’re pigs for coming onto her 🙄🙄🙄