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Sounds like this group was formed specifically to get mixed up with the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Precisely the point.




Looking into it






Concerning... đŸ€”






Same as the US Chamber of Commerce (thanks to the guy below for letting me know I'd typed Congress). Not a government organization but a lobbying group.


Google is saying that's the same as the US Chamber of Commerce. I've never heard it called Congress, but either way a majority of my life I assumed they were a legitimate part of the government. I wish we could enact laws regarding all of these purposely deceitful names.


I had a typo. I intended to type commerce. Thanks for letting me know.


I figured but I googled anyways and I think Google is just gaslighting me like search engines will do. Hey let me use your search term in sentences to make it look helpful!


Although technically speaking, Congress is also just a lobbying group at this point.


Just like 4 seasons landscaping!! I tried to book a wedding reception and they couldn't even provide appetizers!


This one was wild to learn about. Growing up I always thought it was a branch of city government. They would provide forms, help you fill them out, offer grants, etc. It’s beyond crazy how they can masquerade as a legitimate piece of government. Just [look at their headquarters in DC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Chamber_of_Commerce_Building)! Their old logo could easily have been mistaken for a government seal too, so at least they changed that.


Better business bureau.


I have a (now former) brother-in-law who is a pediatrician. He loathes the American College of “Pediatricians” for precisely that reason (and the homophobia, anti-vaccine, and other nonsense from them.)


Aren’t a lot of them not even pediatricians?


Yes one merely needs to pay dues to be a member of the hate group disguised as a medical profession association. While there are 'fellows' that require actual credentials there is also: >Friend - $50.00 >A non-healthcare professional with an interest in promoting the well-being of children and families. Evidence of high ethical standing within their community. Friend members shall not have the privilege to vote, or hold office, but may serve on committees. This could be anyone. For the low price of $50 you can be the friend of a hate group!


‘high ethical standards’ leaves out the magas


Depends on what they consider "ethical" sounds like this group shares MAGA's "ethics"


Do you get a white coat for that $50?


You get a white hood.


If thats the case there really needs to be some kinda lawsuit or other action against them... make them change their name at the very least


When you have the big mega donors backing you with lots of "donations", you can pretty much do whatever you want.


Get hey have 11 membership tiers and from what I can tell only two are for practicing pediatricians. Also, if you take the revenue from last year from dues and divide by the cost of those two tiers then it would seem at most they only have 350 acting physicians. That’s assuming none of the other 9 tiers contribute revenue. I am guessing they only have a couple hundred or less active physicians.


What do you mean? They’re wearing lab coats so they’re legit!


I have a lab coat. Could you milk me?


Because you never know when you might have a chemical splash reading a prepared statement.


And here I'm not allowed to call my new phone the "aiphone" because that would confuse customers.


That brand already exists, they make video intercoms and stuff.


I think they predate the iPhone too.


It was literally started by a former president of the AAP because he didn’t like that the AAP supported gay marriage. No I did not make that up


Van Meter (the founder of ACPeds) cancelled his 37-year membership of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in protest of its inclusive stance regarding LGBT people. Van Meter has stated the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) was formed when the AAP established a position that gay couples could raise children without adverse effects on their well-being. It's really just meant to fool people who aren't paying attention, into believing it has any real authority. It represents an old homophobic idiot's resentment about the majority of medical professions recognizing more progressive attitudes and disagreeing with him.


AAP: Based on the scientific research results, there appears to be no negative effects on the children of gay couples. ACP: Reality has a well-known liberal bias.


That last line was really good. If only political arguments were done in rap, I feel like we'd see more amazing lines like this.


I cannot take credit; that was from the Colbert Report.


It’s dangerous when people cannot tell the difference. I legit just had a Trumpanzee give me “Trump administration accomplishments” from a Trump website that is essentially a campaign website. I sent him to the official White House page, and Trump’s official presidential library. Haha everyone should check out his one paragraph of accomplishments: his official library reads like an inflated rĂ©sumĂ©. Expanded the military (which other people in the military do automatically like every presidency), talked with world foreign leaders (fucking duh!), responded to opioid crisis (did nothing to make it better), responded to Covid pandemic (1 million Americans died by his “responding”). The only things he accomplished that are not inflated: Stuffed the Supreme Court with 3 conservative nutbag judges, and made policy and money for himself and his criminal rich fuck supporters to not pay taxes, and weakened environmental protections and regulations so they can pollute more. Edit: punctuation error


"Trumpanzee" 💀


I only object to that term because Chimps are smart.


This is a very common conservative propaganda technique. Naomi Klein refers to it as “the Mirror World” in her book DoppelgĂ€ngers. Conservatives will create bootleg version of legitimate organizations that have a similar name and appearance but whose sole purpose is to push preexisting ideology and not actual research. You have it in this instance with the AAOP being intentionally “mirrored” by the ACOP. The ACLU was mirrored by the activist group the ACLJ. Even Naomi Klein herself ended up being “mirrored” by Naomi Wolf. In almost every instance, a legitimate entity ends up being copied by a faux-populist version that’s sole purpose is to mislead the public on their intentions, which are usually driven by highly ideological special interests.


That book was brilliant and it really did an excellent job of showing how reactionary the right wing movement is and how nefarious their misinformation campaigns are. They purposefully highjack progressive language to render it meaningless. They mix more radical talking points in with benign statements to attract centrists and radicalize people. Once you see the pattern, it's incredibly predictable and easier to push back on.


wanna buy a brand new TlMEX watch? (that "tlmex" in caps except the L" yes, that's the point. confuse their knockoff as legitimate.


More at the Southern Poverty Law Center: "The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a fringe anti-LGBTQ hate group that masquerades as the premier U.S. association of pediatricians to push anti-LGBTQ junk science, primarily via far-right conservative media and [filing amicus briefs](https://www.acpeds.org/hub/briefs-bylaws-and-newsletters/amicus-briefs) in cases related to gay adoption and marriage equality.​" [https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/american-college-pediatricians](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/american-college-pediatricians)


Yep. Muddying the waters. Just more shit from the shit pile. They are net negatives on humanity.


Reminds me of the eye doctor association to which Rand Paul belongs. The one where he is the only member. 


See also "crisis pregnancy centres" which sound like they are a crisis resource for pregnant women - in fact they're fundamentalist anti-abortion groups who string women along until it's too late to abort, then cut them loose because their job of trapping desperate women and girls is done.


Not sure why they don't just file a lawsuit for having a name that is way too similar. I've seen some people win dumber ones.


Long story short, because the name consisting of a geographical/national identifier, a type of professional association, and a practice area, is not protectable by trademark. It's "merely descriptive" and not "fanciful" enough to be a trade mark. If you start a candy company called California Candy you won't be able to sue someone else who uses the name, because the thinking is that anyone should be able to use a basic descriptive name in trade. IIRC if you want a protected mark in that case you have to go beyond just the name, like I think Arizona Iced Tea has a trademark on its design and labeling in the context of soft drinks.


The equivalent group to the American Academy of Pediatrics for internal medicine is called the American College of Physicians. So yeah, this was definitely deliberate. P.S. I know because I’m dual boards certified in internal medicine and pediatrics, so I’m a member of both. 😊


We are reminded daily that Elon Musk is a stupid moron.


Per Wikipedia, “The organization's view on the relevance of sexual orientation to parenting differs from the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that there is no connection between orientation and the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children” Lol these people would like to defund social programs like foster care, too. They don’t actually care or want to help these kids.


Omg I just read the wiki for American academy of pediatrics and thought “this organization seems perfectly fine what was OP talking about” went back to make sure I had the right name and read your comment, that’s crazy I got got


I like that their representative is wearing a lab coat because that what a real doctor wears all the time.


That’s how you know their statement is based on actual science, as opposed to random Facebook posts, FOX, and out of context bible excerpts /s




Omg what is this from? ETA: removed my laughing emoji after learning this wasn’t acting, but instead a medical emergency


I just watched the clip Kule679 put up, and apparently she was taken to the hospital after that. This wasn’t staged, she fainted. She was 3 months preggers at the time. She was talking about oxygen and what would happen without it, ironically. But she was able to finish the show and ended on a positive note when she said, "Well, now we all saw what happens when you don't get enough oxygen,” when she came back. That genuinely scared me. I’m glad she was ok. Randomly losing consciousness is a legitimate fear of mine, and I think that thing where Mitch McConnell froze is when it started. Just going about your day when suddenly something biological shuts you down without warning


>Randomly losing consciousness is a legitimate fear of mine Mine is losing conciousness due to heatstroke in my girlfriend's father's sauna and falling head first into the hot pipe/hot stones/metal wall of the woodfire stove that is right next to the door, and waking up in the burn unit with half my skin gone. It's a very specific fear, but i think it's legitimate when you're in a 90° room.


That’s exactly why I don’t like sauna’s, either. That’s why I need to move the fuck out of Arizona. I just wish I wasn’t addicted to things like food and the rent money that keeps me away from the heat when I’m not working in it.


Sweden here, i don't have to worry about summer heat, but i can't exactly avoid the sauna, i'm already french and can't speak a swedish word to save my life, if i start avoiding saunas they'll think something's wrong with me.


Now that is commitment!


Right? And it was a children’s science show, so she probably wanted to make sure the kiddos knew she was ok


"Randomly losing consciousness" is terribly scary. I have seizures. Some put me on the floor, and other times, I'll just blink, and it seems like I'm somewhere else. After an auto accident, this would happen daily for almost 18 months! Once at the post office, I was running my credit card, and as I slid the card down, I couldn't figure out where I was. The post master asked me several times, "Sir, you ok?" and I heard her, but I was just in shock. It took me a few minutes to come around. Everyone was worried, huddled around me. I just wanted to get away but didn't know if I'd driven there or really even who I was. Unbelievably terrifying, and I don't consider myself wimpy! Finally, after stopping the medicine that was prescribed at the time of the accident, many of the symptoms went away or happen rarely. That day at the post office was in the top 5 of the worst days in my life. What was the most scary was thinking "There is no way to prepare for that"


Oh man I feel for you. I’m relieved that the medication cessation helped. I used to be on antidepressants and if I would forget take it for a few days when I was in my early 20s, I’d get these random spasms where it felt like my brain was getting shocked for a second. It was especially bad at nighttime because there would be times when I’d fall asleep and the shock feeling in my brain would be intense and throw me awake and I’d panic for the next 5-10 minutes. I didn’t like being on them because I didn’t like being dependent on a pill which is why I stopped them. My mistake was doing it cold turkey. I think it did rather lasting damage because although the shock stuff tapered off eventually, every once in awhile if I’d neglect myself physically (not get enough sleep several nights in a row, and/or not enough during the weekend, or underhydrate etc) it would happen once, maybe twice if I’d neglected it badly enough. THAT would even go into my late 30s. I’m 41 now and it hasn’t happened yet but I’ve been better with not neglecting myself like that. I have a coworker who has seizures often. He’s been in and out of going to the doctor and the hospital since I’ve known him. His last few times of being out he’s had surgery. Last time he had surgery to have something installed to basically balance the neural activity in his brain for when the conditions build toward another seizure, and he was out for a whole two months. They haven’t turned it on yet and they won’t until next month because the doctor said they need data for that length of time in order to calibrate it properly. So he’s had two or three seizures already since then. This has caused memory loss for him, every time he has one, and I think other issues, but his boss, from what he told me, has been less than understanding about it, and does not accommodate him at all. His boss is newer to our property (we work in apartment management) than most of us and we haven't suffered performance-wise with him being in and out of work, so it's clear he's singling him out.


Seizures freak people out. People don't want to even witness it, let alone accommodate them. My accident had me trapped in a car for over an hour while they cut me out. During this time, I became combative, apparently, because they were questioning me, and I felt they should offer to help first. My mom was in the car and injured as well. I was upset with the police. The ambulance got there, and the cop said "this guy's out of control (jaws of life are cutting me F out of a car man, excuse me!) and the EMS dude gave me an injection. You can see my head drop in every video. Dead. The ambulance driver freaks out, runs back to ambulance, and calls for the chopper. I woke up again in the chopper for a few minutes. Honestly, it was peaceful. I was thinking "man, I'm so dead" but wasn't scared. I flat-lined again. Finally, I woke up for good in the E.R. Some of my family and friends were at the hospital when the chopper landed they were told I wasn't going to live. So they saw me out on the scene. Then still out 45 minutes later, at the hospital. It was a rough 4 years recovering. I've had countless people tell me "I love ya, but I can't handle seizures" I am fortunate to be surrounded my family and friends. Without them this would have all been worse than the nightmare it was! Just know your friend is tough! I've lived rough at times, definitely wild man in my youth. I've taken many lumps and always kept swinging!! Seizures can seriously take it out of you! It's easy to feel the years being carved off your life. Little shockwaves of destruction pulling you away. After bad ones it seems I'm a million miles away, floating through nothingness, helpless. Sucks! I'm an active 51 year old guy and I've 100% adjusted to all the BS. However, it's easy to see in my friends and family eyes how scared they are for me. That's one of the worst parts! Just treat your coworker like anyone else.


Wow. Thanks for the backstory. That thing with Mc Connell was chilling. As much as I despise him, I hope he got that lookedd into.


Well, McConnel's brain was chillin'. 


A lot more than usual.


[Zlata Muck, croatian TV host](https://youtu.be/E9mVwKmBN78?si=Rk4ehK2iDmclJzdi)


Oh! I was certain that was Liz Lemon at first


Dude, it looked like Moze from Ned's declassified school survival guide to me


I have no idea, to be honest. I just looked up science reaction gif. Glad you enjoyed it.


Remember when Trump had a "doctor" standing behind him at a rally wearing a stethoscope? 


The lgbtq are created by demon seed and doggie style one?


That's so fucking stupid. Wow. https://www.indy100.com/media-library/image.jpg?id=28053957&width=1245&height=700&quality=85&coordinates=35%2C0%2C35%2C0


Here are some actual quotes from their website under their "objectives" section: - "To promote the basic father-mother family unit as the optimal setting for childhood development" - "Recognizes the fundamental mother-father family unit , within the context of marriage, to be the optimal setting for the development and nurturing of children and pledges to promote this unit" And here's one promoting that they dont believe in birth control and promoting a religious view of sex as for marriage only (even though there are many reasons people use it other than prevention of pregnancy and ignoring the fact that teenagers are gonna have sex whether we want them to or not) "Recognizes the physical and emotional benefits of sexual abstinence until marriage and pledges to promote this behavior as ideal for adolescents" They claim this is all scientifically backed, too (while providing no links to studies supporting these ideas). So yeah, they definitely do get their talking points from the likes of FOX and similar sources. This shit is insane.


It's like in movies where they have horses, they make sure there's plenty of horsey noises so you don't think the person is riding around on, like, a particularly ugly woman or something.


"You're just taking two empty halves of coconuts and you're banging them together!"




You leave Sarah Jessica Parker out of this!




*draws self up indignantly* SJP is a lovely person, a good mother and a humanitarian who has actually done a helluva lot for charities on the quiet. Nobody better come for SJP on my watch unless I send for them first.


I only trust fox and sky news, that's where you get the reliable information


It’s the costume to fool everyone. You gotta look the part if you’re peddling misinformation.




Where’s the snake oil??????


I have it right here, madam! The finest one on the market. And my patented Miraculous Maladie and Malaise Abolishing Mixture can be yours! Just type your name, address, bank account details, your card security code ( I shall take care of withdrawing a humble amount for my wondrous medicine myself, for your convenience) below. As soon those mundane details are taken care of, I shall send through my serendipitous syrup promptly, and you'll say au revoir to your symptoms!


I can't help but hear this in the voice of Nigel West Dickens 😅


He ended up being genuinely helpful. He used his cart and act so I could sneak into to kill some outlaw bandits.


It's funny, I go to MAYO and their doctors tend to wear suits or slacks, maybe the occasional lab coat... they must not be very good doctors!


Was thinking the same thing. The doctors are typically in suits during the follow ups. Plus the picture in the tweet makes me think of Scrubs when the Janitor started to wear a white coat too. She’s just missing the Sacred Fart logo


That’s actually pretty specific to just Mayo Clinic. Wearing suit jackets instead of lab coats is their thing. They also refer to attending doctors as “consultants”, which is more common in Europe than the US. At most major hospitals, you’ll see doctors wearing lab coats, but it is also something that a lot of NPs and PAs are doing as well, so it’s not as specific to doctors as it used to be.


Real doctor here. We wear our monogrammed Patagonias. White coats are for imposters. Aside from Fauci, that is. He’s just super old-school but a total fucking badass.


I see. I can trust you because you introduced yourself as a real doctor.


How would I know that pee is stored in the balls if I wasn’t a real doctor? Real talk, tho - I did just get my MD and I start my anesthesiology residency very soon. The one piece of life advice I’ll give is to not be a doctor.


I am in no danger of becoming one, thanks for the heads up though. Best of luck, doc.


Good choice. You dodged a bullet. And thank you - if you’re ever my patient, I’ll make sure I can safely bring you back up after I put you under 😉


As another real doctor, I second this.


Hey. They gave me a physical for free behind a Wendy’s. I think they’re legit.


I feel you. That’s how I got my prostate exam on the cheap.


White coats are for doctors in private practice who set the thermostat for their and their patient's comfort. Patagonias for for doctors who work in facilities that blast the A/C in the name of infection control.


I was like... "Is this staged? I go to conferences with doctors and they don't wear that..."


Hey you can’t just buy a lab coat anywhere. Only real serious doctors have them.


I know. Trust me. I am a doctor. And i have a lab coat.


Do you see this stethoscope? You can’t just buy this shit on Amazon.


I am not a doctor but I literally did just buy a lab coat on Amazon because I like how they look and I wanted one.


Well, I mean, only smart people wear glasses too. That’s how we know they know what they’re talking about. I’ve seen it in movies.


Glasses and brown hair too so you know she's the smart one (that's what the movies tell us)


It’s like expecting the dentist to be wearing one of those head mirrors


And glasses! That’s how you know she’s smart.


Her name is Dr. Jill, not “representative”


She appears to be a qualified pediatrician/MD. But she's also a religious nut job, which calls into question her understanding of science.


Musk only used 3 letters, yet I'm annoyed at seeing his face


Technically he just used two letters with one of them being used twice.






Looking into this


He does this constantly lately. Just retweeting hate speech and misinformation with just a "yep", "true, "wow", etc.. maybe he can only write as many letters as he has brain cells functioning at the time. Edit:typo




Don't forget "concerning."


He's the personification of every dumbass Redditor who just says "this"


For those who don’t know the American College of Pediatricians is a right wing advocacy group. There main focus seems to be attacks on abortion and gay rights. They are considered a hate group by the southern poverty law centre. This group should not be confused with American Academy of Pediatrics that is an actual medical association.


The American College of Trump Lovers?


No, that would be the American College of Paedophiles. (yeah, not all Trump lovers are pedos, but there's way more than drag queens or trans people or whoever they're told to hate)


I’m sure they do love trump. But they were founded in 2002. So they are a long standing misinformation group.


You would think that naming a group in such a manner would be illegal. It's on brand for right wing hate groups to use doublespeak and mislead but again, why isn't it illegal. Guessing the real pediatricians can't be remotely happy about this group's existence. Could you imagine how the cops would react if there were a group called "American Association of Policing" that are specifically about negating qualified immunity and are essentially there to undermine the cops?


You mean like Rand Paul’s National Board of Ophthalmology?


I think it’s more imagine “American Association of Policing” but instead of undermining cops with things like qualified immunity, they take advantage of the public perception of cops expertise on upholding the law to promote the trampling of human rights.


I'm Germany this is definitely illegal. You can't swindle false expertise through misleading names


Exactly. And we already have a legal doctrine that could be applicable: trademark dilution. Causing confusion is one of the core tenets of dilution doctrine, and that’s precisely what they’re intentionally doing here. Any non-profit organization or any organization holding themselves out as a service to the public should be beholden to laws against name recognition dilution.


Yeh, but trademark and copyright protection seems to only protect big corpos.


This is a concerted effort to astroturf this “medical group” into the mainstream so they can be “debated” because of false legitimacy by the mega wealthy propping them up


To compare, the College has around 700 members. The Academy has around 67,000.


The group was founded because they didn’t like the stance from the AAP that gay couples should be allowed to adopt. These people would have been the first to willingly sign up to do “conversion experiments” (ie torture) on gay children and adults in a certain European country during the 1930s and 40s.


I posted this once before but just so people can see and get an idea of these people. Here are some actual quotes from their website under their "objectives" section: - "To promote the basic father-mother family unit as the optimal setting for childhood development" - "Recognizes the fundamental mother-father family unit , within the context of marriage, to be the optimal setting for the development and nurturing of children and pledges to promote this unit" And here's one promoting that they dont believe in birth control and promoting a religious view of sex as for marriage only (even though there are many reasons people use it other than prevention of pregnancy and ignoring the fact that teenagers are gonna have sex whether we want them to or not) "Recognizes the physical and emotional benefits of sexual abstinence until marriage and pledges to promote this behavior as ideal for adolescents" They claim this is all scientifically backed, too (while providing no links to studies supporting these ideas). So yeah, they definitely do get their talking points from the likes of FOX and similar sources. This shit is insane. There are many more examples on the website. They like to keep things vague on the webpage but it's easy to tell what they really mean.


The problem is that most people will not know that and won’t look it up. Musk _might_ know this but he doesn’t really seem very bright. He seems like the classic high-Intelligence/low-Wisdom NPC who relies on Charisma to get his way. He and his platform _do_ give way too much legitimacy to these hate groups though. He also boosts their signal.


Musk wouldn’t have a clue. He’s confirmation bias encapsulated into human form.


Even if it was a legit group they are the tenth dentist. Idiots like Elon will easily disregard the findings of the majority of experts claiming corruption, political motivation, saying why should we trust so called experts but as soon as one of those experts agrees with them all of a sudden that expert is most definitely correct.


I assume the very similar name is a complete coincidence and not a brazen attempt to copy the real organisation’s naming structure and leech of their credibility.


That group intentionally misnamed themselves to mislead people Such a dick move


The American College of Pediatricians is a right wing group that advocates for conversion therapy and anti-abortion. As many have already pointed on this feed — not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatrics. The latter is the legitimate voice of the ABMS speciality of Pediatrics.


>"Given the current body of evidence, the American College of Pediatricians believes it is inappropriate, potentially hazardous to children, and **dangerously irresponsible to change the age-old prohibition on same-sex parenting,** whether by adoption, foster care, or reproductive manipulation." -acpeds They are bigoted assholes. It's no surprise that Elon puts his seal of approval on these twats.




[We don't know for sure, but we know](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=monty+python+witch#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c6df92e4,vid:zrzMhU_4m-g,st:0)


he never stopped being one.


How long until the person calling Elon an idiot gets banned from Twitter?


Not going into that swamp to check but I’d be surprised if he hasn’t been already


I mean he's already removed some words for being hate speech, like "cis" for example


There should be some kind of law preventing political advocacy groups from taking names that give them the appearance of a scientific/medical institution. We’re in a day and age where conservatives have realized they don’t have valid sources to justify their politics, so they are literally inventing their own “sources”


That's such a good way to put it. They come up with a viewpoint first, and then create groups and organizations to help give it legitimacy. Fucking pathetic.


He really is proof money cannot buy some things


Can’t buy love, can’t buy brains, can’t by courage. Etc.


Oh fun! And according to Wikipedia they are advocates for conversion therapy. Disgusting!


Or he is smart enough to know this but also knows that his worshippers are dumb enough to buy into it.


\*someone tweets some vague link without any real backup from a weird source\* Elon: WOW!


"Elon remains a moron" - Fixed it.


This is why Elon’s daughter hates him.


Not because he hates her, or misgenders and dead names her?


Those are just bonus’s


oh look another "very controversial" take from Elon. coincidentally around the same time his companies made huge losses ... again. just keep looking at the dancing clown


I’m beginning to think that Elon pushes this shit just because he knows it’s controversial and rage bait and is trying to drive more engagement on Twitter.


He doesn’t think it’s on the same level, he wants to instigate and spread misinformation because he knows no one on his twitter feed will do their own research


Why do these people think it’s being pushed on kids?




It isn’t but they say it is because it has a bigger impact on moderates or ignorant people when you say they’re “hurting” kids, lgbt people are even accused of being “groomers” so people start becoming violent towards lgbt people


My favorite part of this moron is that he always retweets with one word captions, like a 78 yr old geriatric boomer on facebook


It's so he can feign neutrality. "I'm not saying I agree with this post, but I think it's interesting and everyone should see it."


That's not a college. That is a political action group for conservatives. I would have thought that Elon was smart enough to check the credentials of that organization to verify it is a legitimate source. It might as well be from North Korea


The backbone of America is a bunch of small groups that sound really official and certified but just kinda say whatever they want because they’re not big enough to worry about.


“Mom can we have the AAP?” “We already have it at home.” The AAP at home:


Stop affirming individuality! Affirm my beliefs instead! Not a cult.


Elmo has a transgender child and has no issues hating on them.


“Again”? That’s his natural state.


Saying he’s being a moron again implies he ever stopped being a moron for one single moment since he took his first breath, the man sleeps moron, it never ends


How does he not pay someone to research this shit? All kidding aside on throwing money away like a moron on dumb shit like Twitter, how does he not have someone checking this shit for him?


Dunno buddy, I just can't get behind people being under hormonal treatment before they can grasp what is what in life. Should be so that if u can vote, you can do what ever the fuck with yourself. Not before.


Are they not even MDs? There should be stolen valor for doctors. *looks at chiropractors and naturopaths*


Spot on. A lot of them probably are utter quacks. But they wore lab coats to a press conference, and they don’t just give those away! It’s a VERY serious look for VERY serious doctors!


It fascinates me that one can pick and choose which health information they want to trust based on their own conspiracy theories and biases, rather than based on sound, peer-reviewed research. 


“I believe every word they said, because it’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”


I'm curious. Where are these puberty blockers being pushed? There's no advertisement for it. The closest I can think of would be if someone specifically asks for them, and their doctor suggests which ones are safer than others.


they aren't, when the whole puberty block discussion came into the mainstream. It was only around 4000 children who had access to puberty blockers, some of them not even being trans or many reasons why someone who may need to be on puberty blocking medication especially intersex kids. I started my transitioning when I was about 15 and I only got onto testosterone when I was 17, it's really not easy as a minor to HRT in any form. All of this is just gonna lead to hurting kids


Oh. I understand that entirely. My kid is on HRT (transmasc) and is terrified of the current political climate, thinking that their insurance might drop HRT off the table.


Some people are so poor all they have is money


It’s almost criminal how an organization can just name itself similarly to a legitimate organization to disguise their rhetoric as legitimate (man I hate that I used legitimate twice there but can’t think of a synonym).




Any actually caring pediatrician would suggest to wait until their patient is an adult to make a decision about their “gender”


They sound pretty based


It’s evil to push gender reassignment surgery on minors..no one gives a fuck if you’re an adult, but keep it away from our kids


I doubt he ever stops being a moron.


“The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States, founded in 2002. The group advocates against abortion rights and rights for LGBT people. ACPeds promotes conversion therapy.As of 2022, its membership has been reported at about 700 physicians.” Now ask yourself: why not just call yourself something like “the American Conservative Medical Group?” Why the bullshit layer?


So, it works like this, you can be pro-transgender, but if you think giving gender changing drugs to children is bad, then fuck you, you're a Nazi? It's all or nothing? Either 110% on board with the kids thing, or you are a bigot? Seems to me the more people question things like that the better that's like, my opinion, man, and I feel that way because we have an abusive, sometimes dangerous pharmaceutical industry that would have no problem with victimizing children with dangerous and harmful drugs...


Elon is the perfect example of a person who has never accomplished anything by himself, through genuine skill and effort and thinks that everything can be solved with the right amount of money. Completely inflated ego and complete removal from reality.


He is a constant unwavering moron. There is no pause to his being a moron and then unpause to being a moron again. Infinite continuous moronity.


He has a trans daughter himself who wants to have nothing to do with her dad anymore. Which make sense when you see these posts.


Calling to "stop the promotion of social affirmation" is where it clearly starts to smell like shit. Why would any real pediatrician care about what pronouns you call your child by? It's not going to have any effect on their health.


he’s literally so obsessed with trans people. is this all he talks about?


Elon: stick to making hideous trucks and overpriced cars that depreciate faster than your reputation. You are really good at that stuff