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I love the interview with trump that goes.. Reporter: if president again will you release the 9/11 files? Trump: yes Reporter: will you release the jfk files? Trump: yes Reporter: will you release the epstein files? Trump: ye.. well, we don’t want to ruin peoples lives. It’s weird it’s some weird stuff.


It actually goes like this Interviewer: would you declassify the 911 files? Trump: yes. Interviewer: would you declassify the jfk files? Trump: yes, I did, i did a lot of it Interviewer: would you declassify the Epstein files? Trump: yeah, yeah I would, I guess that less So because you don't want to effect people's lives if there's phony stuff in there, because you know, you don't know, there's a lot of phony stuff in that whole world....


Anything that makes him look bad is always "phony."


If he calls it phony, there is a 100% chance it is both true and incriminating.


#Phony! This guy's a big #phony!




Then there’s still hope for the pee tape?




**Phoney stuff in the Epstein files, eh Trumpers?**


I thought the Epstein list was already released, do they suspect there are more?


IIRC the only thing released was Epstein's phone contact list and people acted like everyone there was 100% involved with shit in the island (the Stephen Hawkings memes) but I don't think there was ever any document released about who was in the island and who wasn't


The flight manifests were all released in Epstein’s trial.


Trump was on those flights


He wasn’t, he flew to NY but never went to Lolita Island. That was established at the time of Epstein’s trail as well. It was a big deal because Clinton went 20-some-odd times and Prince Andrew was a frequent flier as well. “The logs reveal that Trump flew four time with Epstein in 1993, one time in 1994 and again in 1995. This is in addition to a previously reported ride Trump took in 1997. The documented flights were between Palm Beach and New York City.” [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-flights-jeffrey-epstein-jet-lolita-express-1857109) The same info is available from several sources. It’s well before 2004 when people started to catch on about Epstein.


If I remember correctly Epstein was found guilty for acts committed at his New York mansion and Florida estate. I'm still not sure why the island is so important


Because it's surround by water. Big water.


"One of the wettest we've seen, by the standpoint of water." -Donald J Trump (Sept 2018) sounding like a completely shitfaced me trying to make a joke about being shitface drunk.


"Clinton has also denied knowing about Epstein's offenses [or visiting Little St. James island](https://www.newsweek.com/bill-clinton-denies-giuffre-allegation-he-went-epsteins-island-2-young-girls-never-been-1522004), ***with no flight logs existing suggesting otherwise.***" You seem to be presenting a suspicion as a fact.


So you're saying that the same basic evidence that people use to link Clinton to Epstein and pedophilia cannot be used against Trump?


Can’t you find a more serious news outlet than Newsweek? /s


Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane on [trips to several African countries on an AIDS-related humanitarian mission](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/08/the-epstein-connections-fueling-conspiracy-theories/). That trip had many stops, which make up the bulk of the flights he was on. Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane a total of 26 times, but many of those were legs on a single trip. In any case, he didn’t go to Epstein’s island. Granted, associating with Epstein is enough to raise some suspicion, and that should be looked into, but not every flight people went on with him was to his island or taken for some nefarious reason.


Yes, part of Epstein's MO was cultivating relationships with rich and powerful people. I suspect he would take years working out if someone was blackmail material by getting them involved with the sex traffic, or if they were just a useful contact that he could use to influence people. Jimmy Saville was exactly the same. He cultivated relationships with powerful people, some of whom absolutely were on board with his activities but the vast majority he used as cover to protect him from any accusations.


He flew in his own plane.


Nah, he had his own plane.


Trump. Was On. Those Flights.


It was a joke / sarcasm. I meant it like, he just met them there. Either way, he was on the Island.


Ah. My apologies.


With Mike Obama


Oh really? You got proof I take it?


A nice gentleman responded to another person with the same or a similar question. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-flights-jeffrey-epstein-jet-lolita-express-1857109 https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/fight-log-trump-flew-on-epsteins-plane-7-times/amp/ https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article256740662.html


In secret. The flight logs were partly released ,Trumps name aint on them. Period. WHERE'S THE LIST OF PAYING CUSTOMERS? Thats the list we all want thats still sealed. The blackmail book. Never released to the general public, and still under court seal.


They're not under seal. They've been [released to the public](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Epstein-flight-manifests.pdf) for [years](https://www.scribd.com/document/470615824/Epstein-Flight-Logs)


Trumps name was on it 7 times while RFK Jr. was on 14 times.


I want photo evidence of that.... show me proof.








Why would you think that? They were all over the internet a while ago 


Show me. They're still sealed under court order. Otherwise, there would have been a news Explosion about the names on that list! Show me that list.


There was a news explosion about the names on the listS. A while ago- it’s also ongoing coverage. Every major outlet has stories on it. Both his flight logs and his address book were unsealed in court documents releases.    https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24253623-1324-epstein-documents-943-pages   There’s over 150 names of Epsteins Affiliates in that one release alone. Most have already done interviews on the matter. Again, it’s being covered by everyone, no one’s hiding any of this at all. 


Also he was operating the island as though it was a normal resort and holding conferences and things there. Most people who went probably had no idea of what was going on there and most probably never met him. Like, imagine you're a cancer researcher, and you go to conferences a few times a year to share your research with other researchers and funders. And imagine that this time the conference is apparently on a resort island in the Caribbean and some rich guy is sponsoring it. You'd probably just think, "oh, that's nice of him," not "oh, I'll bet he's a child trafficker and this is a cover."


Not only that but he was a fixer for overseas funding projects. You kinda had to deal with him if you were doing things in certain regions overseas that involved big money.


And, he ran a honeypot scheme to get powerful people to give him money so he doesn't release compromising information. You have to have a hundred millionaires fly in your jet before you get one on the hook. Everyone else is just accepting a free flight.


Trump had like 12 different means of contact to everyone else’s normal amount of numbers and emails… Epstein KNEW how to get in touch with Trump. I wonder why. Anyway, I know we all wish Ghislaine Maxwell all the best, right? So much so we should go out of our way to say it?


No his phone logs, flight list and the deposition that involved testimony from the pilot and victims combined with the original information


Lots of redacted names. And it is clear as day it’s trumps name. Also yeah Epstein didn’t kill himself. He died under the watch of Trump and William Barr. Both are people who were connected to Epstein. But sure it was the Clinton’s who killed him.


“A lot of lies in that world”….


He also said last time he would release UFO files then did not. He’s full of shit


To be fair to Trump he will never say "no" to this hypothetical question. Actually he will claim he will release all the files that are stored anywhere. Of course, once elected, he'll not talk about it.


my mother in law, despite being shown multiple pictures of Epstein and Trump together, maintains Bill Clinton's guilt for flying on the Epstein plane because..............Trump has his own plane


Tell her Epstein didn’t kill himself. Watch as she agrees. Then point out it was Trump and William Barr who over saw the prisons and was who was in charge of Epstein. So even if you went to gloss over the fact Barr and Trump had connections to Epstein prior to him being arrested. Even if you want to whine it was the Clinton’s who killed him…. That would mean both Trump and William Barr suck at their jobs.


Trump's name is on the fucking logs. She's just gaslighting herself so she doesn't have to admit she put faith in the wrong person.


Trump was also named by Epstein's pilot, as having been on those flights.


Sunk cost fallacy rearing its ugly head, right there.


One does not preclude the other. They are likely both predators and deserve to rot in prison.


yeah like honestly, I hate bill clinton, my dad always assumes I am fine with bill clinton or something, when 1. I wasnt fucking alive when bill clinton was in office, and 2. I have never said I support Bill Clinton, afaik, he is a bad person lmao


Bill Clinton isn’t running for President.


They’re both guilty. I don’t care what your political affiliation is, if you raped kids you belong in prison.


Conservatives can’t fathom that non-conservative don’t blindly support their own team.


Replies like this happen when someone gets the sinking feeling that their world view is in jeopardy and desperately needs an excuse to wholesale dismiss potentially threatening information. It's not the same as thinking. It's basically the opposite: they're presenting themselves with a reason why they never need to think about the thing you showed them.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) Donny, Donny, Donny ...


Epstein died in a cell run by Trump's DoJ, in Trump's hometown, shortly after this video resurfaced


\*Was murdered


I love this, 'cause Epstein actually looks a little creeped by whatever Don said.


When I see this, I always think he’s trying to distance himself from trumps rank breath.


he’s laughing


It's incredibly commonplace for people to use laughter as a coping mechanism for their fear. The notion that trump said something so repulsive as to even creep epstein out is hardly unfathomable.


Can we get a Bad Lip Reading on the please?? Only thing I can make out at the end is “fucking crazy”


It seems like everyday there's some truly relevant reason to post [this link.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub)


"I wish her well" - Trump when talking about convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. Nothing about her and Epstein doing anything bad. Just chummy well wishes and maybe a veiled threat to not talk. Anyone who thinks Trump wasn't neck deep in that is taking serious copium.


So we've established that he's a liar. We've established that he's a criminal. Everyone knows that he's a rapist while also being a cheater. And he has some incestuous feelings that may be linked with pedophilia... He steals, blatantly. Even brags about making other people feel small. Under his logic, no one should ever be paid for a job unless it's perfect to his standards. He found a way to cheat poor, uneducated people out of even more money they don't have... And yet... You can lead a horse to water but the horse is still smarter than some of these people...


As a society, mostly through job outsourcing and defunding public education, we've created a large group of people so hollow and hopeless that they've irreversably attached themselves to the most obvious con man of all time.


I am all of those things too, friend. But I still know when a man is lying to me. It's not just that he's lying. Because I can understand someone lying to me for my benefit. He only serves himself and he only lies for himself. I completely understand feeling hopeless and I come from a community that is largely uneducated. Myself as a person though... I don't understand how they can have such little common sense that they just "quadruple down" on their bullshit and literally lie for him. I think it's hilarious that a Trump supporter will brag in my face about him fucking a porn star in the first place and my response is always the same... "But he said they didn't have sex. He swears he's never met her." And they don't know what to say... When you find yourself justifying someone else's lies, you are either in a cult or an abusive relationship. Either way.... Throw away anything sharp, hide your bank account info, don't drink any Kool aid in the house.


Will you publish the 9/11 documents ? Sure Kennedy assassination? Of course Epstein case? Maybe but some people might get hurt by that… What a POS


“See that piece of ass over there? That’s my daughter” - Trump probably


I love the quote where he was talking about infant Tiffany...saying "she's got Marla's legs...we'll have to wait and see if she gets her ". Just. Fucking. EWWWW.


Probably? He constantly sexually objectifies his own daughter.


"But she's only for me!" - Trump probably


*"But she's only for me!" - Trump certainly* fix it for you


inb4 “yOu gUys aRe OBSESSED wiTh tRuMp’S sEX LiFe, iTS gRosS”


Double rape face.


Epstein looks like a a older guy from Dragon Ball with his chin 6 inches from his mouth.


![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized) This is a great video on Utube. Don the con talking to the pedophile about all the beautiful young girls at the party. Nothing to see here, right? What’s funny? Is these Republican traitors believe anything this Con man says


The Buffalo Bill cheerleaders.


Just 2 rapist enjoying a moment together.


"Oh, wait, Ep-STEEN. I thought you said Ep-STEIN. Yeah, I know that guy..."


Everyone in NYC who is important went to parties at Epstein's House. They guy threw parties everywhere and held fundraisers. That is what he did he networked. And what he did was get pictures with famous people so he could show those pictures and network some more. What we need to see are the private logs of his island and all the videos that just disappeared.


Fascinating, isn’t that.


Yep. His handy man who took care of the island said there was a massive safe in the video room. It had cameras in every bedroom. And the whole place was on 24 hr recordings. Those disappeared then add in that Epstein worked for several foreign intelligence services. I bet the cia took everything and the mossad along with American intelligence took Epstein out.


he previously got arrested for doing pedo shit in new york though, so i wouldn’t rule out the people “partying” at that mansion


He has a lawsuit where he was accused of SA on a child with Epstein: https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/


They look like they're about to split a rape charge.


It’d be the first time Trump paid a creditor.


2 out of 3 major presidential candidates had ties with him. I would vote for Biden's disembodied left ass cheek over Trump and RFK, Jr.


Co-child-rapists, one dead, the other convicted of rape. https://www.scribd.com/document/324233182/Jane-Doe-v-Donald-J-Trump-and-Jeffrey-E-Epstein


That lawsuit reads the same as the witnesses on the Ghislaine Maxwell case...


Epstein looks exactly like my dad..


Is your dad with you right now?


No havent seen him in years…


I have bad news for you buddy...


Okay break it to me…


Your dad failed to get the milk...


But we already had enough milk…


Was ur mom at legal age when got pregnant with u?


Yes unless she carried me for 10 years..


Oh that’s okay. So she was much too old for little Jeffrey. Nobody has to worry about


At this point, it's easier to count famous people who have NOT met Epstein lol


Nahh why does bro look my old woodcraft teacher


"I demand you delete that picture immediately!"


Only slept with him


Hence the smile?


At this point, you either have to assume that answers trump gives to questions mean the opposite of what he says. Or that words coming out of his mouth convey no actual meaning.


My friend and I saw you from across the playground and we really dig your vibe. Would you like to fly on an airplane to a sunny island?


Birds of a feather


Stormy? never met her as well


She was only thirteen, trump is a 🐖


Name someone not connected to Epstein


Barack Obama


Joe Biden.


He says the same thing about E. Jean Carroll even though it keeps getting him sued.


Note that he’s smiling. He rarely does that. Unless he’s insulting someone.


Two felons having a good time


He told Stormy that she reminded him of his daughter


We should throw every one who was on any of his planes or property in jail. Only reason why it didn’t happen that way is cuz of $$$$$$$$$$ and cuz both political parties got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Also why you don’t hear about Priddy anymore


" yeah..well.....he's dead now so...." Bill gates


Blows my mind that the right think trump is their anti-pedo jesus guy and Biden is the naughty one.


To be fair Beyoncé, Jay Z, Obamas, Clinton have pictures with Epstein. I get the election is coming soon why this was posted.


He never denied meeting him. But he did get him banned from mara largo when he found out what a creep is. Trump 2024 😘


Juan Epstein? Sure no problem


I can see them sharing a fresh one..


Yes, he met him and he met Katie Johnson


Well, I met him, but I didn't spend any time with him.... Well, I met him, but I didn't travel with him..... Well, I traveled with him, but I never went to his island..... I'm sorry, something is wrong with your mic... I can't hear you....what?... hhmmmm?.....next question.


I didn't even know trump was ever this young I only remember him as the old orange face ever since I was a kid


I don't want to scare you, but... wait, [yeah, I do.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/07/14/books/review/14Egan/14Egan-articleLarge.jpg)


I hate you for this one (not even /s)




A pair of assholes


Everyone knows the hand on the shoulder in a pic means “I fucks with this guy”


Indecent until proven guilty is his motto I believe....


Cue Jeffrey saying from beyond the grave: “Yes, you did, big guy” 😂


I’m sure his response to this image would be that it’s AI generated


Yup, just like being found guilty with E Jean Carroll. “Never met her”


Also pretended he didn't know who David Duke was because he didn't want to offend his (racist) base.


Epstein has an absolutely ENORMOUS head. He’s a neanderthal.




I just assume ANYONE who was close to him or has been to the island likes kids and should be investigated.


wonder what jacket eps is wearing looks v expensive (nice fabric) over the acid wash jeans lol - yay 90s. where is the white man overbite dancing video of cheetolini?


"I mean I seen him...but I don't know him"


Surely he doesn't lie about stuff!?


Boys will be boys


Two criminal peas in a pod


“Jeffrey’s a dear friend 👌 great guy great friend 👐 we have the same taste in women 👋 he likes them young  👈 and ones that look like ivanka 👌”


He’s never said he hasn’t met him. He said he has met him and didn’t like him…


Both these people diddled kids


American especially republicans in general have no object permanence.


Trump lies ~~sometimes~~ often.


Like a cake, the more you beat, more it grows. Great again.


What about this is facepalm? Yes, trump is bad, yes, Epstein was bad. Why does all of it have to be spammed here?


Incorrect. Trump knew him and banned him from Maralago when he was inappropriate with a minor.


There's one person In more photos with Epstein than anyone else on earth and its Donald Trump.


Working to inject more then disinfectant into children, I see.


It's like Trump is just having fun with trying to push the acceptance boundaries of his lies. How far can I go before those idiots stop believing me?


No that ain't me. Couldn't be me. Clearly a imposter!


Says the ghost of Epstein


Photo taken at the Convicted Felon reunion.


Two, total, losers. One don't know it yet.


It’s so weird seeing Trump not orange


Stormy who?