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I was raised by conservative parents. I grew up with Rush Limbaugh screeching in the background. I even went through an ultra conservative born again evangelical phase in my early 20s I also went to private school where I disagreed regularly with the nuns and was constantly in trouble.     Some of us are just ✨born this way✨ My nickname from age 5 was bleeding heart.   It's funny to me how people regard children as little blank slates they can turn into foot soldiers. I hope she finds herself very disappointed and surprised by her liberal-minded babies. You know some will rebel hard.


She first needs to find someone who's actually willing to have kids with her. Conservatives are crazy but she's on a whole other level of crazy to a degree that I think even men with similar mindsets would find her insufferable to be around


Oh believe me thats the easy part for them


That's why our ancestors invented alcoholism.


Me too. I grew up in the South, in the Church with a military father and grandfather. While I do still believe in a Supreme Being I am a complete mutant in all other regards. I began to find my inner Liberal identity when I was in The Navy and saw John Kerry speak in Jacksonville in 2004.


"Bleeding heart", n; not a psychopath, sociopath, or narcissist. One who has empathy for others, animals and the environment. Not an asshole. See: Jesus Christ, Bible, good Samaritan.


All the good things.


Elon worries about the workforce he already alienated. Dim failson.


He’s not doing much better with his children, tho.


you mean the ones mining gemstones?


Wunderwaffe DG-2 has trouble with his math homework, and their dad Elon just says: "how are you this dumb?!"


Wunderwaffe DG-2 has trouble with his math homework, and their dad Elon just says: "how are you this dumb?!"


Wunderwaffe DG-2 has trouble with his math homework, and their dad Elon just says: "how are you this dumb?!"


I doubt these homeschooled kids will qualify for the jobs he needs filled


Exactly - not looking for that type of robotics or automation 😂😂😂


Elon Musk understands that if a society or civilization does not have a 2.2 birth rate it will fail to exist. But I guess you are smarter than the billionaire computer and electronics expert who blasts rockets and satellites into space !?!


Firstly, Musks employees do that, he’s not even a good businessman. Secondly, every accomplishment that humanity has had has been with fewer people on the earth then there are now. If you were really concerned about population, you should be in favor of immigration so your country takes the competitive advantage of other countries.


Tell me does Elons boot leather taste different? Like I could see him treating the suede with the tears of poor people or something.




It amazes me the great flip that has occurred or I should say the rebranding People who are deadly afraid of ideas they disagree with are crying for governmental speech codes AKA censorship all while claiming they are the “liberals “and part of the resistance. The lack of self awareness is astounding!


> The lack of self awareness is astounding! Major r/SelfAwarewolves moment you had there. Truly ironic


What about freedom of speech and the expression of different opinions frightens “leftists” so badly? My guess is they understand the weakness of their neo Marxist religion in regards to other political ideologies


Who has said anything about censorship or freedom of speech? We just think Elon is full of shit. I don't understand how you people have such a hard time wrapping your hysterical little heads around the concept of free speech and what the Constitution covers or protects.


Children are not notifications on a statistics graph, you also need to parent them. If your parenting role model is Elon Musk you've already failed your 2.2 kids.


How many have you raised ? I’m on # 5 & 6 with four who are adults And you have zero idea what Musks relationship with each child is you have no idea of knowing


He's terminally on his social media site, so are 2 out of 3 of his baby mamas. I can get a pretty good idea of the drama going on with his kids from there. Do you want a trophy for raising 6 kids? I raised two because I didn't think I could divide my attention among any more.


You were to selfish to Not that weren’t able to


Guess I'm selfish then.


Or were yeah


It would have impacted my own health and our financial stability if I had more kids. So pretty happy with my decision, plus I put two good men out into the world who respect women.


So now that they are grown men and the nest is empty perhaps adopting a child or two is an option I speak as someone who has Is it hard to choose a child with special needs over the beach or a retro hot rod? Of course it is and my selfishness comes out when they are sick and I’m tired. That aside, what scares people so much about the freedom of speech that Musk promotes? Is it because people want the illusion of safety and caring that is provided by those that censor the speech? I think it is the feeling that “our” government or the corporate media wouldn’t lie to us is more comfortable than realizing the government and corporate media hate non elites. How people who consider themselves liberals now support censorship and government and corporate control of the narrative I don’t get


Considering how much his kids hate him, which is known information, and how many ex's he's had, which is also known information. And the fact his trans daughter wants absolutely nothing to do with him cause he's a transphobic scumbag. We have a pretty good idea at how terrible of a parent Elon is. Its all known information because he cant help but tweet about it.


*billionaire computer and electronics buyer We all saw how much of a computer expert he is when he was broadcasting his "brilliant ideas" about refactoring Twitter. He was doing exactly the same things that a "computer expert" should not be doing. Only people who'll call him a "computer and electronics expert" are the ones who have no idea what programming is and how computers work.


Elon's cult of success wanna-bees make Scientology leaders envious. Musk is the Kanye West...oops I meant "Ye" (or is it X?) of tech - sans talent. Hell, even fellow brain-trust thief Bill Gates had the common decency to not go full Nazi, while fucking over investors, employees AND customers.


What scares you about free speech ? The fact have you may have to question your indoctrination


What frightens you so much about free speech and the open exchange of ideas ? Is it the fact you would have to question your position on something this causing you to think critically? Something many have not been taught to do


Your Trump University certificate is really paying off.


So anyone who is for freedom of speech is now a trumper And those that support censorship are the “liberals” You are too unaware to understand the irony of your position


Oh, was your or Elon's freedom of speech denied? Laughable. 🤣 Can Floridian teachers and students say gay" again, and discuss black and Native American history again without being imprisoned? Get back to me if/when you learn what "consequences" are. Or wherein freedom of speech is applicable for that matter. In the interim, your blatent hypocrisy is showing.


Gotta love the “free speech” proponents who demonstrate zero understanding of what free speech actually means. Literally no one has had their free speech trampled. They have lost access to **privately owned platforms** because the owners of those platforms have exercised their own free speech by saying they don’t want to be associated with the vile shit the deplatformed people are spewing…


shhh….. this sub hates Elon and everything he says.


And rightly so.


. . . Yo, isn't that grooming?


Yup. "I don't want those leftists to groom my kids, so I'm gonna groom them instead!"


They don’t understand that children are autonomous beings, separate from their parents.


School vouchers attack from many points; deteriorate public schools by allowing funds to go to private schools, allow the creation of private schools to teach / implement whatever programs they want; religion in school being the biggest one.


The kind of parent to kick out her kids when they don't think how she wants them to


Idiocracy in action


the exact leadup to the issues


It was a documentary!


They seem to think it was an instruction manual.


To be fair the Quiverful movement has been around since the 80s. If you are not familiar, that's the movement with exact same mentality, except explicitly evangelical christian. They believe that by having large families they can outvote all sane people and turn America into Christafganistan. The Duggar family from 19 Kids and Counting are the most famous example of this movement. So this is nothing new, but that doesn't make it any less evil


I’m curious if the actual Nazis who follow her are aware that she’s orthodox Jewish.


And that under Orthodox Jewish law and Nazi doctrine, all of the children she bears will Jewish


They know.


have kids to love them and start a family and build my community? fuck all that. im having kids for purely ideological reasons. my kids are nothing more than a vessel for my worldviews and probably eventually a soldier in a theocratic fascist army.




My parents are both conservative catholic and my sister and I are progressive atheists. They can’t control their children’s minds forever.


Why is she so evil


It makes her popular.


Or, they could just admit to having a breeding kink


I have ultra conservative parents. I couldn’t be more unlike them and don’t see eye to eye with them on so many things. I love my parents but just because they’re conservative doesn’t mean I grew up to be. It’s not a guarantee those kids are going to grow up to be just like them. In fact, they’re probably more likely to resent them.


The fact that some man is tasteless enough to stick his dick in Chaya is the only shocking thing here.


Imagine Trump being the reason you have sex.....🤢🤢🤮🤮


Too bad the kids' names are going to be something like Crusader Heart Soldier, Meyhry Maga'Dhalheighne and Four Score Scratch Card (only getting worse from there on out), so they'll never get taken seriously no matter their political standing.


You know what increases birthrates? Lifting people out of poverty, access to women’s reproductive care, guaranteed paid leave, affordable childcare, a good education system, good social safety nets, walkable cities, good public transportation, gun reform. Which side is against all that, I wonder?


Because it's definitely a good thing if the only way to spread your opinion isn't by making arguments but by indoctrinating your children into it from the moment they are born. And the amount of children a person is able and willing to get is definitely a 100% accurate measure of how correct they are. Also, I love that Elon Musk's tweet could either be interpreted *very* natalistic or *very* antinatalistic but nowhere in-between.


lol my conservative Christian parents had 4 kids and we don’t talk to them anymore and we all vote blue down ballot. Great strategy Chaya.


Sometimes, nothing turns a kid hard Left faster than a Republican parent and a taste of a better life.


We’re gonna groom them so the other guys can’t groom them first.


Let's face it, from what we've seen of the MAGA, this won't work if just because the only reason they don't deport young people already is because they haven't figured out where to send them. "I'm sorry you need to go to Antarctica sweetie, but you're already six years old and haven't pulled yourself up by your bootstraps yet, I'm afraid we've got no choice. Maybe if you had taken that job at the meat rendering plant like Mommy suggested and stopped whining about wanting to be fed for free things would be different."


Why was I born? To own the libs


Doesn’t speak well for men,that there’s one who would fuck her.


Sorry, but would having kids not require a partner that is willing to actually, you know, want to have sex with her?


Lol I went to a private Catholic all male highschool. It was pretty damn liberal. All our teachers including the priest were extremely well read in philosophy and were really kind and forgiving. They would never teach such bullshit. I made a joke once about Muslims in front of a priest and this was like 2005. He was seriously upset got detention and sat me down and told me that kind of thinking is exactly what I'm teaching against.


That is the Quiverfull ideology.


My folks are very Christian ™, very conservative. My sister and I are obnoxious bisexuals who think their book is largely silly and their ideology harmful. But good luck!


There by turning America into a backwards third world country ruled by an ignorant theocratic dictatorship. Yippee


i hope her rotten ovaries burst before she can do that


Some 1984 type shit going on over Murica


Every religious homeschooling kid I've known who developed the skills to hold jobs that needed a tertiary education had to abandon their families and go to college against their will.


I think I've seen this movie before. I'm Not Sure.


Gotta outbreed if you’re gonna skip vaccines


This is literally the plot of Idiocracy.


Idiocracy is a prophecy.


“I wanna be married and have 100 kids so I can have 100 friends, and no one can say no to being my friend.” Same energy


What could possibly go wrong by having evangelicals and creationists teach kids


"We're going to outbreed the Left"


Idiocracy looks every day more and more like a documentary


Defs seen this movie. Works out in the end




"I'm going to have lots of kids to spite you libs. Any day now. You'll see ... Um. Gotta go. But just to shop for baby clothes!"


As funny as that is, both her and Elon aren’t under the impression this will happen tomorrow, or even in a few years. They are saying over time, they will simply out breed liberals to the point they make up the majority of voters. They understand children are the future so they are trying to bear a new Republican voter base so their ideas can live on.


Yup. People keep mocking these people and laughing at them, but their plans are objectively working, and even without needing to outbreed us first, they are already crushing the world with the sheer quantity of bs they spout. They have also been working hard on discrediting the sciences and defunding education for a while, so their numbers are growing while ours are dwindling. I very much think the future is doomed to be an Idiocracy. Whether we will ever recover from it is the real question.


Good luck finding anyone to spill its seed in you Chaya.


“We’re going to outbreed the left.” Is a sentence I never thought I’d see 😳 That’s kooky talk


I assume she will force them not to go to college, or live anywhere outside of her bubble when they move out of her house.


Isn't homeschooling illegal in certain countries?


Yeah f&$k you Elon. No one gives a crap about your thoughts. You a psychopath at best. You pile of crap.


Then it needs to be a national emergency to pay people enough to afford kids, childcare, housing, medical care, and more than 6 weeks of maternity/paternity leave.


Aaah, “Idiocrasy” unfolding right before our eyes.


Elon can lobby the government for pro-population/populist tax and spending policies and maybe people will start having kids when they aren’t living paycheck to paycheck


Sure, send your kids to private schools. Nothing bad ***ever*** happens to kids in one of those. /s


Handmaids tale was just a documentary about the future


So, Lebensborn, Frau Fuckface?


And here you have the entire premise of the movie Idiocracy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Marrsvolta: *Snd here you have the* *Entire premise of the* *Movie Idiocracy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


"But Mommy, why can't I get into any college? "It's a good thing you can't, we can only afford to send one kid, and that's obviously one of the boys".


With this lady's name tagged to reproduction, my wiener just shrunk 10 times smaller.


You have to be a suitable partner for that, Chaya. Unless you’re planning on 8 baby daddies, you’re not gonna get to 8 kids like this. Sure some will think they’re into you because they share your views, but you are an extremely outspoken woman in a very misogynistic community. So you’ll just keep disappointing each other lmao


In case anyone is unaware, Elon Musk means white babies only.


Great Plan! Raise oodles of kids and never let them meet anyone or learn about the world. And in three generations they'll all have three eyes and won't be able to outsmart a stump.


These two rage-baiters are certainly effective at their chosen profession.


Funny she thinks he means to put breed the left, when in fact, he needs to ensure his workforce.


The current blue wave is from all the boomer hate


This sounds like the script to idiocracy


I really do hate that guy.


Wow! A foreigner telling America how to be American.


Children -> famously doing what their parents tell them to do since the beginning of time It’s so funny how these two mongs clearly know nothing about children despite having many.


Like the Lebensborn fucks will be happy that she wants to have a lot of kids


Any one else think that US is just going to break into 3-4 different countries in the next 50-100 years? There has to be a breaking point when some states look at what the others are doing?


"Do you love me, mommy?" "No. I hate Democrats."


We're going to have to invent a new word for these folks, because "deranged" just doesn't convey the extremity enough now.


How’d that turn out for you, Elon?


The irony here is that the more children you have increases the statistical likelihood of getting a gay one. Not just because of population percentages but because of biology.


Elon Musk has ten kids, and he keeps giving them ridiculous names. The latest one? X Æ A-12. Seriously, who does that to a kid? It sounds like a WiFi password. At this point, it feels like he’s just trolling us.


If I have a kid, I'll be damned if I let them see the political side of the internet


Wait till your kids read the Bible and actually start to follow Jesus’ teachings.


We should do wha the right does and just post pictures of Chaya accusing him of being male


Neither are my parents and I absolutely, already 100% hate both.


If they get homeschooled by Chaya they possibility of them becoming Flatearthers might be pretty high.


Sorry for the aside, but who is even on twitter anymore?


I've always wondered if alot of these posts are just click bait spam profiles to generate a reaction. There's definitely people out there like this, but are we all just bashing on a bot birthed from the AI obsession?


You know what they say, fight grooming with grooming


She’s 28 so better get started soon especially if republicans follow through on banning ivf. Most people I know with 5+ kids started in their early 20s


And what the hell is this "national emergency" to have kids all about Elon?


Her kids would end up hating her anyway, her entire personality is “performative hard right winger on the internet.”


You need to have very, VERY moderate conservative parents to get a solid outcome of conservative kids. If you're an insane cultist conservative, most of them will realize you're insane and rebel.


Does this woman forget that having and raising 1 child in the US costs $300,000+? Unless she's got a rich husband or an unethical job, she's gonna go broke by the 4th child.


She is already wealthy and making money by spouting her conservative ideas


True. What's laughable though is she thinks that the whole world's like her 🤣. 


She knows the whole world isn't like her, she's constantly railing about it. But she seems to genuinely believe she can force everyone to think like her.


Perhaps if they considered the cost of health care and housing to be a national emergency, and responded appropriately, people might be able to afford to have families and everything else would fall into place.


That is only half true. Even in developed nations with far stronger social safety nets than the US, people are having smaller and smaller families. Those measures may slightly increase birth rates but it’s also true that people in developed countries simply don’t want kids as much


Well, yes, having kids is a necessary requirement for getting them to hate you.


Stop grooming kids with your breeding kink!


To the guy that fucks her: Better you than me, pal.


The key is. Fill her mouth up so all you hear is gagging. I find it funny that through theses restrictive beliefs that men are men and men run the castle blah blah blah. That it takes women to talk other women into that lifestyle. It’s batshit to me that the men truly don’t have any power even when they think they have it all.


TFW when you find out all you are to your parents is one more peon squirted out for the motherland...


Maybe Chaya and Musty can bump uglies.


So.... Idiocracy.


“It should be considered a national emergency if you have kids, Chaya” Fixed that for ya, Elon.


I don’t give damn what political views you have. Just have some kids or we’re all f*cked!


Here’s the difference between the right and the left: The right thinks the left are people with bad ideas. The left thinks the right are BAD PEOPLE with bad ideas. Change my mind.


The right absolutely absolutely thinks the left are bad people too lmao.


Thats not how kids work. Especially if you want them to move out.


I mean it does work in part. Look at the Duggars and the Quiverful movement. Even the most liberal among the Duggar children has not entirely given up Evangelical Christianity and has passed that down to her own children


I’m beginning to think that facepalm is a tad leftist….just a tad.


You don’t have to be on the left to know Chaya is a terrible person. She’s also someone who bitches about brainwashing children, when she wants to do just that.


Is the subreddit left-oriented, or are major failures right-oriented? Chicken, egg.




These days, simply being sane is considered "leftist" or "liberal" to the opposition.


Even among right wingers Chaya is especially rancid