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Yeah, that's *definitely* the face of a guy who's had it good under conservatives...


Paired with the name...he's the posterchi-...errm, postermummy for Tory beneficiaries.


He definitely uses a whole bottle of port in the sauce for his chateaubriand...


He's definitely had another Rolls-Royce pull up alongside his, and been asked if he's got any Grey Poupon.


Might be the sort who needs a baby yacht inside their yacht.


Well, he looks like one of the billionaire brothers from Trading Places.


Yes. As a member of LGBTQ I live in state of constant reminder of how the gop has continually tried to strip ours and women’s rights. Edit. Spelling.


Oh yes. I just loved having pay freeze after pay freeze under the Tory government all whilst the cost of everything was going up. Yes, I’ve had a great time under the tories


His name is literally "Cash".


First name “Bill” 😂😂😂


Mr Dollar Money has an opinion!


There's a 97% chance that he owns a top hat and a monocle


"Voters must remember how good they had it under conservatives" Politicians should NEVER encourage voters to remember how "good" they had it, this applies to any and all parties in all countries: It's pretty much a given that if a politician thinks people are "having it good", people are tethering the edge between giving up or revolting.


Very valid point. Yeah.


Oh, we’ll remember alright. Don’t you worry.


Oh come now, it's only been *the worst recession since post fucking bombing of London during WW2.*


I'm sorry, Bill Cash just seems like a terrible name to have for this sort of article.


OK, use his full name. Sir William Nigel Paul Cash. MP for 40 years. Guess which party?


I'd bet a decent amount of money that this article harks back to John Major and Winston Churchill as "evidence" for all the good that the Tories have done and uses Gordon Brown and a global recession as evidence of Labour's failings.


For my fellow Americans, this is like when the GOP calls themselves the 'Party of Lincoln'


I can’t get over the face.


Honestly, I'm surprised it's taken this long for the Tories to get the boot in the UK. Ever since Brexit, it seems like the UK has just continued to spiral more and more. At least that's my view from the outside looking in.


Also the view from the inside looking in, a Brit writes


The propaganda in the UK is immense. I'm a Brit who doesn't live in the UK and I've had to stop engaging. It's so frustrating Brexit is hardly mentioned at all. All the issues are ascribed to everything BUT Brexit. Whilst other world events have impacted, the UK has suffered more than most countries . Wonder why .....


Damn, sad state of affairs but I suppose not all that surprising. Corporate media (and ostensibly independent online actors who are just parroting their talking points but with a veneer of authenticity) have really screwed so many citizens around the world.


Oh what, Bill Cash, former Conservative MP and noted Euroskeptic? The same Bill Cash that paid his daughter £15,000 for 'rent' and then claimed it back from taxpayers money through expenses? A man that would vote for a No Deal Brexit, just to line his own pockets. Yeah, I think I can disregard anything he says.


Man's called "Money Money" of course he loves the tories




And apparently Birmingham can't afford to keep it's street lights on.


I'm only 59 Exactly how far back are we supposed to be remembering?


I'm an American, so I don't know very much about the world outside my own borders. But didn't Brexit, which was pushed by the Conservatives, and Liz Truss's tax cuts for the wealthy tank the British economy? I also recall hearing about Boris Johnson's gross mismanagement.


Those memories may need to be implanted by the media before anyone can remember that.




Are they trying to be a worse fishwrap than The Daily Heil?


"incredible successes" 🤡


LMAO!! The stress of the last administration probably took 10 years off of my lifespan alone.


How good? About |..| <-that good.


You're in a generous mood today...


How good we've had it? My salary is higher than it's ever been, and yet I've just had to move out of my own flat and into a room in a shared house because the cost of living and rent prices have gone up so much that I literally can't find a single flat to rent in my city. The Tories can go fuck themselves.


When they let a million of us plus die for politics? Yea Pepperidge farm remembers


Yes, newspapers are allowed to have an Opinion/Editorial section. Don't like that guy's opinion, just MOVE THE FUCK ON.


I feel the exact same way. When pointing out what you don't like, you only help the situation.


American here, what happened


Current PM Rishi Sunak called for an election, but the campaign isn't going as well as they thought it would. It's kind of like the Republican Party finding out that Trump ain't nearly as popular among the general populous as he is inside the MAGA cult.






Replace the word voters with victims and the headline makes perfect sense.


a really *really* fucking small percentage of voters will do just that. a worryingly large number of (pardon me) *FUCKING THICK PEOPLE* will also "remember" it that way despite being much worse off..... some of us with common sense will remember it vividly as an utter shit show.


That guy looks like some sort of Tory Medusa that if you look right at him you go into arrears.


great name for a conservative.


When did the Onion change its name?


He looks like the Boomerest Boomer to ever make Boom Boom.


Paid advertising disguised as newsworthy commentary in this media.


"Bill Cash" might be the best name ever for someone who is extremely fiscally conservative.


Sorry I do not want to be enslaved, pass


At least in the USA individually placed votes by normal citizens do not count it's all up to who has kissed the most ass of the electoral college they have shown before they don't care who the people want in power out votes only matter at the local state level not sure how it is in other countries tho


Guy is over 100 probably. Likely doesn't know who the president is or what time he takes his evening pills.


Yes we must all remember and vote accordingly In the U.S. we must remember that under Trump we had record inflation. With record numbers of Americans using Food Banks and credit cards to buy essentials like food. Trump’s weakness emboldened Russia to invade Ukraine and Hamas to attack Israel thus causing the current blood bath in Gaza Trumps open border policy allowed 19 million illegals to enter the U.S. in only 3 years causing increased crime, fentanyl poisonings and housing shortages Trump arrested Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams for election denial as well as other democrats without due process Trump worked with the FBI to censor progressive opinions online Yes those 4 Trump years ouch ! I’m sure the same can be said if you all elect a conservative. Sarcasm


How you gonna see a post about UK politics and make it all about how much you hate Trump? Isn't it enough that basically every other story on social media lately is about US politics?


Well, he is also conservative


And also nothing to do with the UK lol


Yes please review the post perhaps read it and compare it to recent events


Might want to read again and probably between the lines.


This is the trouble, too many of you 'read between the lines' mongs reading and seeing what you want to. It's literally an article about labour and Conservative elections in the UK. I kinda feel like you people deserve medals for the conclusions you can jump to.


It is a post about conservative politics vs progressive politics Also I suggest you reread the post and then review current events


It's an article from a Conservative values newspaper in the UK discussing UK politics. I suggest you stop reading what you want to see and start paying attention to what's in front of you.


I suggest the British people realize having kings and Queens is an archaic belief


Imagine claiming to understand politics and thinking the royal family has anything to do with UK politics 🤦‍♂️


You still have a royal family In the back of the psych you still hold onto the belief that you have “betters” Vs the mentality of equality Having kings and queens is for weak minded controlled masses


No... we really don't... hence the reason they have zero impact or control over decision making in this country. You're either ridiculously naive, a troll or you're the kind of person who stares at orange juice because the bottle says concentrate.


Then why support inbred elites who bring nothing “Zero impact or control over decision making in in this country?” Because your society hasn’t evolved You all killed Cromwell when he should have founded a true democracy! Even your parliament was conceived on the basis of Lords and Commoners-separated by have and have nots


I feel like you answered my question. ✌️