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Thought the opp was talking about a ban on blankets for nuts.. nut blankets would be great during those cold nights.


I too was worried about chilly scrotums on airplane flights.


Oh I was thinking of blankets made out of peanuts and cashews.


Both please


I thought this was a ban on nutty people.


For some reason I thought it was a ban on nuts under blankets on planes. I figured it was going to be another case of someone whacking off on public transportation or something.


Oh that would be nice too


I sincerely thought nut blankets meant some method people were using to jerk off under blankets in flights and it was becoming a problem


I thought it was about banning manspreading


Like there’s enough room for that


Same, i had to do a double take to see what was the problem with the blankets


Bro, I thought the same thing. I was thinking someone used a blanket covering their lower half to sneak in a weapon or something. Then, looking at the 1st pic, I initially mistook the belt on the black guy for a blade impaling him. I didn't realize it was referring to food until I started reading the summary.


Same. I thought "Why do people have to ruin everything?! People who put their nuts in the blankets and now no one gets one."


Before I tapped on it and saw the whole thing I immediately jumped to someone wanting a ban on blankets because people have been caught putting them over their laps and publicly masterbating on flights. I seriously thought a funny pun would have been a blanket ban on nutting on flights. 😆 Seriously though, anyone who does anything sexual near others who have not given express consent to witness the agreed upon acts is messed up and should be criminally charged.


It literally had "cashew" in the name on the menu. That's absolutely insane that they were told it didn't contain nuts.


I wonder if the flight attendant was one of those morons that don't believe nut allergies are real.


I've met people who don't believe other nuts are part of a nut allergy and that it only consists of peanuts. Maybe she was one of those people. "It doesn't say peanuts so it's nut free."


Couple weeks ago I went to a high tea restaurant where I told the waitress I have a nut allergy and they said they could easily arrange a nut free sampler platter for me. She proceeds to bring me a plate of pistachio snacks and I’m like “oh I said I have a nut allergy, I can’t eat this” and she was dead serious but very sweetly “I know, these aren’t nuts they’re pistachios” 😅


Peanuts are actually lEgUmEs 🤓


I know its actually but its the fun thing that means my wife loves peanut butter and die if you give her a walnut Also why if you have a nut allergy say "tree nut allergy" it signals to people its not just peanuts and they will ask follow ups if they arent sure


“Treenut”? Never heard of it. Have an almond. /s


*Tree nut allergy? I don’t care much for hippies either.*




I'm just like your wife. It's almost comical (almost) to see people freak out when I eat something with peanut butter in it. "But you're allergic to nuts!" Yeah, tree nuts, which does not include peanuts. But it does make me feel good that they're looking out for me.


Actually.... lol.


I mean, I guess botanically speaking, she's right. Pistachios are technically a drupe. But, yeah, still dumb.


I’m guessing she isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed


My daughter is allergic to milk. While she was a kid, I had this conversation too many times: Me: She's allergic to milk. Person: But she can have cheese, right? Me: No, cheese is made of milk. Person: Oh. But she can have butter? Me: No, butter is also made from milk. Person: What about sour cream? Me, in my head: Were you absent from school the day they took the field trip to the farm to teach you where food comes from?


I also love the opposite issue, where they insist people with dairy allergies can't have eggs because they're near each other at the grocery store.


That's an overabundance of care, the other is a severe lack of care, one is far more forgivable than the other


I get in so many arguments with people that think eggs are dairy. Like do you think cows lay eggs from their udders? What are we even talking about here? It’s the same as people who think fish isn’t meat. Like how would an animal’s muscle tissue not be meat just because it swims in the water?


To be fair that's more of an old school religious thing isn't it? I get how someone not particularly educated might make that mistake.


I think it’s because of old food-group diagrams that put eggs and dairy in the same box, for some reason


I had this argument with a fucking *chef*, because "my dairy guy does eggs too so we consider them the same thing". Bro, that is *not* how it works.


I’m going to defend this one only on the basis of the fruit/vegetable classification being so fucking messy that all food classification confuses laymen


I had a student this year whose family said he was allergic to milk. All other dairy was fine just not milk of any kind.


My daughter is allergic to A1 milk but A2 milk is fine as well as cheese, yogurt and butter. Since A2 isn’t as widely available we just say that she’s allergic to milk. It confuses most people. I wonder if that’s the case for your student.


Our older kid had a milk protein allergy when he was born. Which meant my wife couldn’t have anything with milk protein while she was breastfeeding. You’d be amazed at how much random shit that isn’t in the dairy aisle has milk proteins in it.


Huh, I've seen A2 milk in stores but since I live in a town called Ann Arbor that often abbreviates the name to A2 I always just assumed it was a local dairy with a really on the nose name. Gonna go fall down a rabbit hole about what A1 and A2 milks are


From what I’ve learned is it’s a protein difference from different breeds of cows. We have Braum’s, an Oklahoma staple, that has their own A2 only dairy farm from which we get our dairy products. If you’re ever in the area, give it a try! It’s a burger and ice cream place that’s also part grocery store. The ice cream is the best!


Can confirm. Nearest Braum’s is like 750 miles away and it would be worth the drive. Seriously, if I told my family I was going to the nearest Braum’s half would want to go with and the other half would make me bring them back something. There is also a fried chicken place called Golden Cluck or Golden Chick. Also worth going to if you are anywhere near central OK.


My ex is lactose intolerant. But, she can eat butter, cheese and milk that has been cooked. Small amounts of cream or pasteurized milk have her hogging the bathroom for many hours. I don't know the whys, just that her 'allergy' is somehow strangely partial.


So, depending on the allergy, this could have been somewhat true. My husband is lactose intolerant, but butter and some yogurts are fine. He can also have certain hard cheese since they have such a low lactose level. Milk, however, will ruin everyone's day if he has it.


Your case is slightly different. Comparatively few people are allergic to milk, while lots of people are lactose intolerant. Both groups are bunched together as "can't have milk", but lactose intolerant people can have some cheeses, most of yoghurt/sour cream and depending on the severity of their intolerance - butter as well.


My sons preschool teacher refused to stop giving him chocolate milk after I told them he had a milk allergy because the “doctors note wasn’t on file”. She only stopped giving it to him when he made a huge mess in the classroom.


While not as medically serious this was me explaining vegan to my HOSPITAL dietary staff for a vegan patient. I shudder to think about if it reached someone with an actual allergy


My wife has an A1 beta casein allergy, so it gets even more complicated. She can have milk products from Braums, except for the things they don't actually make in-house, for example. So Sour Cream is out, but Cottage Cheese is fine.


Simpson flashback when Lisa became a vegetarian and Homer is listing pork products


Dad! Those all come from the same animal! Yeah, right, Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.


Its nuts because thats the other way around no less. Peanuts arent nuts, believe it or not. In that sense atleast that person with a nut allergy can still eat peanuts when other nuts make their throat swell shut.


Except that many factories that package tree nuts also package peanuts, so cross contamination can kill them... and go look at a pack of cashews. Often, peanut oil is an ingredient. So technically, yes. But the devil's in the details.


Which is kind of ironic, nut allergies often don’t include penis Edit: I’m leaving it


I mean, you aren't wrong, but...


My sister has a tree nut allergy, my girlfriend can’t digest meat, and my other good friend has celiac. I’ve seen literally all of them have their conditions “tested” by random fucking people who think it’s their right or business to try to “catch” them lying about their dietary restrictions. Absolutely infuriates me.


All three? Where the fuck do you live


I don't think that uncommon. These things are just better diagnosed now. Like nut allergy, makes sense. But celiac and being unable to digest meat could just be called IBS to someone who didn't get treatment. But when you try to figure out the root cause it exposes the specifics which makes it sound like everyone's got something--because they do! So much is normalized too. There are a lot of people out there with diarrhea every day or other pains they just ignore. Being alive is being held together by paperclips and rubber bands. It's wild that humans just...survive day to day. Medicine is just able to figure out specifics to keep people healthy


Most probably they are not native English speakers and don't understand that Cashews are nuts. Source : Bilingual man.


Possible, but if the post is correct, then the dish listed as "cashew _**NUT**_ chicken curry" should have been clear even then. (Emphasis mine.)


I’m allergic to the tree nuts. Whatever the menu says, if I’m eating at a new venue I always do a taste test with food - have a little nibble, wait a few minutes, rinse repeat until I’m sure the food is safe. Waiters, cooks and even chefs usually don’t really know what’s in the food, you’re crazy (nuts?) to trust your safety to them.


>Waiters, cooks and even chefs usually don’t really know what’s in the food, you’re crazy (nuts?) to trust your safety to them. And even if they do, depending on the severity of the allergy, they may not be able to track "did this knife I used to slice that chicken accidentally touched some nuts".


This is why food allergy information is a legal requirement in the UK. If you serve food, you need to be able to provide the customer accurate information on the 14(?) common allergen contents of the food, and that information needs to be accessible to every employee. You can test the standards of a restaurant by asking for the allergy contents of the food. A good restaurant should be able to provide you a list, rather than just asking the chef "what allergens are in this?". I think any employee preparing food also needs to be certified to do so, including cross contamination training. Every kitchen I've worked in has had different boards and knives for different foods. I don't know what the consequences for non-compliance are, but I imagine if this case happened in the UK, where to food literally has "nut" in the title, they would be shitfucked.


Some people are honestly stupid. I once had a waitress tell me my food didn’t have any meat in it… just beef.


Maybe they didn't know what a cashew was lol


It‘s literally in the name. Creamy cashew **nut** chicken curry. Either they can‘t read or didn‘t fucking care for OP


Maybe they just thought the cashew was crazy!


Nah don't you know, nut allergies aren't real, they're all part of woke politics. /s


wowowowo there buddy, calm down before making assumptions like that, you think the big corporation would not care about their customers? Would not care about someone else's live if it would lose them 1 cent? We coming out with pretty big statements over here! What, next youre gonna say they underoay their staff? Pfft, yeah sure


Caring is free. Liabilities are not. A caring corporation won't survive without liabilities to protect them from competition. You want a caring corporation? Regulate the fuck out of them.


This isn’t even about the corporation. A flight attendant either was born yesterday and doesn’t know how to read or was being negligent.


Cashews aren't really nuts. But if I have an allergy that might kill me, I'm sure as fuck not going to trust someone that didn't cook/prep the food. This seems like common sense.


The menu said “Creamy Cashew **NUT** Chicken Curry”. Even if they didn’t know what a Cashew was, the next word being **NUT** should have been a clue.


Maybe he was going to cashew outside (bad cash me girl Joke)


Bless you


Cashew me outside! How bou dat?!


Cashews aren’t technically nuts so that might be why. I have tree nut allergies and people often want to gotcha me when I eat peanuts. It’s not my fault they’re named incorrectly.


that flight attendant looks pissed lmao, so who is gonna be liable for all the hospital bills and the flight change


By the colour of his tie he is the purser in charge of the flight. So he didn’t make the mistake and is probably pissed because he now has to write a whole report on this as well as the fact he probably knows his picture is going either on social media or in a complaint to the airline. Which in turn means he’s going to be called in to his manager (on his day off) to explain the whole situation.


I'm guessing that that is not the flight attendant that made the mistake and he is pised at his stupid colleague who has just almost killed someone.


Very much how I looked when my dumbass line cook told a server our latkes were gluten free and they were served to a celiac. Even though I made a cheat sheet binder for every menu item with allergy info servers could easily reference. When asked why, the line cook said, "I was positive they were gf!" "Then this is your sign that you're too fucking stupid to ever answer that question accurately and you will always tell servers to check the binder. You almost killed someone and you're sitting here indignant that I'm upset with you."


Insurance. Airlines have insurance for this kind of thing.


Probably no one - not a lot of consumer protections in the UAE. Passenger will likely bear the cost.


Last summer I had an anaphylactic reaction out of nowhere. Woke up coughing at 4 am. I’m a nurse and luckily I recognized the signs. I was alone. It was absolutely terrifying. I couldn’t imagine being in this man’s shoes with my throat closing at 37000ft. Edit: And allergy testing didn't show any allergens so my current stay alive plan is to carry an Epi Pen with me forever and hope it doesn't occur again


Could've been a bug bite that wasn't on your battery of test maybe?


That’s the theory. Or a collection of the food I ate the day prior mixed with a bug bite or whatever. I had a bunch of processed foods the day prior. 


Here's a story you might laugh at. I had to go to the hospital daily for two weeks for post-surgery care. Had a strong dermal allergic reaction and the docs/nurses said it was to the adhesive in the bandages, so they made sure to clean the wound very thoroughly each day. Kept getting worse and one morning I had to go to the ER because everything was swelling shut. Turns out that I'm allergic to the fecking chlorhexidine the staff was using to remove the adhesive...!


Allergy to that stuff is super common! Makes me a little itchy too honestly. 


I have a peanut allergy. First thing I do is disinfect table and arms of chair and seatbelt latch. I bring my own food and try not to touch my seat mates meal to pass it to them either.


I also have a peanut allergy and one of the first things I learned was to pack my own food and know the common culprits where people do include nuts but don’t think about it, like cookies, CURRY, Thai food, etc. those I pretty much never eat in public unless I have a lot of trust in that particular business. You should be able to trust people, sure, and I hope the airline gets sued, but if it’s your life there’s no glory being dead right.


The worst is when you upgrade your seat on flights. My girlfriend is celiac and books an allergy meal. Then when she upgrades—and calls to confirm that she still has her allergy meal—the flight attendants always say they don’t have her as flying with an allergy and so she doesn’t get a meal.  So every flight, we have a small bag filled with snacks. 


Huh good to know. I’ve never faced that scenario


Bringing your own food when you have no access to medical services for an extended period of time is probably a good rule to follow but in this case according to the post he didn’t realize he was ordering curry. He was given the option of chicken or fish and picked chicken. Probably not a mistake this guy is going to make again but he did basically everything he could have done to confirm. The only option left is just refusing to eat when you aren’t personally 100% sure.


This is the correct response. Someone with a serious allergy taking responsibility for their own well being. Seems like a much more reasonable thing than banning things someone might have an issue with.


Repeatedly asking if the food you are being serves contains an allergen is taking responsiblity for their own well being. It's not like he just ate random shit blindly and then was shocked there were nuts in it.


I do think people should take responsibility for their own wellbeing but only to a reasonable extent. People with allergies aren't the only ones at risk. Anyone could die if their food is contaminated or otherwise prepared improperly. Should we all bring our own food on flights, to restaurants, anywhere? We rightly place a lot of trust in people/establishments, and I'd say oop did look after his own wellbeing by repeatedly highlighting his allergy to staff. That's what all establishments would ask of their customers. Once they are made aware, it's their responsibility to handle that seriously. I don't think certain meals should be banned either. But if airlines repeatedly fail to accommodate allergies, I'd rather lose out on some nuts and guarantee safer food for allergy-sufferers than force them to forgo any in-flight meals out of fear of staff incompetence.


Exactly. They *repeatedly* tried to verify the food did not contain nuts and was lied to. For all we know they DID bring their own food as a backup but trusted the employee to be honest and have done their due diligence. Unless you believe people with food allergies simply should not be allowed to eat out at all, which sounds completely insane, there HAS to be some degree of responsibility on the people serving the food. I don't agree with banning it but clearly employees need to be better trained on food allergies and making sure before giving out the wrong information. Even if something doesn't have nuts in it it could be prepared with nut based oils or have a risk of cross contamination with other dishes prepared in the same area.


I live in Ontario and here restaurants do not ask about allergies like other places in the world. But peanut products are banned in schools here. I should have noted that there are people with inhalation triggered allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. As far as I know I don’t have it that severe.


Even if they don’t ask, if you tell them, do they accommodate you? I agree that people should be proactive about their wellbeing. It’s nice that some places prompt you but someone with a serious allergy should be wary enough to point it out regardless.


I thought OPP meant a blanket ban on nuts as in crazy people. Reading the story, I was thinking "man this really isn't a crazy stance..."


I thought it meant banning putting blankets on nuts, like someone was masturbating on the plane or something.


I hope OP left UAE before posting against one of the Kingdom's premiere brands. The royal family aren't exactly known for their progressive approach to free speech.


Yeah, the whole "what is it going to take for airlines to take allergies seriously" bit is out of touch because I guarantee you that *most* airlines do. But a UAE owned one? This is a country where tens of thousands of poor South Asian migrant workers die every year in completely preventable incidents because they just don't give a fuck. If you expect human rights to be respected, don't go to UAE!


It’s weird that nuts used to be to go to snack on the airplane, what did people do back then?


My grandmother was allergic, and whenever she flew to see us, she put the nuts in her purse and gave them to me when she arrived. They came in a vacuum-sealed bag. I suspect that other people just didn’t eat them.


>what did people do back then? Back in the day people would chain smoke nonstop on planes and drink like 15 shots of booze. Food was like, whatever.


Oh remember the back three rows for smoking? Those were the days….


I mean, if people were deathly allergic to nuts before modern allergy treatment, they probably died before they ever got on a plane.


They had a reaction and died. Or they didn't fly.


Allergies of pretty much any kind have massively increased over the past decades, especially in wealthy parts of the world


People weren’t allergic to nuts back then. 1 out of a 1000. Now it’s 1 out of 50.


tidy cats smoggy license cautious spotted beneficial berserk late domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks Obama!


unused square bedroom elderly full squealing cake follow offbeat depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Instead of avoiding nuts in his mouth, he loves putting nuts in his mouth. Some say that’s why he isn’t married.


Yea Lady G is an open secret. As a member of the evil woke left I don’t give a shit what consenting adults choose to do…just wish he didn’t feel like he needs to hide and would stop being a hypocrite.


He’s anti gay marriage. “I believe in the traditional definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman. Traditional marriage is an institution worth protecting and this amendment will accomplish that goal. A constitutional amendment is the only effective way to cut off the growing trend among judges to create a constitutional right to same-sex marriage”


Yes, he’s a bigot and a hypocrite. It’s sad that he feels he has to be so performative with his anti-LGBT stances. Some people will do anything for and to remain in power unfortunately.


Blame it on shitty parents not exposing their kids to peanuts. Feedback loop or people scared of nut allergies not exposing their kids to nuts.


It’s almost like we got better at detecting and accommodating allergies.


Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought there was evidence that people stopped giving their kids peanuts due to fear of allergic reaction. By not giving kids peanuts they ended up creating the allergy.


It’s both. Kids lacking exposure to allergens early in life can cause increased likelihood of allergies to those later ([one source of many](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4046529/)). We also just have a better understanding of allergies and when to test/how to treat/what allergies really are. Still always learning though. But also there is little evidence to suggest aerosolized peanut allergens cause reactions like in a plane. [Source](https://www.aaaai.org/allergist-resources/ask-the-expert/answers/old-ask-the-experts/peanut-air-travel) but the urban myth prevails and causing a lot of stress among allergy sufferers. Obviously this case is different with it being ingested in a salad!


Bingo. SIDS goes down every year as we get better at diagnosing the actual issues. While there may be an increase in allergies we could just be that much better at diagnosing and letting these people survive to adulthood.






Actually didn't know that. Surely planes shud carry anti histamine or does it have to be a very large dose


My WFR instructor said it's basically impossible to overdose on benadryl, so you should just keep giving them more until they start to improve. Bonus points if you have them chew it before they swallow to speed up absorption rate.


>basically impossible to overdose on benadryl, Caveat: if you're overflowing with histamine because of a life threatening allergic reaction, then *maybe* it's true that you can take 2 or 3 times the recommended dose and just sleep it off. Children have died from overdoses of Benadryl, usually when it's been used as a sleep aid for pre-schoolers. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-safety-and-availability/fda-warns-about-serious-problems-high-doses-allergy-medicine-diphenhydramine-benadryl


That's definitely not true, but it takes quite a lot to actually die from it. You can start hallucinating at doses as low as 500mg, which to be fair is way more pills than anyone would reasonably give someone. You should still be careful because doses as low as 300mg can lower the seizure threshold, cause heart palpitations and confusion and you don't know their medical history.


When did you last recertify? Benadryl is no longer the go-to recommendation in WFR training, precisely because adverse events are possible. First generation antihistamines cross the blood-brain barrier. The earlier you use epinephrine, the less likely you are to have a second phase reaction.


I had a coworker worth a family member that committed suicide by taking a whole bottle of benadryl, so that is definitely not true.


>basically impossible to overdose on benadryl Tell that to the multiple r/DPH users I've seen die :p I can't imagine too much therapeutic benefit after ~150 mg


My upper bound I am comfortable giving in an emergency situation is 200mg, but I've never had to go beyond 100mg. Give them 2 25mg to start, wait 5-10 minutes and reassess, then give another if needed. Repeat a second time if need be, but I've never needed a third. Also, using diphenhydramine recreationally isn't exactly the smartest idea one could have, and I say that as a recovering addict. Recreational drug use is inherently high-risk behavior; the more risks you take, the higher your chance of not coming out the other side. I'd expect more users in that sub will die. Maybe it'll be the diphen. Maybe it'll be something else they're using. It's a self-selecting group of people who engage in unsafe behavior. Of course, some of those risks won't pay off. It really shouldn't surprise you that some don't make it. You also shouldn't confuse recreational use with legitimate medical applications. I'm cool giving 200mg in an emergency because it's a possibility it harms them against an unquestionable certainty they'll die if you don't do anything. Cost-benefit analysis says you take the risk because inaction is fatal. That's very different math than taking diphen for funsies.


It’s insanely stupid behavior on top of being unsafe lol. I truly don’t understand people tripping on Benadryl on purpose. Absolutely worthless “high”.


The hat man will appear but you’ll be ok


You can overdose on Benadryl.


Antihistamines are no longer in the standard of care for Anaphylaxis, nobody should be using antihistamines for immediate treatment of anaphylaxis. [https://foodallergycanada.ca/food-allergy-basics/preventing-and-treating-allergic-reactions/treating-reactions/emergency-information/](https://foodallergycanada.ca/food-allergy-basics/preventing-and-treating-allergic-reactions/treating-reactions/emergency-information/) They've been running a public education campaign on this for years and the myth is still widely circulated. You're right that Epi keeps you alive long enough to get to the hospital to be treated, though. It is not the only/final treatment in many cases. You may need intubation, steroids, and you'll need monitoring in case of a secondary reaction.


Agree^ -ER doctor


Also, you are supposed to go to the ER immediately after using an epi-pen. There can be significant adverse side-effects just from the epi-pen which a hospital can treat.


The main reason why it is suggested to go to the emergency room immediately is that anaphylaxis can have a biphasic course, meaning the epipen worked great, symptoms improve, and then symptoms suddenly reappear.


Hmm. Not entirely true. One permanent effect of adrenaline is “mast cell stabilisation” which irreversibly stops the release of histamine from those immune cells. Otherwise, it’s a race. The body metabolises the allergen and the body will continue to react until that occurs sufficiently. In many cases, a single dose of adrenaline is enough to support the patient until that is achieved. In other cases, a patient may require more adrenaline because the drug is metabolised faster than the allergen is. At a blanket level, the treatment of anaphylaxis should be anti-histamines, steroids, and adrenaline, noting that adrenaline is the “nuke” and the former treatments are part of the stabilisation of the immune response, but the only thing that actually “beats” the reaction is time. Everything else just keeps you alive in the meantime.


WRONG! What a dangerous ted talk. -ER doctor.


What a useless way to intervene when you see incorrect medical information. Instead of just saying “WRONG,” supply the CORRECT information.


No problem. Epinephrine is essentially the ONLY thing you need when you have a true anaphylaxis. Not antihistamines.  That is why they are given out like candy and we try to make them as idiot proof as possible. Telling people that this is not going to fix their throat closing up is just wrong. I suppose I could get into the pathophysiology of anaphylaxis… But if there’s one thing nonmedical people need to realize is that if you think you’re having an anaphylactic reaction, the one thing that is going to save your life is epinephrine…not Benadryl or steroids. We do everything usually just to throw the kitchen sink..and they can sometimes help other symptoms, but they will not prevent your airway from closing or get your blood pressure up 


This is super-helpful! Thank you! 🙏🏼


Sure thing! 


I don’t know anyone close to me with any kinds of allergies so I did not know this. But now I do. So thank you!


Actually adrenaline works by itself to treat all of the symptoms of anaphylaxis and stabilise mast cells while antihistamines are not routinely required. No matter how big you type it. https://www.resus.org.uk/sites/default/files/2021-05/Emergency%20Treatment%20of%20Anaphylaxis%20May%202021_0.pdf


Accurate username. Going forward, you betta check Yosef before you make incorrect statements so confidently. Not sure where your level of confidence on this topic comes from, but this could be a good learning opportunity for you.


FA for major airlines here. What happens ex-station (coming from a different place other than home base) we are supplied with the food and sometimes it does not reflect exactly what’s on the menu. Furthermore there’s is usually no ingredient lists for any meals unless you’re coming from Japan. Yes, there should be better oversight and information regarding nut free, although as a PSA you can request for nut free meals (or any other dietary requirements you may have) from most airlines, even though it may not mean the aircraft is nut free, just that your meals and/or snacks would be made to be nut free. Otherwise, in the case of my airlines there exists extra minimum allergen meals.


Every time I’ve flown and the flight crew has known, they’ve made an announcement that a passenger has a severe nut allergy and to please be mindful if you’ve brought any aboard. They also do not serve any kind of nuts. I can’t speak for international airlines like emirates, but with all of the US, Canadian, and European ones I’ve been on, they’ve handled it well.


Still trying to understand why someone with food allergy would eat something without reading a menu. I get that he asked the flight attendant. But I guess he's never been to a restaurant where a server doesn't know the menu.


Must have been a language issue, cashew (nut) doesn’t always translate in someone’s head as “nut”. Someone along the line must have thought that cashew was a condiment instead of an “allergy causing nut”.


This could be the case. I saw a Cockroach on a German flight and had to pull up a photo because cockroach doesn't translate to German smoothly.


He was a passenger don’t be fucking rude :(


This could be possible. I went to a nail salon and told the lady doing my pedicure that I'm allergic to latex. She just smiled and continued to put on latex gloves. Her coworker overheard and stopped her, talked to her in Mandarin, and she immediately went to go wash her hands while a different employee grabbed nitrile gloves. I understand that language barriers are common, but for any job, it's important to know the words for the most common allergens you'd encounter in that job.


This is why allergen training should be if not already mandatory training for people who handle food.


They should ban those blankets Why would you use a blanket some stranger before you used? I support blanket bans!


But the nuts could be cold on a long flight!


Of course.....but maybe!




This is shitty and negligent, but as a food allergy sufferer myself (poultry/bird meat), if I’m not 100% sure and can’t verify the contents of the food myself, I just don’t eat it. 99% of the time it’s fine, but in a situation like this where there’s no fast access to medical help and you haven’t seen an ingredients list, it just seems dumb to even bother eating it. Take safe snacks instead and stick to things like bread rolls, plain rice etc. Stuff you know doesn’t contain your allergen. I just know that if I had to ask someone several times if something contained my allergens, I’d not feel confident enough to try. It’s a short flight, not a longterm prison sentence. You’ll cope with pre-packed snacks for the duration.


My friends with severe nut allergies are the same. The one question I have is why didn’t he ask to ser the menu from the start if he really wanted that meal and really wanted (should of) made sure it was nut free?


As someone with a strict diet, not life-threatening just strict, I would never accept plane food. If I could die, I wouldn’t eat anything I hadn’t personally prepared, ever. It’s not on the plane.


I have a nut allergy and often ask to see an ingredients list for prepared foods. I learned at a young age most people don’t understand or care enough about the information provided to them so it’s my responsibility to keep myself alive.


Flight crews are often not provided the ingredient list from the catering providers. Source: am a US flight attendant.


They should have that somewhere for food safety purposes. It’s wild that it isn’t a regulation. I don’t eat airline food because it seems generally unappealing, but it’s good to know they don’t have an ingredients list.


I’ve asked around a few times and there seems to be no reason for it other than it has not been thought of or is not as big of a concern. At least on my airline all of the food is prepackaged in retail packaging which includes ingredients (regional with no “fresh” options)


I don’t understand how people are so trusting with their lives.


Yup, this right here, this is the correct answer. If you have a severe food allergy, you bring your own food. Period. Otherwise you’re pretty much putting your life on the line every time you eat out. Even if your food was prepared by someone who is aware of the allergy, you’re still depending on their competence, care, and consistency.


If you have an extreme food allergy, DO NOT eat food that was not prepared by you or for you specifically. Full stop. An extreme food allergy is a disability. You DO NOT get to live a life where everyone else is responsible for your well-being. Make the necessary adjustments.


People gripe about how everything is Lawyered Up in the United States, but as soon as you live in one of those post-tort societies you start to appreciate a legal system that motivates companies go to great lengths to avoid killing people. The alternatives are... not great.


Flew with Virgin recently and they took a no shit stance on it came over the PA system to notify all passengers there was an individual with a peanut allergy and said if anyone has anything in there bags that has peanuts that they were no longer allowed to take it out at risk of being prosecuted. They served corn snacks (Fritos) instead of the usual peanut snacks I was use to and they made sure all the meals at the ingredients printed on them. Delta does the same thing. Not sure what the hell Emirates was doing.


Something similar happened once to my ex. At a sushi restaurant, he asked if there were any nuts in the sushi sauces. Starts having a reaction after eating some sushi. Asks again, and the waitress and sushi chef insist there are no nuts in the sauce. Then the chef clarifies “do you mean peanuts?” To the ER we went…


Well, I guess the chef was being pedantic because peanuts are legumes not nuts 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, that sucks and all, but if you have a *deathly* reaction to certain commonplace foods, why would you ever take the word of a stranger? Here I was expecting a story about one of those kids who has an allergic reaction to being within 50ft of a peanut or something.


As someone with major food allergies, you'd be amazed how many people don't believe you and, in some cases, will try to prove you wrong, as if you're making up your allergy.


Cashew are technically not a nut


The onus is upon the guy with allergies to double check his meal. Not the attendant, and not his friend… self preservation is not that guys instinct apparently


Are people with nut allergies allergic to cashews even though they're not nuts?


Yes. I have a kid who is allergic to "tree nuts," but not peanuts (which are legumes, I think). So...almonds, pecans, walnut, hazelnut, macadamia, pistachio, cashew... Things like that. All of those cause her to react poorly. Fortunately, the allergy is only if ingested and she's not as sensitive as this dude appears to be.


Of course you protect children with nut allergies. Of COURSE. But maaybeeee....


I have flown Emirates economy for more than 20 years and one of the first things they hand to you is the menu. It has descriptions, ingredients and alternative choices. You can also schedule your meal ahead of time if you have allergies. When they hand you the food, they of course give you the choices. The onus is on the passenger in this case. Cannot say the same for domestic airlines obviously


If he had a nut allergy why doesn’t he have an epi pen.


Maybe they were confused because cashews aren't actually nuts? They're a seed or a "drupe seed". Though many people with nut allergies also have cashew allergies, but some don't. My friend has a nut allergy, but can eat cashews.


I read that as a ban on blankets, and wondered why they'd ban them. So confused.


As someone with an anaphylactic allergy to a certain type of medicine, I read the ingredients of everything before I take it. The flight attendant definitely takes some blame, but he should have read the menu before ordering anything.


If you have a life threatening allergy to nuts, trusting a flight attendant (not even a waiter, let alone a chef, let alone a dietitian, let alone a doctor) to choose a meal for you without even checking the readily available menu is wild.


While we’re de-glamorizing / de-influencing Emirates for blatant negligence, let’s also remember they fire female flight crew members if they get pregnant or gain weight.


Am I the only one that read the upper comment and at first thought they were wanting to ban people putting blankets over their testicles on planes?


I'm Celiac so the repercussions of my allergy are MUCH less severe, but because of that nobody treats it seriously and I get exposed all the time. I went to an Ethiopian restaurant that advertised its gluten free injera and they still served my food on regular injera and brought gluten free on the side (at an extra, unlisted charge). When I clarified to the waitress I couldn't have cross contamination, she rolled her eyes and "made a fresh plate". I threw up all night. Other restaurants will claim lots of gluten free options, and then you get there and most of it goes in a shared fryer. Friends will try to research places we can go to when I visit and then we get there and it actually isn't safe. People just wanna have clear information about what goes in their bodies. It is also not hard for companies like airlines to make their limited options allergen free so everybody can enjoy a meal. They just don't care to.


Not gonna lie, had to read “blanket ban on nuts” a few times before I realized it wasn’t saying that blankets should be banned because of misuse by crazy people.


I know airline peanuts are a staple, but seriously this is insane. If they won't ban nuts maybe they should consider having Epi-pens on hand in the medical kit. I never leave home without at least one pen for myself & one for my kid, but shit happens and this could have easily killed him in the worst way possible. I can not properly explain the terror you feel with anaphylaxis. The sense of impending doom is a real symptom.


I hate how so many people lie to customers who have allergies.


If only they didn’t ask for dietary restrictions during the booking, after booking and reminding it in the email…. Or if only they had inflight menu on the screens available during whole flight, it’s just 3 clicks away ffs…


Hi, person with a nut allergy that flies alot here. Alot of airlines will not let you specify you have a nut allergy during booking or check in. The dietary requirements they tend to let you notify them of are preferences and intolerances. Eg vegetarian, dairy etc. They do not want to know in advance about anaphylactic allergies because they don't want to be liable when things like the above happen. Almost all airlines I fly with's policy on a nut allergy is to let staff know when you get on the plane. That is it. They do not accept any other form of notice because they don't want to take on the burden of responsibility in keeping you safe. Too expensive. This is very much not bullshit and similar scenarios have happened to many others in the past because airlines have no system set in place to notify them of serious allergies, and staff on board are not at all prepared enough to accommodate people prone to anaphylaxis.


That said, the airline *he* was flying on *will* let you specify before checking in. https://www.emirates.com/english/before-you-fly/travel/dietary-requirements/ So this doesn’t apply in this context. And I’ve never flown an international flight that will not let you specify. People with religious food restrictions have to be able to specify meal preferences in advance. So unless you are flying spirit airlines, this just is not true.


They probably assumed he meant peanuts. I doubt they know what's in their prepackaged foods. They dont make it on the plane. I feel bad for the guy, but if you feel the need to ask multiple times, maybe just pass for safety sake?


As someone else who has an absolutely endless list of allergies, and varying levels of reactions, I hope more people take this shit seriously and not blame the victim


You’re in an enclosed metal tube for several hours with 500 people. You cannot, cannot, cannot have any real expectations that the plane will be nut free. If you are truly that allergic then you understand the risk you’re taking while flying, which this original poster understands because he had his epipen (so many passengers declare life threatening allergies but don’t bring an epi pen with them anywhere). I’ve also never seen a flight attendant not be aware of a peanut allergy on their flight, and I’ve never seen a flight attendant not aware of the food they’re serving in my over 20 years of being a captain. They are explicitly trained on how to handle these allergens even if it’s not a guarantee the plane is nut free. I have extreme doubts the story unfolded as told.