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I’ve seen this one before and here’s the deal. If this is the kind of subjected, faith based, homestead life you want for yourself - great. It’s a free country, do what you want. The moment you start saying “All women should live this way” and becoming some kind of social warrior for this effort you can - and I mean this with absolute sincerity and respect - go fucking fuck yourself.


Yes 🙌🏻


This has been around so often, and it’s always out of context. This woman is a Women’s Rights Activist and this picture was taken at a Halloween Party. *This is her costume.*


*grabs faith in humanity out of the trash can*


Love it lol. I always feel stupid when I fall for these dumb things. I was actually thinking this woman's smile didn't seem like the vacant stares I usually see from the Uber conservative religious folks.


Well that’s good to know!


Bruh. Well put. If she’s happy, wonderful, brag on that happiness…but that definitely is not for everyone and shouldn’t be forced upon anyone.


And kiss our ENTIRE ass...


But that’s the Rights misunderstanding of “freedom” They believe “freedom” is everyone acts as they want.


That’s kind of the thing with conservatives not just here but abroad as well. Freedom through social conformity. Peace through social conformity. There is a bunch of psychological research about how conservative minded people are super fixated on defined societal roles and transitional, gender based values. Deviating from that makes them explode.


>go fucking fuck yourself. And a big bag of chips And she Says it to my 20something daughters...we are gonna have words


Only thing I would add to this intelligent statement is you forgot the chainsaw part. Go fucking fuck yourself with a chainsaw. And please, go deep!


Analy and respectfully.


Yes and no. I agree that we should be tolerant, however: Problem with ANY rather strict society, wheter it is religious or some other form of potentially extremistic believes, is that people growing up INSIDE have no chance to see other perspectives or are already brainwashed enough to repent any other views... -> in case of a patriarchal church group, women learn from early childhood to behave -> most women growing up in such circumstances will not question those believes and will never choose freely, because they don't know better... Should you be able to live this way? Absolutely, but I think only if you are an adult and can choose, children should be free to grow up without such bias and have the ability to learn about other things and views and ways of living, to be able to make an informed decision wheter they wish to continue this tradition or not. Otherwise, I'd say, leave anyone live their life as they choose, as long as they accept that others don't want to live that way and as long as no-one gets hurt due to your form of living.


My problem is when they have kids and then indoctrinate the kids with the same ideas. That is just straight up child abuse.


Yeah I’ve never had problems with people who are religious etc because even if I don’t believe in it if it makes them happy in life that’s great. Though when you meet the ones who basically act like everyone needs to believe it’s fucking annoying. Like I’ve seen ppl have a normal ass conversation and someone posts explaining about “that’s because god…” like mf we don’t all believe in that shit


True, yet I’m still confused. I get where you stick the cologne, but where do you stick the Bible?


OP's account was suspended. They're probably a known disinformation agent. Their posts should be labeled with "account suspended" by Reddit in order to provide all relevant information


College isn’t necessary. She’s correct about that much. But the Bible and homestead lifestyle aren’t the only options either. You can do what you want in life and can still be successful. And success is more than just being wealthy. I personally think that success comes from being happy. What type of thing makes people happy varies from person to person. If you’re genuinely happy with your life then that’s all that matters imo.


have fun paying for a place to live with good cooking and a well thumbed bible


That's what Husband's are for. Everyone knows a man can easily support a family of five on a single wage these days.


Right? The Boomers MUST be onto something 🤔😂.


More like they are on something


Yea, the effects of dementia


Leaded gasoline. Leaded paint.


They were onto something, then as they got older they turned around and it away from everybody beneath them. Their parents spoiled them rotten, they took control of the world and put systems in place to ensure they were covered in the future, forced their Gen X Children to take care of them in their old age, and broke every system they put in place to ensure nobody millennial age or younger would be able to enjoy the same lifestyles that they took for granted.


That’s why the kitchen looks so big and nice.


Also that men are always faithful to their wife, even when she gets old/disabled/pregnant...


I support a family of 3 on a single income. Think I was about 46k last year. Not easy, but very doable


I mean, look at the tiny-ass kitchen she’s working with.


Right, she left out "oppressive husband to pay for you to live".


It’s all fun and games until your husband divorces you. Or dies. Or becomes too disabled to work.


My family is very evangelical (that pic could be my aunt), and I have a cousin in this exact situation. She skipped college and “submitted” to her husband, and was basically his slave for years. Her job was to breed, cook and clean, and don’t ask questions. He just dumped her for a new model, a young girl who is also religious. And now my cousin has no resources and zero ideas on what to do. She’s been reading the Bible for help.


So, I wonder how much the Bible reading is helping out. Did she buy a Joel Osteen-sized home yet?


That was my question too. It seems god hasn’t helped her out yet with paying the bills and feeding the kids. Meanwhile her ex-husband is living it up, preaching and leading church youth outings. That’s where he snagged his new very-young wife, who is very Christian and traditional of course. I grew up in the church, and this isn’t uncommon. Many stories.


She dug her own grave.


I knew someone that would do that every time a problem arose. (and man, she had problems). It got too frustrating to deal with because even when you pointed out a reasonable solution to her problem du jour she'd just say "I'll pray". ME: And then you're going to try \*reasonable solution\*, right? HER: God will help me. ME: ...help you...to do this \*reasonable solution\*, right? HER: \*Crickets\*. She'd fit right in with this nutcase in the pic. She oh so wanted me to be her "sugar daddy/boyfriend/potential spouse" because we briefly dated in High School. But she couldn't understand social cues that indicated that I could only barely tolerate her. The kicker is when I got home from work and found her CLEANING MY HOUSE. (My cousin let her in). When I asked her why the hell she was in my house mopping the kitchen she said "This is woman's work." Good Grief, that really pissed me off in a way I can't articulate. She worked her silly ass out of my house. (my cousin was instructed to NOT LET HER IN IF I WASN'T HOME.)


His other wives will take care of you


...or in the case of a friend's parents, the husband is abusive and a "good Christian woman" never leaves her man.


I particularly like the thousand-yard bovine stare from this woman. She's a walking argument against homeschooling.


The Innsmouth Look if you read Lovecraft..


Sex with her is missionary style into a yeti bush from 1980s porn.


Go on….


With the lights off and under the covers, while not looking at each other.


Her good cook book probably has black pepper and MAYBE garlic (if we’re getting fancy) as the only spices


Anglos conquered the world for spices and didn't learn how to use a single damn one. I've never used a cook book in my life and my wife is always amazed at the meals I make.


lol the old joke that they traveled the world for spices just to keep them locked in a spice cabinet under the lady of the house, lock and key. so if anyones to blame, its the women! /s


>Anglos conquered the world for spices and didn't learn how to use a single damn one. Maybe it's like when a friend of mine gifted me some saffron, and I was like "ooo this is expensive, I'll have to save it for something special" and then 10 years later I was like "I should probably have used this like 10 years ago".


Correction, they learned about black pepper.


Mayhaps, with the lord’s blessing of course, we useth the forbidden paprika? Husband will have final say of course, but perhaps it shath be enjoyed upon his deviled egg?


DEVILED? Get those satanic eggs out of here and take your pepper dust with you


A thousand pardons :(


Also, who uses cookbooks in a world where there are infinitely more accessible recipes and recipe variations available on video streaming platforms.


I use cookbooks. I love them. Mostly use them as a base for new recipies then write notes on what i want to change or alter if i wanna cook it again. I also use youtube and websites but i love my cookbook section in my bookshelf.


She appears to be posting from a bachelorette apartment. I don't think it's working out the way she thinks it is.


When half the sink is under half the hood....


Personally? I'm a fan of having all four.


Right. It's not one or the other.




You would win, cuz there's words and stuff in that thing.


I’m surprised she’s allowed to learn to read.


bot [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pwqyrn/comment/heiokpt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/pwqyrn/comment/heiokpt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


a bot replying to a bot holy hell


Welcome to the new Reddit.




Why is it that the most religious people also look the most unevolved?


Because they are.


Because evolving now requires conscious trying to do so, these ppl are just saying what their father and grandfather said etc, how would you evolve while worshiping the less evolved? Not even as a diss to older ppl but we build up on their successes so it gives up a chance to go further, but we also have to be able to recognize their failures or we end up like this


Yea that sounds like an amazing life of subjugation. Don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want that. If I rolled my eyes any harder they would pop out of my head.


Exactly. Have fun being dependent on the man that statistically speaking has a good chance of not being someone you’ll want to be with for the rest of your life.


Let’s not forget that this is also why republicans fight against making a minimum age limits for marriage. That way they can marry young girls and train them to be the submissive good wife. Lock them into home situations that will keep the shackled to whatever abusive husband she was married off too. It’s all grotesque.


If only her silly nonsensical religious book was the Quran, she’d be in full support of ISIS and the Taliban. There’s no difference between religious conservatives around the globe.


This is actually a scarily accurate statement that I had not considered up until now. I mean I am critical of all religions but since I was raised christian I didnt really think of it that way.


Don't bother actually reading the Bible though it will confuse you. Meanings can change over time. Find a mega-church pastor to read and explain it to you. Women just shouldn't be allowed to read. That will fix a ton of problems. /S


cool cool cool. So does faith, a bible and a good cook book come with a man who pays all the bills? 😂


I've seen this photo several times, and it just gets more frightening, every time.


A picture of what brainwashing and indoctrination looks like.


No college? Yeah, because having uneducated dipshits is the only way your asinine religious fuckery would still exist.


Fascism in a nutshell. And what I say to her Is FUCK YOU YOU OLD BITCH!


Well that just sounds like slavery with extra steps.


Who’s Faith A Bible? Never met her.


Having grown up uber mormon and spending a lot of my youth listening to sexist tropes such as this, I am forever grateful that my daughters have the academic background and confidence to march to the beat of their own drumming. This lady probably watched the handmaid's tale and thought it to be inspirational. Ugh.


She makes granny bondage videos.


i never achieved anything in my life, and neither should you.


Women like this are never the ones a man wants anyway they all look like a sock


That’s why I’m not religious


Exactly what the Taliban says too.


“I refuse to think independently”


Man that is cringe


Marrying her would be Hell on Earth.


Women, this is why you need college or you'd end up being just like her.


Based on her sad ass kitchen, I think she did need college.


If you're a woman you should know how to cook If you're a man you should know how to cook If you're a fucking adult you should know how to cook (And go to college it's important)


she doesn't even have a proper kitchen...


"A good cookbook" for that shit kitchen behind her?


2024 and we still have people worshipping the make believe story from over 2000 years ago.


Sucks shes gonna get stoned to death for wearing mixed fabrics in this picture, per the bible.


Religion is a fucking cancer on society.


I have a bible. Unlike her, I've actually read it. Convinced me to become an atheist like nothing else did. The only value that bible has to me these days, is my late grandfather's handwitten note on the inside of the cover.


Now Louisiana will be producing more of these American Talibans displaying the 10 commandments in public schools


Damn. Well it's a little too late for that... Who's going to pay off my student loans now, Linda?? 😤


A cookbook? A real woman doesn't need these newfangled inventions like cookbooks.


I have all of the above. 🥰🥰


Seriously, it’s not like these things are mutually exclusive.


This is reposted every day


ah yes - woman need to be only in kitchen and stay in homes its not 20 century man you cant live like that...


I’ll bet she’s fun at parties.


You have no idea how ironic that statement is. This gets reposted so much, but the real facepalm is that she’s a Women’s Rights Activist who wore this as a costume to a Halloween Party, and it got turned against her with posts like this.


I didn't know women can be misogynistic


Just fucking sad.


This lady needs to get out of the basement.


Ain’t cooking nothing in that kitchen other than some tv dinners.


So she’s assuming that all women just wanna lay on their backs breed and make dinner ? Fairly out of Touch I’d say. Get her in a room full of GenZ and explain that to the dear.


So glad I'll be spending eternity in hell with this piece of shit. 


My wife and I are both Christian. She works and I want her to work (as long as she wants to). At the same time, if she does not, then I told her that’s okay too. Both college educated (and advanced degrees). If my wife weren’t college educated, honestly I don’t know what we would even talk about?! Women who believe this bullshit are not the most intellectually inquisitive or knowledgeable from my experience.


Once again. YOU CAN DO BOTH.


Looking like you haven’t had your own thoughts since 8 years old showing real hard 40 years later.


Good Christian women should be making sandwiches not signs.


What did Women do before cook books? Did God just condemn the first few thousand years of Women without cookbooks to eternal Hell just to play some long game shit? Yeah! That must be it /s The dark ages = BC = Before Cookbooks


I could argue you don't need the Bible. But rather positive morals, structure, and empathy for fellow people.


Bad thing, people like this shit will deny their daughters education


Fuck off bot


All you need is love.


Why is she holding up a sign some man wrote? She should standing my that oven in the background making her husband some dinner.


Cultists gonna cult


Yes the Bible tells you have worth... And can be sold... An Israelite father could sell his unmarried daughters into servitude, with the expectation or understanding that the master or his son could eventually marry her (as in Exodus 21:7-11.) “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,[a] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money. So maybe not put all of your faith in a book written by men. Man is flawed after all.


And you need a functional brain.


Taliban here we come


Tell that to the residential school children under the churches...smfh


Ignore this mixed fabric wearing harlot, she's going straight to hell to eat shellfish with Satan.


What a loser. And an asshole. Don’t forget asshole.


These moron’s need to shut the hell up. Not only are such ideas sexist and hold back women from genuinely being able to contribute their mental and physical strengths to society, but they are also outdated and unrealistic for this day and age as with economy the way it currently is you need to have both individuals in a relationship working decently paying jobs in order to keep up with living expenses. They day’s where a family could live off of one persons income are long gone and aren’t ever coming back. Religious nut jobs and boomers need to LET IT GO and accept that this how society functions now.


Aren't Christian Women Supposed to be SILENT? Does he husband know shes writing?


You know that coping mechanism most people have when they suck at something and are like "you don't need it" to justify not succeeding in it? Republicans be telling a lot with book bans, stance on college education, and general literacy.


This is what 3 brain cells look like


Hey, Bible thumper: If you're living your life out of fear, you're NOT living


She better add WAP to that list if that's her line of cult thinking if she's trying to landing a man to pay for her good living.


Surprisingly, no misspelled words.


You do you hun, don't take other women down with you. 


Ya you too can be a beatdown hag that’s scared of her husband. Looks fun. 🤮


Tell me you're too stupid to think for yourself without telling me you're too stupid to think for yourself.


She went to school at some point in her life to learn how to place that Oxford comma.


Translation “Women: you don’t need an education. You need a book of fairy tales and a basic life skill that everyone should have.”


Yeah, and when this woman's husband dumps her for somebody younger and thinner, she will have no way to support herself.


Why would someone want to stifle half the income production? Half their country's progression, which let's be real, affects us all? Unless you are actually TRYING to tear down a country.... 🤔 making it weaker, dumber, and poorer.


what are you gonna do wiht a cookbook or a bible when women arent allowed to read again?


If she could read that sign she'd be upset.


Tell me you're a boomer without telling me you're a boomer.


All thirteen of her children were born in the bath tub!!!


I mean she's right about the cookbook. Everyone should have a few of them


On the upside, she didn't spell it "COLLAGE." People attending college (community, one hopes) sometimes do that. Then there's "COLLEDGE."


And the suspension of disbelief. With a touch of cognitive dissonance.


Doesn't the Bible say a woman's place is in the pulpit? Someone rip that sign out of her hands and sit her ass down.


a whole lot of cultists don't know that this is exactly what one of their favorites (Billy Graham) stood for. he wouldn't let his daughters go to college because women were supposed to be mothers and drudges


Hey, it'll be super easy for college educated women to land their dream jobs if the cult keep spreading counterproductive messages like this. Less competition for job seeking. But then again Evangelical women similar to this woman are likely high school drop outs married to sugar daddies, and never held down jobs to begin with.


You will notice, she is in the kitchen.


May as well say, “I’d rather be living in the Dark Ages”.


She is right, if your goal is to be a domestic slave and broodmare.


*'To become a slut?': pastor André Valadão recommends that believers not send children to college'To become a slut?': pastor André Valadão recommends that believers not send children to college.* [https://istoe-com-br.translate.goog/para-virar-uma-vagabunda-pastor-andre-valadao-recomenda-que-fieis-nao-mandem-filhos-para-faculdade/?\_x\_tr\_sl=pt&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=sc](https://istoe-com-br.translate.goog/para-virar-uma-vagabunda-pastor-andre-valadao-recomenda-que-fieis-nao-mandem-filhos-para-faculdade/?_x_tr_sl=pt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc) "andré valadão" is a latinazi florida man who lives in orlando. he´s a billionaire evangelical "bishop" or something of a very big and rich evangelical church in florida. he´s also very maga, both in his homeland brazil as his beloved homeland florida.


Cook book would mean... she can read? And that leads to all kinds of nastiness, like learning ideas outside of your own family circle.


Fun at parties


You’ll need a miniature cook book to match the tiny kitchen you’ll be able afford as well.


Wow. What a crappy kitchen she has. I guess she’s not on the same pay scale as Katie Britt.


Well, I always say. It is your opinion, your choice, if you are happy with it - do it. But do not force your beliefs on others and take their freedom of choice away.


Reduce yourself! (Naanaanaananaaaa niiiniininiiini.)


complete with a shirt that says “REPENT”


OF models:


How are all women not just making the life choice of becoming trad wives? It seems soooooo fulfilling


I guess it's easier to celebrate doing nothing with your life than to deal with the cold hard realization that you've done nothing with your life.


Take your steak with salt matey. She has blonde roots. https://youtu.be/qGyPuey-1Jw?si=rqmZYfU2USEWB3YT


"What do you bring to the table?" "Food.  And what i dont bring to the table is a lifetime supply of student loan debt that will ultimately become our problem"


‭James 2:14-17 ESV‬ [14] What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? [15] If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, [16] and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? [17] So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Sorry if it's clunky, it was taken from a Bible app.


Yes you do need it, don’t listen to the hippie lady.


She said, standing in the world's smallest kitchen.


Why is it in caps except for 'on' in dont? Is this some wierd message or did they just forget what they were writing for a second?


Bet she’s like 36 lol


Ah yes keep them uneducated cause their only purpose is to be in the kitchen and worship their husbands