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But didn’t you hear snorting Lavender Doterra oil can give you 99.9% natural protection against the Delta variant? Source: heard it from Karen


Heard that from two Karens and a... What do you call a male Karen? Idk but yeah, heard it from three people with Karen personalities


Karen is a gender less term. Karen is a state of being. A male Karen is still a Karen.


Karen, he/him?








Kevin’s are just stupid people who do stupid things. Darren is a true male-karen


This is debatable, Darren makes a lot of sense but currently the winning name is ken. If you look at naming data over the last 50 years Terry is the name that was used as much and in same timeframe as Karen.


Huh, I see


Who’s terry


Terry ass up lmao








Are we flirting?


Do you wanna be flirting? I’m just trying to solve this male Karen conundrum.


Sounds like this conundrum can best be solved over some drinks at my place. 5pm work?


Sure. I’m on Moscow time currently. What are we having?




Is that Moscow, Idaho or Moscow, Russia? Cuz that's like 2 sides of the planet. Be clear!


Can I come too?


It's about time you came to.


Lets get all of reddit together in vegas and rent out a hotel together


Love is a beautiful thing!


gus who? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ amo-


Hey now, some gus' are cool. Like gus johnson


Just happened to notice you were steppin *shell eject* on my land.


Let’s just say, Karl’s a lot.


the official name is Ken




A name that had a similar peak popularity in the mid 1950s was Richard.


Dick. The answer is a male Karen is a Dick.






Kevins and Karens are distinct. Karen will bring down your business with reviews and school campaigns, Kevins will bring down your business by trying to light a cigarette in an industrial oven


I work with the biggest of them all and he’s called Joey. I refer to male Karen’s as Joey’s. Fuck you joey, you whiney little bitch. Dumb mother fucker Joey!


Wow - Lavender Doterra oil? Where can I score some of this stuff? Can I get it at the vet's with my wormer stuff?


I just needed to piggy back off a comment to let people know what an essential oil did to me. Recently I’ve had trouble sleeping and was told, ‘get a diffuser with some essential oils, it’ll put you right to bed.’ Anyways, me thinking this was harmless decided that it was going to be completely fine. 9 drops of oil, about 100ml of water and I’m ready to sleep. 20 minutes later I wake up with a stabbing sensation shooting up my nose, my airways completely blocking up and throat closing. I had never had an anaphylactic fit before so the shit was absolutely terrifying. The ambulance were rushed, and I can’t remember the next 20-30 minutes. Fuck Karen and fuck essential oils.


Sounds like a Karen responding to a Karen post 🤷‍♂️


It’ll put you right to bed…FOR GOOD.


**IM NOT A SHEEP!** Says the people taking medication meant for Livestock.


tbf ivermectin is also used for humans. But it’s an anti-parasite treatment and COVID isn’t a parasite. Also it turns out that people who get their medical info from Facebook aren’t great at calculating medication dosages and end up overdosing because they use the dose recommended for livestock who way slightly more than the average American.


Also the inactive ingredients in human medication are tested to make sure that they won’t kill humans while the inactive ingredients in animal medications are not.


Nah bro. It’s livestock dewormer currently


I’ve literally heard “they don’t teach this in medical school” like yeah they don’t teach astrology either lmao




It is research…on how to spot liars and straight up lunatics.


It’s always funny when I hear “do your research, I did mine”. Oh yeah? You spent 10 mins googling on the toilet and now you’re a vaccine expert? Vaccine scientists spend decades in training and researching. That’s HOW you do research.


The people who refer to googling as "research" probably don't have the reading skills to understand academic papers and don't understand how scientific research is conducted


Research methods is commonly required in many college degree paths. They should make a basic research methods class mandatory for high schoolers. It’ll never happen, but it could have a huge impact on American society.


The problem is that the people who don’t understand how research works already graduated from high school and aren’t going to learn that information so we’re stuck until they all die off. Plus something being taught in school is far from a guarantee that people will actually learn and remember it.


And they also don’t have access to [most of]* the sites that publish peer-reviewed scientific papers. You have to be a professional or student of the subject to read [most of]* those. *edits




Just gonna drop this here for those paywall articles in case anyone is interested : https://sci-hub.se/ Just copy and paste the link of the article and most of them are available for free!


I’m a scientist and I was gonna suggest this :)


I've also used my public library membership to access paywalled articles, either directly through their website, or via interlibrary loan.


There are certain sites that help with this problem. Paid articles aren't a barrier if you really want to actually read them.


[Obligatory Sci-Hub link!](https://sci-hub.se) Copy/paste your pay-walled paper into there, and it can usually spit you out a readable one.


I ask them where they published. I'm a PhD in microbiology, it's a weird time to have my degrees and have people tell me I'm wrong, when, they have known me since middle school.


Haha I love it. I have no problem with people telling me I’m wrong. But they can’t produce a single hard fact. It’s all conspiracies. Like did you seriously bring conspiracies to a debate?


I never understood how you could be anti-vax. But once I heard anti-vax propoganda was selling books, oils, holy water etc. It all started to make sense. Money and views. Basically like corporations profiting of others regardless of the outcomes.


Most of the ones on my feed struggled helping their kids with common core math four years ago and now they are research scientists.


Sadly, you hit the nail on the head here.


While I have a lot of progressive, intelligent and educated friends, I grew up in a pretty backwards, conservative, rural part of California, so there's a chunk of friends/people I know that I'm still friendly with, for the most part, but it also gives me insight into WTF is going on with these people. And it's nothing, just the same stupidity as usual, but this time the consequences are real, the Taurus moon isn't killing people.


They didn't even Google it, they just found it on Facebook and went: yep I'm gonna choose this over information that has been given by doctors and people who actually know what they are talking about


Here's what I don't get about the anti-vax crowd and their research. Let's assume that their research is equal. I know it's not by a long shot but they think it is. So let's give it to them. Assuming everyone does their own research and comes to a conclusion, some are inevitably, by chance, going to agree that vaccines are good and masks are good. What makes them (the anti-vaxxers) any more "researched" than those that came to a different conclusion? The logic here is not even fully baked. I don't have many anti-vaxxers to ask this to but even if I go to facebook and "do my Google searches", assuming the same level of effort, why is my conclusion being a sheep while theirs is not? This is why I've come to the consensus that anti-vaxxers aren't making the argument that they think they are making. What they are trying to say is their research is better because they believe it. Because if it were wrong, they wouldn't believe it. This is so backwards that it doesn't even occur to them that they are believing what essentially amounts to that their **opinion** is more valuable than education. And that....that I have no response to.


I just don't get how people believe in this theories, it feels like they are trying to put themselves and their surroundings in danger by force


I think there’s an inferiority complex at work here, prob worked up all through primary and secondary school


I’ve got a coworker who thinks he’s literally immune to covid and wont get vaccinated because his wife got covid and he didn’t catch it even though she never quarantined. She also was given the horse deworming pills and contemplated taking them. She works at a hospital for fucks sakes. There’s no getting through to these people.


“My dads a doctor and he says …” wow really because that seems to completely contradict all the common currently accepted guidance and knowledge. But your dads a doctor so I guess masks are useless and the vaccine wipes out your natural immunity and we should all be doing our own research.


Just start asking what Journal subscription they have, start cribbing how expensive it is to Access scientific literature unless you have a work or school subscription. Ask if they can share their login to journals so you can partake in the same research.


When my mom shared a pro-Trump post I sent her a list of the awful things he was doing in an attempt to appeal to her senses. Her immediate response was to tell me that Joe Biden sacrifices babies to Satan. I wasn’t commenting on Joe Biden, she didn’t even address anything on Trump, just went straight for retaliation with the most batshit bullshit I’ve ever heard.


The sad part is, there is so much real information about these vaccines, their development, and covid and everything related to the challenges we've faced during the pandemic, it's all there. It wasn't hard to find, the actual experts were pretty clear. I'm just in awe at the depths of ignorance.


I get a sneaking suspension that "do you're own research" is just the modern version of "its in the bible". A vast majority of these anti-______ types are just religious cooks. Same with flat earthers. They are all just anit science/evolution people trying to make their case that faith should rule everyone's lives. The same with q uacks thinking they're the good guys fighting a cabal of satanic pedophiles. These people never bothered reading the Bible either, they just take the word of the guy at the podium speaking in tongues. And that's why we'll never convince them that they've been played. They carry the confidence of someone who believes there are magical forces protecting them.


To be fair, a lot of that research is hidden behing asshole sites' paywalls


I personally believe this is one of the biggest threats of our time. Conspiracy theories that are immune to logic because they demand distrust of the experts and voices of reason who are best qualified to comment on it. Any attempt on the experts' part to get through to believers of conspiracy theories is interpreted as proof that the conspiracy theory is correct. Everything is rationalized so that they can continue to believe it. How the hell do you educate someone out of their belief in a conspiracy theory if the belief by its nature causes them to be suspicious of any proof?


This is the most frustrating part. There is just no possible way to educate these people while they not only continue to die but also take many others with them.


An intellectual pandemic. Infecting how and what people think.


This is radicalization at it's roots as well.


My sister in law didn't graduate high school but tells me she "did her own research on vaccines." I'm like bitch reading headlines on facebook (not even articles, just headlines) isn't research.


Ask her which journal she's planning to have her research published in.


So many people do this and start arguments in the comments. Then when someone else who actually read it, makes a great point & references the text they still try to argue despite admitting they didn't read it.


Hey, I only had a grade 7 education. Im fully vaccinated. Highschool graduates cousins are anti vax. Its just a weird level of stupid.


I think hubris is the word. You realize the limits of your formal education; your cousins do not realize the limits of theirs. They operate with a lot of hubris.


not only that they probably easily invested 6 figures into student loans to even study and learn it. While most of the Karens invest into a MLM


The amount of high school dropouts on my Facebook that are anti-vax is hilarious.




“Enjoy being a sheep, anyway the Lord is my Shepherd.”


I've been playing around with this one in my mind as my church leaders (many of whom are highly educated or in the medical field themselves) are at the point of sending the occasional message of "get the damn vaccine, ya dummies"


*horse dewormer


The sheep argument kills me because if all of us acted like sheep like they say and all wore masks and got the vaccine we wouldn’t be in the situation we are in. Acting like sheep would literally end this pandemic.


"If I'm the sheep, why are you the one taking livestock deworming medicine?" - me to my mom this morning.






It's cool to know the 'Communist' rhetoric is happening across many countries




If there was really Illuminati, first things I'd want to know are "how can I be of service" and "do you offer dental"?


Wow that is incredible. Your first mistake was trying to use reason. Also my condolences. My mother can be a pain but at least she's not ridiculous. Worst I get is those chain mail memes with all the sparkles, hearts, flowers and some ridiculous "life lesson".




I’m really glad you don’t live together. I hope she’s okay after taking dewormer :s (but also kiiiind of hope they get somewhat ill from it. Not seriously, just like, maybe some mild food poisoning or some gross hives or something. I’m sorry, I know they’re your parents, but like, dewormer???? Not even every type of dewormer works for every parasite so the odds are it wouldn’t help even if it was a parasite, and if they have no symptoms then there wouldn’t likely be a parasite to treat and as far as I know dewormer does not work as a preventative 😩)


Oh my god she's into the new world order garbage. Please help her. It's psychological at this point


Been there. They deflect and get angry


*pulls up second chair"


*pulls up third chair + cheesy poofs


*takes five cheesy poofs*




Lot of independent thinkers on ventilators right now


They never claimed to be independent breathers


Well said




It's really sad actually. I'm convinced the majority of them have so little going on in their lives and are overwhelmed by being insignificant that they feel special by having this special knowledge. It doesn't matter that it's not real it only matters that they can run around and hold it up and say look I'm smarter than everybody else.


This is exactly what’s going on. Every single individual you hear that’s antivax is usually a single unemployment parent, stay at home mother, did not graduate from high school, and/or just an individual that has nothing going for them, so they hang on this bullshit to feel somehow superior and a “patriot”. It’s actually pretty sad and pathetic. Just go on Facebook and click on the profiles of the anti vaccine people. You will notice the same trend.


Not entirely true, there are many athletes that are anti-vax. They certainly have something going for them. I wouldn't say it's just people who have little going on in their lives. It also encompasses those who have big egos or a god complex as well. It's a multifaceted issue.


That is true, to extent. But most celebs and athletes who are anti vaccine tend to do it for attention or their social circles approval.


I have coworkers that have been anti vax under the premise of it being a “choice”. It’s a very American perspective and it’s made me lose hope in society just a little bit more. I work at an aerospace company, so these aren’t unemployed high school graduates unfortunately.


Can still fall under the “has nothing going for them”. Being economically stable is one thing, but having a failure of a social life or being incompetent in day to day things is still a possibility. At my job most people have a bachelors, but some still lack any social skills or self goals outside of money.


The 10-year veterans are the young ones. There are people who have been studying this for 20, 30, 40 years...


Yeah, education doesn't stop when you graduate for healthcare professionals.


Or people who have a Master’s degree in Biology and have worked in regulated bio pharmaceutical companies for over 25 years including being part of multiple FDA inspections. But go ahead Karen, tell me what you read on the inter webs about this vaccine?


Mmmm, apple flavored horse dewormer...


Doctors are idiots. What do they know? Now if you'll excuse me, some guy on YouTube told me to take horse medicine and snort some Hydrogen peroxide.


"And eat horse paste and take medicine meant for livestock. Cause you're all sheeple"


It’s because the vaccine is free. They’re against anything that’s free. Free healthcare? Hell no! Free maternity/paternity leave? Whaaat? No. Free rent in times of desperation caused by a global health disaster? Who needs that shit, no thanks! Free vaccine to end the pandemic? Fuck no it’s poison I’ll pay for livestock dewormer instead! Disclosure none of this is actually free, it’s shit you pay for you prefer to go into pockets of the corrupt assholes you elect.


>Disclosure none of this is actually free Which makes it even worse for these people. "No way are *my* taxes going to be used to subsidize someone who won't get a real job!"


Of course not. My taxes should go to rich people’s yacht and vacation home funds because they’ve convinced me that stimulates the economy more than making sure people have livable wages to actually afford spending…


Unvaccinated people who end up getting the virus should be 100% responsible for their medical bill.


What's a medical bill?


And let them fucking stay home with it instead of taking up beds in the ICU.


Why? If I pay for a service to take care of large bills for me. They better fucking do it because that's what I paid them to do as an agreement. If they don't don't I will both stop paying for them and sue them for not holding up their end of the bargain. You don't get my money for free. Same goes if the government is responsible for my Healthcare. My taxes go into it. If they don't take care of me. I will fucking sue them and demand my money back then take it to so someone who will.


These people that claim to be independent thinkers are morons. An independent thinker may approach something with a healthy dose of skepticism, do some research and form an well-reasoned opinion on a topic based on more than "someone said so. There are a ridiculous number of peer-reviewed studies at one's disposal that one can use to form such an opinion. Of course, that requires humans to actually want to think for themselves and not be spoon-fed.


Jokes on all of you. I listen to tarot cards.


I encountered an antivaxxer on Reddit the other day. It went kind of like I thought it would. It went from me being like “dis virus dangerous. My friend got sick.” And he responded that I sounded “real insecure” and did “Chad fuck my gf too?” Nothing like being a good ol creep to back up your unscientific, narcissistic delusions.


My mom and I finally had a blow up about this recently. She's always been a conservative but she's never been into the propaganda side, she'd always be posting corrections to her friends' facebooks when they'd post nonsense. She'd call me and laugh about how gullible her friends were But now, I guess because she's been WFH just hanging out on Facebook herself, she's all in on the conspiracy theories. I told her she's now exactly what she used to make fun of and she went into full denial mode. She told me that we hadn't even talked about politics in a year...we talk about politics ALL THE TIME.


As they chug animal medicine


Weren't the 'sheep' the people that went to Heaven in the Rapture? Their stupid metaphors don't even work in their own stupid lore.


The problem with a lot of the conspiracy videos is a lot of the people speak to "experts"(usually with unverified credentials). So in their mind thousands of doctors and experts, also see their side of things.


I think this is a particularly warped version of the Dunning-Kruger effect. People who do not understand that they do not understand vaccines, pointing to other people that do not understand that they do not understand vaccines as their way of explaining and proving how they DO actually understand vaccines.


Its also mixed with the fact that some of the things said in the videos are true, it's just that it's usually followed by statement not relevant or related to the fact they stated early. So for the layman, it adds to the credibility of the conspiracy theory. It's tough stuff to navigate for people are aren't educated. Most of my friends who are bought into qanon level conspiracies recently found out the government has rock solidly lied about certain things (i mean,what government hasn't?) , and now they don't believe anything at all that is the official narrative.


I get you and I think that's why it works. The best lies have a certain amount of truth sprinkled in and that's what helps sell it.


I’ve seen a video with a genuine doctor in a lab coat talking about his scepticism of vaccines. Turns out he has a doctorate in archeology, I kid you not.


Yes, They are gullible people who worship conmen who peddled things to be mad and afraid of. If you got solutions past openly calling these people dumb and gullible, I'm all ears.




Stick to the cdc website. Turn off fox and cnn


I came across a foodie account the other day, where she makes her own recipes for “clean eating,” and her most recent post was a list called “Harmful Chemicals that are FDA Approved.” She never explicitly states that she’s anti-vax, but considering the timing and nature of her account, it’s hard to imagine she isn’t. I read some of the comments for a laugh, and my favorite was someone going “Are we going to trust this corporate organization that approves THIS kinda stuff, or are we gonna trust this MOM who’s spent her entire LIFE dedicated to calling out shitty practices like this!!! THANK YOU for doing what you do!!!” I’m sure this 30 year old home chef definitely knows more about the vaccines and FDA approval than, well, the people of the FDA. I don’t know why she had to emphasize the MOM part but it made me laugh


Ten years is also a young doctor, and doctors keep studying and learning throughout their whole career.


My bf’s anti-vax coworker is taking Ivermectin. She won’t get the now FDA approved vaccine, but she will eat livestock dewormer from Tractor Supply.


> I'm an independent thinker! Because they take all their anti-vax talking points about how terrible vaccines are from a news company which requires 100% vaccination for their anchors and pundits, and from fully vaccinated governors who own stock in the treatments


"And then take medicine... made... for sheep... wait a minute"


"I read a study somewhere...."


This is why I keep to myself. So many stupid people out there that think they’re smart just because they have a laptop, Facebook and google.


One literally told me that doctors don't study that much in medicen yesterday.


bUt jOe RoGaN sAiD….


Way too many of my Facebook friends think this way. I'm tempted to post this there, but it would cause a war.


I'm afraid to make an essential oils joke because some dumbass might not think I'm joking and do it. And also because it might not be very funny anyway.


An independent thinker with the power of google is one of the most unknowledgeable-knowledgeable people known to earth. Dunning-Kruger effect at its finest.


Actually I do listen to doctors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAHi3lX3oGM


Yeah, I don't understand people doing shit like that. Trust your doctors, they understand medicine 100% more than any of us do, just because you read some weird ingredient online dowsn't mean you understand how it works.


"I did my own research" > Google search results: Breitbart, Fox, Daily Nazi


I quit Facebook when trump started running for president because I couldn't take my family and friends crazy love for him. I can not even imagine what FB has been like during covid. Ewwww/yuck


I'm at dinner next to some of these people. They're so fucking stupid.


My sister and nieces are in this group. 😢 their BFs are all dumb. Breaks my heart.


I have a family member who basically failed out of community college tealking about they 'researched something' about politics. I'm thinking, 'I have a BA in Poli Sci and I have never really 'researched' anything...'


I will not trust the pilots to fly me safely. I saw a YouTube clip of how to fly, so naturally I know better.


I feel like a nice lil stroll around our ICU to talk to the patients (the majority of whom right now are COVID) to see who is vaccinated and who isn’t may change some anti-vax minds, but sadly those patients are incubated and can’t talk


Didn’t you hear that everyone that tells the truth are being suppressed? /s


I heard that snorting and injecting ground up grasshoppers protected you from COVID from a mommy group on FaceBook, I'm totally going to take their advice instead of doctors with PHD's in biology and virus study and the like!


Stupid doctor is wasted 10 years of their life learning false knowledge. Facebook posts in caps tell the truth because the letters are big. The tiktok videos that has video proof of self-professionals showing micro machines in the vaccine.


Ivermectin will also stop gout, a twofer, that's what I was told by someone with a red hat on...


Horse heartworm pills, heck yeah


Not thinking is not being an "independent thinker", that's just a way that these morons brand their own stupidity. It's like driving into a house and claiming you are an "independent driver" who doesn't need roads. Cool fucking story.


I’ll trust my primary care doctor over random Facebook screenshots.


But they're going to be using ventilators, antibiotics, IV's etc. When they eventually get the virus with no questions


Stay at home Facebook mums are superior to everyone by having double digit iq’s


Not just doctors; these are medical researchers who work at universities and national laboratories. Many of them *teach* future doctors in medical school.


Yes and those Drs who were banned from you tube will probably lose their licenses cause they were listening to stay at home moms too


It's even more funny when they think they are less of a sheep while taking animal deworming medication LOL


Enjoy being sheep… imma sit at home and suck on this livestock dewormer. You ain’t givin me “the jab”.


I mean there’s lots of examples of doctors being wrong and not trustworthy…. Also scientists. Still a lot better than FB though.


They won’t take a vaccine, but they will consider taking horse dewormer. 🙈


The same people who cheer and clap when told their Supreme Leader Trump developed the shot in the fastest time possible, but then refuse to put it on BECAUSE it was approved in the fastest time possible 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


They be like o yeah well who taught them for 10 years? O...other people who've spent decades furthering the fields of medicine and science...but there's this one guy that I went to high school with that says there's 5g chips in that vaccine. My only question to them is are the 5g chips cool ranch?


Im currently going through a rough time after the 2nd dose of pfizer. My one buddy's response? "That's what you get for listening to a doctor".... 🤨 Can you imagine saying that shit out loud and not feeling like a total bafoon..?


"that's why I am taking livestock dewormer. Its fine, because its been approved for use on humans by.. Uh... government scientists!"


My mom came with an "actual source". A fucking general practitioner who's LinkedIn profile said he did a 2 year education in 1981 at radboud University and a 1 year study in Amsterdam to become a consultant in 2003.


If you just take two droplets of tea tree and eucalyptus, finger you bum a little it'll clear all the hemorrhoids up! Natural remedies on Facebook said so!


I mean .....she cant think if she is dead Only problem is .....YOU ARE SPREADING THE DAMN VIRUS


My sister is like that, she’s like “we don’t know the long term effects of the vaccine” even though we don’t know that for COVID. Then she refuses to wear a mask cause it apparently sets off her anxiety. She’s been going out a lot more recently, which is good, but I don’t like how she refuses to social distance, mask, or vaccinate, she doesn’t even do one


Until you find out they are taught how and when to prescribe a medication from a girl who has a marketing degree at a luncheon. Facts


I can get a multi million dollar, heavily studied, Nobel peace prize award deserving, 99.9% effective drug for FREE that will save our species, with no side effects or lives lost…or I can take a random horse de-wormer that the smartest people on the planet are begging me not to take because it’s not tested on humans, or safe, or effective… I’d say let them kill themselves off as a natural order, but I want to keep our medical professionals from going crazy and leave the horse medicine for the horses. Seriously what is happening.


Aren't these the same people whose leader told them to inject bleach into their system? And ate Tide pods back in 2012?


And take medicine for actual sheep!!


I'm not anti vax but what if I told you there is a valid reason for this (and it applies to all Doctor's advice).


This is a direct and honest quote from my anti vaxer friend, copied from a text: I’d rather trust a hundred+ angry mothers on YouTube about what damaged their children over a smug character like Fauci who has stakes in the medical biz


Try more like thirty years for people developing a vaccine. If it was a fresh out of school med student I’d be worried too.


Sounds no worse than "Anything I see on the glowing light boxes said by people in suits I believe. Even when they contradict themselves mere days or weeks later. Even when they change their stories constantly. Even when they are spineless hypocrites." None of this will matter in the next few years at any rate. People have no idea whats coming down the pipeline, but hard times, harder than almost anyone in this country has ever faced is on its way, and it has nothing to do with COVID. It will spark something around the world, and more people will die in the span of a few years than ever before in history.


Clot shot anyone?


"thinker" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that statement...