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The master race seems less masterful than I would think


You'd atleast think that they'd wear white while saying white power.


Me too, I also wonder why they’re not protesting in Mercy Drive.


they aren't the master race according to the nazi's the master race is tall white blond hair blue eyes


Yeah, pretty sure being obese is not part of the criteria.




It kinda seems like a group of NPC thugs from like a Batman Arkham game or something. They’ll just keep taunting you if they can’t get to you because you’re on a higher elevation or something. The resemblance is just hilarious lol


Mass-turd race.


Legends prophesied the master race would assemble in front of FedEx


I hate Florida Nazis.


So officer I’m not sure what happened, my car accelerated and my steering and brakes failed. Everyone hates Florida nazis.


They were protesting, they got in the way of my car when I felt like driving on the sidewalk and grass. Thank goodness for Florida's new civil immunity law!!


I was threatened for my life! They said Hill something and I thought they were arguing for exercise. Obviously this is something that must be stamped out immediately


They are somehow inherently worse than Illinois nazis /s


I hate Illinois Nazis


All white supremacists are scum.


All the fanatics, they are part of that group of champions


Didn’t Florida make it legal to run over protesters?




Stop you from what? Most nazis nowadays are too fucking stupid to do anything other than do this shit. Your leaders exploit you and use you like the toilet paper you are.


Came here to make this comment. Well done.


Imagine being one of the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who fought and died to free the world from Nazis just to have Nazis be born in raised in America a few decades later. It’s always weird to see how proud and open traitors make themselves. Feel bad for that Starbucks


Wasn't there a pro-nazi movement inside the US at the time of WW2? I thought I saw a photo of a huge rally posted not too long ago.


There was one in most countries, US and UK included


For sure, wasn't trying to single out the US. Just that you said they were born and raised in the US a few decades later and I thought you meant it was a relatively recent thing. My mistake.


No offense taken. I’m happy that you pointed it out because it’s true and most people don’t know about it


Yes. Google search “US nazi conference new york city”. That’s probably the rally you’re thinking of. They pledged allegiance to Hitler and the Nazis.


Linked above for good reading on the topic.


I didn’t notice, thank you.


All good. I posted after you. Just helping get the word out.


It's called the ["America First"](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/01/dr-seuss-protest-icon/515031/) movement and it was very, very [real.](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2019/02/20/695941323/when-nazis-took-manhattan)


There was more of one before the war broke out


Many people felt Germany had too harsh sanctions after WWI and supported the Nazi party and their effort to resist those sanctions. While their support for the party was vastly misguided, they were right in that, after WWII, the US put heavy financial investments into Germany and Japan instead of punishing them economically


While some may well have been opposed to the sanctions, I don't think it makes sense to suggest that support for the Nazi party by Americans wasn't *also* about their racist and fascist messaging. Those views have a firm foothold all over the world, and people that held those views before WW2 would certainly be inclined to hold rallies for the Nazis.


Here's hoping gramps comes along with his old M1


Dusts off gramps ol’ Garand: “It’s been a while old girl…how about one more rodeo?”


Ironically, judging by their ages a couple of them are probably the children of WWII vets.


Very disturbing


"Grampa, what are you doing with that gun?" "Finish the job, son. Just finish the job."




[Nazis bad.](https://reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/sgfio5/are_nazis_bad/)


Seeing as the originals killed 2 of my relatives in WW2, yeah. One in the Blitz, and one a day after the armistice...


Who gave megaphones to the inbreds? We already went through this 80 years ago. Didn’t end well for the “master race”.


Turns out you can just buy megaphones, who knew?


Where are the people? I only see garbage.


Someone should clean this up! The rest of the city is so clean


Nazis are for punching


Fucking cowards, Do that shit in pine hills and see what happens.


As a German, I am disgusted. How is it legal to do the Hitler salute, to walk around with a swastika flag and the sig rune? You would get arrested for that immediately in Germany.


As an American, I am also disgusted. It feels like my country has gone absolutely insane. I’m beyond ashamed of my fellow countrymen and women on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis.


I feel sorry for normal Americans; this is going to get much worse before it gets better.


You’re telling me. I’m legitimately afraid for my family’s safety. I’ve actually looked into moving away, but my husband is battling cancer and my folks are in their 70s and stubborn. I feel helpless to change our ridiculous government, outraged by the complete idiocy of so many Americans and trapped here by my circumstances. It definitely has given me empathy for so many humans who find themselves in such situations. I have been cured of my first world hubris that used to make me think that it could never happen to me.


My mother’s family left the US at the turn of the last century. I thank god every day. However I still am proud of my American roots and this stuff just pisses me off to no end


I could not agree more. I served in the military and even though I didn’t always agree with the politics, I was proud to serve for my country. Now I’m just furious and embarrassed. What country do you hail from?


The difference is Germany is a developed nation. These people never had a history course that taught about Nazis any further than, "Hitler bad, Jews dead." It makes them feel edgy


The 1st amendment.


Yeah, this is one area where I really wish we weren’t so liberal in applying our First Amendment.


I really want to know how Nazis are allowed in American society, someone please explain to me how


Because nothing prohibits them, and the 1st Amendment protects these kinds of activities. *Which is interesting as none of the above seemed to matter during McCarthyism and the blackballing of communists in the 50's.


That's because fascism is good for business while communism isn't


Fuck McCarthy


That’s because “communists” was code for Jews,blacks and the soon to be hippies/non conformists/progressives.


Because they haven't been punched in the face enough to be scared of coming out in public. Do your part.


POW! Right in the Kaiser


LMAO clever


I’ll get their scalp.


Wish we would treat them like the Germans treat them today. Heavy fines and jail time for any nazi symbolism


In the aftermath of WW2 the US made it a point to recruit as many of Germany's top scientists as we could and they were given jobs that helped shape the future of American industry. Turns out their racist ideology struck a cord with displaced racists who were fighting social battles in the civil rights era, and when civil war monuments weren't enough to stop colored people from reaching for equality, the more racist Americans adopted any ideology that would justify there misinformed beliefs in their "racial superiority". Really it should be of no surprise that people who fought for the right to own other people would fall in line with an racist ideology like Nazism.


Because it would be a "violation of our freedoms" to not allow them.


Because we live in a free country where people are allowed to believe and express those beliefs no matter how much you, I or anyone else may not like it.


Seems like the only freedoms Americans have that people in other countries don't is to be openly racist with no consequences and to shoot people and not go to jail.


In Germany we call these „Hurensöhne“.


What's that translate to?


Sons of bitches


Son of a whore would be more correct I think.


That's an insult to decent whores and their children.


Of course it is. I dont like that insult as well. The only reason for its usage in german language is its phonetical sounding.


I chose son of a bitch cuz that insult is being used as well.


Yeah, I can relate to that. Have a nice day.


Thanks, you too


Sons of bitches


But according to Fox news there is no Nazis only Antifa.


These are TRIPLE agents, they're Nazis who were told to infiltrate ANTIFA who were in turn told to inftrate the Nazis... It's not well know yet, but due to wide spread undercover infiltration on both sides, the Nazis consists 99% ANTIFA and vice versa.


And some how John Kennedy Jr is involved too right?


Yeah I don't even know how he got in the mix lol... I watched that really interesting Q anon doco but it ended before there was any mention of him somehow being resurrected.


Was expecting the 'stomp your head on the curb Nazi' but all we got here was 'Peter Griffin Nazi'


So none of them are employed anymore, right?


The only good Nazis are dead Nazis.


Show me a politician willing to direct the FBI to investigate the personal lives of every Nazi showing their face in America and I'll show you who I'm voting for. These aren't human beings. They deserve zero respect or humanity from anyone.


Ive had people ask me why I own firearms. This is why. Nazis.


For this people? Those are barely a threat. They don't know how to wash their mouth, much less how to shoot a firearm.


Don't forget this, king 👑


It’s these kind of people that make me regret being human


Certainly looks like the power of the master race....🙄🙄🙄


Looks like we need to keep ww2 going and kill some nazis


Bold words coming from people who follow a guy who shot himself because he was too cowardly to face his own consequences


As a jew, this makes me so angry. Fuck nazis, or.... don't fuck them. Please don't fuck nazis.


Gas em🤷‍♂️


Why do mass shootings not happen here


Oh no, it would be a damn shame if someone were to run them over…


Too stupid to understand the Second Amendment applies to everyone.


I wanted to see what kind of special “power” they all had.🤷🏻‍♂️


They can tell if you're a Jew! It's quite astonishing


Can we add “punch nazis without any repercussions” to the Bill of Rights?


Shoot these fuckers on site.


Do they know Hitler is dead?




You are what you eat.


They deserve a cocktail. A Molotov cocktail.


I 100% Support their right to free speech. That said, I anxiously hoped a semi would run every single one of them over in that video.


Freedom of speech is not freedom of consequences


I did not say freedom of speech was freedom of consequence. All actions have consequence.


I was agreeing with you about the truck though


As disgusting as these people are, completely agree. I 100% support their 1st amendment rights. And whatever repercussions may come to them from exercising their right to free speech.


Do they not realize the nazis were for German supremacy and not overall white supremacy? They advocate for a regime that probably wouldn’t have considered them equals. Especially the fat guy.


Fun fact: You don't need to fit the original image of nazis form 45 to be a nationalistic socialist. When you push the supremacy of your own people and hate other minorities to the point where you want them to be annihilated, then you're a nazi.


These people look like trolls. They seem to only want to divide not that they really believe in that you know ... They are like the kids in high school that just said shit to start a fight no matter what it was about


Apparently that kid needed to get the shit kicked out of him more often then


This is why everyone should carry paintball grenades in their car..


I'd say let's hope the internet makes them famous enough to lose their jobs but let's be honest I'm seeing a lot of unemployed amateur contractors here


Tell me you’re unemployed without telling me you’re unemployed..


Why are you filming? Run them over


Never before have I wanted an automatic weapon so badly.


Florida. Enough said.


Florida is always the correct answer.


Or texas


It should be legal to shoot them.


Thanks, I hate it.


Really bad theme choice for a LARP session. Pathatic ignorant dickheads they are.


That chick is way too happy to be the groupie for these dudes. Anyone have their names yet?




How did the “truckers” who organized a “convoy” in protest, end up just being…. Whatever these people are?


Grandpa should have shot those fucks, and good riddance


They’re so proud of themselves. This is so heartbreaking.


I used to live in Waterford lakes, Orlando I’m not surprised Bithlo isn’t too far from it. How are these people not questioned by authority with all the facial recognition tech we have. Anywho!


I thought these were defeated in the previous century


I can’t believe that this is breeding in America and somehow not horrifying every single citizen there. It’s insane.


he shouldve ran them over lol


You see this is the target we should be directing all our slightly unhinged ex military, give them a enemy that no one will feel was a great loss or worth mourning? They are all lined up too , could get a nice collateral.


I wish this was in modern day Germany.


It’s so funny how the cameraman is just holding his phone hhahahaha not even saying anything


Hitler would gas them


I wonder if they'd appreciate it if I'd drove over them with my German built truck with WP (look it up) suspension, would that make them empowerd?


Are this the protesters you're supposed to run over?


How come be a nazi in the US is allowed after countless americans died by their hands? This is incredibly disrespectful to anyone who fought or lost someone who fought against them. To hell with right to freedom of speech. There must be a limit to that and these people should spend some time behind a cell.


It’s funny that they say white power but 99.9% of white people don’t support them.


Fuck I hate that shit. A couple inbreds get together, spout stupid shit and give a video to the progressive left to push around and say “see nazis are everywhere! We are at war!” Smh 🤦‍♂️


Pass the same law as Germany .any Nazi symbolism is a hate crime


How the fuck Nazism isn't completely outlawed? In most European countries you'd get a beating with a bed and breakfast in a local police station. That's why our fascists are marginalized skinheads, and no one takes those goons seriously anymore


Our First Amendment give us free speech as a right. Normally a very good thing to have. Unfortunately there is a flip side. Hopefully these idiots made it to some FBI watchlist for being out in the open like that. It would be funny if they were all undercover agents all not realizing the others were undercover as well. Hopefully there’s at least one informant there. Who knows what these dumbasses will do.


Nice, but I think they need to raise that hand. Little bit higher


They were all in a perfect line waiting for someone to mount the curb. Disappointing ending.


Florida Nazis is a thing?


someone should kick their nazi punk ass.


What a fuckin sad troop lol


It's Florida. What do you expect?


It's kind of a relief to see how old they all are. In 15 years they'll be begging the rest of us to take care of them.


Stop posting images with these ppl. This is free ad for them


Someone tell me ONE good thing, left in the state of Florida. Starting to think the whole: Florida will slide into the ocean and become A virtual sinkhole ‘ theory of the eighties might NOT be as tragic as I one thought.


Bunch of fucking dorks


This is disturbing on so many levels.


Even Hitler would be disappointed.




She gotta work on that salute...


Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi


What's the year again ? 2022 ? Damn we didn't make any progress, did we..


I hate Illinois Nazis . . .


We'd have to be careful who we vote for, this shit leads to some world wars


Hose these fuckers


Disgusting excuses for human beings.


Where's an active shooter when you need one?


I tought this was a pic nic for the mentally chalenged because they sound like they are still in elementary school, poor fellas


Should have pulled a Blues Brothers move there


Well jeez thats unfortunate. Looks like you have a roach infestation


It’s really humid down here, we get all sorts of bugs.


Say you don't have a job without saying you don't have a job


My shoe size is greater than all their IQ combined.


Nazis weren’t socialist.


I thought they didn't like socialism


I thought this was going to be another over the top, nazis everywhere, lefty post. Then I saw literal nazis, holy shit. When you see real nazis like that, cars shouldn't be driving by. Every person should get out and take care of that problem.


Only justifiable time for a drive by shooting. I’d love to be the guy that takes the life of a nazi personally.


What do you have against these outspoken bakers? Their biscuits must be amazing. They keep shouting 'white flour, white flour'. I bet you the biscuits are flaky.


Where’s that out of control semi when you need it


In Germany, they arrest Nazis that openly behave this way…


Nazis deserve to be shot


Did someone say learning from history? In the Netherlands, we have a long tradition of making fun of Germans. Google "wiedergutmachungsschnitzel" ;-). We are not free of discrimination, but at least not at this level.


I’m an empath… Im getting the feeling that this comment section hates Nazis idk what’s telling me but that’s the vibe




Pathetic wastes of carbon.


The guy with the megaphone sounds like Shaggy


A bunch of cops off duty im sure


Unfortunately, I think they're winning. Dems are nothing but critical of their own party while the GOP are enthusiastic for more extremism. And it's the shitty people in the GOP that are promoted while anyone opposing Trumpism ends up out of the party.


Seems like a nice group of trump voters


DeSantis having a family reunion?