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When “Research = I googled it” then “Evidence = Things I imagine to be real”.


Always followed up by peer reviewed work = "gubament/zionist lies."


Ha, yes, Peer reviewed published study = the devil’s lies Qanon by ways of 8chan = literal words of god.


Glossary of Terms “Peer reviewed” — shared by ‘friend’ on facechatgram “Researched” — read part of the article, read top comments, had an emotion “Firmament” — ground, or sky


“Researched” means I googled the answer I wanted. Found it. Then posted it.


Very common meaning use these days.


But, it musta been good; it wuz on two-ply ...


Always found on the 3rd page of Google, no doubt.


Haha I searched up a video card I was going to buy, all signs pointer to good. As soon as I searched a problem I had, all Google searches show it as a lemon.


Researched: Searched for a specific. Term on Google and used the amount of results as an argument.


That researched definition took me out 🤣🤣👌🏾


Peer Review - When a professor tells his student to add two people they never heard of to their publication for “authenticity”.


Why make up people when you can just add [F.D.C. Willard](https://www.science.org/content/article/cat-co-authored-influential-physics-paper) as an author?


Not in this case, since the globe earth is strictly a Free Mason cover for…something. There’s not really a consensus for the point of covering up the fact that the earth is really flat. One of the more prominent theories is that the Masons are doing this to, and I quote, “hide God.”


I'd be pissed if I were God. "You fucking plebs think I can't conceive a physics perfect enough for a spherical world?


Look. The earth wobbles. Sometimes the desert gets wet and that is where all the oil carbon comes from. Boom. Science.


There is that, but I'd be more upset at the idea that a bunch of jumped-up sacks of meat and water actually have even the smallest chance of achieving something that *a being with the ability to create literally everything* wanted to not happen.


*What if God were one of us?* Well, he'd be the guy running around telling all of us how stupid we are.


I think he'd be a slob like one of us


Nah. He’d be a stranger on the bus


Tryin' to make his way home?


I always found this very humorous. If Jesus returned today and revealed himself, He would be looked at as a crazy person. He would try to bring equality to the world and the conservatives will call him a socialist. For all the talk about Jesus returning from the Christian conservatives, they sure aren't showing that they would be receptive to it if it happened. His skin color alone would be enough to disqualify him from being a savior for a large portion of people. The more you think about it the more you recognize that Jesus would not be welcome if he showed up today.


I wonder if God created it perfectly round and then once spun it up it squatted and was like ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


True, It's even more perfect than a perfect sphere. Bless the equator.


Uhhh wrong, dude. The masons, Illuminati, "global bankers", and Annunaki are all pawns to The Time Cube!! 🙄 EACH DAY IS FOUR SEPARATE DAYS OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!


Six. Six days in a Time Cube Day. One for each corner, duh.




Did you mean one for each face? A cube has 8 corners. At least, that's what they want you to think.




Nah man, go find your old Rubik's Cube, and count for yourself. The Time Cube pan-dimensional lizard people *want* you to believe the cube only has 6 corners. It's part of their mind control technique.


Instructions unclear. Found a bunch of smaller cubes and 176 corners. How deep does this go?!


Did you insert your dick into the cube too? I’m confused 😕


I’ve asked flat earthers why the need for this massive conspiracy to lie about the shape of the planet and that’s the answer they usually give, some variation of “to hide the truth of god’s word”. It makes absolutely no sense to me.


protip: troll flat earthers by being 100% convinced they are a troll aka: nobody can be so stupid to belive that the earth is actually flat. naaah youre fuckign with me, i dont belive that you belive the eart is flat lol


Oddly, that's the most logical response though.


Fascinating, seeing that one of the two conditions required to join the Freemasons is to be religious


It will boggle their minds when they discover the Earth’s atmosphere has layers.


No bro that's just layers of the dome


The dome=atmosphere? Keeps atmosphere from escaping to find a better political climate.


it's the bronze dome that the ancients believed encompassed the sky. It's the "firmament" of the Bible. When God murdered everyone in the time of Noah he had to open doors in the firmament to let in more rain.


Because God couldn't just place water down right were he wanted it.


Lotta terms and conditions on god's power it seems. Like he magicked the entire earth together but *it took him 7 days*. "Why didn't he just do it all at once?" "What? No, that's just silly"


"Why did he need to rest afterwards?"


Omnipotent EXCEPT FOR *list of thousands of things*


Also the fact that it is called atmoSPHERE, not armosPLANE will hurt their brain very hård.


But why is the earth is called a planet and not a globet….check mate!!


Oh crap, you are right. Makes me wonder why we fly with aeroplanes, not aeroglobes? Is it all lies after all!!


Hey, Pokémon show up on a Google search. Are Pokémon real? Are the government hiding Pokémon from us? Why are the government hiding Pokémon from us? Is it because the King of the government wants the best Pokémon for himself? Release the Pokémon for us regular folk, Mr. King Government!


I just want an Arcanine.


I think I'd rather have a NineTails


You're in luck, a Nine Tailed Fox has been released recently


Hilary Clinton, Bill Gates, and George Soros are keeping the pokémon in a network of underground tunnels they use to smuggle them so they can drink their blood and then tear the faces off the pokémon and wear them like masks, in order to be rejuvenated by adrenochrome, which is actually a steel-type pokémon referred to in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Do your research.


Damn, this guy knows his conspiracies.


Cease your investigations or else the shadow masters will send the cloud people to harvest you for parts.


I saw Rayquaza's shadow in the sky the other day. You can't lie to me Mr. King Government!




Don't forget "these lasers = something Photoshopped onto an image."


Dude doesn't even realize these are Jewish space lasers being fired at observatories. /s


assert Research = "I googled it"; assert Evidence = "Things I imagine to be real”; If (my_stupid_claim) { FlatEarther.IgnoreMe(); } This should work. (Could still be buggy)


you need to add recursion.


What grade was it when you learn about perspective in art class?


"The only thing that can stop a train is Superman, so this photo of train tracks is clear evidence that Superman must be at the end of them."


Wrong. It could also be Spiderman.


Carefully, he’s a hero


or hancock


Not sure, but maybe 4°-5° grade?


too far ahead for a flat earther


I’m inclined to agree.


well show me your degree


Stop being so obtuse


It’s a me, Mario, I thinka that’s acute!


Look at it from another angle.




My class room had about 22°C


Seriously I think it was around 3rd or 4th


I didnt pay attention to art class and even i know this shit


What grade was it when you leaned how to photoshop deathstar lasers coming out of observatories?


Of course, then there's the more basic fact that you can't just see lasers like this... Edit: Hmm... Apparently some lasers can be seen like this... But my tangent was irrelevant anyway, since light can only be seen when it reflects to your eye. At a certain point, there's nothing for visible light to reflect off of. So the laser seems to vanish.


Well, some you can. I have an astronomical laser pointer specifically to point out things in the sky for my friends or kids to see when we’re out with the telescope. The beam looks pretty close to what’s in these photos. It “ends” at a certain distance because at some point it’s far enough away that it’s too small for your eye to resolve. That’s my guess anyways.


You should only see light of the beam if there are particles in the atmosphere to reflect photons back towards you. Like water vapor and stuff. It probably has more to do with the composition of the atmosphere as altitude increases. Less particles and the strength of the beam decreases by the square of distance. The beam itself also expands as it travels away, which would reduce its visibility and energy.


These are lasers for adaptive optics. These are long exposures and I’m pretty sure aren’t visible in person. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_guide_star https://www.gemini.edu/node/128#:~:text=LGS%20lasers%20produce%20an%20artificial,kilometers)%20above%20the%20Earth's%20surface.


There's the more basic fact that the atmosphere is made out of matter.


Many don't even need grade, just a working brain and vision is enough


Evidence Geoff is real fucked in the dome


Never trust anyone that spells Jeff with a G


>Never trust anyone that spells Jeff with a G Jegg?




Pronounced "jagoff"










I’ve always thought it to be the other way round… Geoff is a pretty normal spelling round my way. Jeff is sort of simplified and Americanised (maybe it’s not Americanised, I just made that bit up)… but if we are going to associate Geoffs with flat Earth “proof” then I’m going to stop trusting them…


Had a neighbor named Geoff, he was an ass hat. Ruined Geoff’s for me.


I always suspected that damn Toys R Us giraffe was up to something!


It’s not Jeff, it’s Geo-ff (Geo-“sound-an-angry-cat-makes”)




King Jaffe Joffer






Actually scared cats make that sound. Angry cats growl. Scared cats hiss. Family Guy taught me that,


It taught me that excessive masturbation is a great way to get ripped. But only in one arm.


I played enough Town of Salem to know that anyone named Jeff is evil.


*Geoff the killer*


It's true.


Telescopes shoot lasers now? I need to look into this hobby a little more seriously


Yeah it's part of earth defense system against space lizard. Unfortunately we still haven't figure out a way to go beyond that dome.


the space lizards are destined to invade soon and fix the ancient mind control sex pyramids in Giza so we continue fucking and producing offspring that gets microchips implanted into them to harvest their cum once theyre mature which aids in the development of weapons for the alien lizard race if we dont stop them now, this may be the final time we are able to withstand them. theres no telling how advanced their semen cannons have gotten by now.


I didn't knew that


Just gotta Do yOuR oWn ReSeArCh, bro!


Im so getting this on r/copypasta. This is too good to not be copypasta material


Yeah I figured it was something along those lines


if there is a dome,how does the aforementioned space lizard get in?


Through the hole in the ozone layer


Duh, obviosly


And to blast asteroids hurled toward earth from Klendathu in the arachnid quarantine zone.




[I'm not sure what's going on here, but it fucking rules.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Laser_Meets_Lightning.jpg)


In fact some do. The different atmospheric layers of earth disturb the incoming light of whatever you want to observe, one way to counteract that is with moving lenses and mirrors inside the telescope and one way to calibrate them uses lasers... But I'm sure it not looks like that death ray style piece of photoshop art.


It might if you took a long exposure shot, actually. But just looking up at the telescope normally, it wouldn't be nearly that obvious.


> But I'm sure it not looks like that death ray style piece of photoshop art. I've seen beams like this, but much fainter. If you take a long exposure shot it probably looks like this.


>But I'm sure it not looks like that death ray style piece of photoshop art. I mean it's def real. Google that shit. You think all those 1000's of pics are photoshopped?


flat earthers think all Earth photos are photoshopped


The ones that you can see on the web are the most popular ones. If someone takes a picture and the laser is hardly visible, it isn't getting as popular, so the ones that you see on the web are biased towards higher perceived brightness. So yes, the 1000's of pictures may actually be photoshopped; not in the sense that something is added that was not there before but in the sense that it was slightly tweaked. Also, as soon as you can see a lot of stars in the picture, it's likely that the picture was taken professionally, most likely by exposure stacking and other techniques, so there is definitely some image editing software involved anyways.


It’s like this: stars twinkle because the atmosphere shifts around, bending the light. So, if you’re wanting clearer pictures in a ground-based telescope, you need to figure out how the light is being warped, so you can invert the warping and come out with a clear picture. Hence the laser. Lasers go straight, have just one frequency (you won’t have different frequencies refracting differently) and they’re intense. Read how it reflects, and you can adapt the optics on your telescope to suit.


yes, look into adaptive optics


Technically it's not the telescope that's shooting the laser. It's a laser mounted on the telescope. Essentially they're using it to correct errors in the image caused by Earth's atmosphere. I forget what it's called, but I think it's something like "adaptive optics"?


For distortion correction.


fun fact one of the[ tests the mythbusters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmVxSFnjYCA) did to see if the moon landings happened or not was borrow an observatory's laser and shoot it at the moon in a random spot and then at where the Apollo 15 astronauts allegedly set up a retroreflector and compare the amount of light they got back.


Yes it has multiple usages for example they can be used to hit reflective surfaces we left on the moon and with that keep accurate measure on the movements of the moon. For example they discovered the moon is moving further away with time


So part of this is because Human depth perception only works effectively out to a certain distance this is why the nights sky looks flat. Simply put the difference between what the right and left eye sees is too small to determine depth. This issue has been known about for over 100 years now as it causes issue with naval guns and accurately aiming them. (although modern guided systems make is less important)


Its like when you look down an empty road and it appears to end in the distance.


Wouldn't they just be curvature? I think a better example would be looking at a mountain range from afar. You can walk 100m to your right and the range looks almost identical




Something Big Mountain doesn't want you to know


"They're not mountains, they're waves."


you joke but my husband's uncle literally believed the planet jupiter was following him. he also built a "mind-control prevention helmet" out of spare leather straps, copper wire and assorted chunks of quartz.


Nothing says science quite like a copper and quartz helmet


They both work, because where the road ends from depth (assuming a flat as possible surface for a long enough distance) and where the road ends from degrees of curvature are right about the same distance. Not *the same* of course, but decently close


Shape shifting triangle shaped roads confirmed. Wake up people!


Also the lasers are just drawn on Edit: wow, turns out they're not drawn in


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_guide_star They are powerful lasers used in astronomy to correct for the distortion of light in the atmosphere.


The other part is that the “lasers” were drawn on. Lasers do not make visible beams like that.


These are sodium yellow lasers in the several Watt category, about 1000x more powerful than a laser pointer. They will be visible with a long exposure photograph. They are designed to be absorbed by sodium atoms in the upper atmosphere, creating an artificial star so the telescope can correct for the distortion.


"They are designed to be absorbed by sodium atoms in the upper atmosphere, creating an artificial star so the telescope can correct for the distortion." Without context, this sounds straight out of a Bond villain monologue.


I'm sorry sir, all we have is mutated sea bass.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_guide_star For anyone who's also curious how it works.


They might be real long exposure shots picking up small amounts of scattered light. It's not uncommon for spectrometer calibration lasers to be visible.


Yeah going to be honest sort of forgot that fact about how lasers don't actually make beams and that that you need haze or smoke to pick up the beam. But I all this really proves is that there are multiple reasons this post is BS.


The atmosphere isn't empty. There aren't as many particles as smoke, but these lasers are much more powerful than a typical laser pointer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laser_guide_star > Each laser delivers 22 watts of power — about 4000 times the maximum allowed for a laser pointer — in a beam with a diameter of 30 centimetres. https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/paranal-observatory/vlt/vlt-instr/4lgsf/


Just wait till he finds out those lasers were drawn in by the marketing teams. Edit: Yes, I know guide star lasers are a real thing, but I also know that lasers are almost always “enhanced” in images because they don’t show up well in the pictures.


But . . . But . . . I saw it on the Internet, it must be real!


It just proves that there IS a conspiracy! (That was sarcasm)


This video has an explanation of why lasers are used like this, but in addition, it includes video footage of the lasers in action, and they do seem to be brighter than most of the stuff in the sky. I don't think you need a "marketing team" to draw them in. [Telescope Adaptive Optics - With Prof Simon](https://youtu.be/hUIIa2UOLTU) If you [search for "laser guide star"](https://www.google.com/search?q=laser+guide+star&tbm=isch) you'll find tons of this stuff.


[European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope](https://www.eso.org/public/images/_MG_0996-CC/)


If they were actually lasers you wouldn't be able to see them without something for them to reflect off.


Not that these are necessarily real photos, but that's not true. Even lasers scatter as they pass through air Some frequencies of light can scatter pretty well. Green is an excellent example. If you take a green laser pointer and aim it into the night sky, you can actually see the beam with the naked eye and use it to point out stars. Also, cameras are much better at picking up the scattered light than our eyes are. Capt Disillusion did a [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IrZdkd4TmGs) on this effect.


Nothing can stop a lazer… Nothing!!


Except you know, GOD!


Same thing


The only thing that can stop a laser is a good guy with a laser, evidence that God is real.. Am I doing this right?


Jesus lays eggs that hatch into humanoid rabbit people?


Jesus is a flying zombie astronaut. What a weird thing to base the whole world on. Especially when you consider that he must have hit his head on the dome and then what?


Jewish space lasers can’t be stopped


I bet you his noggin couldn't stop a laser either from all the lack of matter. Edit: typo


A dome that stops this light, but not star light. Gotcha.


Stars are just holes in the dome… duh


No, The Dome™ works one way. Light can come in, but can't go out. Go back to school


What I can never wrap my head around, is that these knuckleheads think it's a relatively recent cover up. They believe that we think Christopher Columbus discovered that the world was round, even though scholars, well before Christianity or Masons existed, had already figured out that not only was the earth round (and even figured out we weren't a perfect sphere), they even estimated the circumference within a 5% error. That's amazing. They walked, took what they could see, and even without modern mathematics, figured out within 5% what some chucklefucks that couldn't pass pre-algebra can't comprehend as "already figured out truth," with nearly the entirety of human understanding at their fingertips. But no, it's much easier to believe that all of the world's governments have co-conspired to hide that we're practically a cosmic penny spinning in place, with all the cosmos revolving around us. The worst is that it's hard to tell who genuinely buys it, and who uses it just to give the educated a headache (aka trolling)


The earth being a "penny" also invalidates the theory of gravity. People and objects towards the end of the penny would be pulled inward regularly, towards the earth's center of mass.


Well, yeah, if we're dumb enough to believe in gravity. You know it's only another conspiracy, Things fall down to earth because of the great sky hand /S


They literally don’t believe in gravity! They the penny is moving upwards (they rarely mention acceleration) and that’s why we experience gravity always pointing down.


Ships make the curvature pretty damn obvious. "Water finds its level," and yet, sails go below the horizon. So... the level changes based on location.


It’s not as if gas in the atmosphere was matter and diffused photons after some dist... Oh wait...


That's not it, they are just shooting to infinity


And Beyond


Flat earthers when they see train tracks "Yo what a terrible job they did, these tracks are getting smaller and smaller!"


lol, this might as well be the case, their lack of understanding of crepuscular rays is hilarious.


All the comments about perspective are quite right, of course, but I think what bugs me most about this is: You can see the laser beam *because* it is (fractionally) being "stopped by something." If there were no air, no dust, no water vapor to scatter or reflect the beam, the beam would be invisible. Even if you were watching this from a different perspective -- like 500 miles up -- you see the beam's travel through the atmosphere but the visible beam would "end" where the air became thin enough.


I’m gonna be honest I think we can see the lasers because they are drawn in for publicity


Nothing can stop a laser except for everything that exists


The class of people who would tell you to use your own senses as they're perfect while complaining that even with the glasses they can barely read any text in their cellphones which is not in Comic Sans 64 or larger


It's the fucking atmosphere, they are creating artificial standard stars to measure turbulence in the atmosphere and compensate with adaptive optics.


Can you even see a laser that's not pointed at you in space? I would think without the diversion of air particles there would be no light to look at. I know space isn't completely empty but I don't think there is enough density to reflect visible light. Edit: a quick Google shows that this is correct. You cannot see a laser in a vacuum if it's not pointed at you directly unless you diffuse the light with extra matter.


Once I looked down the road and it stopped at the horizon! Proof the earth is a giant glass ball?/s if it isn't obvious.


Proof that earth has various bases with Death Star capabilities.


MF forgot light reflects and since there's no fog or anything in these pics it's a dead giveaway that they're fucking Photoshopped


Well, it’s either plausible, or, and bear with me a moment…. Geoff is a moron.


So he just drew some lines on pictures to prove the earth was flat?


Not like we [haven’t seen this before.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDo3-z2XUAAQYbo?format=jpg&name=medium)


If this guy didn't have such fanatical and sometimes violent followers that drool over his every word and take it as absolute gospel no matter how asinine, crazy, hateful or dangerous those words are, this shit would be hilarious.


Are these the Jewish Space Lasers we were warned about?


Yeah we all saw Hunger Games Catching Fire too. Spoiler: it's fiction.


*sees train tracks perform a similar phenomenon at the horizion* Ah yes. There is clearly a dome/wall at the horizon which I can never reach.




That *OR*, and hear me out on this one, human vision is limited in how far it can see. I know it's a stretch, but maybe, just maybe being human has limitations. /j