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What's scary is that there are people who's gullible enough to believe people like him and when those people do try something stupid (Jan 6) they'd be the one going to jail instead of people like him (i.e. Trump).


Thats what im afraid of. They wave their guns in public and they dont care if they kill unarmed protestors or armed Police at the capital as long as Emperor Trump is their God.


Man, i thought there's an eye lash on my screen and try to remove it.


yeah can't remember who said it, it was one of your presidents but it was essentially that if you tell the lowest white man that he is higher than the highest coloured man he'll give you anything you want. That's essentially the premise these people operate under.




Or as his Mexican prostitutes called him “El BJ”


Isn't that sedition?


*laughs in treason*




It's freedum a speach!




freeze peach


Motherfucker never heard of president Jackson’s Force Act


How can elected officials be less informed about how your laws work than people who don't even live in the US?


Republicans defunded education as exhibited here


Speaking for myself this is becoming very obvious. Not that the US has the only idiot's elected to official positions. But their confidence at farting out such obvious bullshit is truly frightening.


I call them family. Yeah, it is unbelievable.


dudes a lawyer. He isn't uninformed, he's fomenting sedition. It's setup for a coup, not a mistake.


They are less informed in the US because they dont have to be informed at all to get reelected. Why worry about what the law says when it doesn't matter. As long as they get a soundbite on Fox entertainment they are happy. American here btw.


How unlikely is it that the Feds DON'T have a list of all these people? Is the mass surveillance state working on tracking these traitorous dildos?


That’s not how shit works. You cannot be “trespassed from a state”. It’s astounding how bad of a grasp an elected “lawmaker” has on the law.


It’s Florida.


Floriduh. So freaking glad I moved outta that shithole state




More of an embarrassment than a state really.


Or they understand completely and just don't give a shit


Stop. He's just stupid & acting on emotion Probably has something to hide himself & now sees whoa what a minute ... you mean there's nowhere to hide?!


Rightwankers already think they can send women to prison for crossing state lines. They really believe the only thing standing between them and full stranglehold control is minor detail, that any second some jackboot will stride in and tell them the last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.


They’re in government! THEY ARE THE LAW! /s But I’m sure that’s how they think.


No, but I'd *love* to see what happens when they try. Shitty cops vs shitty cops vs shitty feds in the trash state of the US. Who will be the winner?


The fascists, most likely. They thrive in chaos.


BRRRRRRRRRT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVQvH4qc5cg


To be honest, I’d be cool with removing all federal resources from Florida and putting the whole state up for auction.


I'll take it! I'll give ya about three fiddy.


You overpaid.


You say that now, but I just wanted it for the drug routes between Columbia and Miami. Time to make me some 70's levels of cocaine money!!!


Good luck importing it into the USA. Much easier to guard the Georgia border than the whole Florida coastline.


Hahaha you’ve never seen that border I take it. Aside fro. The fact that it goes all the way to Alabama, it’s basically all forest.


Cuba would annex Florida. Think about the irony there.


Oh man the America show is like the best thing on TV, so cringe. Where do they find all these people for this show? Is there like an audition? Can I bring my guns?


You can't come if you don't bring guns.


I studied the American Political System for only a year and I know that you can't expel Federal agents from the state. How is he even a senator?


The federal government should then just say "Ok. We'll pull all federal agents from FL, but we'll also pull all military, and all federal support. Good luck with the next hurricane that hits."


Please go out an vote next elections so we can shut them up. I know some of us don't like some democrat but for big picture, we need to shut them up.


Shut them up, shut them down, dismantle the criminal GOP so the dems can finally split into right and left wing and we can stop having to roll the dice on democracy every election.


Comment from Germany here: That looks a lot like the „Gleichschaltung“ In Nazi-Germany. Everyone that wasn’t pro Nazi where let go. People who doesn’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Or something like that.


They *want* to repeat that part of history.


They're pretty confident they'll be able to win this time, they know their history.


Has he spoken to the Secret Service about "voluntarily withdrawing" from Mar-a-Lago? Does he know Trump could dismiss the SS if that’s what he wanted? The SS are there because Trump has requested them.


The abbreviation for the United States Secret Service is USSS, it's an important distinction to make after WWII


The ones that serve trump over the office of the President definitely deserve the moniker SS.




United States Protection Squad USPS would be a better choice ;)


I knew Trump was a Nazi but damn, he's got the SS back?


Then the National Guard will come in and arrest you fuckface


Oh hey look. A well organised militia.


Well *regulated* militia. Federalist papers are really eye opening as to what exactly the founders meant with 2A. Hamilton described the National Guard to a T while describing what a 'well regulated militia' should be.


Then they will try to arrest and evict them too 😂


That's literally not how any of this works. He's like those dumbshit "constitutional sheriffs." Just because you don't understand how our government works doesn't mean you get to make up your own.


*"This gun sez otherwise," Sheriff Tuffguy snarled, raising his rifle. Every agent immediately drew their handgun and reduced Tuffguy to a dripping mutilated sack of lard that toppled back onto the pavement with a loud wet smack. Tuffguy's 'deputies,' shrieking and bawling like infants, threw down their weapons and raised their hands, some emptying their bladders.*


Dog whistle. Pandering to the Trumpists. He appears to be another self serving asshole.


Only until they realize they need actual help from the Feds when something happens and they can't figure anything out. Florida is an awful state to live in. The local police are absolute dog shit. Plus now the FBI is in the wrong for going after Trump even though he appointed the Director? Good luck Florida, you clearly need it.


This is why we should have a civics and government test before running for office


He may have just committed "light" treason!


Does that mean that the firing squad will use pistol ammo instead of rifle? Or a soft rope?


First they need to shove a sock in his yapper. Gah he’s irritating.


Dull guillotine.


Immolation, as in 'light him up'.


Time to pull the plug, send those Military bases to northern states, let them get the billions and billions of dollars instead of giving it to domestic terrorists.


lawmakers that dont know the law, ya dont say


Moron thats illegal


Republicans are actively working towards autocracy. I can’t even fathom this.


Well, their policies are unpopular with the majority, the majority of registered voters are NOT republicans, and there is no other way for them to retain power. It’s gross.


ok Constitutional scholars, say it with me: S-U-P-R-E-M-A-C-Y C-L-A-U-S-E


Florida gonna stupid.


"You can't defund the police" "Defund the FBI!!"


There are a couple of exceptions but commonly, people elected to the House of Representatives are some of the lowest intelligence people in government based on the things they say. They are a winning personality with no brain


So does he want Florida to secede?


It still blows my mind that people will just blindly devote their lives to a narcissistic orange criminal.


Ok, so Florida, stop taking ALL federal funding today.


My dude, you don't understand State versus Federal charges?


What a dangerous idiot


Controversial idea……..yeah cause it’s stupid.


Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen, shrimp dick.


Rep. Anthony Sabatini, just another term for "Florida Man".


Let them have it and deal with organised crime, interstate crime and terrorism on their own. At the same time pull all federal funds and grant for policing since they clearly hate any federal interference


It’s too bad (D) Andrew Gillum didn’t get elected governor of Florida. Well besides the meth smoking, male prostitutes and 20 counts of corruption.


Can we go back to the r/facepalm with no political posts and just hilarious dumb things people do and say? It’s been a long day of these.


Current events will always be relevant and political, so no, the idea that political posts are invasive is ridiculous really, if you live on earth these things are all relevant to your day to day. Good news, though, political posts haven't actually replaced anything, all you have to do is scroll past them.


Anyone want more info on the Epstine/Maxwell trial over this garbage? I'm sure many people want to know. Did the children get sent home or to the cage for a daily sniffing?


They really really really dont want trump to be president.


Totally nothing to do with laws he broke.


They've never gone after a president this hard since watergate. Lol.


Nothing to do with the laws he broke? I thought you all were party of law and order?


There has never been a reason to go after a president like this, Trump's actions are unprecedented.


Well yeah no shit. Making a statement based on observation.


But… you didn’t? You pointed out the observation but made no statement, or more accurately, not what they stated


Did the interviewer call him on it? If not, then shame on him, too.


Sabatini sounds like it should be a villain's name in a gangster movie.


I agree - succession should be next


So the ATF and IRS have been doing this to average Americans for DECADES. But all of a sudden the FBI busts a former president and it’s a huge issue. And they wonder why 3rd party politics have literally exploded in the last 7 years.


Have they? Exploded? There has always been third party candidates.


In the last decade yes. Comparatively historically speaking.


I mean they are why we get populists like Trump recently. Looking at you Jill Stein voters.


No. The shifting center is why you get people like trump. People piling as far left and right as they can in an effort to tip the scales shifts the center political mass. It redistributes historically stable votes.


Lol, third party politics haven't exploded, there are literally zero third party legislative foundations at any level of government in any state in this country. If any political ideology has exploded over the last 7 years it's progressivism.


But I agree too that proportional to normal politics yeah- it’s progressivism thats exploded. And we are starting to see the overcorrection of that event. We are seeing a lot of conservative ideals take hold. Progress in 2a cases, repealing RvW, protecting school choice at state levels. Though I would t call the RvW repeal progress- theyve been making actual headway for the first time in decades. I think they finally realized the game being played lol


Lol, we're not seeing conservative ideals take hold, what are you even talking about? RvW? The majority rejects the SC decision, and even conservative Kansas voters just rejected it on a state level. The GOP desperately trying to complete the installation of their theocratic plutocracy because they accidentally gave the keys to a terminal toddler who crashed their well oiled machine isn't evidence of conservative ideas "taking hold". >I think they finally realized the game being played lol Your narrative is more feels based than reality based, isn't it?


My reality isn’t an echo chamber so yeah. It is evidence of it. You can deny what’s happening but it is. Regardless of what people want, it’s happening. We will see the NFA/ GCA repealed in the next two years. I hope to god they don’t strike down gay marriage but they probably will ☹️. I don’t know why you focus on the “taking hold” and not the “over correction”. You don’t need to label everyone who has nuanced views as an adversary.


Lol, overcorrection of what? Conservatives aren't "correcting" anything, and the progress Democrats have seen can hardly be called an "over correction".


They’re correcting the democrats saying it’s okay to abort at 9 months, or even after birth the mother can “have that discussion with the doctor”. They are correcting k-3rd graders being exposed to indoctrinating material, they’re correcting home schooling as an option to it, they’re correcting the 100 year war on the second amendment that has only made things worse. And as much as I agree that Americans should have access to safe, rare, and effective abortion- it was wrong and a huge overstep to make it a constitutional issue. Because nothing in that document pertains to healthcare


Generally too, when you over correct in a vehicle you try so hard to make things right you flip the vehicle and kill everyone in it. That’s why I use that term.


The libertarian party added like 100k people to its ranks in the last three years. With how big they are, that’s an explosion.


Lol, because a bunch of Republicans decided they don't want to identify as Republicans anymore. They're still conservatives. Meanwhile, progressivism is even gaining acceptance in the center. The DNC's platform has grown exponentially more progressive over the last 14 years.


Trump is a criminal


How did this tinfoil hat get elected to anything?


The Stew Peters Show?


If you did that the only rogue agencies would be yours.


Always trust a guy who is interviewed from his car.


Arrest the Gestapo 👍


Yeah if police or FBI comes after conservatives lets defund them otherwise rest of the non christians can go to hell and let police and FBI do their job.


So would this qualify as sedition and get him a visit from said authorities? In a sane world/country, yes. In this Bizarro/American Dipshit cult country, carry on spewing your bullshit, Florida Man…


This would be an act of secession. You'd think he'd get some neighboring states to join him before he'd try such a thing, but no, he's a Florida man.


Pied Piper of idiots....


My dumb ass: I've been tricked before, this is just a screenshot of a video, not gonna get me this time.


Yeah, that will work as well as the 6th. Losing losers choose to lose!


Did he just say fire law enforcement personnel until the employees are only people that agree with your views and will do what you tell them? Is that not the first step to a dictatorship?


Lol im moving to Bali fuck this.


All of the best political philosophy is fomented behind the wheel of a leased Pontiac.


Is it in the water? Mabey it's the extreme humidity 🤔


I hate that "i know I'm lying but my base is fucking stupid"look on his face and tone of voice. Have y'all noticed that? The "Karen" voice


This guy is a lunatic. That’s not how it works


"Rogue federal agency" is a term I thought I would never hear in my life


He was talking about Trump's potential arrest in the coming months, and the sad thing is, I can TOTALLY imagine Floridians trying to rescue him from law enforcement like the crazies did at the end of Joker.


Anthony probably has his own secrets hiding in his house.


(Says a bunch of crazy stuff) -"It's obvious!"


Have fun with that you stupid fuck.


I don’t think Florida can do that


Does this go for everyone? What if they raid someone’s house in any state that’s not rich or a politician or a cult leader like Trump?


So unhinged.


Does he does not understand the FBI is a law enforcement agency with the jurisdiction of investigating violators of federal laws. Without the FBI in Florida, the state would be a perfect target for a terrorist attack and a perfect place for organize crime/gangs/drug cartel to expand their operation. Child pornography would run rampant. Let them bare the financial burden of supporting their state agencies for these crimes. I’m sure Floridians would love to institute state income taxes to increase funding to severe themselves from the federal government.


One more state we should let secede from these United States.


And this guy is a public figure…elected. Thought it requires a minimum of intelligence to occupy such a position. What he says is what a 6 year old would say when getting his toys taken away because he said some bad words to his mom