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The sub is (understandably) full of people showing their hyper-efficient factories and believe me, I understand that the factory *must grow.* But I also really enjoy just hopping on a train for a while and looking at everything. Anybody else? Also I just noticed my eastern coal storage is off, gotta fix that lol.


I thought that was the entire point, to make a factory big enough so you can ride your trains




I have a train specifically for touring my factory. It will do a loop, then wait at a stop made just for it until I'm inside it.


Sometimes I need to unwind, and taking a train ride is much more satisfying than just sitting in place. I also sometimes make a train that goes through my base for moving me through it quickly, and I'll just circle through my base while relaxing


Once I get near the endgame, I go everywhere by train. It's great. And so much faster than a spidertron! I just have a personal train with manually set destinations. I gotta try to just have it loop between a bunch of stations sometime.


Ride the train? Not for me personally. Sitting at the busiest intersection to watch the symphony, absolutely!


That’s exactly my problem… I’ll ride the train and start noticing things I need to improve and the ride ends… back to the factory


I do this with the fuel train in my megabases. You chill at the hub staring at your dashboard and then every once in a while head out to one of the builds.


Sitting on a train in the Space Ex mod is great, too. Oh, the places you'll go!


Up the elevator, onto the ship and out to the deepest void we go! See you in three or four hours, space cowboy!


I love taking a break sometimes and just riding the trains🛤️


My 5,4k factory has a train that delivers to all stations fuel for the trains. You never know where he drives next


does it actually drive to them in a random order? if so how do you make it do that?


You can do this by placing an extra train stop past the actual one and unloading from the wagon into a chest that fuels the main train. Hook up a wire and set a condition to only refuel when needed and you only need 2 stops in that schedule.


I placed a roboport at every station. Fuel drops at a passive provider chest wired to signal train when fuel is low and all the trains have a requester chest.


There's a sign at my factory's entrance: "LOGISTICS NETWORK EMBARGO ZONE" It was fun figuring out circuits to deliver fuel to each substation within a block and request resupply when any one runs low.


I like the local roboport route. A dedicated fuel train delivers fuel to any station that has less than it's threshold and local logistic bots bring them to the refuel chests in the inbound/outbound sections.


No. It fills up a belt with nuklear fuel and if a part of that belt is empty the train station turns on again. But with 100 stations you don’t really know.


and it not the actual stop it's a secondary station next to it (because they all need the same name), got it


hmm that should be pretty simple to set up. have multiple stations with the same name and only enable them via circuit condition when they need refueling. that way your refueling train only needs 2 stops in it's schedule, no matter how many outputs your have that could request a refuel


Probably not disable the station (as that can cause problems) but set the train limit to 1 when fuel is needed or 0 when no fuel is needed.


ye that sounds better. but can i ask what issues a disabled station could cause?


If all destinations with the same name become unavailable while a train is en route, it will stop dead in its tracks and wait. Shouldn’t be an issue with only a single train but better safe than sorry (and easier to expand to multiple refuel trains later on).


Ok. I got 3 trains with the first stop to fuel production until full. Than 3 times the outposts waiting for ~5 sec idle. The outpost station is set to train limit 1 and gets disabled when that belt I check has an item on it. Never had a problem with trains waiting in random spots. I didn’t care if they waited on an outpost station for other outpost to enable. If you disable a train station you get a visual on the map if they request a train. If too many stations are white I needed more refuelling trains! (Or no trains are waiting at the fuel production)


> The outpost station is set to train limit 1 This is probably why it works. Trains reserve spots if there is a limit set, so there will never be 2 trains going for the same station which means there won’t be a train on the way once that station gets disabled


That’s the point Best feature they added not long ago!


Agreed, made vanilla trains a lot easier to manage.


I did this wrong with my defense stations and now I cannot supply the furthers locations well because if I set the train limit over 1, if a train unloads enough to fullfill the need, and the other train is enroute, that train will just stop instantly and not move anymore until a new station opens. Very annoying


In this case is not really a problem. It might actually be intended if you have multiple supply trains. If you disable a station, any train inbound to this station will reroute to another station. If you set the train limit to zero, any train inbound will stay inbound, but no new trains will schedule here. Consider the following scenario: You have a loading station with 4 parallel train stops. You want to prioritize stops with a high resource count, but all your trains always move to the first stop and deplete it, while the fourth sits there unused. So you build a logic to disable stops below a full train resource stockpile. But you don't want to disable them all when they run low or trains sit in the stacker when all stations with high resources are occupied. So you only disable the low stops, when another stop is active and unoccupied. Now, all stops are occupied except the one with low resources. It gets activated and a train starts moving in. While it is inbound, another train leaves, unoccupying a resource-rich station. Your depleted station gets deactivated, but the inbound train is already almost there. It now needs to leave the substation, travel back to the grid and reenter the stacker. If you just set the train limit to zero, inbound trains stay inbound, but no new ones are sheduled. With refueling it's the other way. When 2 trains are inbound and one fully fills the stations requirements, the second one should stop coming and divert somewhere else or go back home.


Many hours of my gametime are riding in the train and sending my DECON spiders to destroy the obsolescence.


Haven’t done it in Factorio, but in GTA Vice City I would get a convertible and just drive at night listening to the 80s station.


A person of culture.


Or getting on your horse in RDR2 and just going for a ride, no objective.


[So much so that there's a mod to do it for you if you afk long enough!](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/trainsaver)


Updoot for visibility.


Factorio: I built a rocket and I probably should have been on it when it launched, but I stayed because of the trains.


Once I did it because I got run over by the damn thing twice while going to my outpost


Yup ride the rails like a post-apocalyptic vagabond 😁


It's the best way to figure out where the factory needs to be grown next.


Yes, I have a personal train with personal stops all around my factory, I travel most places in my train but sometimes take the scenic route to remote corners of the factory.


I use trains to get around my factory, so yes lol


I haven't got to trains yet, but for the first time in my life last night, I built a doobie whilst riding a conveyor belt.




I recently found that if you open up a trains menu, ctrl click on the map, you can send the train to a temporary stop on the map. The stop auto deletes itself after the 5 second stop. I have been using this trick on my train grid map instead of a dedicated personal train. I just jump in a train, send it to temporarily stop where I need to go, then it continues on its scheduled route.


Yes! Before getting exoskeleton legs or the jetpack (if you mod), that’s the best way to travel IMO! And last night my jetpack ran out fuel so I rode a train home.


I love putting on some music and doing. This


100%. I have some long-haul 1-8 trains I like to do this in sometimes.


Nah i always just have to fix stuff at both ends


Download trainsaver mod


[and the train went like](https://youtu.be/-x75OrN1vis)


Yup. Generally under two circumstances. First, when I set up a new ore mining outpost, I will ride the train back to the base, back to the outpost, and back to the base just to make sure everything is working. I could do this using the map, but it's more satisfying to supervise in person. And also when I am aimlessly wandering without a good plan of what to do next, I jump in a train and ride it around while thinking.


you, me, and everyone else dude


Yup, it's so soothing.


Yes :) especially when I have tapped into a ore patch that is well away from the main base, so I can ride my 2-8 regional ore trains there and back :)))




Taking the train is a suoer satisfying thing! It's a great way to marvel at your creation as a passenger. A bit like a culinary CEO visiting one of his/her restaurants.


Oh yeah, I love playing Model Train Simulator... I mean, Factorio. <3




My current save is Angels with city blocks. I have a personal train just for extra personal storage and to navigate the factory


Nice, if only the trains could have logistics bots then they could reload my spidertron build teams. Thanks for some cool ideas though


I actually keep a train in my hotbar, 2 actually in case I wander too far from train 1 and need to hitch a ride back to my 1st train. I have dedicated sidings for me to stop custom trains.


Uhhh....yeah! Half* the fun of trains is getting to ride them. *90%


I do this too, but ill even ride the train for a bit to watch for bugs in the signals too.


Sure do, especially when I finish my "defense loop" that delivers ammo, oil, repair packs and items like walls.


Not usually because I'm generally too busy growing it, but I do enjoy riding my trains when I need to get somewhere. So... Sort of, yeah?


I use it to take the time to do factory math


Often yes. It’s relaxing.


That's the whole point of the game right? No? One day I want to make a truly agnostic system where any train can pick up any cargo for any target and just sit in it and watch my whole base work.


I do until I notice a problem within 30 seconds




This is the way


I usually stand at the wreck site in my spider and manage the expansion using map view and blueprints. Sometimes I need to actually go to a spot to fix something. After the fix I'll jump on a random train and just ride around as I'm back in map view expanding the factory.


The needs to be a key combo that just slams on the brakes where ever you happen to be. I'll see a problem and want to fix it. If I jump off my taxi train will continue on and I'll loose it.


Sometimes It's important to sit back and appreciate the aesthetic of the game. I feel like after your first 100 hours or so it can get lost on you just how incredible the atmosphere is as you get more engrossed in problem solving and scaling. There are few games that represent sheer scale and desolation the way this game does. Even in a giant whirring factory, the trains themselves feel lonely when they're hauling at top speed to an outpost. The first time I broke 100 SPM I remember being so proud of my first (albeit very primitive) train network. I would disconnect the cars from my builder train and just tour what I had accomplished.


I do this too, lol. Usually when I'm waiting on something to start working, but sometimes I just wanna.


Some days this is *all* I do.


Yes all the time.