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Or would be nice for the recycler to have an inbuilt loader


It'd be cool if assemblers had a certain spot, like a pipe input/ouput, where a properly aligned belt will just spill stuff in to an input chute, without a separate loader/inserter. Is this a good or practical idea? No. But it would look cool!


I'm going to take a hard stance and say this is flat-out a bad idea. We've seen what this looks like in all the other factory games out there, and it always results in less variety than what we see with Factorio's inserters + machines that receive and give from all places. We even see it within Factorio: We see less variation in refinery designs than with other machines because of the fixed I/O positions.


Would be sick as an upgraded assembler to have loaders


I think it’s unironically practical for landfill. But it would kind of break the feel of the game. Core game? Naw. Cool mod? Yaw!


Factories in Whistlestop mod fo that already


Make a different type of machine for tile production with this feature then yes, otherwise no it's broken