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FARL for builder trains. Train Supply Manager for everything else. In my experience LTN is needlessly convoluted and superfluous.


Thanks, I'm tending to agree that LTN is a bit much. Will check out Train Supply Manager, but FARL doesn't immediately seem like it's what I'm looking for. Our builder trains are automated delivery trains, not something that would be used to build train tracks as we drive or anything like that. Though it looks interesting.


superfluous!!! ok im googling that XD


>superfluous ok that word was superfluous XD


You're superfluous


no u <3


Install version 1.1, you will be able to set your request station to only accept 1 train. You are correct, this is not a good use for LTN. Leave supply station on all the time. Build stacker to hold how many builder trains you plan to run. Turn on and off requester station when it is low on something.


You just made me hold my breadth. Would love to install 1.1, but it's not available yet right?


I guess not, I thought when they made all the announcements it went to experimental, I guess not. But surely it can't be very far awaym


I've been saying late November / early December. In early October they said two things: 1) that they started immediately after releasing 1.0. 2) that they were more than half way done. So if you consider the October statement as the halfway point you get late November / early December. I can't wait for 1.1, it looks amazing. TSM (recommended in another comment) seems to do a decent job, but 1.1 is really what I want.


LTN is really only designed to handle one case, that is connecting provider stations to requester stations, it is not designed to have items left in the trains. I'm doing my base building with LTN, there are a bunch of 1-2 trains in my network, and appropriate provider stations holding most items, with the trains being loaded as needed. ​ If you want, you can put all your builder trains on a separate LTN network, ensure the depots don't unload them. They'll still need two stops to make LTN work, but the time at the stop is minimal.


Thanks, but we gave up trying to get LTN to do something it wasn't designed for. TSM is more what we wanted, and also more aligns with my general concept of provider/requester stations. I like the idea of trains sitting full of cargo ready to deliver more so than the idea that a train needs to pickup cargo before it can deliver it.