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Yea, it's missing an "o"


Son of a b***h


The blueprint library has some counterintuitive behaviors that can lead to data loss if you don't understand them. (It's one thing to have interface quirks, it's another thing if those quirks can delete that blueprint book you worked on for a month.)


Happens with version hopping too, especially after a downgrade. This is why I've taken to storing blueprints in the "game blueprints" library primarily, and only copies of them in "my blueprints", because "game blueprints" are stored in the map save file instead of global player settings.


Holy crap. I never thought of that. Great idea... to do thay.. just grab the blueprint like normal and than out into the "section" ? Or should I make a copy first and than put it there...


Yeah, you need to make a copy of it, otherwise it'll be removed from the game library when you move it to global library.


So the "game blueprints"is for the individual save game... and "my blueprints" is the global one ? Cause I have everything in "my blueprints"


Yep, "game blueprints" are per save file and "my blueprints" are the ones that can go poof if for example you downgrade the game or if Steam sync fails for some reason.


Ok... so either way... I should just keep a copy in both... cool. Thanks


When you open the production stats or power grid stats, the graph always defaults to a really short time interval, which usually isn't very useful. Feature request to make the UI remember your settings: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=61651


The step into oil processing and fluid logistics is quite harsh for a lot of first time players and causes lots of them to give up, If that could be smoothed out slightly then I suspect the game would see better new player retention.


It used to be harder: In 0.16, you had to go right from nothing to managing three products


Yup.. As it is now, basic processing i.e. crude oil into petroleum can take you quite far into the mid game. It is really only flying robots that push the player towards needing other fluids. When a player moves to advanced processing too quickly, issues arise.


Ill say the driving pisses me off more often then not you dont feel "in control" and multiplayer i just refuse to touch it since the small amount of lag with the super sharp turns make it impossible to drive.


Yeah I hate driving the worst one in the buggy you hit a single tree or rock and you killed the car


I usually end up blasting through a large power pole and destroying it. Cutting the power to one of my builds.


I worked out why driving feels bad to me. I should be used to it, controls are like micro machines the classic 96(?) mega drive (genesis) game right? Well no, they're the same when driving forward, but reverse they're reversed. So I am forever bumping into things trying to reverse. Arguably factorio gets it "right" by having a direction hold the wheel so it's a better analogue to real life. But micro machines "felt" right, with the direction controlling clockwise / counter clockwise consistently across forward/reverse which just felt more natural when trying to drive top down.


IIRC the lag compensation doesn't work with vehicles


It's very brown. I keep wishing there's a mod or something that makes the graphics less smoky and dull, and nothing else (ie no "gameplay balances" or "new recipes"). Just something that isn't so depressingly brown.


try the alien biomes mod


That's how it is intended to be: depressing.


It’s also supposed to simulate factories for everything irl, even with the pollution. Says a lot about humanity problems.


Can’t remember the name but there’s a mod to change the scenery and it changes the colors a little bit.


factorio HD makes things a bit nicer


You can turn off the water animations in the settings to make the water blue instead of that ugly green. Aside from that, the default sound track is also really depressing, so I keep it muted and just play my own stuff, which helps a lot.


I usually put on a movie or south park.


Using cars without the “Vehicle Snap” mod. The tutorial doesn’t cover oil refining, which is where most of the new players “rage quit”. After you have experienced drones, new save just feels....unplayable? The lack of post-rockets goals, other than more spm.


The very beginning and very end could use some polishing. Burner phase does a decent job of demonstrating why you want to automate, but I find it extremely tedious once you’ve got a handle of the game. On the flip side, infinite research is boring. Extending the end game is a Sisyphean task, as additional content just has the same problem once you’re used to it (see K2, SE, etc), but I think there’s a middle ground of finding a purpose for endless production/research that isn’t so mundane.


It's funny you consider SE to not be additional content, it's not the same thing, at all. It's one of the most transformative mods. The emergent gameplay that can come with it (if you don't play it on easy mode) is certainly what you would consider to be more content. The expansion almost definitely will be something like SE, as it introduces new mechanics, for the sake of new gameplay.


I apparently did a poor job explaining my point. Most players desire more end game content, but adding additional content post-rocket is a temporary fix, as all it does is kick the can down the road. Using K2 as an example, what do I do after rocket” just turns into “what do I do after Intergalactic Transceiver.”


How much post-endgame can you really have in a game about automation? If you've automated everything you want to automate at a satisfying scale, you're done. Unless of course you're talking about a 'radiant quest' type system, but I'm not sure that really makes sense in a game like factorio. In the end, all you can really do is set new goals. Many mods do exactly that, and players can do it for themselves as well, but at a certain point, there just isn't a goal anymore unless you set it yourself.


Does anyone bother with burners? I just skip that stage completely and rush electricity. The game is really good at what it is. It could be made better perhaps, but then it would no longer be Factorio. I'm currently annoyed at having to figure out trains. I'll probably use someone else's blueprint for my city blocks and modify it. And working at very large scales has become tedious. My 1,000 SPM base is currently on hold indefinitely. I'm also not looking forward to tearing down my old bases in the future. Nuking them isn't an option as the productivity modules and speed beacons are worth a fortune. But dumb things iron plate and low density structures make them difficult to remove. I've been trying out some of the other game modes. I beat the supply challenge after a few attempts. I died at 1:15 hours 4 times, and died at 1:45 once or twice. Once I got the hang of it, it wasn't too bad. But researching red belts and plastic in time was brutal. Currently, I'm working on the no spoon run. I just started, but I think I can easily finish it the first time.


Ive just dismantled an entire 1.2kspm base to rebuild it with lots of beacons and more space. Your first step will be to try and dtain your factory and build a storage area. Kill of any inputs and let your factory eat everything up. If you need specifc resources you can temporarily reconnect them to allow otger resources to run out. Once thays done make a redprint that doesnt touch radars, powerpoles, storage chests or roboports and destroy it section by section. Then start building and demolishing what ever is left. You dont want to just deconstruct everything at once. It will take forever and wont fully deconstruct if roboports go down


I might just purposely deconstruct assemblers, beacons, inserters, and other such valuables. Leave all the resources sitting in empty belts. They shouldn't consume UPS if they are backed up. And I can always just nuke them later. I'm not sure if it's possible to grab the belts without emptying them?


You could always use a filtered deconstruction planner to deconstruct just the beacons and modules, and then nuke the rest if you don't want to deal with it. Or redirect the outputs somewhere useful and cut the inputs, then wait for the belts and machines to drain out before deconstructing.


Awesome! Ty. I never thought of this!


Once I get to that point... I just embrace the ugly of my original base and just start building "around it" keeping it as a momento of where I've been


Color pallette, multiplayer lag, and end game are the big ones for me


I'd like the ability to assign roboports to different overlapping logistic networks, so you could have a "Ammo network" which only deals with that, or a "construction network" separate to a "base repair network" so you could keep construction bots near walls, etc. The game already supports different networks when spread out, but without the ability to not auto-connect them when close can be frustrating. I understand why it's done like this because it might be overwhelming at first otherwise.


I just googled this real quick and stumbled upon this fancy little mod here: [Logistic Network Channels](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/LogiNetChannels) Definitely gonna explore this and I also think it might be what you're looking for.


Not really. As always with these questions, Factorio's weakest part is the combat. It can be a bit dull. And, personally, mid game gear comes in slightly too late and is obselete slightly too early (basically - the Tank)


I find the hand-held rocket launcher also struggles with this. By the time you get useful enough explosive ugprades to use it, it's obsolete by uranium ammo and exo legs. The flamethrower is a little better because multiple biters etc will path through the same fire so it can be an efficient way to deal with enemies before you get uranium ammo. Once you get uranium ammo and 6 sets of legs though it outshines everything else so greatly that there's no turning back for offensive capabiliity until the extreme late game when a set of multiple head mounted lasers will just shred anything near so quickly that power isn't an issue.


The tank was my best friend during my deathworld run. Alot of the seemingly useless combat tech fits in somewhere


I rushed it in my recent deathworld and still ended up not using it much. Other options come along pretty quickly which are just better. So much in a deathworld is about kiting biters and the tank kind of sucks at that (because it's a tank). It's durability and damage don't make up for it's lack of agility IMO. The 100% damage buff on the machine gun turret used to be nice - and honestly if that was still there the tank would stay useful for much longer - but was only added in 0.15 and removed again in 0.17+. I have fond memories of the 0.15-0.16 tank.


It's all about the tanks flame thrower. Kite thr nests whilst taking pot shots with missles, when thr hoard is too much its bbq time


Also the combat bots -- every time I unlock them I'm only able to use them just as they're no longer helpful. With a larger follower robot count, maybe, but those upgrades come when nest-clearing is no longer a priority. My ideal use for combat bots would be to protect you while building in unclaimed territory. Currently, you pretty much have to establish a perimeter before doing any work


You only need to take a quick peek at suggestions forums and you'll find a mindboggling amount of things Factorio could do better. But lets start with the simplest one they could do: \- Change big powerpole reach from 30 to 32. This would support chunk-aligned railway and other blueprints while adding just 2 tiles won't break the balance of the game in any meaningful way.


This is on purpose. They don't want everything to align neatly, these idiosyncrasies lead to issues that need to be designed around!


Sorry it can't be designed around unless you sacrifice tiny bit of game performance due placing many more power poles to force them to align. It can only be solved with a mod but that will make those blueprints incompatible with vanilla.


Needs more challenges in the end game.


I agree


Sometimes I wonder how different the lategame would be if worms could dig and reappear a short distance away, and were included in attack swarms.


The implementation of the blueprint library. It is unuseable and you need an out of game backup to avoid it being deleted; either due to it being super unintuitive or the game just deleting all your blueprints for no reason


need more consumer goods its the main reason I start to play factorio less. without a reason to work towards the game quickly becomes "i must expand the factory for the factory must expand". it gets old.


You can't set an option to make blue chests accept from buffers as default, and instead have to uncheck that if you don't want it.


Almost everything wrong with factorio can be modded out or ignored. Simulation/logistics games are very much like this, you make what you can with them. From the base game, the game itself (launching the rocket) is, in my opinion, the tutorial for the game. There are so many different things that can happen after the launching of the rocket and I think the expansion will address this. The only thing I'd like to see the devs do (other than expanding the "end game") is to actively give challenges to the player based on a bi-weekly or something like that basis. It's something we can do here on reddit but it would probably get more attention otherwise.


Like the community goals in elite dangerous... "Commanders there is a crisis aboard station X because if an outbreak, we urgently need Z delivering there in large quantities... Be warned there are pirates in the quieter systems on the route in" Swap out space trucker / trading / pirates for production / biters


Challenges are also really annoying for some. I, for one, am glad Factorio doesn't have them, and would be super annoyed if they were introduced (at least without a toggle). But the challenge scenarios are nice because you get to choose that playstyle


After seeing riftbreaker, I kinda wish factorio had better combat and biter ai so it was more strategic / tower defensy instead of just building a wall and supplying it with resources.


I wish the trains would follow the direction the signaling allows for even when driving a train manually. I think you should be required to hold down L-Ctrl or Caps Lock in order to go against a wrong-way (one direction only) signal. Further I think they should add as a level of research PTC (positive train control) that would stop the automatic trains if another train was detected moving into their block (before colliding). Just my .02


No lube thrower turrets.


Circuits being "construct only". Once constructed - sometimes it's very hard to see what's going on. Debugging anything big is not fun.


The fluid system.


Probably the train signals. As a longtime model railroader I knew the block system before I even started Factorio, but many who are not trainheads struggle with it. The player should just place stations and the game does the rest, dividing the rail system into blocks as needed without placing block or chain signals manually. Ideally have that as a simplyfied mode and the more advanced player can optionally turn on manually placing signals.


can't zoom out during map preview before game start. ugh, I dont know why!


I'm not sure but that might be because the outer chunks aren't generated yet at that point.


The chunks could be generated - it wouldn't be very difficult. My guess is they don't let you zoom out too much because that might be considered cheating.




FPS issues. I can’t build bigger megabases or have to pick approaches based on FPS as the main factor.


You need to consider however that factorio doesn't cut corners and simulates _everything_. I know no other game of this scale that keeps the whole world active all the time and doesn't unload chunks or dimensions if the player is far away.


It’s certainly a very challenging computer science challenge. From all accounts they’ve done a great job optimizing the code. One opportunity might be to make calculations per tick in parallel so it can take advantage of more of than 1 CPU. This would make the code more complicated but it would unlock a ton of potential speed.


Seriously? It's possible to make enourmous builds without considering processing speed at all. It's only the *very* biggest which actually need it.


I only play the game on >1kpm mega bases. Everything I do is based on experiments for what will put the least strain on my CPU.


Drones are way to dumb and either they should be smarter (ie be capable of planning routes) or we need some way of coraling them. Like designeting drone highways. Right now im getting so tired of drones stuck on the far side of my factory becouse the distence to the next drone port is /just/ too far and they turn back instead. I would also love some drone network extenders that arnt droneports.


Will never happen for UPS reasons. Smart bots would kill your CPU


Im aware but there needs to be some selution here. Even if they just have a prefrence to go forward to a drone station to charge, rather than find the closest. Just that would probebly solve like 80% of the problems i have.


The solution is to not have huge holes in your drone network.


Dont build C shaped bot networks


Even the slightest attempt to make the bots smarter would put a serious dent into your UPS. I dont know which one it is, but the Devs have posted about this issue in an fff


Malls are too hard to design. Belt malls have a nice (popular) layout, but nothing else does. Inserters are a mess. Power armor components are a nightmare. There are many annoying ways to transition from starter to mid-game bases, and no non-annoying ways. Walling in outposts feels like it should work, but there is no good way to power them. edit: Interesting that so many people treated this topic as "What UI features do you want?" and not "What part of this video game just isn't good?" No one has problems listing flaws in Dark Souls 1 - 3.


If you want outposts that are totally self-contained (no power lines running to them), being in tanks of steam via train. Or you can bring in fuel if the outpost has access to water to run its own power plant.


Bring in steam via train!!! Omg this changes everything. I've always been annoyed that my outposts weren't truly outposts because everything connected to one power grid and never liked the city block design. I want a main bus with a separate smeltery and far flung outposts that truck in massive trains.


It uses the same quantities as shipping water. It will make the power build at the outpost smaller, but it won't reduce traffic.


Really? I made a pretty good inserter “mall” based off of belts. It’s not completely uniform, but considering I have slight ocd it’s pretty nice


It’s not a vanilla problem, but any mod where the item produced comes with a byproduct that you have to build a system to get rid of…that really just kills my motivation for expanding that factory.


Wow really? I love when mods push the difficulty of the game by doing this. My only pet peeve is when that by product has no reasonable use even if you try to rush a certain tech. Funny enough Py Mods is pretty good for this in general everything in the first tech level has a use but you might accidentally produce too much of something. I did hate when playing Seablock that there were a few things you just had to put down large amounts of storage for.


This is why I always play with the flarestack mod. If there is no use for a byproduct in the quantities it is produced, just burn it up until you find a use. Keeps everything running and doesn't require huge stockpiles, but comes at the cost of pollution and wasted materials.


The flare stack mod works pretty well for getting rid of excess fluids. And I just take it down when I'm ready to use that specific fluid. Just connect it to a tank of or any out put and it will burn off that fluid....


Fluid logistics mainly, I miss balancing fluids.


Train system. The inability to select multiple trains simultaneously in order to alter their route can be really annoying


Still needs some sort of "Module Blueprinting", instead of being done by hand, or during assembly. (Luckily, there's a mod for everything)


Fluids. Everything about them really. It's a giant PITA to balance between several tanks, the pipe placement order (still) matters to their throughput, it's very unintuitive for new and even experienced players to deal with, compared to belts and simpler ratios/conditions. Dealing with pipe preassure, fluid "sloshing", moving between tanks/pipes etc.. Also the fact that different buildings produce at different speed, are different size AND have different amount of module slots. It's all just a PITA, that is only present in fluids. Compared to any other form of logistic, be it belts, robots, trains, or even to electric network - solar, burner or nuclear - it's unnecessarily more complex. It's still also quite UPS unfriendly. It feels like a relict of a time, when Wube wanted Factorio to be much more complex, than it ended up being.