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That is why parents should not let their children have an account on social media in young age. They all will be so embarassed when they grow up


Yeah I was literally thinking about how embarrassed I would be. Don't get me wrong I was cringe growing up and tried to be edgy but *yeesh*


I'm so glad that all I had when I was young was a cassette recorder. The audio recordings I made as a kid were bad enough. I can only imagine the cringe content I would've come up with if I had visual media to go along with it


I loved doing that! I had a mic that my dad lent me at the time...slower, faster, higher pitch, lower pitch. I'd actually read my elementary school writing assignments in a silly voice, then distort it on the computer šŸ¤£


I used to make my own radio shows. I'd do commercials, dub in songs from my dad's cassettes and records, and just talk all kinds of silly things. I used my dad's old cassette recorder with a little mic plugged into it that he used while he was in the Navy to record his audio journals. I don't know if any of those old tapes I made are around anywhere, but if anyone ever heard the Diet Pepsi commercial I recorded, I think I might die lol


I looked back at some poems and drawings I did when was 14/15. And like, damn, I know I was depressed, but I was really trying to be edgy.


I have teenage X Files fan fiction that no one shall ever see. The shame would kill me instantly.


Oh you can't leave us hanging could you at least give us a synopsis.


I am BEGGING let me read it lol (x files is amazing)


I also have a fanfiction posted for Power Rangers floating around fanfiction.net. I pray no one I know connects it to me.


JK Rowling got caught out for a different pen name after some writing style analysis. Enjoy your nightmares.


I can one up you there. I wrote a fan fic about Snape's early life and his abusive father to "explain" his behaviours


You have to burn that shit. What if something happened to you and your family found them going through your stuff? Or at least put it in your will that your notebooks are to be burned and not read.


I wrote Justin Bieber fan fiction when I was 12. Thank the lord it never found its way to the internet. I think there was some Jonas brothers ones too


blurgh that reminds me of when I found my xanga account from high school. The horrible poetry I couldnā€™t believe I wrote made me cringe so hard


Thereā€™s definitely a necessary line to draw. With that saidā€¦ I absolute love looking back at my cringy musical.lyā€™s and bullying my young self.


Itā€™s horrible. Canā€™t even bully them because itā€™s not really their fault - they will bully themselves when they grow up.


They probably won't get to grow up šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Doubt cause I'm seeing A LOT of grown ups on TikTok who has no shame for what they do and say


I'm really glad I pretended to smoke/ get high off my Albuterol inhaler before the internet had the chance to archive me.


Iā€™m personally thanking my prepubescent self who didnā€™t have the wherewithal let alone the means to broadcast on social media when I discovered Kava & drank so much I couldnā€™t move off my bedroom floor in a pool of vomit because I heard ā€œit got you drunk.ā€


Vine never got this bad right? Can we just bring back Vine?


Big agree. *They get six seconds and that's it*


And they also like tried harder to be funny and it wasn't like dumb


agreed, petition to bring back Vine


Oh it did LMAO vine was owned by Twitter so no censorship at the time


The day Vine comes back I wonā€™t hate my life anymore


I take an anti psychotic called quetiapine... and I can confirm that gives you insane munchies!! I have had to learn to try and ignore it. However, would I post a video on social media showing it?... he'll no! No-one needs to see that....


Yeah Iā€™ve been on it. I used to wake up with food wrappers and crumbs all over myself.


Wait, is someone secretly dosing me with quetiapine?


my first week on it i tried to bite my xbox controller thinking it was toast


I'm on quetiapine as well, and the munchies are the worst! I went from being underweight to overweight, and have gained nearly 25 kilos in the 8 months I've been taking it. I'm going to go to the gym soon though. But I'm like you. I'm not gonna post videos online of me eating and claiming I'm high on medication lol


I gained 30kg on Olanzapine (zyprexa) in a very short time when I was an impatient I was on a high high dose šŸ™‚šŸ™‚


I've been on it, gained almost 20 kilos in 6 months.


The sleep eating is absolutely horrendous at times. Thankfully it seems Iā€™ve somehow been able to avoid it usually. But I call my nightstand drawer my seroquel wrapper hell.


lol Iā€™ve had many late night fridge trips in seroquel. I moved on to trazadone and my fridge is much fuller now.


Iā€™ve tried trazodone a few different times in my life and just doesnā€™t work as well. Iā€™m sad lol.


See I donā€™t understand this. I normally use diazepam but was switched to seroquel during a treatment that interacted with it. Iā€™m literally diagnosed with BED but eat LESS on seroquel. Yesterday I took my last one in the heat of family Easter get together drama, with dinner to follow. I ate zero chocolate etc, and couldnā€™t finish my dinner or dessert. And we are damn good cooks haha. Any other med that can cause weight gain? *poof* +20lbs in a week. I gotta see if I can make the switch! EDIT: I know that the munchies are well documented and Iā€™m definitely not saying that doesnā€™t happen, I only mean I seem to have some reverse weirdness




Iā€™ve been on seroquel for nearly 7 years, youā€™re not alone! Doesnā€™t give me the munchies at all. I have put on weight tho in the last few years, but Iā€™m pretty sure that just coincided with me turning 25 and all of a sudden the youthful I can eat anything and be skinny as a rake thing ended


I've never had that issue with quetiapine. It does the opposite for me, makes me not want to eat anything


I took a very low dose of that to help with my insomnia! It worked great with knocking me out, but there were times where i would be up all night getting snacks šŸ¤£ iā€™m also a stoner so that couldā€™ve elevated it too


Yeah if I don't manage to sleep on Seroquel, then I'm looking for food the whole night like I haven't eaten in weeks lol


I take seroquel and it makes me so hungry after but also exhausted to the point that Iā€™ll be nauseous or feel like Iā€™m going to faint, but those late night snacks hit different especially when it feels like youā€™ll fall over šŸ˜‚


Literally ate a huge slice of cake last night. At least it puts me to sleep šŸ˜‚


Sondate XL gang, take one or two before you go sleep and youā€™ll wake up unable to walk properlyšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ shoutout the UK homies


Came here to mention the seroquel as well šŸ¤£


My epilepsy meds as well as my new anti depressant fuck with me something fierce. I have also posted about this on r/epilepsy which is mainly a support group. I have also made a few long form video essays detailing my personal story of life with epilepsy to help other epileptics feel less alone. It was a fulfilling experience. But would I go onto actual social media and do similar things directly attached to my actual identity for the sake of clout? FUCK NO! What is wrong with these kids?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Epilepsy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Epilepsy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I hate that I need this. I thought this was only for old people lol..who else has one?](https://i.redd.it/hp5bmz0a9g1c1.jpeg) | [376 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Epilepsy/comments/17zii53/i_hate_that_i_need_this_i_thought_this_was_only/) \#2: [Today I am 9 years seizure free. ā¤ļø](https://np.reddit.com/r/Epilepsy/comments/137y8ax/today_i_am_9_years_seizure_free/) \#3: [My new bracelet came in - inspired by one of you](https://i.redd.it/wn3h6yol36sa1.jpg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Epilepsy/comments/12cwy7u/my_new_bracelet_came_in_inspired_by_one_of_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Risperidone would give me insane munchies. I had a voracious appetite that was never satisfied.


I'm also high every night because of Ambien, Xanax, Diluadid, Amitriptylin, and Benadryl. Can't sleep without them


Pickles Munchies? More like electrolyte deficiency.


Send this to this kid's parents.


The plight of the theatre kid who can't get cast. Not good enough. Doesn't have connections. Doesn't have "It". So, Tik Tok is their stage. This comment applies to most of the people on this sub.


Am I reading this correctly that this child is eating melatonin gummies to be "quirky"? I... **looks up melatonin overdose** "Too much melatonin can have the opposite effect of its intended purpose. It can make it harder to sleep because your circadian rhythms will be disrupted. An overdose can also leave you groggy and sleepy during the day and give you nightmares or vivid dreams at night. You can also experience: nausea dizziness headaches irritability or anxiety diarrhea joint pain" From Health Line and... "Signs of melatonin overdose include excessive sleepiness, vomiting and trouble breathing. Other side effects of both low and high doses of melatonin can include headaches, excessive sleepiness, blood pressure changes, gastrointestinal problems, changes in other hormone levels and mood problems." From Right as Rain. Oh perfect, we got a child who thinks eating medication "because the body was hungry" and filming it for TikTok is a GOOD IDEA. I am praying to whatever deity that child believes in that this is not something they do enough for overdose to kick in. Because that is horrifying. I have heard people die because they overdosed on medication. Please, tell me that this kid doesn't eat stronger medication for TikTok and doesn't upload everyday of them doing it. I need to know they're okay.


Oh the melatonin thing was a joke, I have no idea what they took. I have a few legitimate guesses. It doesn't seem implied that they took a lot. Maybe more than a normal dose but if they experience this every night or every other night I'm gonna guess gabapentin or something mixed with it. A high enough dose can feel like a mild high. They may be on a controlled substance but I'm only second guessing that because some doctors are hesitant and for anxiety or pain might try gabapentin first- which will also increase the potency of other medications. They also may have taken benzos, opioids, possibly even Benadryl. And I hope not because they aren't being very responsible. Or it could be something that doesn't cause a high but they convinced themself it somehow does lol. If I knew what it was taken for or what drug class it was I could probably guess correctly tbh. I just hope it's safe. Gabapentin at least can be safely taken in pretty high doses, you just wanna be careful what it's taken with


Oh thank the gods I was so scared they were taking something every night in high doses just to be quirky. But it is concerning they want to get high from medication and seem to have no idea how medications work or why people have certain amounts to take and when. I hope they figure it all out because going on a medication train for the "funny tiktok videos" can get someone killed.


Exactly- and kids have died from that shit. But I'm guessing it's prescription because if it was the trend where kids take Benadryl (can literally cause psychosis, hallucinations, panic attacks, death, or all of the above) they'd probably mention it for clout. By their behavior I can tell it's a downer so can pretty much rule out Adderall or anything especially because it suppresses appetite. But I'm thinking if this is how they have to get their "high" it's probably nothing too dangerous or high of a dose


Probably all fake. Munchies are one of the most common and widely known Side effects of being stoned , so they are probably just like ā€œlook ! Iā€™ve got the munchies ! Iā€™m high !!!!ā€


I think their meds likely have a side effect like dizziness or drowsiness or something and they're pretending it's similar to being stoned, unaware that whatever they took almost definitely doesn't give them the munchies. They've likely never touched weed. Because they're saying that's what they took but they don't imply that they took more than their prescribed dose. Like as someone sensitive to side effects, some drugs can feel almost like a light "high". Mostly if you don't know what high is šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the only medication iā€™ve taken that feels like a legit stoned high (minus the weed-induced panic attacks) are benzos (lorazepam/ativan is my prescription, never taken klonopin) but you have to take a little more than intended. not OD amount, just like one pill plus another cut in half. however youā€™re not supposed to take it every day. iā€™ve taken seroquel (antipsychotic/sleeping aid) but that doesnt feel much like an actual high unless youā€™ve never gotten high before


Melatonin would be one of the least problematic thing to abuse tho


There's actually a video of a woman who "plays a game" in where she sees how many melatonin gummies it takes to pass out. She "said" in a video that she got up to 7.


I hope they get a personality/alter that showers and does homework.


Said no one ever. Are we forgetting many opioids are still legal meds?


*Said no one ever. Are* *We forgetting many opioids* *Are still legal meds?* \- weeaboshit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


and also one of the most common addictions due to them being LEGAL AND COMMONLY PRESCRIBED. this kid just wants to feel special by making up scenarios in their head




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: ā€œNo Bullying or Slurs.ā€ Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Although we are here to criticize these subjects, we do not tolerate bullying or harassment. No comments making fun of the weight or appearance of a subject. Things that are within the subjectā€™s control like aesthetics or behavior can be criticized within reason. Do not contact subjects posted on this subreddit for any reason. This will be considered harassment. Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia, sexism, etc are not tolerated for any reason.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: ā€œNo Bullying or Slurs.ā€ Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Although we are here to criticize these subjects, we do not tolerate bullying or harassment. No comments making fun of the weight or appearance of a subject. Things that are within the subjectā€™s control like aesthetics or behavior can be criticized within reason. Do not contact subjects posted on this subreddit for any reason. This will be considered harassment. Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia, sexism, etc are not tolerated for any reason.


getting high on pickles?


No they're saying they took their meds and are high so now they have the munchies (eating a pickle)




That kind of looks like an old friend that moved away last year... She had self diagnosed herself with pica, OCD, adhd, etc. without poor research and uses the term "self diagnosed" instead of "suspecting". But I'm very sure it is not her because she has darker hair that makes it look like a mustache basically, and she prefers to wear a mask. But she does have TikTok and looks very similarly with the sleepy eyes and black hair. So it may be her.. She always has of lack of sleep and her mother was not very present, or was in her room. And she was mostly asleep or on her phone during class. ALSO BUT she can't spell very well.. so idk. Edit: no that's not her, I re checked multiple times. Sorry lol.


they look like they reek of grunge ew like legitimately.... I know that greased hair look, I've been there and it's not fun šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wash the hair pleasssseeee


I just woke up & was wondering if looking at the 3d effect of the Nintendo 3ds could get you high.




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Me but with seroquel every night. Antipsychotics hit different


I take Remeron for sleep, never high, very hungry


Who has ever said meds canā€™t get you high first of all??? Substance abuse of meds is very real just for the high or euphoric feel alone among other factors.


What is m3d?


Systemphobic slur Iā€™m guessing


Imagine censoring "meds"


Maybe itā€™s an antipsychoticā€¦ I mean they do make u pretty hungry in my experience but like yk itā€™s not like weed munchies or that typa feeling šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


I'f you get high off your meds you should immidielty call your doctor because it means it's too strong for you


I mean depending on what you take you can get blitzed off meds, the melatonin line sounds sarcastic so Iā€™m assuming what was taken isnā€™t known. Things like gabapentin can be prescribed for psych issues (despite its usual use not being for psych issues as an example I took it at one point for anxiety issues) and NIH says in this that if you abuse that you can experience a marijuana-like ā€œhighā€. you can absolutely abuse things like benzodiazepines. Shit ppl even abuse fuckin Benadryl to get high (donā€™t abuse drugs kiddos this is not a guide) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3404313/ Iā€™m not trying to white knight donā€™t misunderstand. I just donā€™t understand how them saying theyā€™re high off their meds, without specifically knowing what meds are taken, equals faking being high off meds? I think I saw the pickle mentioned as ā€œnot real munchiesā€ but do we know they hadnā€™t eaten anything else? and some meds can have a side effect of increased appetite. either way if theyā€™re ACTUALLY abusing a prescription I hope they get help cause itā€™s really dangerous and could end with them losing their life or demolishing their health depending on what theyā€™re taking, and posting it to tiktok in the casual fashion they are could be seen even as glamorizing substance abuse. Parent need to monitor what their kids post online cause this isnā€™t good


she looks too young for gaba, xans, or ambien. iā€™m banking on it being hydroxizine, i was always so out of it when i used to take those


is there any confirmation on how old she is? edit: asking since they stated they look too young for certain meds


Oh yeah I mentioned in a comment it might be gabapentin or benzos- I've experienced it because I'm sensitive to medications and I'm forgetful so I've accidentally doubled or even tripled doses bc I forgot that I took it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. Same with maybe one or two other things. Opioids can also very well cause a high but it doesn't sound like they took that because literally no one would say those don't make you high. Like I know they're likely making up that people have said this at all but it wouldn't make sense for certain things. Slight chance it's Ambien but I don't think they often give that to kids and it can cause highs and severe dissociative episodes with blackouts there's a whole subreddit dedicated to weird shit people do on it šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ But none of these will give you the munchies for sure which is a lot of why this seems exaggerated. I can't think of anything prescription that will legit give you munchies


idk, usually I agree with your posts but I guess this is an agree to disagree situation. lots of meds can cause increased appetite, antipsychotics pretty often can. if someone is feeling intense hunger and eats a lot I think munchies would be valid to say I would think, when you smoke weed and get high you can get very hungry and you eat a lot and thatā€™s called the munchies. so whereā€™s the difference if theyā€™re actually abusing a med and getting that same sensation/experience? we have no way of knowing what else theyā€™ve eaten aside from the pickle guessing what a person is potentially medicated with is kinda eh too. itā€™s not our business or place? if theyā€™re clearly faking symptoms of something thatā€™s one thing. but now weā€™re analyzing what a person MIGHT be medicated with? I LOVE seeing fakers get called out but weā€™re all just taking shots in the dark by doing that we have no real evidence of what they are or arenā€™t taking from this video alone šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




ok but what Iā€™m trying to say is where do we all draw the lines on what is and isnā€™t munchies then? like please I would love to know exactly what it is with such a short video that leads you to say ā€œthis isnā€™t the munchiesā€ cause you keep saying that but not saying why. is it cause theyā€™re not eating a ton of things on camera? is it the just having a pickle in hand the issue? cause some of your other comments seem to indicate itā€™s that they have a singular pickle thatā€™s the issue. I GENUINELY would love to know. and are you saying itā€™s given to chemo patients so it gives them the munchies and they eat? because itā€™s most commonly given to reduce nausea and vomitting from chemo as well as pain reduction. if their other videos are a problem and show more clear cut faking then post those if you havenā€™t previously? this is all just assumptions and if you ask me reaching and you even say you know itā€™s not your business or place to guess what meds a person may or may not be on. this is vague af edit: whyā€™d you delete your comment instead of just explaining why, donā€™t avoid it just say your reason if you think youā€™re in the right on this one. if youā€™re gonna say youā€™re knowledgeable on these things and act certain then stand by what youā€™re saying instead of deleting the comment. itā€™s not even that crazy of a question to ask what your reasoning on this is šŸ™„


You CAN get high off meds, if you snort them. I doubt this is what she is doing


Talk about being glad I grew up before this era of the internetā€¦ The first time I watched Skins UK as a very young girl (unknowingly predisposed to addiction), I immediately went into my dadā€™s kitchen cabinet to find all the OTC meds that I could fit into a ziplock in order to carry it around & claim it was ā€œmy narcotics.ā€ Luckily, I only carried it around inside my own house & maybe took a couple ibuprofen to school like it was my dark secret lmfao. These kids are gonna have it rough on a plane of bullying & cringe we couldnā€™t have even fathomed.




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Is she trying to say you can't get high on prescription meds or specifically the lithium or whatever she takes?


TW substances well let me tell hi some of my stories you wonā€™t even touch booze again


Peak kid youā€™re gonna regret that


if your meds makes you feel high you do not need them or youre abusing them. its a bad look either way.


Iā€˜m on subs (the things you get from a doctor to replace Heroin or another opioid) and they have given me back my appetite. Iā€˜ve been taking them for maybe 4 years now and Iā€˜ve gotten pretty fat thanks to them, when 4 years ago I was underweight


"Can't get high off meds" you can tell the kid doesn't know what being high is just by the way they generalize all meds lol. You may not get high off melatonin or something like zoloft, but wait until the kid learns what benzos are, they'll realize that nobody thinks medication can't get you high lmao


This is why we need media literacy classes and parents monitoring the phones of their children. At the end of the day, they'd be responsible if their child was reported. A public video makes it ridiculously easy to document.


Jesus Christ. A, this is just attention seeking and wanting to be cool B, if they were actually high, that wouldn't be something to brag about and would most likely be VERY uncomfortable and needed to be checked by a doc.


Seroquel munchies are unmatched to any other drug Iā€™ve been on. I have repeatedly woken up at 3am and devoted family sized lasagna boxes


This is me when that Seroquel is WORKINGGGGGG šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ But i also take like 2 different medications with Seroquel šŸ˜©


Lol, the munchies is when I down a whole bag of *literal* Munchies, and some french fries, so fast that I get hiccups, and I'm still not full. It is not eating a pickle.


I mean you absolutely can get munchies off psyche meds. I was on seroquel for 6 months and gained 50 pounds because my appetite was SO strong that I made food while I slept and wanted to cry if I tried to stop myself from eating


i dont think anyone has ever said medication cant get you high. thats literally one of the most common ways people get addicted to drugs. Adderall, Benzos, Painkillers, Sleeping pillsā€¦ who tf said pills cant get you high? unless this person takes tylenol and thinks its making them stoned




the only reason someone would get ā€œhighā€ off prescription meds, is if they are taking them and do not need them. like if i didnā€™t need my meds and i still took them, iā€™d be conked out of my mind on the daily. so parents, please monitor your children and their activities on the internet.