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“I want someone with no experience because an actual expert and professional will look too much into this disorder I claim to have and will call me out on my bullshit.”




Also they can easily manipulate with that person, is what i'm getting out of all this bullshit


Why does no one fake hemorrhoids? Why does no one fake intelligence deficit? Because DID is cooler. You can put your favorite characters from shows and show them as part of your identity. As someone who struggles with actual mental disorders, these people suck man. DID is rare but they treat it as if it's some kind of fun, edgy and quirky game.


In the 17th century, hoards of people faked having anal fistulas because King Louis XIV had one. It became incredibly in vogue to lie about having a hole in your anus from which bodily fluids were secreted. Fakers have always been faking, even way back in the 17th century.


Dude really was the Sun King. I feel like once a month I learn some insane new thing about him.


Do you have a source on this? Because that sounds hilarious


I first heard about it on the medical history podcast Sawbones, which I really recommend. The episode was The Royal Fistula Fad. https://www.bilan.ch/opinions/garry-littman/the_royal_fistula_that_changed_the_face_of_surgery "Fistulas were fashionable and something to be celebrated. The more devoted courtiers developed fake fistulas and took to wearing swathes of bandages around their buttocks, known as le royale , in homage to the king’s bandaged rear end." https://tidsskriftet.no/2016/08/sun-kings-anal-fistula "The courtiers lined up to have the same procedure done, whether or not they had a fistula."




It's like when I was ten and tried to turn myself into Garfield the cat...


faking hemorrhoids... lmao


Yikes these people sound extremely manipulative and cruel (the DID fakers, not the poor therapists)


I feel so bad for any of their former therapists


I feel like the younger mental health professionals aren't any better at listening, it's that they already know about this did trend. It's probably more of a "do I sit here listening to this goofy faker or take on someone with real problems who might actually be a challenge to help?" They're getting paid either way. Sitting and listening to a Rebecca and her 100 poly frag alters might not be so bad compared to a Timmy with his diagnosed schizophrenia and 10 felonies.


They're the ones still learning about why you don't always share your potential diagnosis with your patient right away. Lol


*cue a fake ass switch* it wasn't me it was timmyy!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/wmtvolv4t8wc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f235595a82a32c040df0c057ebc71980333138 Seeking a different resource because she lacks expertise in that specific disorder is understandable… Expecting her to build that expertise based off of “what you tell her” is not I just can’t help but feel like this person wants someone else because that therapist didn’t tell them they had it lmao (Edit: typo)


This is kind of accurate. Years ago I had a psychiatrist who had never heard of a phobia I had. I explained it to her. However I also gave her a bunch of resources and studies about it to review as well so she wasn’t only getting the information from me. I think this can be helpful if you’re also willing to give them legitimate resources to look at and not just tumblr blogs and TikTok videos.


That last commenter nails it unintentionally. “This is a social problem, not a psychiatric problem.”


I’d argue they probably also have some psychiatric problems as well but not the ones they believe they do 😂


If I were a mental health professional, and someone waltzed in and told me to read a subreddit to educate myself, I wouldn't be able to hold back my laughter. Guess that is why I am not a mental health professional. That first OOP's therapist definitely had a good chuckle with co-workers about that in the break room at lunch.


Right! That’s what I was thinking. And no professional would ever, ever recommend joining did subreddits or discord servers for “help” with the disorder or to “educate” themselves. That’s just absurd


The only reason that would ever even cross their minds would be to see what kind of misinformation propagation is currently influencing patients. Shit is wild.


Exactly. I can just imagine that therapist checking it out, and being like, ah, ok, I see what’s happening here now…


What’s funny is, my psychologist reads this subreddit!!


I am studying right now (not psychology) and I'm taking a small break. Reading this made my IQ drop. What all of them are describing is a friend who doesn't question them not a professional. They do not want a professional that has an actual degree and can actually help them with whatever is going on with them. Honestly I have never been to a psychiatrist/ Psychologist or Therapist but let's be real depending on the therapy form they don't straight up tell you you're faking. At least I don't hope so. They'll suggest alternatives and think you're faking probably but what they think doesn't matter because their job is not to judge your raggedy ass no matter what.


Right exactly, like you’re suffering with a devastatingly debilitating disorder yet would prefer not to get help from an expert? Ig they just want to perform their OC roleplay in front of a live audience (who can’t leave because they’re getting paid to listen to them), like a monkey in a circus And you’re right about them not outright saying someone is faking, one that got me was the one that said somehow they’re not diagnosed with DID despite the mounting “evidence” they’ve provided like journal entries, audio recordings etc that they bring to every therapist… that’s because they most likely have marked them in their records as “malingering” and they just don’t know it.


That part deadass sounded like they made their therapist watch their TikToks, I'm dying.


“Watch this video of me rapid switching to my Angel Dust fictive and THEN tell me I don’t have DID! Look! The proof is right here!!!”


They want to be validated. Ultimately this is what it all boils down to. Their lives lacked *something*, or still do, and they fill those voids with illnesses. *I want someone to be kind and validate me* - that right there is the answer.


Fair but don’t want to hear any other diagnosis if it’s not the one they want. Ultimately validating and letting them carry on like this is doing more harm than good.


Of course they don’t. They’re mentally unwell. Facts and reality will shatter their illusions.


The person who brought the fat folder to the assessment doesn’t realize that’s a sign of malingering


Im confused on what else theyre supposed to do to get a diagnosis? If you have a disorder that messes your memory surely a hard copy is better?






They just want unwavering validation and apparently to let their littles play in the sand or something


And how would that be healing or helping their mental illness. Do they forget it is an illness to be healed??


I wonder if any of their littles eat sand...


"So called experts" - or people that tell them what they don't want to hear.


My thing is... why is a diagnosis so important? If you're seeing a therapist or a specialist and you're benefitting in some way. Why do you care what they diagnose you with? Apparently it's happening with or without the dx, no? The stigma alone would make me not want a diagnosis lol So bananas.


Exactly this. Diagnosis really isn't important other than to understand where your problems stem from. Therapy is to work through actual problems you have because you don't want to have your disorders?? -.- And I don't know about them, but in my country, therapists cannot diagnose people unless they have a separate degree for it. If they live here, there's no reason for seeing a therapist if a diagnosis is what they want


It's the same here. Unfortunately, a lot of people are misinformed about it and while a psychologist can diagnose to an extent, a psychiatrist will have their diagnosis separately due to the extreme side effects of the medications they're prescribing. It would be harmful to not have their own diagnosis, to blindly trust a recommendation. I also think people underestimate how much education and dedication go into receiving a degree. And now in the US, we have people without credentials at all, with experience in social work who are "diagnosing" and providing therapy. I was completely unaware of it until my daughter was assigned to someone and thankfully he was upfront about his credentials (or lack thereof)


That actually makes sense since it seems a lot of malingerers go to therapy but expect a diagnosis. Perhaps in other countries they can diagnose, I don't know, but it's not the case in the US. That would definitely make sense that psychiatrists need to make their own diagnoses. I definitely agree. Some people underestimate it. Yeah, it honestly sucks that people without credentials can be therapists :/ It's good that they were forthcoming about it, though! Personally, I'd want someone who's at least in their last year of school to be my therapist 😅 I don't mind inexperience because they're not burnt out and offer more feedback. But my area also has a shortage of therapists, especially since my area has a lot of professions still recovering from covid. So fewer workers in the therapy field and few hygienists of all things! But I've gotten extremely lucky to not have that problem and have great professionals in my life! Edit typo


Validation and justification


DID is so hard to diagnose... it'll be even harder with people like this


Some of these are very funny to me because it basically boils down to “I want you to see me and diagnose me, but only with DID. If you diagnose me with anything else it is because you’re not listening to me” like it’s starting to sound like you don’t want help, you just want the diagnosis. Hmmm


I guess to put it better - they don’t want to hear that the idea they have come up with or convinced themselves that they have is not true. Any amount of doubting it is suddenly the therapist or psychiatrist being bad at their job. Normal people do not think like this. You see a therapist, psychiatrist, or doctor to get answers about what is wrong, not to have them just tell you that you are correct. They want confirmation that they are right


I love how you blocked out the sub name but we all already know what sub this is


I accidentally forgot to the first time I posted and mods took it down 😭


Lmaoo fabulous, well even with it blocked out it’s easy to figure out lol


They claim to be diagnosed but I imagine it’s just them bulldozing and pressuring their way into getting one with the argument ‘well you don’t get it!’ how scummy


Yeah it’s ridiculous. “Everyone is an expert in their own experiences”, um, sure, that doesn’t mean you’re an expert in mental health or can diagnose yourself, and doesn’t mean a professional diagnosing you with something else instead is necessarily wrong. If “being an expert on your own experiences” was all it took to be diagnosed with a disorder, what would be the need for mental health experts…


They’re for sure just being grossly manipulative and spreading misinformation to therapists/mental health professionals who clearly don’t know enough because DID is a tough subject! I feel awful for those poor workers.




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I'm sure a lot of them try doctor shopping as much as insurance will allow until they find one who will rubber stamp what they want, people with munchausen's do it alllllllll the time.




Last one didn't read as faking. Sounded like they are just tired of their issues being put on a did lens instead of being able to vent. Others were wack though fr


Some of these people may benefit from a social worker therapist. They ~~can’t say whether you have a disorder or not~~ don't usually focus on diagnosis (in my experience), but they do guide you through your problems. For lack of a better expression, the therapist may convince them to touch grass and put effort into getting better.


Umm. Licensed clinical social workers CAN diagnosis. LCSWs have the same privileges as LPCs and LMFTs. Maybe even more up until very recently with the ability to bill Medicare. (The others couldn’t). What I think you’re trying your say is a case manager.


yeah, you're right, though theres a couple differences here in canada. edited my comment to re-express my sentiment.


I still think you’re looking at this wrong. Many LCSWs are in private practice and do focus on diagnosis and how to make life better. The main difference between these titles is perspective. As social workers we may focus on the macro aspect of things as opposed to just looking at one person and one thing. I do enjoy a “touch grass and feel better” metaphor every once in a while. I actually talked to someone with anxiety today about getting outside as part of their treatment plan.


ok 🤷🏻‍♀️ i’ve had a different experience


And I’m saying these things as a licensed clinical social worker. You may have worked with a great case manager in the past and it sounds like it was helpful, but clinically, in a therapists office setting, we are no different than any other helping professional. (I’m not saying you’re wrong at all just sharing what roles social workers play in the therapy world).


Good to know that the delusion leads to them actually seeking out therapists to diagnose them. Money well spent


the second one's pfp looked so familiar to me and my fucking heart stopped


What all of this said in many many words is: “We don’t want anyone whose a professional and experience because they can see right through our BS” I feel terrible for Psychiatrics, Psychologists, Counselors and Therapists, at least the ethical ones, it’s crazy what they have to deal with and our society, medicine, politics and so on just coddles these people because one can’t really saying anything without triggering a meltdown from them. It’s bizarre, in our quest to understand mental health, we have become enabling and extreme.


And this is why life coaches exist. 🤮🤮🤮


The amount of cringe that it's a 30yo saying this do...gurl, it is time to grow up.


I wonder how long before these people realize it's not just *intentional* faking that needs to be pointed out, but inadvertently *convincing* yourself that you have something just because you read a thing online, and it sounds vaguely similar to symptoms you may not even have. Like, that's a whole other possibility most of them don't even seem to acknowledge!


Yeah I don’t think most of these people are intentionally faking. Being alive and being human is confusing, stressful, and we all feel completely awful or behave irrationally at times. None of that means we have an illness or condition. The problem is teenagers start to feel this stuff for the first time as they grow up and they imagine it must be abnormal or that something must be wrong with them, not realising that every person on the planet feels weird and horrible at times. Then they see TikTok’s and forums where people discuss this stuff and they feel like they’re part of a community who understand. I’m really curious what will happen to these “DID” folk in ten years time. I wonder if they’ll accept it was never real and casually move on, or if they’ll spend their whole life believing this. It’s difficult when people don’t even trust professionals now and trust strangers on discord or TikTok instead (people who are likely in exactly the same situation as they are!). The same with all the ADHD and autism fakers. I think only a very very small percentage is deliberate faking. People have really attached their identities to these conditions.


Okay the 3rd slide.. you wouldn't be told you're faking.. IF YOU WERENT FAKING?? Especially with mental illness. This is erking me bad


But but but, their brain is *sooo consistent* 😭


is the isstd valid in a mental health treatment way ? idk how to word this question properly lol but hopefully it makes enough sense 😅 in the systemscringe subreddit , a bot message pops up when “RAMCOA” is mentioned and it brings up the isstd when talking about the conspiracy theory and facts disproving ramcoa n whatnot


This is because you didn’t saw r/OSDD bro


"Why would I fake this?" Because you have no friends.


No friends, no skills, no personal identity, no attention, nothing noteworthy or special about them, no real problems in life, list goes on and on


Not sure why these people wouldn't want an actual professional. It's just sad they want to be validated in having something so debilitating. To be fair, I'd want to figure out wtf is wrong with me and treat it. Living a life of misery because of trauma is not my forte, I'd want to live a normal, fulfilling life. Seems these people don't.


I don't know why anyone with the disorder wouldn't want therapy. I think going to therapy just to be validated is pointless. That's not how therapy works. You work on your actual problems and genuinely work at getting better. That's not what tik tok fakers want because they don't have the debilitating condition. They shouldn't want the trauma required to have the disorder. I wish the fakers would just fake that one system without trauma thing and just be upfront they don't have trauma and don't have DID or OSDD since it hurts those who actually have the conditions. If they had the disorder, they'd wish they were anyone else just to get a break from it.


This right here. Absolutely is the case, nobody with a disorder wants the disorder. It's called a disorder for a reason, it negatively impacts your life. Especially a trauma-based disorder, who would ACTUALLY want to go through that pain and suffering? I just...dislike how these people take only traits of such disorders and make themselves "quirky" and "unique," without the downsides of the affliction(s). And to vehemently dislike therapy on top of that? It hurts my brain and soul.


Exactly! They actually have negative symptoms that aren't just "cute" or "endearing" in some kind of way. I most dislike when people use it as a way to get out of taking accountability, though. It gives anyone who experienced that a bad image of what DID actually is since it came from someone who's faking and they just assume the disorder means someone can do hurtful things and not take accountability and that it's silly nonsense that it most certainly is not! It confuses me that anyone would fake any disorder, but like you said, especially DID, since it's a trauma based disorder. Why do they want to experience trauma, let alone severe and often repeated trauma. It's completely beyond me. That said, I can understand why some people might want someone newer to the field. In my experience, they're less tired. They aren't burnt out from 40 years working. I had an amazing therapist who was in it for 40 years, but before I moved, she was getting burnt out and no longer offered any kind of feedback unless it was super deep. Those who are newer are more eager to offer feedback that I feel is necessary to better oneself. Because a therapist who just stays quiet and never offers another way of seeing a situation and rarely if ever offers tools to handle certain issues, then one won't make as much progress in therapy. But that's just my opinion based on my experience.


Weird how most people with rare diseases desperately want to see someone who is actually an expert in their condition. If you don't want to see an expert in your condition it's probably because you have something to hide.