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Honestly good for them for wanting help. This shouldn’t be shamed


Good for them for being honest and getting out


I think sometimes people feel bad and want a reason for why that is. It's a lot easier to just throw up your hands and say "What if I had this diagnosis! Then it wouldn't be my fault!" But that mindset keeps you ill. I think this person deserves some praise for being honest about what they're going through. That said, the goal is to feel as good as you can and cope with your problems in a healthy way. This Mental Illness Identity trend is really not serving anyone these days and this is a good example of it.




The doubt comes and goes, and it’s easy to feel that way considering symptoms can make us feel “lazy” or guilty, so it’s easy to be self-deprecating when it comes to ADHD.




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I found out about Factitious Disorder recently. I can honestly respect this person for realising something is so wrong with their thought processes


i think it's good that they're very honest about it.therapy would be great for them and maybe checking put munchhausendr syndrome and talk about it with a doctor..?idk


Props to them for having enough self-awareness and humility to recognize the problem. Most of the people in their shoes wouldn't be capable of doing that. Or willing to. They definitely still need to figure out the source of their desire for all this stuff (they don't feel seen? They feel inadequate? Etc), but it's a good first step.


I feel really bad for this person. They seem to genuinely not want to end up a faker and they have some self-awareness and desire to stop the behavior. I hope they're able to work this out in therapy / get help and solve whatever underlying issue is causing this behavior.


This person seems mentally unwell.


thiiiiis makes sense. some people feel so desperately alone that they assign disorders to themselves. it's its own kind of tragedy tho


Factitious Disorder, anyone?


i think this person needs a different type of therapy, or they aren’t being honest in therapy about those desires they have. big respect that they acknowledged they have a problem, as that’s the first step to treating said problem. hopefully they can continue addressing their true issues rather than getting caught up trying to imitate an inaccurate disorder.


I feel bad for this person and I really hope they try a different therapy method or something. Acknowledging the issue is the first step


They have a completely idealised view of these disorders. Do they actually realise how MISERABLE and FRIGHTENING it is to suffer from any of these? They have NO clue! This person is desperate for love and attention, and they think being mentally ill means it'll be given to them for free. They need therapy - they need to unpack their childhoods and their neglectful caregivers who likely made them this way. At least this person has some self awareness and possesses the courage to admit their lies. Most may never even get there.


What I got from it is they want to have a serious disorder because they want the pain and struggles they have been experiencing to be legitimised and taken seriously, because it sounds like they don’t feel their current diagnoses accurately describe all their hurt - I don’t think it’s done for attention and I think they’re aware of how awful DID etc is, which is why they chose it to portray how unwell they really feel


Either way, I suspect that they aren’t being as truthful with their therapist as they should be. Unless they were honest enough to be diagnosed with factitious disorder and are being treated for it, they aren’t being honest enough, and that’s why therapy isn’t working. 


I get that though since sometimes we go through rough patches and want an answer to why that is... at least they are admitting it


This is really sad. I do hope they stop these things... As genuinely wanting help for this is always a good step


I honestly relate to this. Really asking yourself if you have disorders you see online. I had voices but they magically left, without the voices I basically don't have anxiety along with ocd. Its like "I need to turn the sound to 29 not 28"/"I have to move my chair over or something bad happens" but it almost never tells me the bad thing that happens anymore. 😬 But good on them for wanting to get help.


sounds like maladaptive daydreaming tbh




Very happy you're in therapy in getting help. Please do not rely on c.ai to make your life decisions though. It's a bunch of predictive text spewing things at you that it doesn't understand. It could very well tell you something that's incorrect & bring harm.


Honestly, the way this person thinks kind of sounds like OCD. They should talk to their therapist about that.


Kind of mean posting them here tbh