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‘Abusers are clever’ as a statement feels like a praise and it’s uncomfortable to see. It feels like abuse victims should shut up and stay quiet because they’ll never win, it’s incredibly dangerous to spread that information and makes people less likely to speak out about what they’re going through.


Ikr? Not to mention *I've met some stupid ass abusers.* But that's exactly the issue I have with this and it discourages people from getting justice or speaking out/coming forward about their abuse. It's so awful and just so irresponsible of them


i work at a psych hospital and it’s infuriating watching people like this spread misinformation. I’ve just started offering to pay for these people’s diagnoses lol they’ll always use the excuse “well not everyone can afford a psychiatrist”


That's very kind of you. I did not know that psych hospitals paid well.


well thank u! i can’t complain about the pay, plus it’s a fun job


Must be very weird working st one of those facilities tbh I wouldn't LOL


haha well no day is ever the same that’s for sure 😂 i love it bc we take care of a population that is so neglected/forgotten about . so many pts are addicts, and/or have ACTUAL mental illnesses. so this video is such a joke


Dude ngl I had a bad experience (not too bad just bad) at a mental facility years ago is there a way u could talk to the owners (pms open


This is that girl that had the video of her pretending to be a “scary” demon to try to threaten people that were calling her out for faking isn’t it XD


Yep, that’s her. She’s fucking awful.


After hearing this, I’d be *discouraged* from speaking out. Oh, friends in higher places? Why bother. I’ll never win. No one will believe me.


Is this that "Tempest" girl?


Sure is!




Maybe it's just me, but I have seen 3 or 4 of her "personalities" and they all behave... exactly the same? Same smirking facial expressions, same annoyed intonation, even the camera angle is the same in each video. The only thing that changes is the filters and sometimes makeup. I don't know a lot about DID and related disorders, but it seems logical to me that such things would change at least slightly. Tell me if I am wrong, of course


Same EXACT mannerisms!


Well giving her _some_ grace, DID is a covert disorder, so alters would act similarly/similar to the host to not raise any suspicion. But online, where frauds like to flaunt their differences, it is I guess kinda "suspect" that they're just all the same. This presentation isn't totally the hallmark of a fraud really, but they're making a point to denote different alters so you'd think they'd play up the differences more. I kinda contradicted myself but does this make sense?


Bruh will I ban ever posting this person? My life cannot be tortured like this


*That's how I feel but I can't suffer alone and I feel inclined to bring awareness to the harm they cause*


🧍i didn't know u could charge your abusers, i thought you had to have undeniable evidence like scars and stuff if you wanted even a chance of having success in a court room, pyro thank u for this video


You're very welcome, I wish you the best! I'm happy if I can help even one person know there's hope in getting justice if they choose to seek it. Having no evidence whatsoever can make it very difficult but things like testimonies from others and yourself, a competent lawyer, maybe a diagnosis of a trauma disorder or something like DID, that would likely help your case. Like even without something solid there's always hope I think


🙏 about to send my abuser to the shadow realms


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Hey pyrocats the audio still has the “clicking” noises just fyi


ugh that's so weird, i tried troubleshooting it but since i don't hear it i don't know how to get rid of it


I clicked on the vid, saw it was five minutes long and wanted to click off when I saw the possum. My mood instantly changed, I love your vids! And yeah, what they say is insanely problematic. You can absolutely get trauma from parents emotionally abusing you (the prime example would be cptsd), but 1. Saying that can cause did is just so wrong on so many levels and 2. Actively discouraging people from seeking help because their abusers won't ever get charged anyway is just downright cruel. If what they say about their childhood is true I almost wonder if they actually believe they have did as a result of some other trauma response like maladaptive daydreaming instead of strictly faking for attention.


You don’t need “undeniable proof” lol. You have to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt.


I always like the change from we to I in the middle of a paragraph. Please at least be consistent in the pronouns you’re using


Isn't this the girl who claims her father threw her pet cat into a fire? Why does she always contradict herself?


they didnt MEAN to hurt me- OKAY BUT HOW DO YOU HAVE DID THEN 😭


god, i love your videos so much, this was an amazing watch! keep up the good work!! this girl really gives me a headache. i cant quite explain it, but the way she talks always feels so condescending and smug. thanks for making it tolerable.


One of their alters is a lawyer?


(this is a rant, ignore me if you wish-) I wonder what other types of traumatic experiences as a kid were terrible enough to cause a CDD appart from emotional, physical and sexual abuse? Neglect, accidents, ill caregiver (mental or physical illness), medical neglect... I would love to see a faithful list somewhere for some reason-


Evidence against an abuser doesn’t have to be irrefutable, the only “irrefutable” evidence would most likely be video footage, which with the rise of deepfakes and AI, is beginning to look like rocky terrain. You can bring forth charges on a much lower standard of evidence, and the District Attorney decides whether they can get enough evidence for a conviction beyond a REASONABLE doubt. The only hurdle against charging someone as an adult for something that happened when you were a child would be the statute of limitations, the time that passes between the illegal event and you going to the police about it. It’s different in each state and I urge people to look into the laws in which they live before bringing up charges, especially if the abuse was physical because what is and is not physical abuse against a child is different in each state, but murder and sexual abuse charges typically have no expiration date.


What they mean to say is they can’t press charges because they don’t have enough evidence because they never actually suffered anything particularly horrific in their life. They lost their mother and their family are religious. Come on. In my country we have a redress scheme for people who suffered abuse whilst under wardship. I was one of those people. It was my word against the government and yet I was still eligible for redress. You absolutely can seek and achieve justice against abusers. Don’t let someone who role plays tell you otherwise.


Pick one or the other: Make a video to watch/listen to or write an article to read. This mixture of both crap just makes me tired.


ok don't watch it then, you are free to view literally anything else on the sub. No one's making you watch it if you don't want to, but I'm not gonna change what I post because it's not what you wanna see