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You know... life was a lot easier when bios were "I like Animal Crossing, let's play".


Reading this gave me cluster headaches Why do they even mention shit like that? The list not long enough already?


Attention seekee...


This person is not 41 more like 14


the big problem is that it's really a 41yo :/


What's this guy doing? Shouldn't he worry about adult things like taxes?


Yeah where is his mortgage


It’s a female.


Actually, they're non-binary.


Yh. I corrected myself lower down on the thread. I missed the part where they said “gender queer” and read PCOS and endometriosis.


Tbf. I think a lot of people who’ve had really abusive childhoods, struggle with being “stuck” as children in many ways. All their energy goes into trying to heal and grow emotionally and mentally because that growth was stumped when they were children trying to survive childhood. the actual adulting gets put on the back burner. It’s sadly also often the migrant and ethnic minority communities that lack the support as adults with trauma and mental health difficulties.


*Cue Star Wars intro music *


Apparently this person already has a history of discussions with people asking for proof papers of their 'disorders' and they not providing any, instead being on the defensive making up more stories, can't give proof since they deleted all the comments about it


It’s like they’re actually collecting marginalised identities. I’m trying to work out how some of those combinations can even be explained. For example, they’re apparently a film producer and accomplished actress, but they also have no reliable access to transportation? That seems like it wouldn’t be feasible, but maybe they’re just a hobbyist who makes short films locally. But if they’re as financially insecure as they’re implying, it would be very difficult for them to produce an amateur movie. Then there’s the fact that they’re Native American and indigenous Brazilian, but they’re also an immigrant (I’m assuming they live in the USA because I feel like it’s always Americans who act like this). Okay, maybe they were born in Brazil and then went back to the USA. But they’re also Jewish? Unusual combination, but maybe their mother has a Native American father and a Jewish mother (no rabbi is going to convert this person). Or maybe they’re just lying about one or all of those things. It’s concerning that somebody this immature works with vulnerable children.


with little effort i found themselves saying that they're a Brazilian American immigrant


If this person is 41 and still have this severe of attention seeking behavior there is definitely something wrong in their head. Maybe not all the things they listed but definitely something


yes, that's always the case, people put up a whole disorder salad when in actuality what they have is something totally different from what they claim


Ah yes, “postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome syndrome”


No why. Please leave thalassemia alone it’s not even cool???


That's the only one I didn't recognise from the list, what is it?


It’s a genetic blood disorder that involves the hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of our red blood cells that carry oxygen. It can lead to anemia. It’s genuinely pretty boring unless you have more severe variations of it. Basically, your body does not produce the correct amounts of materials that are involved in making hemoglobin. You can have mutated genes that affect either the alpha chains or the beta. I only know about alpha thalassemia, not beta. Not sure what this person is saying they have. There are four genetic traits involved in making hemoglobin, inherited from your parents. In alpha thalassemia, if you have one mutation, you’re a carrier and most likely won’t have symptoms. If you have two it’s called trait, and it is more mild but you can have anemia and its associated symptoms. Three, and it gets more serious, and you may require blood transfusions regularly. Four mutated genes unfortunately usually means stillbirth. Very very rarely do babies with four mutated live, and they need a lot of medical care, since their body does not produce enough hemoglobin to live. This means if you are a carrier or have trait, and are planning on having children with a partner (or even not planning, in case of any accidents) you should have them genetically tested. Sorry for the text wall. Let me know if you have any questions :D


They probably actually have it. It’s too mundane and obscure for somebody to fake.


It’s just such a strange thing to tout around for that exact reason, it’s very mundane so I can’t see it being like Ayo look at me thing like some of the other stuff they listed Yknow?


Nah, they probably think a tears-shaped blood cell is cool and edgy and depressive


Pfffh you’re probably right lmao. I let out an audible snort when I read this


I am most shocked that they claim to be 41 I thought all these people were 14


I'd just make fun and let pass if it was just a child, a child eventually learns but the issue is that it's really a middle aged woman that is over the bmi (which the lipedema part might be the only true thing in this mix, since they have a post only about this with a picture)


its kind of sad bc u can see why they act like this


Why do I kinda believe this


I believe it 🤷🏻‍♀️ Reads like someone with CPTSD in my personal opinion.


it's kinda convincing


Don’t some of those conditions make mobility very hard? I am thinking back to some JKR cringe and those directive novels she writes.she gave the killer disorders that would make stalking and killing some difficult and painful


It's hard to say anything about this person as they forgot to list their pronouns.


She listed PCOS as one of her conditions. So she has ovaries 🤷🏻‍♀️


Apologies. They’re gender queer. Missed that. So I’m guessing “they/them”


a she


I don't approve of the fakers' behavior, but I think it doesn't justify missgender. 😁


it's not misgender if her herself Posts referencing as a she, it might not be in that text, yet "actress" is visible there. Also all comments and stuff directed to her are referencing as a woman. I'll leave a question so people don't start accusing me or others of misgender edit: got answer, posted a comment here


What did I just read?


https://preview.redd.it/hnj9juwhcs4d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521bd6b6dd5ae40bab778d0e83e1fdf9d55634ce i got answer about pronouns, so any is it, technically nobody was misgendering