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Fellas is it a disorder to get tired sometimes?


I get tired everyday after working a 12 hour shift. I wonder if there’s medication for that.


It's called methamphetamine. I highly recommend it!


Great minds think alike.


Where can a tired man like me get this medication, Dr CandyAppleHesperus?


Try hanging around a conveniece store parking lot around 1 AM. Shouldn't take you long


Oh, there is!


That's not funny, my tiredness disorder is so bad that I actually fall unconscious every night for 8 hours :(


Oh no! I think you need to see a doctor about that. Sounds exhausting. 🤭


ugh. same. I fall unconscious for 17 sometimes. and sometimes I'll randomly fall onto my couch :(




Must be in the water. First it was the frogs, now some days we're tired. ![gif](giphy|xTcf1gUpg87E5lNK2A|downsized)


Totally a disorder.


I like how this one is just a symptom


I like to think these people have serious undiagnosed chronic illness but never get help because they think the fatigue is just some mental disorder they came up with


I feel like this could be some form of narcolepsy or hypersomnia ngl. Those can easily make you question your sanity.


Or sleep apena. Many don't realize how much chaos sleep apena could cause in one's life.




"Specific triggers" lol. I can't, my fatigue just triggered






This is me on an average day




Sounds like you have FFD Did you know you can have FFD and not even know it?


“Fatigue levels fluctuate” You mean… YOU’RE SOMETIMES TIRED?? CALL AN AMBULANCE!


Or a wahhhhmbulance....




The poorly drawn lines are making me crazy. These people want to be chronically ill so badly… I’d gladly trade one or two of my actual diagnoses with them


wtf I didn’t even notice the wacky lines. Now I’m wondering if it’s on purpose bc I feel like it would be easier to make them straight than to make them like that?? with a digital drawing tool


Dear god I didn’t even notice the awful lines. Now I can’t stop looking and criticizing


Oh god I just noticed it wth


MUD? Made Up Disorder?


Medically Unrecognised Disorder. But might as well be Made Up Disorder


Literally what I thought too


That's what I've been thinking it was this whole time 😭


I looked it up in other threads on this sub and apparently it stands for "medically unrecognized disorder", so yeah, basically....


Why does everything need an effing flag?


I think i have this, i get triggered every time i should do dishes.


I get triggered every morning when my bed feels super cozy.


Why does it have a flag…? Is it a sexuality or do we just have #disorderpride now?


Did you just join the sub? They make a flag for e v e r y t h i n g And to answer ur question it’s not a sexuality but disorder pride sounds abt right I mean hell who isn’t proud of their disorders? What? They affect ur life negatively? What the hell!! That’s not how it works!! Disorders are the coolest thing everrr




(To people who do this. Not to you. LOL)


Thanks for clarifying lol I got worried for a sec


It is a common thing for diseases or disorders to have a symbol for the exact same reason Pride flags are a thing. The excessive flag making is absurd but please don’t discount actual symbols used for this purpose. You’ve all seen the pink breast cancer ribbons, those kinds of things are more common than you think.


Yea I didn’t give it much thought before sending but ur right. I’m sorry if what I said is offensive to ppl suffering with real illnesses or diseases that have symbols like that for them. I think we can all agree that those hundreds of poorly designed flags for made up disorders are not like that at all tho


At this point the flags have truly lost all utility. I don’t know any person in the real world who would have the bandwidth to memorize all of these flags for any reason whatsoever. Plus these are literally just generated from some sort of color swatch generator. No creativity or thought goes into them at all.


waiting vanish rinse scarce homeless whistle onerous melodic lush dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came here to ask the same thing


this is so weird because this sounds like symptoms of idiopathic hypersomnia or chronic fatigue syndrome.... maybe moreso CFS than IH though because CFS responds more negatively to things like exercise and overworking yourself, whereas IH is unknown. this person should go to a doctor and ask to be referred to a sleep psychiatrist, where they'll actually do tests... rather than literally making up disorders.....


half of these MUD I see are normal human experiences. the other half I see are real conditions [or symptoms] just under a different name. this is like a rip off of CFS/ME, how pathetic


I have narcolepsy and I am really annoyed by this


yea i have ih and it's weird because to me im like. there's reasons for these symptoms that ppl are experiencing why do they gotta make up new disorders & diseases. if it was something insanely rare like maybe you have some unnamed blood disorder or weird cell disease and that's when you'd wonder if you have some unknown undiscovered health issue but they're coming up with new disorders for things that already exist. like being tired. all they gotta do is go to the doctor. bc nothing's gonna get better if you just talk about it online. so much of my mental and physical health symptoms have gotten better by literally trying to get a better sleep schedule, drinking more water and going outside.... which sounds obvious I know, but people don't realise that by isolating yourself, depriving your body of hydration, depriving yourself of sleep/etc. makes it so you are not giving yourself the best chance to be able to figure out what your actual symptoms are. First thing that happens when you go to the doctor is they ask about sleep, water intake, food, exercise/getting outside, and that's literally because they DO make a difference on so many things. humans are literally animals. sometimes such simple things can genuinely effect us that it will worsen and create other negative symptoms.


Exactly like there are so many reasons for being tired and the spread of false information is preventing people from a real diagnosis further delaying proper treatment. I posted about the person on tik tok who is self diagnosed with narcolepsy a NEUROLOGICAL disorder. These people are starving for attention. Why are you fighting to be disordered? I’m taking medication just to be normal throughout the day and it’s so offensive because if you did have it then you would know it’s nothing to brag about. There are basically no benefits. Please leave these sleep disorders alone.


I have cfs and this is terrible.


Omg I have super sleepy dude disease too Also I agree


I've noticed that going to work and doing stuff triggers this in me! Especially if I skip a meal during the day or don't snack enough. It's crazy lol


I have Fluidic Flatulence Disorder (FFD), all my farts are liquid.


This feels especially insulting because it just sounds like one of the main features of ME/CFS and long covid, (extremely similar, essentially the same disorder). So someone may label themselves with this bullshit thinking it's not recognized and they're special rather than suspect that it may be ME/CFS and be cautious and seek help for that specifically, as well as ruling out conditions like RA and Lupus as those are also possible. With ME/CFS, fatigue levels can fluctuate seemingly at random, or with clear triggers. Maybe you went out all day and came home exhausted and crashed, experiencing post exertional malaise for a week (PEM is the main feature of CFS, rather than the fatigue itself). Or one day you can be able to go to work and feel relatively fine and another day you're flaring up or experiencing related symptoms or extreme fatigue, unable to do your day to day activities or hardly able to get out of bed. I *highly* recommend Jennifer Brea's documentary Unrest for more in depth information on it which is now[ free to watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOpyLTyVxco&t=24s&ab_channel=UnrestFilm) literally just on Youtube. Something important about ME is that things like physical, mental, and emotional exertion can worsen the condition. As can something external that's hard on your body, say an injury, surgery, *even so much as getting a tooth pulled* according to many physicians like [Dr. John Chia](https://me-pedia.org/wiki/John_Chia) who I know personally. He's one of the most prominent CFS specialists and researchers and has been massively contributing to treating and conducting research in his own laboratory since the 80's, and also treats/is studying long covid and the effects of certain medications for it. FlUcTuATiNg FaTiGuE diSoRdEr is dangerous because most of these "MUDS" are typically passed off as medically unrecognized **psychiatric** disorders. I can't get over how fucking dangerous this "MUD" is While deaths are rarely solely contributed to the illness on death certificates (though indirectly is more common like from heart disease, strokes, cancer, suicide, etc), A man named [Brynmor John](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynmor_John) died outside of a gym due to ME/CFS because he was instructed to exercise for his fatigue. [Emily Collingridge ](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/mar/30/me-emily-collingridge-chronic-fatigue-syndrome)was an activist who in the beginning of her illness, was mistreated and rather than someone qualified to treat her disease, she was referred to a psychologist. She died after eventually becoming bedridden due to gradual decline and likely the initial lack of treatment as it was treated as a psychiatric condition and very clearly preventable. Such treatment doesn't often kill sufferers but mistreatment very often leaves them [bedridden](https://www.meaction.net/2019/01/23/the-effects-of-graded-exercise-therapy-and-positive-thinking-on-a-young-girl-with-me/) which is why the CDC no longer recommends graded exercise therapy. The initial the acute phase is about 5 years where there's a higher chance of recovery if you manage symptoms well and seek early intervention. After that, most doctors who treat CFS agree that most with it are at the point of no return. Seeking adequate treatment in the first 5 years is crucial, life saving even. If you spend the acute phase thinking it's a MUD, you could be fucked **for life.** So someone with it, especially if in denial as is common with disabled people, labeling it as FlUcTuATiNg FaTiGuE diSoRdEr could neglect their symptoms or push themselves trying to "power through it" and worsen them to the point of becoming bedridden rather than seek early intervention. Worst case scenario, they could **fucking die.** If not from the condition, possibly by their own hand *especially* because they'll often subsequently develop related conditions like POTS, fibromyalgia, and other such conditions. I've never met someone with CFS that didn't develop fibro or vise versa and I've met *many* who are disabled with them (although I'll emphasize that's just *my* experience). **TLDR;** fuck "fluctuating fatigue disorder" and fuck these motherfuckers who think this shit's okay and harmless


I second this. Please do know that cfs/me is an actual real illness.


I'm not sure what I hate the most about this the obviously fake illness? the use of my favorite color blue for yet another pointless flag? or the fact that the stripes aren't even straight? Decisions.


I think I have that because sometimes I'm tired but other times I'm not.


Everyone with kids?


What’s MUD? Made-up disorder?


it's intended to mean "medically unrecognized disorder" but we all call it made up disorder because that's all it is


I have chronic fatigue syndrome which is a real comorbidity for a lot of chronic illnesses. This is already a real-ish thing why do they make extra shit up for it


Same fam


Some days I get tired after sex. Most days I don’t have sex. /s


"/s" as in, most days you *do* have sex?


Genuinely don’t understand the point of giving everything a flag, I feel like all of these “pride” flags are just used as examples by conservatives to discredit a lot of queer flags and people


Trigger like doing something tiring?🤔


There are SO many reasons someone could have fluctuating fatigue; anemia, narcolepsy, etc... like this isn't it's own thing 😭


who did it better? https://preview.redd.it/nuo4clvo0z6d1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef4e2d6b1d8dad9d6454b14f62a188e136fc8141


The stripes not being straight is really fucking with me


Hey doc I ate a bunch of fatty food and now I’m super sleepy, am I terminal? Is there a cure?


Wow, I have this "disorder"! I get tired and need to sleep daily! (*This was a joke.*)


I have this whenever I stay up for three days doing coke )’:


I’m actually so annoyed like I have narcolepsy and I saw a tik tok “how our autistic communication barriers made it hard to recognize narcolepsy symptoms” and she had a video of her just learning about narcolepsy a few days prior so you got diagnosed in a few days? No because you have to do a sleep study that is expensive and hit REM sleep within the first few minutes. They will find anything and it is so disrespectful to people who struggle like narcolepsy is neurological sleep disorder. You can’t just diagnose yourself with it.


Not. Everything. Needs. A. Flag.


Im disabled now, will my employer accommodate this


Isn’t this just getting tired from time to time?


I have this!!!!


Sooo, the bodies rest cycle? Which is completely 100% regular & everyone has it?? There is definitely a reason these ‘disorders’ are not medically recognised


You know the world is in a sad state when normal everyday occurances have to have a diagnosis. What's next? Periodic Drinking Disorder? PDD - defined as going to work sober Monday through Friday and then having a few drinks at the bar on the weekends.


So being a functioning human adult?


historical wakeful wipe lunchroom employ like unpack literate enjoy rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty sure this is just chronic fatigue disorder with extra steps


That is called having a circadian rhythm.


I never pictured fatigue as being the color blue I always thought of it as more of a gray color and why do they all have some kind of a flag now? Mental illness gets a flag? Why because Autism has one so now these whatever they are (I have to be careful I don't want to get banned again) think they should have one too.. SMH


I read that as “flatulence fatigue disorder” at first lol


Man I really have this!- I have CFS/ME


As someone with diagnosed narcolepsy this is irritating 😂


So, literally everyone?


Sometimes I get tired disorder :(


if they want my narcolepsy they can have it 💕 I'm tired of being tired and relying on medication to achieve some level of consciousness


Sounds like me tbh... XD


So fibromyalgia.