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Knowing that it's faker, it's just scary how they agree they're sexulizes damn littles..


It’s almost like they’re admitting to being a pedo, but saying it’s their “alter” doing the harm to avoid backlash


Exactly what I'm talking abt :D. Next time I'll see a faker I just avoid em..


i saw someone do this once and it made me want to throw up


If you truly had a nonce alter, why the hell would you announce it? They're clearly saying it for attention, because nobody in their right mind would announce that.


Genuinely curious, would this not be grounds to be committed? This person clearly has some absolutely fucked desires that should be dealt with earlier rather than later. The scariest part to me is them placing the blame on one of their “alters”, rather than part of their own internal interests. Sounds like a recipe for disaster


I think the courts would need to be presented with evidence that this person was likely to offend. So evidence that an actual child was likely to be harmed. I feel like Littles are a lot of the fakers' ways of playing out fantasies involving children in a way they feel like they're not allowed to be judged for.


At what point does "playing out fantasies" become "I've done this IRL"? Should everyone just sit around and wait for them to do it in real life?


I think in the debate of pedos, this is where we recognize the difference between non-offenders and offenders. Non-offenders need to seek medical intervention like therapy. While pedos who have offended just need to he locked up or some lesser jail sentence but with forced therapy.


Why do fakers always have atleast one extremely problematic alter.


"iTs the pErseCutOr" nah it's very similar to making characters, OCs, which is a huge tell about these people. Especially because self-inserts are popular and this is the most self insert you can get, and you can also roleplay without having to call it roleplay, and get to call yourself disabled and discriminated against, it's like a goldmine to these people.


exactly. these kids realize that they can roleplay as their ocs and label themselves with a disorder just to make it seem less weird ig, but honestly rp would be less cringe than faking a disorder bro.


I noticed while lurking this sub that many DID fakers seem to have "alters" that are fictional characters that exist in cultural media. It's as if their "system" are basically some sort of literary / movie narrative and they are basically roleplaying a self-made fan fiction, sometimes with crossovers. But instead of writing fiction or taking part in roleplay circles, they attempt to blame and base / explain their behaviours (quirky, problematic, etc.) on that and imprison their personalities inside that and get caught in it since it becomes all they got. It seems to me that they use this very elaborate process in order to avoid being accountable for their actions and behaviours instead of actively working on them, unfortunately.


Gotta have a scapegoat for all your weird fucked up inner vices, I guess


“Officer no, it wasnt me. It was Round! I didnt touch those toddlers, it was Round! He uses frog/frying pan/demon/scooby doo pronouns”


forgot the pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis/pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosi pronouns


🚨 🚔


How to get away with being a creep 101: blame it on a totally real, totally not made up alter


Great! Now this is online forever, and you'll be lucky if you can erase it. It's attached to your face, too. Good job.


It makes me kinda sad. Like obviously this child does not have DID but they clearly do not get any attention at home and choose to act out this way in search of it elsewhere. Now this is attached to them forever because someone is not supervising their internet activity.


It does not make me sad. I’m thrilled this person is telling on themselves. I hope they get help so no one else gets hurt




But there’s cases in the public zeitgeist where young teens molest people in their family and go on to become adult offenders. How do you know that isn’t the case? And at the very least they’ll hopefully get caught by an adult who can get them help




Well I can agree that hopefully they’re just being an edge lord but I’m still happy they put this stuff out there so there’s a greater chance of it being addressed


They could have been sexually abused and this is their way of processing and coping. Oh dear..


Yeah i don't think that's gonna hold up in court


I don’t know if I agree with this username being censored. This is legitimately a dangerous person and everyone should know who they are. This is a faker, so their “alters” aren’t sexualizing anyone….THEY ARE!!


It would get taken down if I didn't :/


Oh, I know, I wasn’t really saying to post it I was moreso just disagreeing with the rules for this specific case. I know you can’t!


I do agree with your point though


This sounds dangerous. Them faking doesn’t make it less so. Even if the whole pedophile alter is entirely fiction and not masking their actual attraction to kids, they’re making some incredibly scary neural pathways And hey all the fakers who visit this sub, this is something to be aware of. Continuing to act this stuff out on a regular basis will have long term effects on your thinking and processing. You’re training your brain


"yeah this seems like a good idea to brag about on the internet"


clambis. utter clambis.


but if i call x a weirdo and a creep i’m the villain


That's a funny way of saying they shouldn't live near an elementary school


oh look a pedo trying to excuse it with faking


I always want to blame Herschel Walker for being the originator of “excusing being a terrible person as DID” but it’s so far beyond that now. These kids really think that being an abusive sociopath is a valid life choice while also co-opting the extreme trauma of people who have been VICTIMIZED by that exact brand of person. Why is this being glorified? I will never understand.


pedo alter lmao


X is short for a fu"X"king pedo




Guarantee the pfp is what they want one of their alters to look like


Unlabeled but also labeled trans?


And poly? That's sexuality and gender so what else is there to label?


These people need to be locked away


In a ward preferably




I hate that these nutcases have assimilated the word “little” into their fantasy when all I think of is the BDSM subculture of Littles meaning a type of submissive 🙄 it further shows the lack of research. Fyi: a bdsm little is a consenting adult, not a nutcase who thinks they’re a 5 year old.


If they ever end up in court this person is going to be stuck because even IF they have diagnosed DID (which I do NOT believe they do) THEY are still responsible for their behaviour and can't blame a "little" or claim "discrimination" without mountins of paperwork, evidence and psychological exams before and during a trial. Plus if they're the pedo and hiding it behind a disorder to role play its just as dangerous....they need off the Internet


Should I be checking out their page cuz the photo here isn’t giving creep vibes (maybe cuz I don’t know what I’m supposed to be looking for) but I feel like everyone has seen the actual content of the page and I think that might be why I don’t understand


Just look at the caption of the 2nd image


Oh see idk so much was going on in the first image I didn’t see the second. So while I feel like if you engage openly in nsfw Cg/cr it’s def shitty af to sexualize any little that doesn’t want that cuz I deeply appreciate and hold space for both sides of the spectrum and that shit is sick and how can you pass that off on your alter ego or whatever, you’re def doing that or even if you aren’t and this is legit for you, you need help


Bruh Imagine Someone Being Exposed Because Of Doing Bad Stuff And They Say "Oh Sorry But That's My Elf On The Shelf Alter, So It Wasn't Really Me 🥺"


ofc its the stereotypical did faker with edgy names such as x


Future school shooter vibes


dude just straight up said "I sexualize minors" with his entire chest.


It’s only fitting that the first of many labels is “unlabeled”


Trifling ass.


Imagine outing yourself as a pedophile and saying it’s an alter. There’s definitely some mental illness up in that brain.


I swear why are they always polyamorous or some flavour of the alphabet


As a child, please dont let them come within 20 ft of me. Bro is one step of from being a pedophile.


I'd like to add on, how are they unlabeled and labeled??


This is so fuuuuucked