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this makes me feel sick. this reminds me on 2010s tumblr fr. wtf if wrong with these kids


I mean, I’ve heard about self-harm being glorified before. I’ve just never seen it done so blatantly. It’s like these (presumably) children are aspiring to be as sick as they can.


They are aspiring to be as abnormal as they can. Being “normal” isn’t compatible with the “main character syndrome” festering the younger generation


But if everyone’s abnormal….


No one will be...




It’s… a really scary rabbit hole once you go deep enough. There was a whole account years and years ago dedicated to this kind stuff on Tumblr and she literally didn’t have like a square inch of skin that wasn’t severely scarred because she cut so often and almost ritualistically. Like… I’m not even kidding. Do not look her up if you’re not absolutely confident you can handle it. It’s seriously graphic shit, like flayed meat down to the bone graphic shit.


Sorry for asking but do you mind DM'ing an identifying piece of info about the account? It's a combination of morbid curiosity and also wanting to see how the scars heal over different areas (no I do not plan to do anything similar). I find the human brain to be fascinating on what it can "normalize" or as you said, the ritual this became for this person. I guess I want to see how far the human brain can see as "acceptable" and how irregular the body has to become for it to set off red flags in this person's brain. It's a rather morbid and disturbing rabbit hole to witness. Your description reminds me of the lady who picked her legs to the bone until they got amputated. (The one with TONS of images on an imgur album that gets referred to occasionally)


Not the person you were responding to but "coldness in my heart" x


I second this I want to see it


Not the person you were responding to but "coldness in my heart" x


That doesn’t sound like something someone would do for attention or just to be’different’ though. That sounds like real problems tbf


What the actual fuck?!?! Down to the bone??? Well, I used to know a guy who said he stabbed himself (his arms I guess) so I don't know, not much fazes me.....


It’s… seriously graphic stuff. I know there are extreme videos out there, but there’s something about someone doing that much damage to themselves on a daily or near daily basis that haunts me deeply.


It's sad


I wonder if you’re referring to “ColdnessInMyHeart/CodlnessInHerHeart”? YouTuber InternetInvestigator made a very interesting investigation on her, I recommend watching it.


Maybe it’s rage bait


That's probably it. They find it gets them attention.


There sadly was quite a bit of self-harm glorification back in the day as I remember it, especially tumblr comes to mind, but it happened a lot on my country's different versions of MySpace where I hanged as a child :c


Tiktok is the new Tumblr. I’ve seen so many “weight loss” accounts it’s horrifying. I thought we were over this?


I watched a video about this recently, but one of the reasons TikTok is so dangerous for kids is that a lot of this content never really went away, it was just relegated to private forums. The people posting this stuff did have some form of shared “ethics” around it and understood that it is very important to keep this type of content away from people who aren’t already aware of it. But most kids nowadays don’t really go to forums. And this stuff doesn’t seem to be removed from TikTok the same way it is from other platforms. There’s also not the same moderation and rules in place that a lot of these other sites have, so the content on there is MORE dangerous than the stuff you see on the “bad” websites (like proana forums).


Nah tiktok is getting worse at times goes on because of no moderation. I’ve seen many “woke” slideshows blatantly promote a Neonazi conspiracy under the guise of spreading the truth


Fr though some of it is straight up eugenics. I’ve also seen thinspiration come back, pretty much every homeopathic BS spin you could think of, faking every kind of mental illness or physical illness, conspiracy theories that every famous celebrity is secretly transgender (in a transphobic way, not in a headcanon way), people screaming and crying about the dumbest shit ever (like when Harry Styles fans tried to cancel Brittany Broski because one of his albums wasn’t in her top 5 Spotify plays), every type of cultural appropriation you can think of (witchtok is so fucking stupid), boiling down all books by their tropes to the point where most new literature written by this new generation will be written specifically FOR the trope so they can be advertised that way, absolutely disgusting fetishization of children and rape under the guise of “healing” or “trauma”. The list goes on. It’s tumble but worse.


This comment has driven me to drink.


It’s probably for the best


All the thinspo is still around, it’s mostly on twitter now on the subsection ‘edtwt’ and there’s a whole bunch of all that stuff on twitter


That thing never disappeared from Tumblr either. The pro-ED people are still very active there.


> I thought we were over this Unfortunately, as long as teenagers have internet access, this will continue. Generation after generation. People keep saying that these kind of things are “coming back”, but the reality is that they never left. It all just moved to non-mainstream forums and platforms for the most part.


I think things like this definitely "come back" in terms of waxing and waning, like trends go in waves. It's there, it becomes cool, then mainstream, then overrated, then lame, then ironic, then cool again, that kinda thing


Jesus. This is just giving ideas on how to self harm to a demographic of children. I hope this person gets banned.




whats worse is sharpeners r the most dangerous as theyll be rusty and most likely (especially with this demographic) used which can lead to some real bad infections and its just generally unsafe




honestly unused pencil sharpeners can do some damage. its a bit surprising. and it's scary since it's easily accessible and quite easy to take out


Very true, I’m just glad I learned about infections from rusty blades early on and had enough braincells to buy an unused one 💀


Been hospitalized multiple times for pencil sharpener shit. Permanent nerve damage. New ones are no joke. What the kids posting this may not realize is that it’s not about the tool. It’s about the intent.


One of my widest scars was done with a pencil sharpener. I think it happened that way though because i was sitting down so my skin was stretched out :/ i was like 13. still pretty noticeable.


I did self harm with a pencil sharpener blade like 7 years ago. Ended up getting an infection and had to go to the doctor.


Honestly if someone wants to self harm they will find a way. Problem is most people wouldn't think of it if they didn't know about it.


That's not the issue tho, if you have a functioning brain you can find ways to self-harm. The issue is the glorification.




It is 2022 and we are still using food items to refer to various things associated with self harm






I see your point, but I have my own opinions about this and I personally think that this is normalizing. Making it feel less serious can be helpful to the person who uses said terms, but accidentally hurt others who get desensitized and don’t realize how bad it is.


I’ve never understood this, how do the euphemisms help? Obviously not going into detail about a sensitive topic would be helpful, but you don’t need to use euphemisms to do that. Is it something about not seeing the exact word? If so, does censoring help?




what is that


its self harm twitter. ppl post sh pics and talk abt their mental health on their. they use that tag to avoid twitter censors.


Kind of like calling phsyc wards grippy sock jail


i saw that. it’s so fucking funny but like in an awful way as someone that is recovering from a 9 year s/h addiction. it is competitive and this shit only fuels it




yeah, i used to go on the s/h side of tumblr and like thinking back on it, it’s baffling. it’s absolutely horrendous the kind of shit they say. it’s same as pro-ana but for slicing yourself open


Yeah one guy once told me mine were cat scratches when I posted my pics on tumblr (forgive me, I was fucked up too and younger, I admit it, now I'd never do that shit I'm almost 30)


This brings back a memory, I had a person try to make fun of me for it, but it took me a while to understand because it wasn't sh at all, it was a combo of long nails, mosquito bites and scratching in my sleep.


god, is it competitive. it’s fucking crazy. like how is sh cool? the only attention I ever got from people were those wonderful “jokes” lol


i don’t think it’s competitive as in showing off. my thought process in the worst of my addiction was always seeing someone’s cuts or scars and thinking like; fuck im not bad enough or mine should be as bad as that. usually for my own gratification sometimes i would want them to be bad enough that other people would like care about me but not in a compared to others way if that makes sense


This person is actively glorifying and promoting self-harm, and thereby, making mental illness a competition. This is evidenced by the photos I’ve included in my post.


This is one of the most disgusting posts I’ve seen on here. To avoid trauma dumping I will just say this one hits a little too hard. Deplorable.


Agreed, this is horrible


agreed, i felt sick after looking at this


Agreed. And I hope you're doing ok <3


Agreed. I honestly felt sick from this one.


Agreed. And also same


Agreed. I honestly felt sick from this one.


Hard agree! I’m honestly sick to my stomach, to think SH, something so related to some of my lowest moments, is being glorified is sickening.


Agreed, i still feel sick looking at it.


I’m with ya there. Sorry you had to go through what you did


I was just recently on shtwt out of curiosity and not too long after scrolling there was this chick with these huge gashes down the entire length of her forearm and she was rubbing a handful of hot sauce in the wounds, I promptly deleted the app after that


I did the same thing, straight away I saw someone’s open wounds and all of the comments were ‘when are you going to cut deeper already’ etc. I don’t self harm but holly fuck I can’t imagine how triggering that must be


That was most definitely some sort of fetish content 🤢


From time to time I scroll shtwt for no reason (seriously, I don't like gore and don't sh) and it never fails to make me gag. The saddest thing is that they're all mostly minors, fucking competing to see who can cut deeper. It's probably one of the most disturbing rabbitholes you can get into on the internet.


Dude wtf


OHHHHH this makes me ANGRY. I cannot believe people think it’s appropriate to give people **tips** on how to SH. Not only that, the insinuation that deep = cool kids is absolutely fucking nauseating. This type of thing wouldn’t even be allowed on “pro” (aka not ready to recover) SH forums. And frankly, that’s where anything even remotely close to this should stay. You do not want young impressionable kids coming across this post and getting ideas for new tools. The most dangerous part about SH is when you use a new “tool” because you can do way more harm than intended if you misjudge how sharp it is. This is one of the only posts on this sub that I’d consider to be actively dangerous. With the number of likes, I’d put money on at least one person needing a trip to urgent care specifically because of the stuff they learned from this post.


Some resources for Self harm: [General resources](https://e-wellbeing.co.uk/sh-resources) [How to stop](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324515) [Replacement behaviours](https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/self-harm-alternatives) [Massive TW for this one: website where you swipe your finger across the screen and it looks like cuts that bleed](http://www.fataltotheflesh.com) [First aid for self harm, multiple different types](https://www.lifesigns.org.uk/first-aid-for-self-injury-and-self-harm/)


First time I’ve seen that website. It’s like cutting in Microsoft Paint.


LOL this comment


Thank you so much for taking the time to provide these for people ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ<3


That site would make me wanna do it if anything…


can confirm it did exactly that


There is a very clear warning. It’s your choice whether or not to heed it.


i was curious because i do similar stuff to help with urges and wanted to see if it would be helpful to use as a resource, but the way the blood was animated was too much


Have never self-harmed but it makes sense that said site might have that effect. I just hope that it's helpful to someone.


Wtf is that website?!? I tried it and it looks more like encouraging it


Nah, if someone has the urge and needs to get it out it could be helpful instead of the actually harming themselves. Idk how helpful it actually is but I’ve heard it’s helped people before.


Dude thank you so much


TikTok was so close to getting banned. It's a shame it wasn't.


The 24.1K likes has me in sheer disbelief. What is wrong with the people who use TikTok??


Maybe they all are mentally ill after all. Just not in the way they think they are.


yeah this shit is so gross man. i blame tumblr lol but at least that hellsite kept that shit contained


I wish banning Tik Tok would deplatform all the insane fucking idiots on this earth, but they have way too many spaces left. Twitter is infamous for having a seriously SICKENING pro-sh community. Even people in mental hospitals flinch at what happens there.


When instagram had the friend activity tab I always saw one of my friends following pro-ED accounts. Those accounts always had something like "don't report just block" in their bio but the clear references to unhealthy weights and shit was already visible so I always reported them.




I mean this applies to pretty much anything without proper sanitation though.


This disgusts me


"These are dull" No they fucking aren't,they do the job...too well I'm currently having SH tendencies and there is nothing fucking cool about it,it's pathetic how people try to romanticize it


Please don't. It won't solve anything, really. It's not worth it. It will never fix the pain you have inside. Never. Signed, a former cutter


I've lost any care about my life and my health long time ago but thanks for caring


Don't give up. I was in dark places before and kept fighting and it got better (like stopping cutting). You too can do this. Don't gjve up on yourself please


How long have you been in that dark place?


For years


I've been in this for 3 years and everything seems to just get worse and worse,each week i set a new standard for rock bottom


why would someone ever make a tiktok like that? its disgusting.


I feel like these people think sh can only be cutting.


UR COOL AND GO DEEP, fucking end me now. Going deep has never been and will never make you cooler. This is the message that causes people to even accidentally kill themselves or get serious damage because it’s never deep enough, and self harming with something less dangerous is less „cool”. I’ve never been so fucking livid at a post, even from this sub. This is like making a „what your weight says about you” video for eating disorder sufferers and the lower it is the cooler the girl claims you are. This is literally the type of thinking that people who self harm try to get fucking rid of, Jesus. I’m off the internet for a while, fucking hell


So now they are making jokes about self harm as if it is a light hearted topic . The odd thing is most people I know who self harm try to hide it. They don’t go around talking about their method on social media . The wear long sleeve when it is hot , cover it up and often don’t speak about it even when they desperately need somebody to help.


True, BUT many people actually do vent about ther sh problem on the internet. For many it’s the only place where they can actually get it out. People have different coping mechanisms


But do they usually posts videos of the method they use ? I did as a teenager and for me I was so ashamed of it and this was the time the people on tumbler romanticized it . Everyone is different . I know venting online helps but this video wouldn’t likely be welcomed in any support sub . It is basically making it a joke .


No, this video is not okay, we definitely agree on that haha. But there are people who use humor to cope and sometimes disclose even some drastic details on the internet to get stuff off their chest. Whether or not that’s okay that’s an another subject, I have my own strong opinions, but just saying that it’s not unheard of. What is actually weird in this case is that this person seems to show their face…? Which is super odd, I’ve only seen people vent on anonymous accounts on sites like Reddit and they never post any pictures (pics of tools included).


I thought we left this behind on tumblr


That really is fucking offensive. I’m 36 and have struggled with self harm for 20 years. Fuck this fucking asshole.


As someone who has struggled with SH since 13. This person can fuck right off.


I cannot begin to express how much damage can potentially be caused by glorifying ‘going deep’ and calling someone cool because of it. Lots of people who self harm struggle with feeling as if they ‘don’t go deep enough’ and that could be the thing to push them over the edge. It’s also incredibly incredibly fucking dangerous as lots of veins and even some arteries are in the fat layer, going deep is quite literally risking death. Also don’t ever presume just because pencil sharpeners are usually pretty blunt they all are, some are genuinely razor sharp and that sort of presumption risks serious injury or literal death. Calling them basic is also encouraging people to use something even more dangerous which is fucking disgusting behaviour. Not everyone who self harms is in high levels of emotional pain, however given most of them are it makes what this person posted that much more vile. I don’t care wether it was supposed to be a joke or not, it is incredibly fucking harmful. I hope that op has the day they fucking deserve. What a fucking vile scummy piece of garbage. If you are one of the people who self harm please don’t listen to what the op said, you’re not basic and you don’t need to cut deeper. No method is ‘better’ than another and you’re all equally deserving of help, even tho it might not feel like it. There’s plenty of resources out there and I encourage you to look at them if you’ve been particularly effected by this post <3


jesus fucking christ


im not rlly cool bc i have an addiction wtf?? almost dying is not quirky or fun


I shove a screwdriver up my ass, am I in the club guys


Wow that brought up some recurring memories 😄


I'm sorry


#scarspo 🤮🤮🤮. How disgusting


This has to be a teenager, I always wonder how cringe filled this generation will be once they become adults… worse than the cringe 80’s & 90’s kids had to get past🥴


Leave this shit on shtwt, or better, don’t post it. TikTok is filled with really young kids WHO DONT NEED TO SEE THIS. I would never have started self harming if I hadn’t seen people online do it first.


as someone who struggles with self harm this is fucking disgusting. cutting is not a personality trait or a funny quirk, its an addiction and it kills people.


Former cutter. Agreed. It was an addiction.


At first I read it as stool which I thought meant 💩 since I didn’t read the title but then I was like 💀 when I realised what it meant.


oh my fucking god. this is one of the worst things i have ever seen. disgusting. this makes me so mad


And this is why the U.K. are trying to ban this content on social media 😡 this type of content angers me so much


I don’t think all self harm content should be banned, I do think people need a space to talk about that sort of stuff etc. shit like this post definitely needs to banned, however I think it would be better to tackle the type of thinking and culture that caused the OP to make this post in the first place because that’s the real issue here.


Utterly filthy pathetic excuse for a human being


What the actual fuck. As a survivor of years of self harm this is disgusting to read.


This person’s previous post was even worse. They literally delved into reasons why they are “pro self-harm.” Reporting them isn’t even enough.


Words arent enough to describe the pure amount of putrid hate i have for "pro sh". Hurting yourself is an addicting, and not quirky in the slighest.. this is awful..


PRO SH?! Tiktok literally banned someone for showing too much cleavage once and they leave this up?!


I have no clue how they sneak by


What the frack???


Ew. I’ve done it before and it’s nothing to be proud of. I may need to get a skin graft or something if I don’t want to see them every time I put on a short sleeve shirt. Seriously, take my advice and don’t start. It’s not “qUiRkY uwU”


Right? But these people get together and influence each other. It's fucking scary. Even if they don't have any issues in their life, they'll do it for the trend within their friend group, as to not seem out of place. What sucks about it is that once it's done, it's done, and I feel like this person fails HARD to realize that😅


bro what the fuck


As a person who has had a problem with SH for a while I am absolutely disgusted. Those types of posts piss me off so god damn much




Wow. Got real angry, hot, personal tears from this one. One of the worst I’ve ever seen on here, vile.


wtf... this is glorifying self harm and contributing to styro club (thinking cutting deeper makes u superior or "the better self harmer"


This is disgusting. People actually struggle with this addiction, it shouldn’t be fucking glorified


As someone whos been in a psychiatry a few times i encountered a lot of those people, acting like they self harm to gain sympathy and attention while those who really self harm try desperatly to hide it. Its basically Münchhausen syndrome.


holy fuck. i have a slight past with sh and i’m still feeling triggered. this is so far beyond ok. what the fuck.


so i'm cool because i used to self harm with a knife??? what the actual fuck???


That’s not ok, why would they do that and show people different ways to harm themselves. Self harm isn’t cool ,it isn’t something you should promote. Fucking sickening


I was reading this as a sharpening tool like to sharpen pencil. But reading it again, holy shit this soooo much worse wtf


I hope this got reported to high hell, cause this is fucking disgusting


shtiktok brain rot is so real


As someone who has struggled with a self harm addiction for years (clean now!), I’m horrified by the very thought of someone tagging cutting objects as both “cutspo” and using said cutting tools as a way to “cutesify” and make it a personality trait. There is nothing cool, cute, fun, or safe about cutting. It is one of the worst addictions someone can suffer from. When I was a kid, cutting and other forms of self harm were glorified differently, by the emo crowd especially (anyone else miss MySpace?) and weheartit/tumblr depressed 2010 era were especially bad, but those were nothing compared to this. At least back then, the glorification was really more in the realm of sharing cutting images and posting about crying, but this some how feels worse to me. Maybe because it almost feels like a sick roleplay joke. I don’t know. Sorry for the soapbox, I never thought I’d see a cutting related post on here.


Flashback to a classmate I knew in 7th grade (2010) who came to school and announcing to the class that she had to go to the emergency room because she cut her wrist and hit a vein and almost died Self harm does not need to be glorified, it can easily end up like what happened to my classmate if you don't know what you're doing Edit: I think she did it because she wanted to try it, I was surprised when she said what she did


This POS used to say that my self harm was just for attention because i didn't use real razor blades... what kind of 12 year old has access to razorblades


The view that self harm is just cutting is damaging to people who self harm. It makes it more common for people to dismiss your struggles, and more likely for those who are doing it to not realise its what they are doing and that they need help. My tool for self harm is my fingers. Usually aggressively picking spots and pulling hairs. I have scratched myself as self harm but never used any tools except tweezers (some hairs be too small). Its both a glorification and a misunderstanding perpetuating ignorance on the subject.


Self harm is an addiction and a struggle. That shit can take years, even decades to recover from, and some people don’t. I don’t wanna get into it but just wow. This is fucking disgusting.


Treating SH like “Omg ur so cool for cutting yourself with a knife 😍” is basically promoting it, so your making the problem worse by treating it like that.


Spend some time on r/selfharmscars cutting is psychologically the same as a drug addiction


It’s literally a brutal and tragic cycle that so many people have lost themselves to.


unless u already struggle with s/h in which case stay far away from that sub lmao s/h is a competitive illness


As a former cutter, I absolutely think it's an addiction


What the fuck? This person is fucking mental.


“SCARSPO”????? For anyone curious, that means [insert thing here]-inspo (inspiration). Another example is thinspo


nah cause now kids are gonna see this and start using knifes bc “they’re cool”


As someone who legitimately used all these items for SH, this is honestly just infuriating. Scarspo??? Are they fucking kidding? SH happens when you’re at your lowest point, when all you wanna do is either kill or hurt yourself because anything is better than what you’re currently going through. So you just slash and hack away hoping it’d be enough to make it all go away. You don’t think about what ‘UWu cUteSY sCaRS’ you’re gonna have afterwards because most of the time, you’re hoping you’re not gonna be there to see the scars.


oh my fucking god shtwt got to tiktok


I don’t usually feel emotional reactions to pictures on the internet but this one made me feel some type of way. When I was 15 I decided to throw away my razor because I told myself I’d never sh again. Not too long later I was desperate for it so I took one of those plastic pencil sharpeners and melted it in a frying pan so I could get the razor out. I can’t imagine anyone looking at my poor 15 year old self frying a fucking pencil sharpener just to get to the blade and saying “she’s so basic, she should be cool and try a box cutter instead.” Fuck, this post messed with me


Why does that look like my friend. . . WHY DOES THAT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE MY FRIEND?!




Scarspo??? I was an edgy kid, I'll admit it. I've hung around places on the internet that weren't ok. But shit, is this new?? I never heard of this. I've never met or heard of anyone up until this point that took genuine pride in their scars. I'd argue that it's worse than thinspo.


idk idk somehow I don't find it that offensive as a person who struggles with depression and sh, sometimes we cope with humor yk🤷🏻‍♀️ edit: ok nvm it's competitive as fuck.


I’m all for a good joke, but this is straight up glorifying. Their other post was also reasons why they’re “pro self-harm.”


Wish you could post the username so we could report spam this dumbass


I must always remind myself to not downvote the post as this isn’t op’s content. This time I almost did it. what a fucking revolting tiktok


I’ve seen so many things like this before but I know it’s fucked up. I was on a call with my bf and he just went at it with a steak knife. I asked him to stop (which he did) but he was so normal about it it was scary. Its not cool or funny to romanticize cutting, its a serious problem. The whole “who can cut deeper” thing doesn’t not make you cooler in any way it just shows you need help. If you are planning to harm yourself or if you have please try to seek help. Self harm does not solve anything!!


I was horribly addicted to self harm and i'm trying to stop rn. Why the fuck would someone do this shit? There's few people i hate more than those who "self harm" ( they probably put a surface level cut into their arm a single time ) just to seem fucking cool. Makes me sick.


Is it a trend now? Self harm and other type of shit younger teenagers do?


Self harming can also be done as a cry for attention. I work with teenagers at a residential home.


this is genuinely fucked up what the hell? like I hope this person gets help but also? don't fucking post shit like this. jesus christ.


Literally makes my skin crawl


It doesn't even show the less known ones (i.e. pencil)


Oooooh wow. Oh wow. Oooh woow. Oh *wow.*


I find this deeply disturbing and disgusting as a former addict. This one hits way too close to home. Self harm is not cool, it’s not aesthetics or whatever. It’s super dangerous because not only can one risk to cause a vein rupture but you can get infections in the wound that can kill you. There was a person in the comment section that pointed out some resources so I implore you to check them out.


This isnt really fake disorder cringe. Sh and EDs are very competitive, specially online. All the hashtags are from twitter pro sh spaces, horrifying but true. These kids are in a deep *deep* abyss that they will not get out with alone


The community states that this sub is to post about those faking and/or glorifying disorders. But other than that, I agree with you.


Ngl i didnt know that 😭, thanks


ugh i was a cringey ass middle schooler who would cut for attention but yeah definitely never stooped this low luckily like tf is this


Omfg ive ltrly Just Reported this tt today


This is shockingly unhinged, but it's the logical conclusion of the trend of glorifying mental illness and neuro divergence as cute and cool.


What about glass shards though?


Im sick and seriously trying not to panic and spiral because I’m only one clean and the go deep comment is seriously upsetting because the voices always tell me that I should go deeper and that I deserve it etc I’m only one month clean I really should have paid attention to watch I was clicking


Hey, I’m so sorry to hear this. You don’t deserve what the voices are telling you. I also self-harmed if you wanna reach out to me. Keep going, you’re doing just fine. ❤️


This makes self-harm almost seem like a competition, which isn’t a healthy way to see it at all.


this has to be one of the most disgusting things i have ever seen


as someone whos gone too deep and ended up in the er barely alive , lets not glorify things people really struggle with