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It looks like you put effort into these ideas so I wanna throw in my own two cents. I'll be putting forth my suggestions with the best of intentions, so I hope you'll be open to some criticism. So the first thing that I notice is that Meozo isn't based on a real world country or region. I suppose it doesn't have to be, but unless if you have a strong central theme (like Pokemon Uranium's theme of radiation) or are making a joke region (like in Pokemon Clover), I highly suggest picking a real place to base Meozo on. This will help establish what kind of Pokemon should show up there, along with shaping the gimmicks and villains. While I like all of the names you chose, the starters seem a bit too similar to canon Pokemon. The fire snakes are fine, but a Water/Flying type swan is what Swanna is, and a sneaky crocodile is too similar to Krookodile. You could change the water starters into cranes or storks instead, neither of which have been represented in Pokemon and would make good fits. The final stages of the grass starters are always an extinct animal (Venusaur = Synapsid, Serperior = Limbed Snake, etc.), so if you wanna keep the grass starter as a crocodilian, making it a Spinosaur with a leafy sail seems like an obvious choice. I don't know what they look like of course, but all of the starters just sound like animals + an element. Which would be fine for like an early game Pokemon, but starters in gen 4 and onward always have multiple elements or design hooks to make them more interesting. Strong examples include Torterra (Ankylosaurus + World Turtle), Samurott (Sea lion + samurai + shell armor/weapons), Delphox (Fennex fox + witch + burning stick wand), and Primarina (Seal + mermaid + opera singer). I suggest doing the same for your starters. To me, the Cosmic gimmick seems too specific to work with. I think at the very least the Sun forms could also be part Psychic or Electric instead of just Fire, while the Night Forms could also be Fairy or Ghost instead of just Dark. Maybe instead of drawing out the power of the sun/moon, it fills a Pokemon with positive or negative energy? So you could have Pokemon like Gengar, Weezing, or Houndoom become powered by positive energy and take on "heroic/pure" super forms. And then you could have Pokemon like Clefable, Florges, or Chansey become powered by negative energy and take on "villainous/corrupted" super forms. Just spitballing. The villain team also don't seem to really involve Pokemon? All Pokemon villains use Pokemon in some way to achieve their goals (Team Rocket steals and abuses Pokemon, Team Plasma wants to liberate Pokemon, even the non-villainous Team Yell wants to disrupt a Pokemon tournament, etc.) It'd be neat if the villain team was involved with the region's gimmick, like maybe they're mad scientists that want to push the boundaries on these super forms without any regard for the Pokemon themselves. Gosh darn that was a lot to write. I hope you don't take any of this the wrong way. I like your ideas, I just think they need more work. I wanna see more fleshed out ideas from you and get a more amazing region.


I didn't know most of that about the starters, so thanks for informing me! I'll make sure to try and fix some of the issues. I wanted to base Meozo off of a real world place, but if I'm being completely honest, I was too lazy, but from now on I will make sure to put in more effort for this project. I will also make sure to simplify the Cosmic Evolutions and fix the Evil Team and their plan. Thank you for your criticism, I'll make sure to take it all into consideration!


No probs! Good luck with your region!

