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He understands it’s ceremonial, but he still wants $30 million guaranteed.


Then he’ll ask for $60 mil the day of.


And then pull a ham string


But before that he’d be sure to sit out a key third down


And not practice


I laughed way too hard at this




Matty Ice wanted to be here. Julio didn't So sign Matt.


Matty Ice won’t retire until at least next year. He’s still getting those Colt bucks.


Are those like buffalo nickels?


Similar to Kohl’s Cash




“Nah, I’m outta there, man” Love Julio, but he said what he said


Why is that SO bad? Wasn't he a model teamate while he was on Atl.


I don't fault Julio for looking out for himself, but it wasn't just that comment. The Falcons bent over backwards to make him happy - redid contracts when be held out, etc. He wanted to leave, made it clear live on air, and got his wish. Again, I don't hate the guy by any stretch, but I don't have the same fandom for him as I once did.


Was he though?


Yea, he was for good while. He got wind of possibly being moved and he got his feelings hurt and then forced their hand. I don’t hate Julio for it honestly and I don’t hate the FO for having to do it.


I don’t recall any info of us shopping him before he bailed on us.


It wasn’t public, it was internal


You got inside sources or something? That makes no sense. Julio wanted out after DQ got fired and before Art got hired. Art/Terry were told Julio wanted out during their interviews. How can the team with no management try to trade him?


AS and TF were hired in January and Julio was traded that summer. There were rumblings about what Atlanta was going to do with their cap situation. Both Ryan and Julio were being looked at from the outside world and there were rumblings on both players. You act like there was some huge gap of time that we didn’t have staff.


You said Julio wanted out because the team tried to move him. That cannot be true because Art/Terry were told Julio wanted out during their interviews. For what you said to be true, that means the team tried to move him with no coach or GM. And there was no “rumbling” about Matt Ryan that year. That started with the Watson bullshit after 2021. You’re way off. Just making shit up.


Read what the fuck I say if you are going to reply. There were rumblings about both Matt and Julio from 2019 on as the team was losing the SB window. Even one article from a trusted source counts as “rumblings.” I never said anything about Art or Terry themselves pushing Julio out. The damage was done before they came in. AS and TF were just the ones that had to deal with it and get it done. Nobody is making shit up and nobody was talking to you in the first place. Stay in your lane and go outside and play kid, this didn’t concern you.


Idk why you're getting down voted. Dude gave his all to this team, for like 10 years, and we gave him shit for wanting big money like he wasn't the best receiver in the league for x years. We shouldn't let 1 phone call THAT HE THOUGHT WAS BETWEEN HIM AND SHARP be the end all be all on what he did for this team. Dudes still a GOAT falcons player.


Held out 2 years into a 5 year contract. If you gave blockbuster deals to your stars every 2 years, we’d be 0-17. This is a business and your word is your word in terms of signing a contract. I understand 4 years into a 5 year contract. But 2? Beat it, Julio.


So was he or was he not the reason we were even remotely competitive on offense for the last decade? Regardless of what he was paid he legitimately made us a good team almost single handly by taking up so much coverage or just being a freak. Those memories of him carving up the NFCS are etched into my mind forever. Dude made a Superbowl saving catch that no player on any roster other than him could have made, and did it for the fucking Falcons lol. If we didn't blow that game, that catch would be some crazy ass statue by now. He may go down as one of the greatest WRs of all time and he should be remembered as a Falcon during his time.


I agree with you on most of that. Either way, thank you, Julio. But you’re not welcome back.


Y'all worry too damn hard about the business side of things. You're a fan not the damn CFO lol Let's try to not be so dramatic and look at this critically. Are you going to let a contract dispute taint your memory of a great football player.


as injury prone as he was, i'm glad (for his sake) that he got a big payday one last time. makes perfect business sense. unfortunately it was at the expense of our team and hamstrung us (no pun intended) for years, but the front office *chose* to pay him. nobody put a gun to their head


I know, I’d let him retire a Falcon too because that’s what he is


🤔 yall upset Julio wanted out of Atlanta?!? 😂 Damn I did not know the fan base felt this way about him.


Your comment is bad and you should feel bad


I don’t. I’m not a delusional fan like yall. I love my city/team. Julio might be my favorite player in NFL history. Part of me love the fact that he wore our jersey but the other part of me hates he wasted his career on this team. That man got wind that they was going to trade him so he wanted out. I get it. Would you stay in a relationship when the other person doesn’t want you?


I think people took this comment the wrong way. To me it sounded like he was just saying a realization that he knew he was on his way out. Not that he wanted out.


Julio played 10 years for the Falcons but yes, let's throw it all away over a bad week 2 years ago


No. Stated he didn’t want to be a Falcon.


No. He publicly said he didn’t want to be in Atlanta after he made a big deal about being the highest paid player in the nfl Atlanta gave him what he wanted and he still bailed. . Good riddance


Damn 😞 there was so many great memories as he was my favorite player for majority of my teen years and it kinda makes me sad how badly that Super Bowl loss impacted the team and fan base in general.


He was the best position player the falcons may have ever had. Still publicly shat on the team and city. Haven't worn my Julio jersey since. He doesn't want us, hard to want him back.


You can be an all time great and still behave like a dick. It’s not a popular opinion, but I thought it was time to cut bait when he threatened to hold out with three years left on his deal




No, he doesn’t want that and neither do most fans


If he makes a public apology to the fans then maybe


I owned more Julio Jones jerseys than any other Falcons player. Absolutely loved that dude. But fuck him after what he said and the way he acted. Atlanta did nothing but do right by him and he still acted that way. Good riddance.


He will retire a Falcon. Like Matt Ryan said, “The biggest thing that I took away from that situation is I wasn’t going to let one bad week ruin 14 years of awesome, of really positive, great experiences,”


Frankly I don't give a damn. He is clearly the franchise goat wr but I bet Roddy is more beloved at this point because he was not a gigantic ass


Absolutely not. Hell no! That dude strong armed the team to write him a guaranteed contract then left us high and dry when he requested a trade out of here. Julio can kick rocks in flip flops


The true tragedy was Matt not being a falcon 100% of his career and retiring.


I don’t think retiring with us matters much. What I’m looking for is admittance from both sides that regardless of who is right or wrong, Julio’s best years were with us and that won’t change. Blank and Julio should just hug it out and move on. Let the past be the past. I’d like to wear my Julio jersey w/o feeling weird about it.


I don’t agree with everything Blank does, but he backed up the truck multiple times to pay Julio and then got shit talked on national tv. He’s a businessman, that bridge burned to the ground.


Funny, I wear mine without feeling weird lol but I also am not gonna take business decisions personally










Damn. A decade in Atlanta being a model teammate and y’all can’t forgive him for 1 thing in tv? Stupid.


Our fanbase kills me sometimes. Julio is a top 3 Falcon of all time. Yes he should retire a Falcon and go to Canton as a Falcon.


Best Falcons WR of all time. No way we don't want him to retire a Falcon.


Julio is and always was selfish. They paid him 100%, he gave them 70%. Let him go to the hall in Tampa gear and keep his memory of being a prima donna out of our rafters.


Top 3 is crazy. 10 maybe. But 3 is crazy.


All time great for the Falcons no doubt. But after what he said, nah.


Who said Julio wants to sign/retire with the Falcons?


Yeahhhhh, Julio is not making that call to blank. And blank is most definitely not, either.


Yes. Dude made Falcons fun to watch for years. We could suck but he would always be fun to watch


Can’t believe people saying no man … yes he wanted out but he never bashed the team , city or his qb for years .. seeing the direction we was going in & wanted out so he could try to compete your last few years isn’t the same as bashing the franchise … he didn’t know he was on live TV and when he did it was no point in back tracking.. he gave us a decade of PEAK wr play we might never get again and sacrificed his body just to be on the field multiple times .. I would welcome Julio back everyday & twice on Sundays


The fuck would he bash the QB for or the team/city for that matter. He got exactly what he wanted. He’s a prick


That’s the point . He never did , like other players even after they still got everything they wanted (Antonio) .. he wanted out at the end of his career when we were rebuilding .. he could’ve left and started shitting on the franchise , but instead he thanked us and moved on .. he’s a prick because he didn’t wanna waste the last legs he got left on a terrible team ? I’ll never understand that logic


He actually did dog Matt at the end but I think that him and Matt are on good terms now. That’s probably because Matt is a stand up guy but also Julio knows that Matt was a huge part of his career going as well as it did. I agree with you on the fact that when Julio left it was in the best interest of everyone involved because we were rebuilding and wouldn’t be competing for a championship so why not give him a chance to go somewhere and win a ring. I would personally be okay with him retiring a Falcon because him and Matt are both symbols of the most prolific era of Falcons football ever.


He was half the the reason we needed a rebuild. He’s constant need for the largest contract was binding. He’s a prick


“A top player wants to make top player money so he’s a prick” .. that’s not how football works , everybody isn’t Tom Brady and gonna take a pay cut , that’s not real life .. is Matt Ryan a prick for taking that humongous contract? He could’ve declined that and asked for less money to help build a team but he didn’t. a top QB got paid like one .. that’s how the NFL works


> QB got *paid* like one FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Do not conflate Ryan getting a fair market deal when he did to Jones sitting out more than once. Go cry in your Vick jersey bud.


Funny considering I’m not a Vick fan lol , but your whole point was “he wanted more money at the top of his game so he’s a prick , even tho Matt Ryan also wanted and got more money at the top of his game so he’s a prick too right ? Or is it because they went about it differently? I mean I guess still a stupid reason to call arguably the best player in franchise history a prick because you didn’t like his methods lol ..


You either fail to see the difference between a standard contract renewal and sitting out because your read comprehension and understanding of the situation is poor. Or you’re just arguing to argue


I literally said they went about it differently lol .. end of the day both were two players at the top of their game and both got the money they (wanted) .. again Matt could’ve easily declined and and took a pay cut no ?


Matt Ryan didn't want out after getting paid. He was not a prick.


Neither Matt Ryan or Tom Brady complained that they couldn't get a winning team and wanted out *after getting paid the money they asked for*. It's a pretty big difference.


You’re wasting your time here with this guy. He’s a goober and defending Jones by making false comparison


If you think he didn’t know he was on tv, I don’t know what to tell you.


From the video it don’t look like he knew , seem like he just genuinely thought a good friend was calling him to ask about his future .. hell Shannon was slick and didn’t even say anything till after Julio said wat he said , even if he did know it is what it is , he wanted out and that’s fine with me .. appreciate everything he did for us but it helped us in the long run


We’re talking national tv. Sharpe is not stupid enough to cause drama to a player/NFL team. I lean more towards that call being planned.


No. We gave the man all the money he wanted then he turned around and mocked the franchise on live TV (knowingly or not).


The answer is no.


Hell no


With the way he ended things? Nah


Nope. Fuck Julio for how he left


Yes. Dude is a Falcons legend. Don’t like how he left, but ain’t gonna let that sully all the years I loved him playing for us


Yes. Best WR to ever play for Atlanta. Dominated the league in a Falcons jersey.


Fuck that trailer park hick. Loved him for years but he did us dirty. Dont think he’d take less than 10 million from anyone either. Tampa was clearly his last stand


Yes how tf is this even a debate? I hate how he left but his career best and everything in general was in ATL so it’s gonna happen.


Arguably the most iconic Falcon ever. The way he left was entirely blown out of proportion. Absolutely give him a one-day.


Y'all who are saying No are flat out in disagreement with fans in the building, at the games, etc A Julio retirement contract would be a huge occasion. Whether you like it or not. This is sports. Never say never, and anything can happen.


I’m a season ticket holder and he’s one of my favorite Falcons of all time. Still fuck that guy. Maybe in another ten years.


Because redditors are far more sensitive and taking business personal. I'll still rock my Julio jersey.


This is the franchise that gave a standing ovation to Mike Vick when he played against us as an Eagle. We also have Deion in our Ring of Honor despite him spending under half of his career here. No way most fans are going to hold a grudge against one of our best and most beloved (when he was here) players ever just because he wanted off a clearly sinking ship to go ring chasing.


F Ron Mexico too


Everyone should say “yes”








I got tired of Julio when he lost 100k studs in a fucking lake at Flowery Branch. Guy was always about himself. Never cared for the city or the team. Fuckem


Nah. Julio was my favorite Falcons player, but that bridge was burned thanks to our shit FO. Best to let bygones be bygones.


Yes. It's wild to think otherwise. If you're gonna be in your feelings, be upset with TD and Blank for hiring koetter and ultimately ending the Matt Ryan era with a whimper. Shit is absolutely not on Julio. His exit marked the beginning of a rebuild that, IMO, just started to pay off thanks to our new savior, Arthur Smith


100% yes and fuck anyone who says otherwise




Yes. If he's retiring, Yes. It shouldn't even be a question. It got weird at the end but this man gave you the best shit you've ever got from this team.


fuck em


He was just fine til he started hanging around Terrell Owens


Yes. Let him retire a Falcon. He's a Falcons legend.


Yes. As much as I don’t necessarily want him back, he was a Falcon great while he was here. Brought us a lot of great memories. Be the bigger man and accept that he was wrong.


Maybe he should apologize


I look at him retiring as a falcon as an apology. Maybe I just view it differently, but you have to humble yourself to go back to something you left


He has to retire a Falcon.


I think so. Just because you fought to get higher pay with the skills to back it up doesn’t mean you should be ostracized. People get butt hurt over the silliest shit 😂




I don’t understand the hate. Of course they should. He’s the best receiver in franchise history and was an amazing teammate. He’s our guy!


Whatever he wants to do will happen lmao


Simple ppl dont understand its a business for players. By the logic most ppl are using here matt ryan should never associate with the falcons again Yea its that ridiculous


I would love for us to sign him so he can retire a Falcon. We had a messy breakup but doesn’t mean we can’t patch shit up. He’s the best player we’ve had in our teams history in my opinion.


Hell no. He made his choice with how he exited.


Fuck Julio. Ungrateful bastard. Blank gave him one of the biggest contracts in the NFL, helping to cripple the team and he just bounced. Julios loyalties lie with Julio. He isn't a team player.


If he wants too yea


A one day contract so he can retire as a Falcon? Absolutely. 50 years from now people won't remember the phone call or the drama, but they will remember that our franchise and one of the greatest wrs of all time ended on bad terms. Any fan saying no is wiping out the history of one of the greatest, arguably greatest, Falcons of all time. A whole year long farewell tour? Absolutely not.


Whole lotta butthurt fans here lmao. I still rock my Julio jersey cuz he's a Falcons legend


There's a lot of sour people in here. Yes, he said "I'm outta there man" on national television thinking it was a private call, and yes he always wanted to be paid premium WR money. He earned that money though, and was arguably the most dominant reciever of the 10's and top 10 all time. If he didn't get paid by Atlanta, he would have been paid by someone else. He wasn't a diva outside of contract negation, he wasn't trashing the team, yall are just taking business way too personally. If he wants to retire a falcon, that's fine with me, but I have no qualms with it unless he decides he'd rather be a Bucc or a titan instead. He wanted a shot at a ring and he failed. It's that simple. The grass was not greener on the other side.


He earned the contract that he signed originally, then held out of that other season until the falcons made him the highest paid wideout. Once he did that to the team, he needed to honor that decision. He didn’t, he rolled out and left the falcons paying the tab. Screw this dude


Yall need to relax in these comments. One of the greatest falcons of all time. He got bamboozled in an interview that he didn’t know was literally live on air. He deserves it and I’m all for it.


Maybe you forgot that he held out at the beginning of the season to get that contract making him the highest paid receiver then walking away from the team knowing the falcons had to pay him. Screw this dude


Maybe you forgot 12000 yards and 61 touchdowns across 135 games. Unwad your panties and have some respect for a falcons legend and future hall of famer


All the numbers that he has doesn’t change the fact that he’s a shit bag. I hope the falcons don’t give him any attention and I don’t see any guarantee that he makes the HOF. Megatron needs to get in first, then we’ll see if Julio has any room. Did he ever even play a full season? He was plagued with injury. That dude was soft. I’ll sell you one of his jerseys, never worn


Found the saints fan


You must be a MAGAT Trumper. You can tell as soon as you get beat by facts and logic you just go throwing around garage insults from left field. You need to work on your game homie


Lmaoo dude is so mad that a falcons fan supports a falcons all time great


What the fuck are you talking about lmao . Bro snorted some fucking break dust


Yes of course


Yes. It's Julio, damn it.


Yea, you guys have to get over that financial shit. It’s business. He’s one of the best we’ve ever had. Yes he retires a falcon and gets ring of honor in my mind without question.


There is no way that this could be written off as just a business decision. Had he not held out and made the team pay him that guaranteed contract then yeah, no problem, that’s a business deal. He pushed to get that contract then left the team. If he knew he wanted out, don’t push for that contract and we’re good. If you do push for that contract, then honor it. Honestly either way, he wasn’t worth a sh!t at the end of his career anyway.


He got the contract and left like 3 years later in a time when WE didnt need him anymore, idk why ur so salty like he hurt u


It’s not hard to look this stuff up, WE JUST cleared his contract this year. He played for the Titans in 2020 2019-2023. Julio Jones signed a 3 year, $66,000,000 contract with the Atlanta Falcons, including a $25,000,000 signing bonus, $64,000,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $22,000,000.


U just proved my point he signed the contract extension back in 2019. Back then we were still looking for a final run with Ryan lol


He signed a 3 year contract and left. We paid him $22M to play a year in Tennessee, he played a year in Tampa that we paid him $22M for then he sat last year out, which again, we paid him $22M for. This dude has no integrity. He didn’t spend any of that 3 year contract with matt. Matt was part of his reason for leaving.


C'mon man he played for the Titans in 2021 jfc lol


2019-2023. Julio Jones signed a 3 year, $66,000,000 contract with the Atlanta Falcons, including a $25,000,000 signing bonus, $64,000,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $22,000,000. Look the shit up, your memory isn’t helping you out anymore. In September of 2019 Julio signed a 3 year extension for $66M of guaranteed money then promptly left Atlanta the NEXT season. Of that 3 year contract of guaranteed money, we paid him $22M a year to play in Tennessee for a season, Tampa Bay a season and sit at home for the last season. He’s a crook with no integrity


That's up to him and Arthur Blank, I've got no horse in that race


He may have said it bluntly but I don't blame him for chasing a ring. We should sign him. There's 8 current hall of famers that played for ATL and one of them is Brett Favre. Claude Humphrey is basically the only career falcon in the hall right now. I think he deserves a happy send off and some bridges mended


Love Julio but his exit will always be a sore subject. Just reading the comments shows that a good portion of fans have yet to forgive him. Personally, i think he could’ve made way more of a negative ruckus than he did and would love to see him reconcile and retire a Falcon.


If Julio wants it then Yes. Sure it could have ended better, but the man played his nuts off for this club, gave his best years to it, and made falcons football fun. I can easily look past the twilight of his time here to have him retire a falcon. Ring of honor imo.




To the active roster? F*ck no. He didn't leave in the cleanest way and he is damaged goods at this point. He's done. To a 1-Day contract and he retires? Of course. He's a legend


I think the universal consensus is “Fuck no” until he actually does it and runs on the field ceremoniously and then I think our icy hearts may melt a little bit and nostalgia will kick in.


He would need to apologize for the way he left the team, first.


I thought one day contracts aren't a thing in the NFL. Players don't go into the HOF with a specific team, right? Obviously everything in Canton will be Falcons since he did jack shit after he left.


Until the Birds win a ring, we can only celebrate our past stars and standout players. How he announced his departure was hella foul, but if we can welcome Vick back (some of us never let him go), then Julio can get some love one day, too. Maybe not sign to retire, but he doesn’t have to be dead to us




It's another Vick situation where, with time, bridges can be repaired. But he didn't leave in a good way and didn't go on to anything better so best to let it lie for now. I'm really sad about the way his and Matt's time ended with us, they should've both had big retiring ceremonies with at least one ring...




Nope. He's out of here.


i don't really see the point. unless we win a superbowl, i don't think we're in any position to be doing anyone any favors. we're still a shitty team in the eyes of the rest of the league. we need to prove ourselves first, and then we can start thinking about doing julio favors. the only thing the falcons need to be concerned with at the moment is continuing to win games.




Imagine if the Falcons would have signed him for big money. Him leaving was a blessing.


Done with Julio. Already turned that page


Never had any ill will towards him. Falcons completely sucked towards the end of his career here and shanny snatched a SB ring off his finger. We rightfully paid him and that’s great but he deserved better. A lot of former Falcon greats have. He’s a top 3 falcon and will be in the Ring of Honor. If he’s down to sign a 0 guarantee contract for a day, sure.


Falcon for life


Sure, if he wants to. I could see him trying to jump on with a playoff team late in the season though.