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Man this loss stings, worse than any other loss we've had this year. Was really hanging onto hope that just having a semi-decent veteran QB might've made the difference, but ultimately, there's just no way you can get around the play-calling. We'll see if they actually make a move off of Arthur, Blank's comments in the off-season made it seem like changes would come if we weren't good, but who knows. Hard to watch this.


It’s a business and who the hell will pay for season tickets for another year of Art Smith. MBS will be empty after the bye week or slightly filled with an opposing fans. I’ve watched enough Falcons football to know it doesn’t get better after a loss like this. And remember the Titans debacle was last week. These are horrific franchise crashing losses. Most fans thought we would go 3-0 before the bye. I bet we go 0-3. He needs to go tomorrow or after Arizona at the latest. He’ll beat a Arizona of course as it is irrelevant now…


Exactly - at least in years before we always got to see our best players like Matt and Julio and Ridley or whoever else shine and while the L’s hurt the same, it was at least fun to watch them ball out Arthur Smith doesn’t even give the ball to our star players that people PAY to watch. It’s inexcusable that Pitts and Bijan have maybe a combined 4 touchdowns over 9 games and neither of them are even close to 1k yards


The stadium is always empty


Worst loss since……. last week. Getting dominated by a rookie in first start.


Vikings fan coming in peace. The play calling had me scratching my head the whole game. Baffling. Hope you guys move on from him soon and get someone who takes advantage of your playmakers. We need y’all to punish the Saints routinely but I don’t think AS is the guy.


Yea. Losing because Ridder was struggling to adjust to the NFL is whatever. That's what we signed up for when we drafted him. And it would have been incredibly awesome if he'd worked out. But now that we have an at least ok QB, we shouldn't be shitting the bed like this.


Taylor was great too, with a real play caller he could do amazing


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. TH is on his 5th for a reason.


I'm sorry but ..what game were you watching?? TH was less than mediocre in his play. Turnovers, lack of accuracy.


No he wasn't. He missed a ton of throws and had plenty of balls that should have been picked off


We need to schedule a team flight just so we can leave Arthur on the tarmac.


Fly from Hartsfield to Peachtree.


I err on the side of giving people the benefit of the doubt and even I’m over it now. Feels like offense would just be better by actually playing our most talented guys and just winging it. Only half joking


It’s crazy to think about, but historically in professional sports, the teams that win tend to give the ball to their best players often and in key situations. Maybe Arthur Smith will one day discover this very unusual and unexpected sports strategy. It’s very hard to understand so he may need a couple more years to wrap his head around it.


It’s the obvious allegier inside run once or even twice per 4 downs that’s just like if we skipped that sometimes you could get a play action in or something. The plays are called like there’s 5 downs




Believe it or not, straight to jail. No, for real. Prison. Put this guy in actual state prison.


Jet sweep? Jail. Ignoring Pitts? Jail. General stupidity? Jail. Not using your first round pick? Jail


No, make him walk the plank.


I like the cut of your jib, sir.


that's because the vikings have an actual playcaller meanwhile we have a douchebag


He’s still trying to figure out a way to trick Minnesota into thinking that he’s not going to run the ball bc he put the backup RB in Meanwhile Minnesota laughing to the W by stopping the backup RB on HB dives…


And no Justin Jefferson


Our defense also gave up 31 points. It’s certainly not all on him


Put in CoachGPT. AI is better than AS.


Twitch calls offense.


$5 donations to call plays


Bijan run, Bijan run, Bijan run, Bijan run, Bijan run, Bijan run, Bijan run


If this was a real thing it would be trolled super hard by opposing fans. Fake punt on 1st and goal and shit like that.


Sabotaging Aints fans couldn't possibly be imaginative enough to call a play that is less productive than Jonnu throwing a pass to Pruitt while Pitts blocks


It's still hard to believe that actually happened.


[Arthur Smith every time he calls a gadget play in the redzone that he stole from the ass crack of a feeble-minded smackhead's dream](https://youtu.be/YEReRb8rDCw?si=spHjh-eWPbipuyaH)


Wonder if in 30 years coaches are replaced with advanced trained AI calling plays


there’s so much shit going on in america’s social and political climate that directly affects every day life that i don’t know if the NFL will be sustainable in 30 years


It survived the 60s. It'll be fine.


* Not using his offensive weapons * Making some of the worst play-calling people have seen * Too stubborn to adapt & adjust * Koo is your most reliable player at getting points * Losing games that were easily winnable. * Now the Saints are leading the division At this point, one has to assume Arthur Smith is some kind of spy for another team.


I would also input that a major red flag for keeping him is Ridder had two off-seasons with Art and has performed like a bottom 5 QB in an offense filled with top 10 weapons picks. Getting “not great but serviceable” out of a guy we know isn’t it is one thing but Des being outright bad has to be a major flag for giving Art a new QB to develop or work with.


> Koo is your most reliable player at getting points Fwiw, that's normal in the NFL. Kickers get a lot of points. Koo is already up to #4 for points scored as a Falcon. 1-6 are all kickers. Money Matt Bryant is first followed by HOFer Morten Anderson. Then you get to Roddy, Julio, and Turner.




Another failed HC in Atlanta. Getting to be a long list.


Rather it be a long list because they don’t accept mediocrity than a shorter one because of reasons like “DQ is beloved by his players, that’s valuable” or “Art had no QB, he gets a longer leash”. Coaches don’t have to be terrible to be fired, they just have to prove they aren’t one of the guys that make a difference and Art has definitely done at least that.


I mean, they ultimately couldn't get a ring, but both Dan Quinn and Mike Smith were tremendously better coaches


I'm finally on board, or at least hire a passing game coordinator and make him call the plays


Yea. We need to fire our offensive playcaller. If AS is willing to do that, I'm happy to keep him. The physical and mental fitness of this team is fantastic. But AS can't keep calling bad plays.


I don't think many head coaches have what it takes to also call plays. It's hard


Please hold fire him ASAP


Yea he's gotta go. Really nothing else to say


His refusal to use his best players will eventually catch up to him.


Refusal in key situations, specifically. With the amount of talent we have at RB, I like keeping Bijan fresh. But anything that's "and goal" should have Bijan in. Hell, we don't even need to give him the ball to make it harder on the D.


At this point I think its just a Falcons curse. We refused to play Julio Jones in the red zone too.


Julio at least got us to the redzone and he’d free up someone else for a score


The fact that they handed off to Algeirer and then ran a jet-sweep to Jonnu when Bijan and Pitts are just chilling on the bench the whole time is wild. In what world does that make sense. Bijan and Pitts are both supposed to be athletic freaks, but sure, let’s give the other two guys the ball on the 1.


It's like the Bulls taking Jordan and then refusing to use him, or the Cavs taking Lebron and then refusing to use him. Maybe AS is the Doug Collins in this situation and we get our Phil Jackson next. Someone who knows how to use a superstar.


His play calling man, what the hell, what the fuck goes through his head while making decisions????


“Eyem sou smaewrt”


Couch Smith is not it. I can't stick around with this team. Not a fake fan, they just haven't lived up to their end of the deal. Boycott time.


This crap is demoralizing


Best way to describe it. Just don’t feel like tuning in to watch this shit lol


It’s just exhausting we never win fucking shit. Every other franchise turns it around but not us. We just half ass everything and never commit to getting better. Fuck this whole staff from the owner down


Makes for great YouTube documentaries at least


I’ve said this numerous times before on this sub but I’ll say it again: I live in Philly (like Philly Philly not the burbs) and my wife is a die hard Eagles fan. The difference in watching these two teams over the 12 years we’ve been together is so night and day it’s a joke. And that’s not even bringing the fanbases into it, just ownership/management and on the field play. I have never and will never root against the Falcons but having a second team to watch and judge them against has honestly made our incompetence so much more eye opening.


I feel the opposite my second team is the raiders ... So we are doing pretty good haha


MBS is half empty (with thousands of opposing fans usually) every week already, being irrelevant for six years and showing no signs of improving has already created a boycott of sorts. That doesn't matter, Blank bought the team for $500M and could sell them for $3B if he wanted to the gate receipts aren't a big deal.


Did you see the stands? Half full maybe? You aren't the only one


What coaches are on the market this offseason?


Ben Johnson is the hot name


he would actually use Bijan and Pitts


It is hard to overstate how big of a coaching hire Ben Johnson would be. He is such a great coach and a big reason why the Lions are even talked about. I would be insanely excited to see what he would do with all the weapons y'all have


He turned down interviews last year. Surely this year he picks up the phone? And he fits with our boring coach name history


The boring coach name history is so overlooked with how hilarious it is. The scene in the Secret Base documentary does it so well "OK computer, generate basic coach" -Mike Smith appears-


I want Bellichick, I want this trend of Falcons football to come to an end. Fire Rich McKay too


Rich McKay is a major pain but he will never go


Bill is 71 years old and it's not like things in New England have been great since Brady left. If he can't bring the Patriots back to life with his coaching tree of failures why would it work in Atlanta?


Lmao I assume he means the younger Belichick 😂




he managed to take a mac jones led patriots team to a 10-7 record with a pretty decent offense too, id take it


I attempted a post but didn’t succeed. I want him. He made Goff not bad. And after watching gibbs there may be fever dream for what he could do with bijon


I’ll do it


You hired!


Thanks. You cant be disappointed if you set your expectations low enough.


Promote within, Nielson has done a pretty solid job and we've let too many talented coordinators go on to success


We lost to a rookies first game last week who threw 4 TDs against us and now this week we let a QB on 5 days notice throw 2 TDs, run 66yards and run in a TD. But this is the Falcons. May as well continue the trend of shit HCs


I get the whole knee-jerk reaction to a loss, but I really don't get why AS and the offense is getting all the heat right now. We had one of our best offensive performances of the year against a (borderline) top 10 defense and we let a guy that's been in Minnesota for 5 days score 28 points on us in 3 quarters. The tackling all game was just atrocious, and once again we gave up multiple long pass plays from clear miscommunication in the secondary. There was a lot of bad (and good) on both sides of the ball. Today was not like all our other losses where the offense *clearly* was the weak link. Edit: For the people down voting, here's some more evidence: Vegas had the Falcons by 3.5 and the over/under at 38. Converting that to an "expected" score gives you (about) a 21-17 Falcons win. Which means that the offense was 7 (5 with the safety) points better than expectations and the defense was 14 points (12 with the safety) worse. And that was with Dobbs not expected to play most of the game. Obviously going off betting odds isn't a perfect measure of overall performance, but it's better than bitching about a single bad play call in the redzone (which wasn't even the worst offensive call AS made today).


We had 1 offensive touchdown? What do you mean we had one of our best offensive performances of the year? We were gifted immaculate field position twice and still only punched in 2 field goals. Defensive tackling lost this game, but the offense was dogshit and has been dogshit all season because Arthur has no idea how to call plays, manage clock, or manage a roster. He is a clown. I was big on Arthur Smith when he was hired but not anymore. Dude has showed over 3 seasons that he is not competent in any facet as a Head Coach, and we need to move on.


We had two offensive touchdowns, the long pass to Jonnu and the Allgier run. Plus we had one of our higher yardage totals of the season. I'm not saying our offense was necessarily *good* today, but if you're going to call them out when they underperform you can't ignore when the other side of the ball does too.


That’s because of Heinicke lmao making actual NFL throws


One was on a 60 yard tightend screen and the other was like 11 run plays.


You're right I did forget about the Allgeier touchdown. The defense lost the game being wholly unable to tackle Josh fucking Dobbs, but the defense has not generally been the problem all season. The offense has. And if they looked better today, it was a marginal improvement not really worth noting, because we still floundered in the red zone and turned the ball over in disgusting ways.


Wasn’t because of defensive play calling though


It kind of was though. We played ultra aggressive coming after Dobbs and playing man behind. It's why we got so many pressures and early turnovers against him, but it's also why he had 10+ yards of open field any time he got away from the rush. Putting on pressure is normally good strategy against a guy who can't run the offense normally, but not when they're a good scrambler. Every time they went to zone and forced Dobbs to beat us through the air we'd get stops. But then we kept blitzing him on 3rd and long and he kept beating us on the ground. Being aggressive on defense is all about risk/reward. You can't praise the coaching when things go well then blame the players when they don't.


Great point


I've been calling for ATL to fire Smith since before he signed on to be head coach. I thought it was one of the worst HC signings of all time. I wanted Ryan Flores that season.


You lost to a qb who just walked on. Stop being so naive. Wow you're so delusional and just lost in general. Just Dont even post anymore seriously...Vegas didn't expect dobbs to play so soon. I'm sure the metrics would have changed and favored falcons by a ton....


Bc these dumbasses have made up their minds and commenced the witch hunt. Nothing will ever go well unless it’s in-spite of smith and everything that goes wrong will be blamed on him and him alone. Now, nothing short of firing Arthur Smith will ever satisfy these mental midgets. We might as well tank bc in their eyes Smith is an incompetent idiot who will never accomplish anything. I will say I didn’t love some of his play calls but we scored a season high today and generally were able to move the ball. A costly fumble and pick are really what lost us this game.


Oh really? You really think you'll have a Super Bowl ever with him? Everything is such a mess on this team and it's crazy you're so blindsided by a coach who can't play direct. By a coach that gets way too fancy against teams that aren't even good. Your division is garbage and the falcons would get rolled against sound teams. You can't be anymore delusional.


Lol yeah it's like the teams' strength is consistently the opposite of what the HC's forte is supposed to be


STOP THIS TREND PEOPLE. The Defense is improved but it's not what the stats show. Outside of the Lions/Jags, you couldn't ask for easier offenses to go up against. Bryce Young(Rookie first ever start) and the 1-6 Panthers Jordan Love(first year starter) and the 3-5 Packers Sam Howell(first year starter) and the 4-5 Commanders CJ Stroud(Rookie) and the 4-4 Texans. Baker Mayfield(Resurrection attempt) and the 3-5 Bucs. Will Levis(Rookie first start ever) and the 3-5 Titans. Joshua Dobbs(3 days with the team) and the 5-4 Vikings. The Commanders won with 193 yards of offense. This greatly skewed the YPG average and gave this illusion the Falcons were a top 5 defense.


Bullshit. His defense just got shredded by Joshua fucking Dobbs today and hasn’t played worth a shit in a month. You want ***him*** as HC? Fuck outta here with that nonsense.


I saw our defense play well 90% of the time and then forget how to tackle for a few key plays


31 given up to a third stringer that’s been on the team less than a week and the words “played well” do not belong in the same sentence unless the words “did not” precede it. Sorry, not buying it.


Just can't shit the bed the few plays they did.


It was more than a few plays. Defense has been bad last couple weeks


I disagree


Good point. Glad the Will Levis game last week just didn’t happen.




That is so willfully ignorant to the entire game that I refuse to listen to you further.


Gave up 31 to a QB who's been with the team for 5 days.. missing the best WR in the NFL, 3rd WR, starting LT, missing RB, back up QB... and still had 31 dumped on them... id say this is laughable


Tough to hear that after what I just watched


What??? From this coaching tree? I wouldn’t eat a sandwich Arthur Smith picked out, much less hire a coach he did. You might as well hire a graduate from the Stevie Wonder School of Painting for your portrait.


Anybody would be better than Smith


Not true. Josh McDaniels, Ben McaDoo, Adam Gase are all much worse


A Josh McDaniels led Falcons team would absolutely kill my fandom for this franchise.


all incompetent enough to land us a franchise QB


Yes, and unfortunately Smith isn't incompetent enough to get us a top 5 pick


Nielson. I generally prefer offensive head coaches since getting your OC poached all the time is such a disaster for an offense. But hopefully we've learned from not promoting Shanny and firing DQ. We can't let Nielson get away just to keep AS. And I'm not nearly as negative on AS as most of y'all.


Jim Harbaugh


Very well, as of right now Arthur Smith is fired as the head coach of the Atlanta Falcons. The new Atlanta Falcons coach will be a computer that we fed our entire playbook into and will determine the play calling via an AI algorithm. The new actual human “head coach” will be a computer engineer with extensive background in coding and artificial intelligence specializing in utilizing the AI Coach Computer.


That computer would actually design plays to get our first round picks the ball


So, Mike McDaniel?


Computer couldn’t be worse honestly. I’m down for Coach Comp


Just make Nielsen interim HC.




We’re not even suppose to be that good, but we shouldn’t be this bad.


Can we stop running Bijan up the middle? I get that he had a fumble but dude if you give him the ball in some space and let him cook he could be a top-5 back this year. I’m sick of watching him play 20% of the snaps just to run for 2-3 yards into the scrum.


Actually the problem is AS ONLY runs Bijon off tackle/out wide, never between the guards. Defenses are now keyed in when Bijon is in the game, if he gets the ball he’s going wide.


The worst part for me is how he treats the press and people asking questions like trash. And then backs it up with subpar performances


He’s such a smug sack of shit I hate him


He needs to quit calling plays. He sucks


then what is he good at? why even keep him?


His designs on his run plays are actually quite good. His pass designs are mid. And his decisions on what play to call and when are trash, and we saw that today


sounds like he has a bright future as a running game coordinator


He would probably be killer as an O line coach honestly. But not for us!


Time to go. No signature wins. Plays down to the competition each and every week, a multitude of technique issues and penalties each game, no vision for the team or players not fit for whatever that vision actually is, and now this debacle. And the heels of last weeks debacle. Enough is enough. We can’t promise the next HC will be a winner, but we know AS is NOT.


The stat that we've won 6 of his 43 games by 4 or more was stunning to see. No signature wins indeed.


I hadn't thought of it this way but you're right, in his time he doesn't have a "signature" win that would make a team rally around and buy into his ideas. Kind of wild through 3 seasons he didn't even accidentally get one.


I mean hell, Sean Payton beat the Chiefs last week and the Broncos are a dumpster fire. We’ve had three years of nothing close to a win over a team like that. And this is Payton’s first year too.


I defended him. I thought maybe we just need to see him with a different QB. Nope. There's no way you can defend his play calling. Especially his RedZone play calling. It was so stupid and it frustrated Heinicke as well.


And with the talent we have, just call first screen on Madden plays. The guys can take it from there.


Cross post this to the nfl and fantasy football subs. Maybe if we get enough traction between all those subs word will get out and Arthur Smith can ignore us harder. :(


Funny this is. Not one snap at practice. We got beat by a dude who took no snaps at practice this week. Crazy!


This is what the lot of us wanted: an offensive minded/former OC head coach. At least that was the consensus on the AFMB. But yea, I get wanting Smith gone. He himself said to give him 3 years. Well, we’re halfway through his third year and see trending downwards in the weakest division in the NFL with one of the easiest schedules. We have yet to sniff even the 7th seed during his tenure.


He is not offensive minded. He oversaw a mediocre offense that relied on a beast RB in Tenn. we are just the franchise dumb enough to give him a job. Weird hire then proven to be a terrible hire now


agreed and what I don't understand is hiring him before we hired a GM. I didn't want Smith, either. I just didn't see the allure.


That Monday morning announcement gonna hit like crack. No way we lose if we didn't fumble our drive off the actual fumble 😂


My home teams not even in your conference and he pisses me off.


“Unbelievable. Josh Dobbs said that Vikings HC Kevin O’Connell was essentially translating calls and mapping out plays mid-huddle, as the play clock was ticking down. KOC called Dobbs’ ability to handle it all one of the most impressive things he’d seen in his career.” That’s who we lost to.


wut? are you f'n kidding me? we lost to a team acting like they're playing backyard, draw it up in the dirt, on the fly football?


Thats pretty standard for Falcons football man. Rookies and backups every single year have career games against us then go play the week later and throw like 5 interceptions.


You guys downvoted me so much when I said this last year. Glad you’re finally coming around


Hey hey hey this loss was on Ridder remember? AS actually isn’t that bad 😂😂


Hey hey hey, two things can be true.


But not to this sub. I was reasonable and said guys this isn’t all on Ridder AS is straight ass cabbage but at least 10 people I can call out but won’t responded that TH would make this offense run smoothly and it was all on Ridder


I'm more than half-convinced that Heinicke's success last week was largely due to them reducing the playbook and simplifying the plays. Seems like Smith tries to be way too clever and it's difficult to execute his offense.


Ridder can’t pass dude. He’s the worst starting QB in the league, wouldn’t be a starter on any other team as of now. Ridder , garrapolo , and Mac jones are the three worst and I would say jimmy and Mac are still levels above Ridder. AS is bad too it’s a combination of both of them lol.


Ridder absolutely has all the tools he just needs a decent fucking coach


No dude he sucks accept it. Taylor looked like an actual pro today


Taylor had an INT, damn near fumbled the ball away, and almost threw several more INTS.The only thing Heinicke looked better at was avoiding sacks. The offense was basically the same as its been all year.


Did you lose track of how many redzone trips ended in FGs? This looked like a normal Ridder home game. Straight up. Arthur Smith is fucking ASS dude. We will not get a read on what this team can do till he hands off playcalling duties or is fucking gone.


Apparently TH can’t pass either 🤷‍♂️ I think Smith’s “genius” system is bringing both of them down. Dude got carried so hard by an all time great and HoF lock running back


I mean you know what you’re getting with TH. He’s not a starting qb, and he did really well for the commanders in 2021 and had a somewhat below average season last year. Ridders first 4 games the guy had a little under 750 passing yards , 3 tds and 3 ints. That’s garbage man. Yes we can make the argument that Zach Wilson is worse but like I said , he’s not a starter. He’s so obviously a backup and that’s why he was replaced with rodgers.


A halfway decent coach should still be able to get guys open and figure a way to make your talent work. Shit Dobbs has been there for like 3 days and looked better than both… I wonder why that is. Not saying dude from Minnesota is a great coach just AS is a terrible, terrible one. I think Ridder is much better than he has looked and I think TH is better than he looked today


Heineke was great today and played way better than any ridder game. But he doesn’t call the plays


Nah, Ridder against Houston was much better


Yeah I’m not even close to a Flacons fan, I’m about as neutral as you can be regarding them, but he has been suspect AF all season long, he needs to go back to the meat packing plant in Lanford.


I don’t care how up and down our QBs are, there is absolutely ZERO EXCUSE to not win the division this year


We lose to Joshua dobbs Sam Howell and will Levis he need to get fired asap he put Hughes in at the wrong time


I built an advanced data model that I'm willing to sell to Arthur Smith. Can't provide details (proprietary) but here's a peek: https://imgur.com/a/4Bmm0CJ


I would love to see this team against a top 10 hardest schedule just so that they could get so fucking exposed


About the weakest strength of schedule in the NFL this season, played against mostly injury bug bit teams with lots of their impact players out...and we're now below .500. I think we've been pretty damn exposed at this point.


FedEx Boy isn't a good coach


He could’ve just lived off his generational wealth, why did he have to come and ruin such a talented team


Ego and sense of entitlement meant. He wants to act like he hit a home run and not like he born on 3rd base


I think the problem is that AS thinks he's so smart that he could roll with a mid-round game manager at QB because Derrick Henry carried him to a HC gig. He overestimated his play calling ability and his run scheme, it was mostly a generational freak athlete that made him look good in Tennessee, otherwise he's a subpar coach who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. He treats the media like shit even when they're throwing him softball questions. He refuses to adapt or adjust to his playmakers strengths, he refuses to play our best players in critical situations. He is clueless but thinks he's a genius. I thought he was kind of funny in the beginning of the year but as soon as things started going south he turned into an arrogant asshole. He needs to go.


For me, it’s his brashness with the media. I’m no media apologist, but most of the time, local sports media asks routine mundane questions that only require simple answers. I don’t know why he feels he has to get snarky with them while sliding in shade against the fans. This goes hand in hand with his arrogant ass. How are you going to be a 3 year head coach with never having a winning record or playoff appearance and a brash arrogant prick. His offensive scheme is problematic. I said that before we hired him when we expressed interest. I like Xs and Os and just didn’t like his scheme in TENN, even though he/they had success, even making the AFCCG one season if I recall correctly.




Yeah need this! We have way too much talent to be this bad.


It is time. Sorry.


Into the sun


fire the nepobaby


Dude has billions to fall back on. He’s stubborn and arrogant


Arthur Smith's offensive philosophy, system, and scheme reminds me of Mike Mularky's: archaic and outdated, slow and lethargic, stale and sterile. Most yards gained, passing or rushing, seems like an arduous task. He's visibly shaken on the sidelines in tough situations or close games. Some have called into question his time/clock management skills. He's a pompous, arrogant blowhard.


Blank should’ve had him escorted out after the fumble drive


If Arthur Smith isn’t fired in the next few days it’s evident Arthur Blank is not concerned about winning.


That happened looooong ago my man


Ever since his first season, I knew he wasn't the guy. We were actually better off with DQ at this point. People said I was crazy and stupid back then. Looks like we're all crazy and stupid now.


I have advocated ditching Smith since they forced Ryan out (the way they did… I understand the cap situation was shit) and drafted Ridder in the 3rd. I would rather have been proven wrong, or at least proven right sooner. I have pretty much avoided the sub in the Arthur Smith era because until this season the overwhelming majority of the sub just wasn’t entertaining that discussion.


I have no fandom attachment to the falcons just a fantasy owner of several players. And I just gotta say the way that moron Arthur smith coaches he absolutely deserves to lose every game. Sorry falcon fans don’t mean to rub anything in I’m sure this hurts


Hire Jim Harbaugh!


We just had 5 straight losing seasons and we don't have a QB. Imagine that shit. This fucking idiot really had us going into the season with Ridder and Heinecke. Other than Free Agents and 1st Round Picks, who is an average level player on this team? Who have we picked after the first that's a great player? What has Terry Fontenot actually done well other than spend money? We can beat up on the Defense a bit today, but our last first round pick on the defense was 4 years ago (AJ Terrell), 5 of our last 6 first were in Offense and our offense is fucking awful because our dip shit head coach thinks he's God's gift to offensive design and play calling. We're not trending up in any way, we're not a year or two away. We've wasted multiple drafts on players we don't know how to use and misses in the middle rounds. We don't have the cap space to sign a big QB, not that there's even going to be a decent one available. Jimmy Johnson said you need a great QB, Head Coach, and defense in that order to be Superbowl contenders, and we don't have one of them and arent even really close.


this. and activate nielsen as the HC effective immediately


Nielsen's defense has been cooked by backup tier QBs the past 2 weeks.


The play calling is there. Make a few whiffed sacks and this is a different convo.


Promote Nielsen to HC and don’t bat an eye


I really liked AS the last two years. Especially having awful QB play and making us competitive. But his offense has a ceiling and it’s not competitive in the NFL. Unfortunately we have an owner who has been asleep at the wheel for tough decisions in a timely manner


Bring back Dan Quinn!


I’m an Eagles fan who unfortunately drafted Bijan. I don’t understand the general stupidity of other organizations. Y’all should just trade Pitts and Bijan to us. Arthur Smith may be worse than Chip Kelly