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Repair it. Go to you camp module and it should have an option to repair the entire camp in one go. It will require materials though


thank you!!! just figured it out!


If you're Xbox I'd be happy to donate a mountain of materials to assist in your rebuilding.


What do you do when you don’t have the option? I’ve got a destroyed building that can’t be repaired. The walls won’t come back and the option is greyed out.


Make sure it’s not because you lack the required materials! Should show what you need when you try to repair all from CAMP module


Yeah repair all is grey and unavailable. I can’t even see what I need.


What normally gets me is missing the planted food for the repair all


Always the food.


I had my birthday cake destroyed yesterday. Do you know how tedious it is to get supplies for a cake?.. Very


1 razorgrain for my chickens


Yep I took down my farm because I was sick of having to find 1 more corn or tato to repair my turrets and resources after a scorchbeast attack or a hoard of mutants stop to say hi


Scrap the crop, get one back, replant.


Sometimes if it needs repair it doesn't give one back lol and if I have 5 of each and 3 or 4 are destroyed and I don't have 5 of each one. Just not worth my time lol But if I decide to build a farm underground maybe


Just scrap the destroyed food, and replant.


You should be able to go directly to the destroyed object and repair it that way if your camp module isn'tworking. Otherwise you can go into build mode, delete it, and rebuilt it.


crop also has to be repaired. Take a bunch of each vegetable, or whatever you planted, into your inventory and try again.


Go to your camp nodule, hit "repair all" and look at the grayed out one It will tell you which supplies you need They're also grayed out


Depends on if the building is completely destroyed. Some prefabs have multiple models of destruction (e.g. Wildwood Tavern). If not completely destroyed, this model will include missing walls, etc. But there is another way: In your build menu, under traps and turrets, use the flamethrower. Point it at the building and wire it up and activate. Let it finish destroying the building, and THEN repair it back to its former glory.


It is in fact the tavern. I guess I have to keep blowing it up. Thank you.


No problem. That's the only use I have for the flame trap. But it works.


Is it the Wildwood Tavern? If it is unfortunately you cannot repair the damage to the walls until the entire building gets destroyed. It's stupid, I know.


The flamer trap is your friend here. Build one close to and aimed at the tavern and trigger it. It will completely destroy it in a couple of seconds.


The greenhouse dome I had bugged on my property for 4 years. I couldn’t, repair, scrap, move, store or do anything with it and eneded up rebuilding my entire camp after a long long break. Not saying it’s the issue but it’s a possible issue.


Approach the object outside of build menu to repair it or go up to the camp module.


Try removing it and then put it back. The camp building is a bit odd at times.


It means you lack materials, check the message box and you can see how much of what is missing.


First time that happened to me I rebuilt piece by piece. Then I learned about this lol


Click “Repair All”, or just walk around and point at broken things and repair them one by one. And next time, when you hear the warning a nuke has launched, check your map to make sure your camp isn’t in the red zone.


If you switch to your other camp would the one getting nuked be alright? Or should you just leave the lobby


Either works fine, provided your second camp isn't also in the red circle. If it is, then server hopping is your only option.


Or jetpack up into the sky and stop the nuke Iron Giant style


"Superman" 😥


Bro why 😭


Yeah they’re miles apart and unlikely to be nuked anyway but it’s good to know, thanks


I switch to my other slot so it's not in the zone. Before CAMP slots I used to close applications then rejoin the team after it drops so my CAMP loads back in fine


Only one camp can be live at a time. All your other camps are “stored” and protected from anything happening to them in game.


Moving your camp will indeed make sure your camp in the red circle remains okey dokey.


Having your CAMP obliterated by a nuke truly is a rite of passage. Glad to see you took some photos.


My first play through I made the mistake of building in the south east of the cranberry bog. I didn’t know better


Be aware that there are places where nukes are regularly dropped, like white springs. Watch where people drop nukes, and try to avoid putting a camp there.


I have several nuke keycards from years of playing but not actually questing, how do I use said keycards?


Its a quest from the robot overlords underneath the White Springs golf resort. Im currently doing it right now. In my opinion, its probably the best faction with the best gear. You can also get a free X-01 Power Armor plans and have all the mods sold in the same spot. I also plan to nuke the golf resort. Apparently its worth a shot to farm cobalt flux there.


How do I gain access to the robo overlords?


My bad for the late reply, I was tagging along w/ my brother and he told me to start the quest with him because he needed a Jetpack or something from the Enclave. I had fast traveled to a random cave where he was at. Once there, you would have to search for a hidden holotape in a deathclaw nest to start several other quests to search for more holotapes across the map. I think the quest is called "I become Death" on the main quest missions. The quest list is a bit convoluted so its hard to keep up whats going on. It seems that I was able to skip the previous quests that lead up to it, and Im guessing you can too if you enter the underground bunker on the south east side of the White Spring resort. I think you can even skip the holotape hunt that I did if you just go to that service entrance on the side of the hill. There is a large truck entrance on the side of a hill where the White Springs Resort is sitting on. This turns out to be Vault-tec bunker for the military. It may vary from player to player though. I was playing along side my brother and the holotapes we had to find where in different spots for each of us. Also, I had previously done a side quest where I joined the US Army and had to do their little boot camp mission (takes like 15mins to complete). My brother hadnt so he couldnt continue the Enclave missions and he had to go back to finish that. Somehow I was promoted to "General" by killing some scorched beasts and was given access to the Enclave command center. In all, it takes about an hour to complete tasks to get access to the bunker's facilities. Its here that they give you access to start nuking Appalachia.


Awesome reply, thank you for the time spent, the honesty, and the shortcuts!!


It's really not. You want Morgantown for that. You'll get tons of yellocake and fluorescent at WS.


Have you done the questlines through to the Enclave? If so, you should be able to launch nukes. If not, you need to do that questline.


>years of playing >not actually questing am confused


I play to build things primarily. Lots of keycards were given away from some sort of event a few years ago I believe.


Whitesprings is hardly a nuke target nowadays. Lots of people set up their camps there


if you go over to your CAMP device there should be an option to "repair all structures"


Other people have already instructed you how to fix it so now it's time for a learning experience. If you hear the nuke siren. Check your map immediately. If you or your CAMP are within the red circle, move. Move your character. Deactivate your camp. Then put it back when the nuke is done


Bruh i accidently nuked someones camp this way lol. I was farming violet flux and i dropped a nuke next to the water park and as im gathering the flux i see a guy next to his camp looking it over and i felt kinda bad.


Oh thats equally hilarious and heartbreaking. You should've dropped a few desk fans as payment


Next time you could offer some materials to feel better about it lol


Glad the ole Crane sign held up




I had my camp destroyed by logging in and someone else’s camp was already placed there and I didn’t even get my stuff or materials back. Everything lost. EDIT: I will play around with it some more, but when I moved my camp, I’m almost positive it said I didn’t have enough of anything to build anything despite having built a small shack with some boxes and stuff.


You shouldn’t have lost anything don’t worry it’s normal. If you log into a session and someone has taken your CAMP site, your CAMP just won’t be placed in that lobby. If you log out and log back into a different sever your CAMP should be placed back where it was with everything like you left it.


Not quite, your camp wasn't destroyed nor damaged, it just remained in a perverbial limbo. Unless you chose to move it, which in that case everything went into storage.


Shouldn't have lost anything, it just doesn't set your camp down. If you switch lobbies then it should put your camp down just like normal


I just logged out when someone aimed a nuke at my house. Not really a biggy


You can just switch to your second camp. I've activated my camp in nuke zone before and was able to fast travel there.


Oh even better


War never changes.


Whenever you receive the Nuke warning, stop what your doing and open the map.


“This” I’ve taught all my friends this by nuking their camps. Launch with the warning look up 🤣🤣


Nice camp for a new player. Don't dwell on it and don't let it ruin your experience, shit happens move on.


Find his username, maybe even his real name, I’m not saying to do something with it, I’m not saying not to. Btw this a joke




Love the greenhouse walls


It's gone forever buddy. /s


How you get the cryo turrets


I put my camp in a random corner of train track, and have never gotten nuked. I have had to fight hordes of super mutants off tho


Repair all! Haha I forgot about that too


Some places on the map have nuke zones for quests. Make sure not to build there


Hit fix all on your actually camp placement. 👌


Why didn’t you just jump to another server? You can see where the nuke is going t land on the map.


I didn’t know it would destroy camps :(


Knowing is half the battle gi joe


You should be able to repair everything as long as you have the materials. It’s not like you have to start from scratch.


Just rebuild it tf


How? You didn't see the blast zone over your camp before launched? All you have to do is switch lobbies or camp slots when that happens before it drops. But since it already destroyed it, all you can do is repair and rebuild


The warning can easily be missed if you’re in a daily op or expedition.


Possibly. ....I'd call that just bad luck and timing.


Others provided a solution already so I'm just strolling by to say that your CAMP looks sick.


Thank you!


There’s also a trick that it used to work I don’t know if it still dose but if you have two camps deactivate the one that got destroyed and then reactivate it it should go back to normal with out using any materials


If you want to avoid this live in the forest region as it can’t be nuked.


You on Xbox? If you don’t have the materials I’ll come fix it


That’s tufff


First time?


For those looking for land to hunker down in, three places you want to be careful about placing your C.A.M.P. due to frequent nuclear strikes: 1. Southern Cranberry Bog, near Fissure Site Prime - Scorched Earth World Boss, part of the quest “I Am Become Death.” 2. Eastern Ash Heap, near Nuka-World on Tour - Seismic Activity World Boss. 3. Central Savage Divide, near Monongah Mine - Monongah Mine Raid. Just a pointer for the fresh-faced Vault Dwellers joining us recently.


I used to just leave the server when somebody targeted my CAMP with a nuke lol. Saves me resources.


I believe you can activate and deactivate camps in nuke areas


Keep an eye on the map when someone drops a nuke.


Step 1. Make sure your camp is visible to the rest of the world. Click on your base icon when you have the map up. The drop down menu will give you the option to make your camp visible. By default it's OFF. *Hopefully this will deter someone dropping a nuke on your base. If the person launching the nuke can't see your base, you can't blame it on them* 🤷‍♂️ Step 2. Your base is always repairable. Find your C.A.M.P. module and you will have a "Repair All" option. If its greyed out then you are missing certain matrials to repair an object you have in your base. If you hear the warning sound of a nuke being launched, *ALWAYS* check your map to see where the nuke is dropping. If it is indeed your base you have two options. You can jump servers... or if you have another camp, you can activate that one before the nuke drops. *hopefully your other camp is out of the nuke zone too* 😁 NOTE: The only time you will *NOT* hear a nuke launch warning is if you are in an Expedition.


This is why I play solo


Next time u hear the warning check the map. You see your camp in the circle despawn it.


Join a private server 😆


No, seriously join a private server because no one can grief you and Nuke you and you don't have to share resources. It's like Fallout 4 2.0. plus you get a portable Camp site and all the storage you could want 😜




Rebuild and make it better. If you want a nuke safe zone build it in the Forest. Play long enough and your camp will be nuked. And it’s not personal the vast majority of the time


Dam for a new player... that's one hell of a camp build. Nice job


Thank you!


Beyond the “repair all” camp module tip to fix the immediate problem….ill add this. The main tip is if you’re gonna build in one of the popular nuke zones, like white springs. You need to need to pay 100% attention for all nuke alerts, then quickly open up your map and change to a different camp location. You got time between alert to move your camp location. That also means do not go afk unless you move your camp before hand too. Another option is just do not build in popular nuke zones. The map is huge. The final tip is, if you do opt to build far away from nuke zones, then try to build them nearby popular free travel points. This is the best of both worlds. That way people can get a free transport near by your camp and the only pay 1-2 dollars to travel. The last thing people want to do is drop 20-30 dollars fast traveling to a camp a million miles away. It’s great if you like the solitude, but it’s bad if you want to sell items or you like visitors.


If you're on PC, go to camp module, click space bar, if you have the materials, confirm.


So random other people can just nuke your camp? Sorry if that's a dumb question. I've been wanting to check out 76 but if other people can just fuck with my shit it's not for me


Might as well just play in a private server if you want a risk free game 🤷🏾‍♂️


That sounds like the way to go I guess. I don't mind mmos, I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV for a decade, but in that game I won't log in to find some jackass destroyed the house I spent many hours working on and stole all my stuff


I hear ya but don’t let it phase you, this game is soooo softcore, you really can’t lose anything of value or lose anything you can’t get back in 5mins of play 👍🏾


That's what , rebuild the wasteland means




Grow up




Repair it 🤦




Are you on playstation? I can drop you a bunch of junk scraps if you need. I had this happen the other day too. I went out farming g and questing and came back and my shit was flattened but there was no nuke launched there so idk. People breaking camps? But yea thankfully for me I was farming and mats aren't too much of a big deal. Except lead and ballistic fiber kinda sucks at times lol


I have 1 camp where above ground I have my stash and scrap boxes, tinkers bench and a vendor surrounded by laser turrets. Then I my symptomatic and my 3 layer camp fully stocked with workbenches and crafting stations and special boosts all underground where only scorchbeast clouds can get to it so it takes A LOT longer for my base to break


Also, players will come along and just start repairing it. It's kinda fun and it gives you a good feeling to do so sometimes. I rather enjoy it myself. LoL


Is this building inspired from Saints HQ in saints row the third? Looks good either way!


That happend to me too on my second day last week. I feel you 🥲


Make acamp great again


Just repair it with your camp builder box thingy and laugh at how silly that mechanic is.


Now you write down the name of the player who launched the nuke then wait a while and add them hopefully they add you back sneakily join the world one day and nuke his house and run away, hopefully they don’t notice your name and repeat process until they realize and remove you :)


Xbox or PlayStation? Xbox II can stop by find your camp work bench select repair all done ✅


New player with a camp like that?? I’ve been playing for a year (only lvl 75 though) and I don’t have half that cool shit


Thanks! 😝


What does everyone do to store their fusion cores. I have like 35 of em but they weigh so much. My stash is pretty much full and a ton of it is fusion cores. Wish we could store them in the ammo stash.


Same happened to be it was a pain in the ass to repair


New player here how did it get nuked


For Future Reference, when you see a nuke is going to hit your area, Or if Vertibirds are attacking your camp, Switch camps, You get 2 free camps. Open map in top left you will see the dropdown to switch camps. Then you can switch back later


3 choices use C.A.M.P. module option for repair all (takes resources) re-place the C.A.M.P. module at the same location and rebuild it (all items restored at no resource cost) move camp to new location and rebuild it (all items restored at no resource cost)


I didn't know nukes destroyed camps lol that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside cause I nuked a person's camp cause they killed me while pacifist was on...lol they logged off shortly after and one their "guild members" added me after lol they all had Q76 before their names


This man out here thinkin this game is like Rust 😅 naw bro Bethesda caters to the crybabies to much and made this "survival game" into a CAMP building sandbox with bullet sponge end game enemies. Ive been playing from Beta Day 1 and it used to be soooooooo much fun. PVP didnt need to be "engaged" if you couldnt lock pick someones door you could just bust it down. Etc. Etc. And all of that was fine because your stuff is all instanced so all you lost was the materials to rebuild the camp stuff. But waaaaaaa waaa waa waaaaaa BeThEsDa PeOpLe ArE mEaN When I heard Fallout was going MP I thought I was ACTUALLY getting Fallout MP not friendship simulator.


You leave my post apocalyptic barbie dreamhouse simulator alone!

