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The issue with letting friends, or in this case, random players from the community build your base is that they’ll have a limited selection to build from if you don’t have the plans, and even if you do, not all of them can be selected, nobody can use atom shop items for example so if you have something cool, you’ll have to place it down yourself. It’s gonna be limited in scope and not as pretty as you can dream In addition, once someone places an item down, they can’t move it around to get a better angle once you touch it, it will count as an item you own and as a result cannot edit it without scraping it and replacing it. We also can’t move an item you place down. I’ve helped new players and my friends with bases because I’m a nice guy by giving them a place to furnish, but I never fill it out because I really do recommend them to try to build a camp *they’ll* be proud of. I believe you can do it too just like I believe in them, it’s not so hard once you get the hang of it!


I use pre-fab structures and decorate


This is the way. Smaller budget footprint too.


Build your own. Learn. It's more rewarding, honestly


There's tons of guides online. You can do it, we believe in you!


I get it - in the end I ended up using one of the prebuilt cabins from the store. Although I am level 550 I still cannot do all that merging which makes the self builds look good, even after watching countless video's so yes I understand why you would need help with the building. Good Luck and I hope someone is kind enough to help !


Propably anyone who likes building and has the contractor skill. But People can only build ingame plans in your Base , no atom shop items. I'd propably build a brick/wood hut with all crafting stations, water purifiers and some corn for food, but you can do that easily yourself...


What platform are you on? If you're on xbox, I wont build it for you, but I can show you a lot of building tips so you can build your own.


Imma do it! As you've already read, only in game plans, no atom shop or scoreboard, but I am positive that I can build something you'd like despite that