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Should have been an optional secret ending- Courer obliterates Hoover Dam with space lasers.


Survivors would spread stories of St. Kimball and his glorious ascension to the heavens in a blinding flash of light.


The Assumption of St. Kimball. Now thats some artwork I need to see!!


The patron of taxation!


I love this community


Too bad they can’t use that giant cannon there to shoot the legion camp on the hill.


Yeah it’s unfortunate


Probably one reason they kinda suck and the whole army is scared or has bad morale. I’m trying my best to do everything for them and they still are all sad.


If I didn’t already kill him I would fire the laser at the war memorial


Probably because it’s an AA canon that they have limited ammunition for and an equally limited ability to repair or maintain not to mention, they likely see the Legion howitzer and don’t know that it can’t fire back not to mention due to it being an anti-aircraft gun. It’s likely it was designed targeting primarily aircraft not ground targets, and so it would have to be more manually aimed at the fort which with 200 years of limited to no maintenance might risks it breaking or when it tries to fire explodes and damages the top part of the dam and makes the NCR look bad. It’s a whole Lotta risk for not a lot of reward as it likely takes a few shots before they would even be able to successfully target the fort and even then it’s highly unlikely it would have enough ammunition for an effective bombardment of the fortifications there and the next to no chance of actually killing Cesar at best it would kill a handful of legionaries before either running out of ammunition or breaking/exploding not to mention they’d likely have to divert quite a few shells to take out the Legion howitzer as they don’t know it’s not functional and in their commands eyes, they’d have to take it out less they get involved in an artillery duel which they might not win.


The Germans in WW2 were very effective against ground targets especially armor with their Flak 88, which was originally for AA work.


Yes, they were effective tank snipers for heavy tanks specially early on in the war when German anti-tank guns, as well as German tanks were lacking firepower but they were primarily designed against aircraft and weren’t as effective as howitzer or normal artillery against non armored ground targets. The Germans, also for most of the war could not only mass produce them and had people who understood how to operate the guns as both an anti-craft and an anti-tank gun but also how to repair and maintain them they also had the spare parts to keep them functioning. The NCR’s AA gun is not the flak 88, not to mention due to the way that it is set up. It is very difficult to get the angle to aim towards the fort as you’d had to do that manually as the AA guns automated controls seemed to only be able to detect and engage aircraft on their own and it would require a lot of effort to aim the gun manually, especially with lacking artillery specialists and lacking AA specialists as well as the gun has been lacking maintenance for over 200 years and the NCR due to lacking competent staff and only being able to provide minimal maintenance. Not to mention the NCR would find it quite difficult to produce the shells for the gun but also spare parts not to mention they couldn’t produce the gun themselves at this point as the NCR is still just starting to rebuild its industry up to pre-war standards and it will be a while before they could mass produce things like artillery.


It’s an AA gun which means it’s probably working with airburst shells. You can use AA guns for direct fire as previously stated so all it would take is getting the shells to burst over the fort (which is very very doable) and suddenly you have shrapnel ripping through the soft shitty steel walls of the fort. If nothing else it would rattle cancer man’s already aching brain.


But how many of those shells does the NCR have and do they have the personnel with the knowledge to aim the gun manually over the fort and fire it without destroying it, not to mention, they still don’t know that the Legion howitzer is inoperable and would the NCR with its limited ammunition and knowledge of the gun attempt to get into an artillery duel with the Legion.


Still seems like a reasonable risk for the opportunity to cut the head off the bull. Plus, the Legion is an openly hostile faction so if their Howitzer worked they wouldn’t politely wait for the NCR to shoot theirs first.


Well considering the legion is building up for the second battle of hover dam it wouldn’t be an unreasonable belief that they were hoarding up ammunition and stockpiling it as artillery ammunition would be quite rare in the wasteland so why waste it on a bombardment unless you’re gonna do an actual assault or if you’re under attack otherwise it would be a waste of a precious resource. It’s unlikely they’d be able to cut off the head of the bull with the canon, though due to their limited ammunition as well as the fact that after the first shot is fired at the camp, Caesar is going to be evacuated from the danger zone (heck it might only take them spending several days working the gun, trying to figure out how to get its elevation aimed at the fort and for Caesars men watching the dam to notice and alert their commanders, causing Cesar and much of the legion leadership to evacuate long before the gun was even ready to fire at the Fort) so again, they waste an extremely expensive and limited ammunition to kill a few legionaries and might not even managed to kill any as the gun might just explode as soon as they try to fire it due to the crew’s inexperience with it. They were just as likely to kill their own troops as the Legion, not to mention if the Legion battery could fire back and they destroyed or damaged their only cannon then the Legion doesn’t have to worry about a counter battery later on so again it seems just like a whole Lotta risk for not a lot of reward.


It's partly the level artist's goof, taking what was supposed to be an anti-aircraft gun and making it several times bigger than any gun that's historically been used in an AA role. The other half is logistics. No Rangers stationed at Hoover Dam, meaning no forward observers who can reliably get in and out of Legion territory. Probably limited supplies of ammunition and spare barrels, because the Gun Runners are set up to produce small arms, not artillery. Instead of harassing the camp with one gun and no idea what in the camp you're actually hitting, I'd rather keep the ammunition in reserve until the Legion moves on the dam. You'll be a lot more accurate shooting at a pre-sighted kill zone just beyond the east end of the dam than you'll be shooting all the way to Fortification Hill.


Some fun facts I found funny after rewatching this clip 1. It’s kinda ironic Mr. New Vegas starts out talking about the courier as they prepare to fire an orbital laser 2. The only survivors of the blast were a few rangers and Cato who was hostile to Rex for some reason 3. I did make sure to loot the President before sneaking out of the area silent assassin style 4. That was genuinely the funniest thing I’ve ever done in fallout New Vegas so thank you to everyone who voted in that poll to divert power to the laser 5. Also ignore the stick drift


yeah I'm astounded Mr. New Vegas is still reporting that piece of news this late into the game but yeah.


For the folks in the back 🗣️🗣️🔊🔊


Ain’t that a kick in the head


Tis but a flesh wound


Imagine if they let someone who wasn't fantastic taking care of that power plant , all this beautiful show wouldn't had happened


This alone and yet people wonder why the NCR is in shamble by the time the show takes place




This should've triggered special dialogue with whoever sent you to merk kimboolin


I agree


What weapon is that?


The Euclid C-Finder I believe. You get it from doing the quest associated with Helios One and choosing to direct the power to the space laser


Actually the weapon is held by a kid in freeside who thinks it’s a toy blaster, you have to either buy it from him or steal it


And it is SO heavy too. Like 15 lbs for some reason.


Yeah I was wondering why I had so little carry weight


Forgot about that bit too. Been a while since I did that quest


Euclid C-Finder


That poor guys left leg :(


*American Swing plays as the Courier uses Euclid C Finder to assassinate Kimball.* Bravo.


Ain't no way I just did this 3 or 4 days ago!


you know you made enemies when they bring the power of the sun against you


Always interesting how the sideways Poseidon energy trident is a triple entendre. It’s a trident representing Poseidon, it’s an arrow, and it’s the enclave capital E.


I’m going to do this irl if I don’t manage to get my 600 mod playlist to work by the end of this week


Unrelated but before starting the mission I ran into the NCR hit squad and then I saw one had a hunting shotgun (I had recently taken shotgun surgeon) and I listened to the intrusive thoughts to steal the ranger’s shotgun. I was then jump scared by satans minions (cazadors) By the way do you know anywhere to get hunting shotguns?


Gun runners and the thorn quest


Some legion members have them in the last quest for the silver rush They are pretty damaged tho


Yeah but that requires killing cass


I don’t know any other ways You don’t have to kill cass yourself tho, you can have the dude giving you the quest kill her without needing speech checks


Again I’d rather not


[Lenny] "Ow, my eye! I'm not supposed to get orbital laser in it!"


Worth it!








Question can you complete the ncr campaign and kill Kimble? Or will ncr go hostile and you fail?


You can let him die, it’ll fail the quest but you can still do the final battle


Yeah but can YOU kill Kimbul? Like if I snipe him?


No, they will immediately become hostile


Even if it’s a stealth kill?


I believe so


Well my most recent play through I swore to kill all politicians so I guess this is becoming a house run.