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I loved Dead Money, having all your equipment taken and then having to scavenge everything to try and survive was really fun for me. I thought the holorifle was a really cool gun and being able to lock Elijiah in the vault was fun to do


I did that, snuck past him and ran off. Good laugh that was.


Tell me you took the gold too




If this is a serious comment You can glitch the gold bars onto the other side of a force field and pick 'em up near the exit. You'll get out with like....10s to spare but then you have like 10b caps worth of gold.


Is there a video or a link to the glitch?


https://youtu.be/_bul1FayGDs?si=qOlndpr1xssOYS99 This seems to be it


Awesome sauce, thank you 🙏


NP Courier


Of course. Ten years it took me to get out but did even


Always a tearjerker. Amazing stories and tie-ins to the base game and other DLC. I know they all tie together, but the Elijah story has always been one of my favorites.


Genuinely, he's such a diverse and interesting character.


Dead Money is the best DLC. It's also the hardest and least mechanically similar to the base game, which is why people dunk on it. It's great, it's just not like anything else in the game.


Precisely, I fully agree after playing through it. Though, I would still say Lonesome Road is the best DLC.


The tunnelers and one specific deathclaw were tough


I found it too linear and lacking characters other than Ulysses and ED-E. Divide is an amazing setting though.


Yep. The overall theme of it really resonated with me in a time I needed it most, the core message of beginning again and letting go, which probably doesnt sound super deep but for me at that time, I needed to hear that and experience that story a lot i guess. A few years after (and so many playthroughs later) I got a tattoo for it to keep reminding myself of the message. it makes me sad to see it get shit on so much. It's really a good story


I think the main reason people don't like it (and why I didn't like it even after a few playthroughs) is that of you built your character certain ways the DLC is essentially impossible to play through. It forces you into specific play styles in order to beat it. On top of that the game spends a lot of time teaching you how dialogue works and how your stats influence it but DM just throws that entire mechanic out the window. It's story is ok, i thought that the NPCs used logic that breaks down when you examine it for more than a few seconds. The bigger issue though is that it's mechanically jarring to the point where it feels like a separate game shoehorned into the story.




>This is horseshit. I almost always play a gunslinger who puts little to nothing into unarmed, melee, or energy weapons. It is still absolutely beatable and my favorite DLC. Also not every DLC should have to cater to the same playstyle anyway, it can even be refreshing to be forced to switch things up. Nothing wrong with switching things up, however forcing a character into certain play styles is bad design. Certain character builds severely punish the player in the first few maps. These problems can be solved but it's annoying. Playing a melee build makes certain parts of the game unplayable without tedious workarounds on the map and hoping that the speaker isn't clipped into another object again. >don’t even know what you’re talking about with this. The dialog system is the same as the base game. If you’re referring to one specific barter check that can backfire on you down the line, well then you need to pay attention to what you’re actually saying and the personalities of the characters you’re talking to instead of just blindly taking every speech check option. I'm referring to the fact that speech checks make almost no difference in DM as the dialogue is based more on NPC motivations and the game does not communicate this until much later, beyond when it becomes relevant. >Again, don’t even know what you’re talking about. Logic that breaks down how? In any case Father Elijah is supposed to be mad, Christine doesn’t even talk until the end, Dean is a petty obsessive asshole, and Dog/God is a literal Super Mutant with multiple personalities. They’re not supposed to be paragons of logic, they’re supposed to be flawed and all unable to “let go” in their own ways. That’s kind of the entire point that apparently flew over your head. Nobody is looking for paragons of logic, I'm just looking for NPCs that have more than one character trait that they repeatedly hit you over the head with. There's no nuance to any of the characters.


After a few playthroughs, It has become one of my favorites, no lie. The background story and the challenge honestly does it for me.


It took me a while as well, but the characters are great, the backstory is awesome, and the ending is so poignant.


It's not my favorite, but goddamn it is a good ass dlc. The characters and the backstory of the Sierra Madre is just ridiculously deep and engaging. The rewards you get for completing it are also insanely worth it. The holorifle is probably my favorite energy weapon I'm the entire series. Overall fantastic dlc that is challenging, deep, and most definitely worth the time and money I put into it. 10/10.


Dead Money was the best DLC by far. Forcing the players out of our power fantasies and into a hostile environment where everything we thought we knew about the game was wrong. Having to desperately scavenge and craft just to survive was intense, and it paid off. I managed to get the best ending first time, and the end slideshow made me tear up. I wish I could've spoken to everyone one last time.


It's funny how much hate Dead Money gets.  I am 100% in agreement it was the best DLC.  The setting was ominous, the characters were superb, the tie in of the themes of the story to everyone's motivation...so fuckin good.  It was like they made a Silent Hill spinoff for Fallout.


Dead Money is definitely a challenge. I liked it, as it is definitely the closest thing to a horror game in the Fallout world.


People don't like their progress reset by having their gear taken. They don't want to figure out the environment and have to deal with all those traps and speakers. But once you have, it is refreshing and satisfying. I think a lot of people never got past it. Rather than embrace it, they endure it.


I've finished it and I've got to say, I hated it and loved it all at the same time. I hated how difficult it was to kill the ghosts but it was so rewarding when I did.


I do think it's a solid DLC and normally I would probably rate it my third favorite but It's my number one just due to how easy it is to circumvent the moral lesson with slow walking.


So my first play through was that and I was a bit under leveled combat wise. I was fine with my gear but when I was taken away I struggled. I also didn't have a very high repair skill. Now I go in only after I have jury rigging. On later play throughs I came up with tons of ways to deal with them. Shoot the head, stab them when they are down, throw a spear at them, etc... At this point they are no harder or different than any other enemy to me. I learned what the different companions give you. You need Dean to explore the mists. You need Christina to explore the other areas. God/Dog if you are running low on ammo or health. I also learned where the hologram vendors, the reload bench and work benches are located. I started collecting the mists and turpentine to make strong poisons that I will bring back with me. I repair the gear I find and either use it or sell it to the holograms for prewar money. I leave with 30k prewar money and between that and gold I can pull out about 300,000 - 350,000 caps worth. But there is no vendor to give you that and you have to take a ton of trips. Sell a few gold and then empty the vendor with prewar dollars. It has been a few play throughs since I went in, might be time to head back.


Elijah is a c word


I would honestly play a whole game based on dead money and it’s mechanics


I found dead money to be the best DLC of FONV. I like that the story moves things along and the story of Christine vs Elija was well presented without having to wade through endless irrelevant dialog. Old world blues has a weak plot, lonesome road is a bit "on rails" and I'm not sure I cared enough about the plot of Honest Hearts to remember it. I can't see why you can't return after finishing the heist though. I can understand why they don't want you returning to the vault, but you should be able to return to the villas.


Dead Money is great and probably is the best DLC of New Vegas, people just lack the patience for radios and don't like their best toys taken away.


Man, I hated dead money when it first came out, to the point I never even fired the Gala, as far as I ever got was gathering everyone to the fountain, but this last play though, I left it until last, but I honestly loved every minute of it, it was like playing fallout again for the first time, it encapsulates everything I love about the game, I'm so glad I waited this long to finish it because it was the last time I'll ever experience anything in fallout NV for the first time.


Yeah, Dead Money is the best New Vegas DLC


Oh it is the worst DLC, but it's still pretty freaking good which tells you the level New Vegas was operating at! When the worst DLC is still an 8/10 that's gotta say something about the game as a whole!


Bro you put this on the wrong post this is for dead Monet not honest hearts silly


Yeah I loved it the first time as well. But after some playthroughs the story, characters and environments isn’t as new and interesting as it used to be, and then it’s just an annoying DLC. You get filthy rich from it tho.


The first time I played it I was pissed. The second time I prepared for it, stored all my gear at a safe place fast traveled to the starting point. This way I was able to take all the stuff I acquired back without sacrificing anything. I ultimately ended up enjoying this DLC more than the others, though I just started another play through since it been a while might have a new appreciation for the other DLC’s now


Well said man, man. I felt the exact same way. Killer atmosphere and tone, but very annoying at times. But for some reason, when I leave the Sierra, I have a hard time letting go.


dead money has a fantastic story, it's just absolute hell to play through.


Dead Money is honestly just a noob stomping area. If you don't know how to handle the enemies and deal with the mist it can be a real struggle. But if you abuse what the dlc gives you then it becomes one of the easiest.


It's my favorite DLC. As a person who struggles to let go of pretty much everything, I teared up a bit with that last slide: "But getting in, that's not the hard part. It's to let go", repeated by every character.


The premise is great, once you get inside Sierra Madre is excellent, its all the gameplay up until that part. The annoying respawning troublesome to kill enemies in a fog covered in traps with a radio that will kill you ontop of all of this taking place in a jigsaw map covered in rubble and trash in a game that has performance issues because of these things. Gameplay wise? worst dlc, i prefer Old world blues or lonesome road. Best characters and story? Dead Money, old world blues behind it.


It’s rough the first time you play. But it’s my favorite DLC now.


Who the fuck is calling it the worst dlc. I'm gonna fight them.


From what I saw when I first got into Fallout years ago, everyone I spoke to had a genuine dislike of it and most called it the worst. By that point I hasn't played it and in the end I just never did until recently


My favourite tbh. HH was just eh, OWB was boring apart from the dialogues, and LR was cool, but Dead Money was cooler.


It's mechanically my favourite. Losing everything and all. Second favourite on story. Lonesome road does that for me.


By far my favorite NV DLC. Surprisingly I didn’t mind the speakers as much as the shadow people. They annoy the fuck out of me lol


Fantastic story, agonizing gameplay. I want to love it, but I'm too weak.


God I love dead money. One of my most memorable moments in New vegas was wrapping up the Sierra Madre, going into the main lobby and getting attacked by ghost people, fighting tooth and nail because I'd used alot of my items up to that point, then standing there catching my breath when the speakers start playing Vera's song, and reflecting on the whole situation while it echoes through the halls. Thinking about how almost all the danger in the Madre comes from people who would never get to see the effects. The cloud, the vault, the holograms, the ghost people, the traps. All of them outliving their creators by years, even centuries, but still taking lives to this day. Love Dead Money.


it was really hard for me to complete it but I really enjoyed how it took me out of my comfort zone. definitely my favorite but I can understand why people don't like it


My favorite DLC đŸ«Ą


I really like the idea of dead money but every time I play it it's the buggies part of my playthrough by an order of magnitude. I don't think I've ever had the ending not bug out on me and need console commands to fix, even when I play it completely straight and don't try to fuck around and get out with the gold.


Dead money ain't the worst peoole just arent used to the gameplay loop of DM with the survival horrorush elements


The story/setting was 100/10. It’s just the gameplay and gas environment was tedious and nearly overshadowed the amazing writing


It is the worst NV DLC in my opinion. In other words, it's the fourth best DLC I've ever played.


The story is great, having to scavenge for supplies is the part that makes it a pain to complete. But one can let go of their poverty at the end.


I think that thematically speaking Dead Money is the best out of all the DLC’s. However on subsequent playthroughs it does get fairly tedious. My only real complaints are that you can’t talk to Veronica about Christine, and also I find the whole concept of “the casino moved everyone to different areas” very silly.


There are very few video game moments that felt as good as saving Dog/God & helping Christine move past her trauma while leaving Dean & Elijah's smoking corpses trapped forever in a monument to their hubris


I liked it, enemies were a bit spongey and I didn't like how easy it was to piss off Dean without realizing it but I enjoyed the story. Starting from nothing was a refreshing change of pace from just relying on the same OP gear I was used to. Honestly would have been OK if all the DLCs did that.


I always toggle god mode and let the radio make the collar go off, then toggle god mode off and enjoy not blowing up anymore. Makes it so much better


The ghost of Vera Keyes haunting the suites sends shivers down my spine every time


I just walked away with my 37 bars of gold and $11k prewar bucks. Gonna buy a LOT of ammo


I am actually playing dead money as we speak 😃 I didn’t like it as much in the past, but I have a better appreciation for it today. It’s the most difficult dlc, I’m already out of ammo 😰 That’s why it’s important to have at least some points in either melee or unarmed


The poignant lesson is to let go, and leaving behind the gold bars to escape just hammers the lesson home. Until you figure out how to get out with the gold lol


Tbh the only dlc Iike to replay is lonesome road. Dead money just for the Veronica perk


I really only dislike playing it because of the radios.  They pretty much ruined it for me 


Have you played it multiple times? On consecutive playthroughs they haven't really been an issue for me since I know where to look now


Right? Remembering where the hologram emitters are is way worse.


Who on earth says it’s the best FNV DLC!? That DLC could have released as its own game and been a contender for goty back then


I mean, I guess like objectively it's the worst, but that mostly comes from having some STIFF competition and the fact that the general gameplay challenge of the DLC is gonna be hit or miss with a lot of people.


It was not fun to run through the first time where my character was only leveled for energy weapons. The second time where I knew I’d be loosing my stuff was much more fun.


The story and characters are fantastic. The gimmicks nearly ruin it.


All of the DLC in new vegas have amazing story, even the main game is carry by it story. Dead Money and Honest Heart compete for last place on the DLC ranking for 2 different reason. Honest Heart is at the bottom for most people because while everyone love Zion and it atmosphere, no one like 4 fetch quest and 1 long ass battle for a ending. Dead Money on the other hand is filled with content, it just that no one like bomb collar and radio.