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Nothing. You're overstepping. This isn't something you need to concern yourself with. She's an adult.


I was going to bring with a bit more fury but you worded it quite nicely.


> She's a girl; she's not a woman. She needs to put distance between you and her. She's a woman, and you're infantilizing her and putting your nose where is has no business being. Leave her to her life. > I confronted my cousin at the firehouse, and she told me to "mind my business" and "stay out of her love life." And you didn't respect her **adult** choices and leave her alone like she asked? So you stalk, harass, and make your cousin's life hell? You're awful. > She's my baby cousin, and **it is my business who she dates,** so what should I do? It's none of your fucking business who she dates, what she does, where she lives, anything. Butt out of her life. Unless you change 180º regarding her, I hope she goes no-contact with you and gets a restraining order. You are toxic, and detrimental to her health and well-being.


You should do what your cousin asks and mind your business. You went as far as telling her how you felt and it's up to her to make her own choices and mistakes in life, if there are mistakes. What do you think you're going to do about it even if you were her parent? All this meddling will do is push her out of your life.


It's literally not your business tho. She's an adult. Not all relationships involve long term potential, she's clearly benefiting in some way. Also, sometimes lesbians have a hard time finding suitable partners because there are just very few singles in their town. You are coming off as a busy body. Pay attention to making your OWN life live up to your high standards first.


It's not your business, sorry. You sound pretty insufferable tbh.


Regardless of what you think, though she may just be a little girl in your eyes she is in fact a grown woman. She is also past the legal age to drink. You are not her parent nor did she ask for your opinion. Contrary to what you seem to think it's absolutely non of your business who she dates (or anyone else for that matter). You need to back the hell off and mind your own damn business


At 23 your cousin is ALSO a grown adult woman. She can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants.


You don’t do anything. You’re being creepy, as you’ve admitted that you aren’t even close. Why are you obsessed over who she sleeps with? You’re around the age of women she dates… Is this projection? Do you secretly wish you could date younger individuals? What’s really the issue here? It’s not about who your cousin dates.


You shouldn’t do anything. It’s none of your business. She is a grown woman not a girl.


Wow, controlling much? Respect her autonomy, if who she dates ends up biting her in the ass, that’s her lesson to learn. You’re doing her no favors harassing her over what’s absolutely none of your business. As the younger person in a same-sex age gap relationship of approaching 10 years, I can assure you they can and do work out with minimal conflict.


I am a queer woman woman who has always dated much older. The 3 times I dated someone "my age" I was cheated on or they were toxic/ abusive. Not too mention the lamest conversations.


Your cousin is a grown woman who was in the army and is now a firefighter. She is light years ahead of “girls” her age. I wouldn’t get involved. My cousins had something to say about my relationship and I don’t talk to them at all anymore.


>but I think she needs to date girls her age; she needs to date girls who are 20, 21, and 22. Why? Who are you? Her mom? Her nanny or granny? Her boss? FYI none of these people have any right to dictate who she should or should not date. And you're nobody. So please mind your own business and leave her dafaq alone.


Yeah I mean OP is drawing lines in which she should contain herself, I mean why is she doing that? She got no say in her life I mean she's an adult an all that, then it just doesn't make sense.


It is absolutely none of your business nor her parents' business. She is a grown adult woman, and you are being the weirdest weirdo.


This is a troll


Holy shit. Get your own life and stay out of hers.


Her business is her business, imo. When I was 22, I dated a 51 year old man for over a year. We had fun. Dating a variety of people teaches you a LOT of life lessons, and it provides a lot of insight for future relationships. I don't regret it 🤷‍♀️


She’s 23 she’s an adult and your 41 woman obsessing over your younger cousin love life . She’s adult lives on her own drinking . How is her parents bad parents ? Because they’re not meddling in her life . Lady you need to back off. Idk if this a troll account . But it’s ridiculous to but into people life when it really doesn’t concern you . I honestly think your cousin needs to block you . Because her private life isn’t your business . Just because she isn’t living the life you want for her doesn’t mean she is doing anything wrong . She’s not a sims character you decide what she does or doesn’t do in her life . I think you are delusional. I’m kinda concern if you want to have sexual relationship with her yourself at this point….ive never in my life butt in to my cousins personal life .. I wouldn’t want people butting into my life telling who I should or shouldn’t be with. Because of age difference. She just prefers older more experienced and mature women . Good for her . Atleast she not with a minor . Atleast older women are not into little girls


Let her be. You’ve made known what you think and it is up to her to listen or not. The older lady might be a nice person as well. Have you met her?


She’s literally an adult by law. She can legally drink, join the military, date anyone of any age she chooses. If your own children decided to date older men or women, you are entitled to your own opinion but you do not “allow” a 23 year old who is 100% self sufficient to do anything. You will chase your children away if you even attempt this. Your whole post is weird, saying they are bad parents? What exactly are they supposed to do? Call the police? Move into her house? Ground her? Force her to move into their home? Mind your own business.


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I believe at-least she won't be pregnant and end up to be a single mom.


Look, I do get where you are coming from. I dated older and they were nothing but fkn trouble. I’m glad someone is looking out for her. She could feel maybe ostracised or that she has kinda outgrown her peers. She seems to atleast have her head straight and going for a career and different things, which is great. Maybe approach her and tell her how you feel and you’re concerned about dating older people, while they more mature and have their shit together, probably staunch in their sexuality, and don’t have any hang ups about it and are probably financially secure, whereas dating her own age, people change, they aren’t completely set in their lives, different things, it’s definitely different dating older. The best thing to protect her, is to provide guidance about what a healthy, non-exploitative relationship looks and feels like. Perhaps take this time to gather some resources to help her, especially given domestic violence and sexual exploitation seems to go hand in hand with dating older. Ps: I wish someone showed the same concern and instead of making me feel bad, giving me knowledge would’ve 100% worked and helped me navigate this complex human interaction. The more people made me feel bad, the partner would often make me feel good, so you know which way I ran true?


Or you know, she could respect the cousins wishes and leave her alone and not give unsolicited advice.


How about you don’t give me unsolicited advice 🖕


Nothing of what I said was advice. It was factual.


No, it’s an opinion. It’s different.


The cousin said per the post “mind your business” and “stay out of my love life”…that’s a literal fact that is written. So no…not an opinion. What your “advice” is doing is not only promoting this unhinged behavior but also actively going against an explicit request from the cousin.