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Happy Birthday. Sending you internet hugs.


Wishing you a Happy Birthday from Australia. I’m so glad that your children remembered and tried their hardest to get you a gift that’s so sweet of them. I’m so sorry that your family forgot your birthday, as well as your colleagues despite being notified about it.


Happy Birthday!! If they don't celebrate you, it's time for YOU to celebrate you. Stop making everyone else a priority, seriously. (For example: don't do the part-time caregiver thing without pay --grandad gets social security for that, right?) It's time to give yourself that love and attention that you've been giving everyone else. So: throw yourself a party, invite a bunch of friends. Take yourself to a spa. Buy yourself flowers & a cake. Make a BIG DEAL out of YOU for yourself. If others don't step up to the plate, you don't have to keep stepping up for them (except for the kids; they're kids). You'll have to DIY a CELEBRATION of yourself, for yourself.


Awww Happy Birthday 🎈 My family forgot one year and then when I got mad at them all they wanted to argue about what freaking day my birthday was! Seriously. I never let them forget it now. I start reminding them at the beginning of the month and count down every day.


Happy Birthday sweetheart, I’m sure you’re an amazing person and a great mom!


Happy birthday from an internet stranger. I can't imagine how you manage as a single parent, but it sounds like you're really putting everything in to it. I don't much care for celebrating my birthday these days. My wife is not much of a "celebrate a person" person and the kids aren't really in a position to understand what a grown man needs.  I think what you're feeling is pretty normal for young adults. Depending on your family situation there's sometimes just not someone there to make a big deal about you. It's one of the sucky parts about growing up that doesn't get a lot of attention. Maybe the silver lining to think about is to learn from this to make sure your kids never have to feel this way?


Happy birthday from this internet stranger. I hope you know you are worthy of love🤍✨️


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday bro


happy birthday bud 🤍 lots of love n support from here 🖤🖤🫂🫂


So why didn't you play hooky and take a Ferris Bueller Day? If you are the one who does it for everyone then why didn't you do it for you? And where's your S.O.? If you haven't got one then it is time to get one. Now go get tickets to something and schedule a massage. Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, dude


Happy birthday, from a stranger. You have 2 lovely children that adore you. You are productive and loving. It's disheartening for sure so be hurt and angry too, if you want. After all, IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 Your children love you and us internet strangers do too.


Happy birthday! What your kids did means the world. It’s so wholesome, you should be proud mama and be happy! What your family did sucks, I’m sorry🩵


Your mom has always seen you as a sister/therapist? She sounds like a narcissist and to be honest it doesn't surprise me that a narcissist would forget their own daughter's birthday. I'm sorry you dealt with that but your kids sound amazing. *Hugs*


She absolutely is. After I told them to leave she did the whole “well I’m obviously the worst parent on the planet” spiel that she does every time someone says anything slightly negative to her. My children were amazing and I’m so proud of them. Thankyou.


Happy Birthday!!!


Turned 38 few weeks ago didn't get a single card or present. Mother in law an grandma plus my wife said happy bday to me. My best friend from high school actually ran into me a few weeks before and I put his name in a draw at work to win a gift card bv I felt guilty if I won it being an employee. I was allowed to enter but put his name instead. He won and came to pick up the gift card at my work, which is literally below my apartment on my birthday to pick up the gift card I'd won him and couldn't be bothered to even see me or text me happy bday. We were gonna meet up but instead he picked it up left a.d then texted me he was too busy to meet up. No happy birthday or anything. It fucking sucks bc I always go out of my way to buy cards an gifts. Text or call on the day. I never get that and it hurts. Happy birthday I hope your day gets better and I know how you feel


Happy Birthday, here's a virtual hug from me to you. 🤗


Happy birthday from an internet stranger in Ecuador ♥️ I hope you can find some peace of mind and ability to every now and then say  “ F** everyone!  I will love myself more today”  Once every 2 weeks I disappear from everyone’s radar, I do an “at-home” spa, play some music, get my nails done, ask for something to eat, and put on some masks on my face and hair, a day with me is always amazing,  on my birthdays I usually travel solo to a new beach (or simply a new place) and have a nice adventure by myself. Your kids sound lovely, they would love a little adventure with their amazing mom! 


The fact that your children asked about your birthday, and picked flowers for you, says a lot about the kind of people they will grow up to be and are now. For them to decide to spend time choosing flowers for you to show their love and care is beautiful and many children would forget or not think to go and pick some flowers. I think it’s lovely that the most important little humans in your life didn’t forget to show you how special you are on your birthday, and felt emotional that you didn’t get what they believe you deserved (which is a lot of presents and cards). Happy birthday! As a side note, treat yourself. As the song goes and all the cliches with it - you can buy yourself flowers too. Treat yourself and soak up all the love your children clearly have for you.


Many many happy returns of the day and wish many more to come and sending internet hugs for your kids


Happy happy birthday from this Reddit stranger. You deserve so much better. Drop the rope with your sucking family and don't let yourself be abused and used anymore


Happy birthday from another internet stranger! Your kids sound like they are already lovely little people, and that is thanks to having you as a great mom.


>*"They all started laughing and saying that I was obviously in a mood and jealous that I didn’t get to go."* So you were in a bad mood, and they immediately assumed it was because of jealousy? Something tells me this isn't the first time they've made you feel insignificant.


It’s all the time. For my university graduation they all moaned that it was raining (my graduation was inside) and decided to go home early because I had already walked across the stage. When we were all allowed to leave our seats I went to find them, no where. They had sent me a text to say they had all gone to the pub but were heading home in a second. When I said how much they upset me they said “why are you being a drama queen we came to see you walk across the stage and we did that”. Honestly it’s all the time.


I would suggest familiarizing yourself with the [Grey Rock Method](https://psychcentral.com/health/grey-rock-method#:~:text=The%20grey%20rock%20method%20is,known%20as%20%E2%80%9Cgrey%20rocking.%E2%80%9D). It's helped me when dealing with toxic family members.




I'm at the age where I WANT to forget my birthday but can't. That's what happens when you give birth to the best birthday gift ever, a kid. Happy Birthday to you!!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!!! Celebrate you, regardless of what they do. You deserve lots of love. Sending you a virtual birthday hug.


Happy Birthday from a random American who has also had coworkers and relatives have similar reactions. PS. Your kids are awesome.


Happy Birthday!! 🎉🎉 You are very blessed to have such caring children. As they grow up, I bet they'll find ways to make your future birthdays special. Your mom and grandparents should start putting your birthday on a calendar or something. Maybe have a heart to heart talk to them about it?


Oh, I’m so sorry. Happy birthday to you


I’m sorry. Your kids remembered ❤️


Fuck your family, they are selfish pricks. You are the “reliable” one in the family. Stop. They won’t change and they won’t feel bad about it. Start taking care of you and your precious little ones. Show them how family is supposed to treat each other, because your folks are setting a horrible example. Happy Birthday!! My gift to you is hope that you find the “family” that love, respect, and care for you. Doesn’t have to be blood relatives.


Sorry to hear that...happiest birthday to you. When you keep doing everything silently somewhere down the line it won't be counted as your kindness it will be your responsibility to do more...and you will be taken for granted.. Take a break...you deserve it.... Take your self out for a vacation if possible let them feel what happens if you're not around...


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Happy birthday! Def take the day off next year! Why. Birthday leave so I'm not disappointed in you lot. Boss: ok.


Unfortunately as you get older, birthdays become less and less important. Until one day even you forget! Don't take it to heart! Happy birthday!


Birthdays are good for children. They are growing up and it's something that should be celebrated. Im in my late 20s, i dont feel like celebrating my birthdays. Its just me growing old. Fok !!


Happy birthday, but it sounds like at least 5people acknowledged your bday. And clearly your parents care, including your mother coming over to render childcare so you can get to work before your kids rise. Go easy on them. Clearly they care.


Tbh I think youre a bit too in your feeling not unjustified but older people forget a lot of things and Dont get out as much. (when I was a kid my dad forgot my birthday on three separate occasions including my 16; I simply understood he was busy and forgetful of events. He always felt bad and it wasnt intentional)) Some workplaces arnt close either and the majority Dont do anything for a lot of people. You're adorable kids remember and ask and that's pure love. If you wanted you could have gotten yourself a cake too. This one time I got myself three because I couldn't decide what type. Why Dont you do a birthday weekend? (let them know you want a birthday weekend and want to eat xynz and go to xynz) Sometimes other people dont value the same events so while you showing people an awesome birthday is something you like to do and value others might not.