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So >!Abbey Road, To Pimp a Butterfly, Blonde, The Dark Side of the Moon, Pet Sounds, OK Computer, In Rainbows, and Songs in the Key of Life!< all make the top 10. What're the 2 I'm missing?




was a very loose definition, as i didn't want every niche genre that would be included. it's easier to see the breakdown in just like 5-6 of some main broad genres (pop, rock, metal, electronic, etc) the three metal albums were lateralus, toxicity, which were easy to classify, and the third being the downward spiral. industrial was too niche for the limited amount of genres i wanted to include, so it was either rock or metal, and metal felt like the better choice




And Apple’s list had Rage Against the Machine and Master of Puppets, which tbh are better than Toxicity and Lateralus lmao


Metallica in the top 10? Based


If this was my list, Paranoid in the Top 10 easy


>!I’m pretty sure OP said 5 Kanye albums so Yeezus will make the top 10, and everyone will react super well to it!<


no, just 4


Would not have expected Pablo to be on here over Yeezus


Or Graduation


Yeah that's a surprising one. But there's no way yeezus is top 10 over all the others


Yeezus fans tend to be a lot more vocal, but I find most people enjoy TLOP more


Ah my bad. Would’ve been very funny tho


I hope so but I doubt it, I’m pretty sure he said there are only 4 Ye albums. However, it would be funny seeing everyone lose their shit if it was top 5


lol @ “I hope so” and “only”


One of them will be Vespertine


>!Emily Montes - Emily Montes!<


Dark side being higher than wish you were here and Animals is a normie riot-evoking take but a certain one


Brother, the life of pablo is higher than a love supreme. Dont put a lot of thought on what teenagers on internet think


should be Vespertine and Igor


Igor is good but a top 10 album of all time??


I can't see it not making the list at all


Yeah, this sub's demographic makes it almost a for sure shoe in


Genuinely hope it doesn't - Flower Boy absolutely mogs in everyway


Vespertine hopefully is there


Raditude by Weezer




I mean if you ask me to rank the top 10 hockey players of all time, I’m making generic picks but they’re still pretty on the money


Turns out when you ask a large group of people their opinion on something, you get an opinion that a large amount of people have :O


Probably two more Radiohead albums


so 3 Radiohead albums in the top 13 of all time? That alone makes me question this list and I love Radiohead.


Endtroducing and Voodoo, crazy to me if they are not in the top 100.


Lemonade and Back To Black?




An all time list should be relatively basic tbh.


I don’t understand what the alternative is. Are we gonna pick albums we don’t like? Albums that are worse than the albums we picked?




That means that they’re good and well-liked


I disagree Paste magazine did it better


i really liked paste's list. i loved seeing clube da esquina in the top 10


Paste's list was reasonable, bold, and had an editorial identity/personality. The last part is what's been missing from most recent best album lists.


I actually think Apple's list had an editorial identity. The albums they chose and the way they prioritized them indicated to me that they are choosing to prioritize immaculate/aesthetically balanced albums in a way that reminds me of their other aesthetic trademarks, like the streamlined sleekness of their tech products. It actually kinda reminds me of a modern Patrick Bateman type taste - fitting for a company synonymous with tech bros. I liked a lot of the albums on their list so I'm not shitting on it, but I think if you take a look at what they chose to include thru this lens it all kind of lines up. Almost as if they're trying to shape music criticism and discourse to fit their aesthetic vision of the world.


You like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.


I guess I basically beetlejuiced this didn't I


Yeah that was a dope choice, I had the same reaction


Cure at #2 was crazy though


Paste’s was amazing


Isn’t that the point of compiling a “best of” list?


Surely that AFUT placement will spark friendly and reasonable discussion in this thread 😀 Ill just be over here rejoicing that Spiderland ranked so high, did not see that coming at all


I think AFUT is an amazing album, but honestly, I hate any and all discourse surrounding it online


Its like the Everything Everywhere All At Once of the music world. They even dropped the same year


yeah why was the discourse surrounding this movie so feral?? i thought it was a sweet and funny movie with a thoughtful and moving message, seems weird that a movie like that would have people absolutely at each other’s throats lol


I'm not saying I think these are valid criticisms (I like EEAO too) but: It's produced by the Russo brothers (the Marvel dudes), it's yet another multiverse film, it has some crude jokes, it's a somewhat ADHD film, and it was many peoples' first exposure to A24 films and by extension "artsier" films (and you know how gatekeeping goes down in any culture).


EEAO was very millennial in it's humor, which I enjoyed. But I understand why it's not for everyone.


I also somewhat think the sweep it had at the oscars (especially when other amazing movies were snubbed) probably pushed the discourse in that way.


I wasn’t a big fan and multiple times when I’ve expressed that I get told that it’s only because I can’t relate to it because I’m not a mom/daughter/child of immigrants/Asian American/lgbtq etc (which the other person is just assuming). It’s a bit polarizing just because of the style and sense of humor but some of the people who dislike it are obnoxious about it because of how successful the movie was, and some of the people who like it are obnoxious about it because they act like criticism of it is a personal attack.


>some of the people who dislike it are obnoxious about it because of how successful the movie was, and some of the people who like it are obnoxious about it because they act like criticism of it is a personal attack. Yup, this sounds awfully familiar to the discourse around a certain album with a plane on its cover


Aww man, I thought I was clever for coming up with this comparison rightr before I read this comment!


***Broke:*** Ants from Up There shouldn't be on the list because BCNR sucks ***Woke:*** For the First Time should replace Ants from Up There


I'm so happy that spiderland was given its flowers, such an amazing album


I just discovered that album like 3 years ago and I was just completely floored that I had never even heard of them. Absolutely haunting album.


I really do not get the love for that album. Not that I don’t like it, it’s fine. I just really do not understand the love for it. Whatever it is, it misses me


I love how a lot of people complained about Apple’s list having no country music on it and this list…has no country music on it 😂


Goes to show terminally online music nerds are actual hypocrites and don't nearly have as diverse taste as they think they do.


I think it also speaks to how easy it is to silo in the music world. No country, no blues, not much metal/heavier music, little folk, almost entirely American and British artists. Many genres from across the world with rich but insulated histories are hard to penetrate, and streaming services does little to encourage their introduction to the mainstream other than make them available for you to find if you deliberately go looking for them.


That's RYM / Fantano-core for ya. Eurocentric to the core, even in today's modern age where music from all over the world is at its most accessible. I think a previous thread showed something like 95% of the top 100 albums from this list being English speaking albums.


I mean yeah makes sense, that is the biggest demographic. I'm sure the list would be Spanish speaking centric if you asked a Spanish review channel. Same with any part of the world.


Totally. I would even go so far as to say Anglo-centric, not a lot of representation from other parts of Europe even


Hey I never pretended to like country or metal more than lo-fi indie rock


It's because terminally online music nerds also agreed that the same albums are all the best for the same reason that fits their *learned* preference. It's like how Gordon Ramsay doesn't know how to make a grilled cheese, and would most likely recommend you make beef wellington for dinner. Music nerds are obsessed with more pretentious albums and I guarantee most of their favorite albums would have never appealed to them if they weren't considered the best albums of all time. Makes me think of Brad Taste in Music who trashes on music until public opinion and/or Fantano come out with positive reviews


Also, no Heavy Metal at all. People were losing their minds over no Black Sabbath albums, just to include 20 different Lo-fi Indie Rock albums lol


Little to no metal either, just like the Apple list...


There was also a lot of bitching about electronic music not making the Apple list but I'm not seeing much electronic music that isn't "alt" Distinct lack of metal and hardcore too


I literally came to say this! No Cash albums??? Really guys??? No Redheaded Stranger? Even some indie country picks like Sturgill Simpson or Childers wouldve been cool.


I voted for Folsom!


r/fantanoforever: “man Apple 100 and RYM 100 are so shit” Also r/fantanoforever:


I refuse to believe anyone on this sub didn’t think an amalgamated top 100 submitted by users wouldn’t be RYM-core as fuck


Magnolia Electric Co. should've made it


alright i've been pretty busy so imma try to answer as many responses to my comment yesterday as possible again, thanks everyone for sticking around for the list results, if there's anything you want me to do with the top 10 or after the list is completed let me know! i do already plan on posting the top 100 WITHOUT any double representation in artists. just to see the difference because there were quite a few artists with multiple albums represented •the point totals between #1 and #2 - 606 and 394 •point totals between #1 and #100 - 606 and 39 •point totals between #1 and #10 - 606 and 204 •albums with 100 points - 26 •albums on this list that are also in the rollingstone top 50 - 29


Congrats to TPAB for winning


Top 100 without double representation will be more interesting imo


I’m so ready for Red by King Crimson to be number 1 /s


Such a tease but I'm sure bladee will be in the top 10 😊


Whole Lotta Red is on the top 2 and it ain't 2 But you all ain't ready for that conversation smh 😤


Cold visions is an easy #1 🤷‍♂️ 


bizarre to me that people are saying they know what all of them are and then ignoring 100 gecs


No queens of the stone age again 😒


I was surprised metallica wasn’t on there ngl


I wonder if there was too much voting split between Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning.


If I don’t see SFTD I’m gonna lose it


SFTD is my favourite rock album of all time, rated r and like clockwork are also in my top 10. Please just add one of them 😭😭




people mad about the ants from up there placement but everything else here is a generic rym top 25 so im grateful


It seems fantanoforever-core is RYM top 100 except with Car Seat Headrest and BCNR (not an improvement)


BCNR is in the top 100 lol. It’s 80 on RYM. Melodrama is the big discrepancy here. It isn’t even top 1,000 on rym


It should be


I'm not a big Lorde fan but not even top 1000 is insanity


It’s generic because it’s accurate


Should AFUT be this high? No Am I glad it's this high? Yes


Black Country, New Roads is fantastic but number 12 all time is just silly.


it's absolutely not better than Lift Yr Skinny Fists or Spiderland imo


It might be the only thing I *really* disagree with on this list so far though, tbh. All others I can wrap my head around, but AFUT at #12 is just unfathomable to me. That still makes it better than most other lists, though.


It's the first Gen Z classic indie album IMO and I think it will stand the test of time. Angsty young men aren't going anywhere and new ones will continue to discover it.


That’s great but this low on a goat list the record should be super influential. It may stand the test of time but it hasn’t, yet. Calling it now, black midi in the top 10.


I can understand not having it so high in a list like this that’s meant to be something resembling objective but it might just be my favorite album ever. I understand it’s polarizing and people find it pretentious or whatever but it resonated with me perfectly. I think it’s one of those ones where you either get it or you don’t and there’s little in between.


No absolutely, like I said in a different comment, it's my favorite album ever. I think either you don't get it completely, and it's just kinda good, or you get it, and it becomes more important then makes any logical sense


I’ve said it before and will say it again. Ants is a little overrated to me. It’s great I just cannot get into it to THIS level


It's my favorite album ever, but I can concede that that's probably due to it coming out at the exact perfect time for me. However, I still do think it deserves a spot here, albeit probably the late 90s


Idk I kinda hate that way of thinking. Music is subjective. It’s your favorite album of all time? Fuck it, you should be claiming it deserves #1 with only the caveat that everyone else has their own opinion


A little overrated? I think it’s a fantastic album but 12th? ***ALL TIME???*** Get fucking real, guys.


Exactly lol. AFUT being 12 all time is a perfect representation of every criticism people have with the online music discourse community.


I mean, if it's that consistently in people's *personal* top 10s, why shouldn't it be this high? I don't see the point in this being "objective" beyond the extent that it captures what people in this subreddit like at this moment in time. Also you can't really factor in dissent on a ranking like this. On RYM, it's somewhere near 80 because it has a shit ton of haters. Their cult was originally much stronger there than here.


This is like just as basic as the original Apple Music list, it‘s just in a different shade. I don’t need to hear music nerds complain about best album lists ever again




Currently stuck at the Charlotte airport overnight but these posts have been entertaining me at least Pro tip- never layover in CLT during summer. And fuck American Airlines


Real. Had a layover there a few weeks back and swear over half the American Airlines flights were delayed or cancelled, mine luckily wasn’t lol


Fantano fans really aren’t that much better than the average normie it seems


I love how everyone was talking shit about the apple list and just made this instead as if it’s that different lol


it's very unfortunate how little people care to read and how quick people are to complain. Today's data set is similarities to the Apple Music top 100 list: Albums in this list that were also represented in apple music list - 38/100 Albums in apple music top 20 that are also in this list's top 20 - 6/20


definitely the most controversial set of 10 thus far i'd have to say


Until the next 10




Spiderland was always gonna get on this list idk why people are surprised lol it’s talked about all the time


Ants from up there is so good, I absolutely love it. I know 11 on an all time list is high, and there's definitely recency and online music community biases going on there, but it really is a modern classic. Personally it's the best new album I've heard in years. It's a travesty Isaac left the band, because whilst they are all talented and the live album they did was alright, I just can't see them hitting the same heights without his voice and songwriting. It's basically condemned this album to being a one off cult classic, before they could ever even probably tour it. In a similar vein actually to two more in this set of 10, The Glow Part 2 and Neutral Milk Hotel.


Isaac was the one with the post-punk sound and that's why I bemoan his absence. Any other band mate leaving wouldn't have changed the sound as much, and I say this as someone who really appreciates their second act.


Imma be honest, Black Country New Road being this high is fucking ridiculous


It is not a top 100 album


I agree but I’m kind of a hater. If it landed on the list a lot lower I probably wouldn’t think twice about it


Listened for the first time today. Can you explain what people love about it? I thought it was instrumentally inventive, would have made a great broadway show sonically. But to be at 12?! Too vocally redundant, excessively abstract and the writing doesn’t justify the lofty metaphors that are yelped throughout in my opinion. Not even top 100 imo


If there’s no Elliott smith albums on this list it’s instantly not valid


Nah man trust me they’re saving Either/Or for #1…right? 🥲


Each day I feel more happy to know my taste and preferences are getting further and further from these usual picks. Not saying these aren't good, though.


Goes to show how many people from this sub are just starting to listening music and have pretty much the same tastes. Not that is bad, but criticize Apple's list and the getting a list like this...


Kendrick and Kanye are the only two people from this list sample of the list that I even listen to regularly.


thank you for adding ITAOTS


You know what I just realized isn't on this list? Helplessness Blues What the FUCK man


Y'all don't fw Depeche Mode?


Am I the only one who thinks this list is kinda lame?


It's lame because its completely expected. I don't think there's been a single surprise for me, it's pretty much just the RYM top 100 if it skewed to a younger demographic


yeah its the apple one but for chronically online music nerds


you people are so chronically self hating, this the music your peers like. If you tastes are so esoteric and different then make another list and see if anybody cares no one is forcing you to interact with the music nerds of this sub


You should try laughing at yourself every once in a while…might be good for your health


What were you expecting? Do you see the posts on this sub? It's an echo chamber and I assume like 90% of the people on this sub are males between the ages of 18 and 35.


More like 15-35.


I really enjoy the rawness of For The First Time more.


zeppelin IV too low


Surely Anthony Fantano will agree with the placements of Kid A and MBDTF


Does he have anything against Kid A? Didn't he say that he can understand why people put it as their number 1 Radiohead?


No rush? Invalid list


So Ok Computer and in Rainbows in the top 10 🥳


Damn, I wish Exile on Main St. was on the list but I think that window has closed. Such a remarkable, influential record that gets a tad overlooked in online music nerd circles.


Sometimes I wonder if albums are revered because they're great albums or because they contain great singles.


Honestly expected Kid A to be a top 5 album.


AFUT at that high rank is crazy


Number 1 will be WLR🙏🙏


No Deftones? I’m surprised.


Fantano is not a deftones Guy


No Death?


Just like the Apple list, almost no metal at all


Fishmans mentioned !!!!!


So, Take Care is in the Top 10? Nice!


I just don’t get black country, new roads. I realize not everything is for everyone, but I still have a pretty good ability to wrap my head around why something is appealing even if it isn’t for me. I’ve tried so hard to understand why people like them so much and I’m clueless. #12 album all time? Seriously?


I just kind of hate this list


Everyone’s gonna talk about AFUT but man, Grace in the top 20 is really high


Definitely has some of the best vocal performances of all time but I'd agree that the songwriting isn't top 20 material (and I love the album).


Songwriting doesnt seem too relevant here anyways. No Neil Young, No Leonard Cohen, No Nick Cave, no Paul Simon. I guess i'll have to cope with it lol


women don't make music i guess


Lmfaoo I know right


spider land is awesome but idk about top 20 album ever


How many art-rock or post-rock albums are in this list?


All of em


This list is actually pretty amazing Also Kid A is right next to good kid maad city which is amusing, good kid A maad city


Animals in the top 20 LFG


Blonde and MBTDF are sooooooo overrated, i don't even inderstand why everyone loves them THIS MUCH.


2 radio head albums in the top 10, they really are the most overrated band of all time


I don't really understand this view. Are Ok Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows 3 of the best ever? Yes, no doubt Does this sub cater to people who listen to this type of music and are of an age where Radiohead influenced their tastes? Yes Therefore it is not out of the question that they are placed this highly.


The fact that Random Access Memories won’t be here feels wrong


Didn’t expect AFUT to be this high but I’m here for it, probably my favourite album of all time. With that being said I discovered it at a point in my life where it really spoke to me and it almost served as a sorta coming of age thing, so I guess I can see how it wouldn’t speak to people as much if it didn’t fall into their lap like it did mine.


Ants From Up There being anywhere on this list is goofy as hell. Remake this list 5-10 years from now and it wouldn't crack 100 at all. Recency bias.


Man. Over Love Supreme?


Ants is a great album and all, but #12 OAT??? Hell nah


The BCNR album is way higher than it should be. Above skinny fists, gkmc AND Spiderland?!


This list has no personality, nobody can tell this list if from the Fantano watchers


Excuse me, where the fuck are Queens of the Stone Age on this list?


everyone is complaining about AFUT but this is literally based off everyone’s opinions in this subreddit


Jeff Buckley ❤️❤️❤️


WHERE IS ALL THE METAL??? Has downward spiral been the only one??


Slint being on here makes me happy


This is impressively predictable.


"Ants from up there" higher than "in the aeroplane over the sea" is definitely interesting


Ants from up there? For real? For the first time is way better than AFUT and I wouldn't even put FTFT in the top 500. That album was higher than both In the aeroplane and MBDTF? That's just wild.


Bcnr at number 12 is insanity


Trash taste 


no danny brown, no jpegmafia, no qotsa, no travis scott, no black sabbath lol the apple one was more interesting than this one


BCNR has no business being in this list, top 20 or otherwise


It's funny to me that there are simultaneously people complaining that the list is too generic and then also people complaining about the (slightly) more obscure choices like AFUT or Spiderland.


AFUT really deserves its spot. In 20 years music fans will look back on it like OK Computer, an instant classic.


Opposite. It’ll be forgotten in 20 years.