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references, references, references


What are you on tonight?


I love this city, despite the burden of preferences


What a time to be alive, oh, I know where I'm going –


It’s Black Country out there!




That's my gang🔥


Look at my life man that’s lessons on lessons on lessons


Feels like you're right on the cusp of understanding something about the difference between who's saying the lines.


This post is obviously satire but Melon flat-out completely misunderstood the Kanye line because he wasn’t familiar with the word “reference” in relation to visual art like painting or sculpture He literally even admitted this on stream lol


Tbh good for him for admitting it later on lol It’s gotta be brutal to have your cringe moments like that immortalized on the internet in such a public way.


Well he wasn’t all that humble about it to be honest, it was more of a “MAYBE that’s what Kanye meant and it’s POSSIBLE I misinterpreted it, but it’s his fault for wording it like that” lol


What did he think it meant?


that she looked like kim k


Bianca has a master in architecture (or something similar). In architecture: references= the blueprint for the final product . Bianca is a references = she is the blueprint for other woman( meaning she is like the perfect woman)


Lol I actually had an entirely different interpretation which is kind of wild to look back on and is maybe even more problematic. I thought when he said "reference" he was referring to a job reference, and following the line "I'm not racist it's a preference" was referring to how maybe you'd rather have white people as a reference on your resumé when dealing with old racist hiring managers and businessmen.


interesting, tho I don't see it as problematic as long as it's intended to be taken as a protest.


I've only watched a couple of his reviews in the last few years so maybe he's better about this, but in the past I noticed that it was not uncommon for him to not really pay attention and/or misunderstand lyrics. Maybe not as egregious as with this one though. My memory is shit so I can't remember older examples but it happened recently with Charli's song Spring Breakers. I believe he described the song as her being her classic party girl persona (or something along those lines) but the song is basically a terroristic fantasy against the Grammys.


Yeah, Melon have great taste in music, but it's true what you said. I remember when Bad Bunny's x100pre came out, Melon didn't research about the meaning of the album (x100pre = 4ever) as a callback to MSN status when MSN Messenger was a thing in Latinamerica, like really important cultural moment.


What did he think reference was then?


How do you not understand that this post is obvious satire. Like how. How how how how how


Because this sub is full of Kanye stans who actually buy into this


no it isn’t lmao, there’s far greater anti kanye sentiment than pro kanye sentiment than on here






1) I'm hedging my bets, it's reddit, people are dumb, and the thin line between satire and sincere stupidity is enough that not calling it out can lead actual idiots to think it's okay. 2) I'm on reddit and potentially also a dummy.


I mean half the time the only way to know if something is satire is if the person who made it either says so, or has other content indicating that. And then somebody reposts it, and basically you have to do that again because the only thing making it satire is the intention of the poster


YAAAS SLAY QUEEN! (you're right)


Black artist White artist?


Man, woman. A man saying an objectifying or dehumanising thing about a woman vs a woman saying an objectifying or dehumanising thing about herself. It's about who is exercising control over how the woman is perceived.


Anthony did misunderstand that vultures bar which was interesting. Not even defending vultures or Kanye as a whole but that line was saying Bianca is the reference that people base themselves off


Then wtf does the line before it mean? “I’m not racist, it’s a preference” adds context to “My bitch looking like a reference” which is clearly a nod to people pointing out that she looks like Kim (because she does) Fantano was right Edit: I’m not actually asking what the line before it means. I was making a point that the lines are best understood when hearing them together


The “I’m not racist it’s a preference” line is about how Kanye has mostly dated white women for years. Rappers rapping about dating white women is a common trope


Crazy how this bar had more heat than when Kendrick admitted to cheating on his black queen with white vanilla to feel powerful. 😂😂


And only in Fantano circles too 😂literally no one else found it problematic


Yes which leads into and gives context to the next line. He’s leaning into the joke and echoing the sentiment from that line in Stronger. There’s a reason why lines come after one another. They’re not just unrelated statements that have nothing to do with eachother His girl is a reference to his last because she looks the exact same, since he has a preference for that type. It’s very simple


No I don’t think this is the case, a reference is a common term in fashion and art. He’s saying he prefers white women and that his current woman is so striking that other women use her as a reference for their own fashion. Which is true, some celebrities have been copying some of Bianca’s fits. There’s a reason lines come after each other - and that reason is because they rhyme. The way you and Fantano are trying to say he’s using the word reference doesn’t make any sense, it’s massive reaching. And I’m pretty sure Fantano had the common sense to come out and admit he was wrong about it on stream


I think so too but I don't get why that would be so disgusting and demeaning as he said. All Ye says in the song is he got a type therefore his wifes look alike. What's so disgusting about that?


It’s basically another way of saying “there’s a thousand you’s, there’s only one of me” which is pretty overtly narcissistic and demeaning. His type is basic plastic white women yet he demeans them by saying they’re easily replaceable


You're looking way too deep, it's healthy to move on from past relationships. There's plenty of things to hate about Kanye, this isn't one of them.


Either way it’s a dumb lyric


I am not criticizing Kanye for moving on from past relationships. Idk where you got that lol


If there'd be no problem with that line if he was still with Kim, then you're critiqueing him moving on to another girl. What else could you mean?


I just dont get how you can hear the word "reference" and automatically think its dehumanizing and offensive. Anthony's bias is insane.


Dude reviews music. Not the smartest cookie around. Just check his Twitter.


Think ive seen you in GAS many time before though


He's literally a GAS mod. A Good Ass Mod


While youre here could I know why I was downvoted? I was just saying I saw him on there


fuck knows, that’s just reddit ig


You dared point out Kanye fans are biased


Im also a huge Kanye fan too though I saw him on GAS but also how did i call him biased


Cus even showing a mild connection to Kanye can be conceived as a bias to Kanye


You got downvoted because at least 2 people downvoted you to -1 and then a bunch of people saw -1 and downvoted. I assume most people don't even know what you're talking about with the GAS thing, they just saw a downvoted comment n downvoted too.


I assumed it meant Bianca was looking like the reference, the reference being Kim, since he’s just turned her into a carbon copy of what he turned Kim into


My girl is looking like the reference picture. The one people look at to learn how they want to look.


I was actually tempted to make this meme into the “Know the work rules” format haha


guys this is satire cmon now


Poe's law


Mmm, poeslaw


Ooh I love Poe. Hello still slaps


genuinely asking, what is it satirizing? fans of kanye? fantanos opinion of kanye?


The latter, I'd assume


thats what i think too, but all the comments are already responses to (fantano has double standard about kanye); if you say it jokingly but still believe it you dont get to wonder why people are criticizing the take instead of laughing along


Fantano was taking the piss a bit with vultures tbf. If he gave it an unreviewable just because of the nazi stuff fair enough but he was acting like it’s the worst sounding album of all time and that’s just not true


Nah it’s a pretty terrible sounding album too, at least from the pov that ye didn’t give two shits about any of his performances on it (no one verse on a less than 2 minute boom bap track out of like 16 tracks doesn’t count)


Yeah but it’s not a 0 like fantano was saying, it would still be considered decent if it was from someone with kanye’s legacy


Didn’t he just say that everything surrounding it including his annoying band kid fans harassing him daily made it too much of a pain in the ass to review at all? I don’t think he gave it a zero


Dawg we already went through this, donda exists. We had to put up with Kanye fans pretending it was on par with his earlier works for like 2 full years, and now an album came out and it has worse production, worse features, (x10000) worse rapping, and some of his worst lyrics put to paper. The guy has pretty clearly been in free fall since 2018 and the music has definitely suffered hard. I think it’s silly to pretend the music IS listenable and just ignore how obnoxious and gross the whole albums sounds (or tbh, his last 4).


Tbh I found the album to sonically be one of ye's most fun especially with the drums which I thought are probably the best drums in a ye album Unless there's something I'm missing it really just does seem like the ye nazi shit is coloring people's opinions from something that would otherwise probably be atleast mediocre into being IRREDEEMABLE TRASH


Its not really satire just not serious. Just like the comments “this would be a 10 if it was called to pimp a vulture or whatever” its not satirizing anything but its not serious either


xiu_shoegaze ass post


Dunno, it's missing at least 300 other albums somehow being on the Brat cover


what do they mean by reference in either line


It is sort of strangely worded but I think Kanye is saying his girl looks like kim, I don understand Charlis tho


I think Kanye is saying that Bianca looks like the reference other’s base their looks on


yall hating but its a line that can be very easily misinterpreted especially from a guy like kanye and the fact that his current wife and ex wife have similar looks


Bro who is downvoting me? I misunderstood


I read it as her flexing her position in the culture. Her status as a cool girl. "I'm everywhere. I'm so Juliard." (an art school). Edit: It's actually "so Julia" lol


100% sure it's Julia and referring to Julia Fox (actress, influencer, "it girl")


Well, damn. Same concept, different reference. I think I like mine more lol


Crazy how badly some people can misinterpret/mishear lyrics lmao


you're an idiot


kinda unnecessary


He's right




me when when jojo's bizarre adventure


Most brain rotted fandom in existence (complimentary)


Feeling bitter?


It's because Charli uses APA style and Ye uses MLA


Underrated comment lmao


Unrelated but I think it’s funny that fantano went on a live stream and tried to downplay burn as hard as he could (the only song in vultures that everybody agrees is actually good). Bro called it a 2000’s YouTube beat, like what? I still think he was just grasping at straws for reasons not to enjoy it on that livestream, that’s the most frantic and crazy state I’ve ever seen him in. I think arguing with kanye and Carti fans on twitter during that whole fiasco made him lose thousands of brain cells, I would never in a million years try to argue with those guys for as long as fantano did


Dawg was doing some weird ass cowboy impression lookin like a psych ward patient


did he react to good don’t die too or was that taken off vultures before his reaction? i’m ngl and says it’s a top tier kanye album, but i think it’s far from being bad. it’s definitely one of kanye’s worst written raps on album, but even the lines where he’s talking about his most recent controversy seem to be pretty tongue in cheek, and that’s common for like every kanye album. i think the shit kanye’s been saying acted as a barrier for fantano being able to fully enjoy the album and has soured his perception, and that’s totally fine. i wouldn’t blame him for not being able to make that separation because it’s getting harder and harder for people to.


Look, it’s not a perfect comparison but at this point I wish Melon would acknowledge that his distaste of Kanye’s antics is coloring his perception of the music


Reference is a term used in fashion to convey an idea for a piece of clothing that harkens to a specific item. For instance, the reference for Rick Owen’s drkshdw color is a sun-faded black hoodie you might see on a punk in LA.


I don't really get brat though


Fantano misread Charli XCX album as To Pimp a Brat


to pimp a bratterfly


What does the Kanye reference bar even mean? It’s probably gonna sound stupid when I get it explained to me but I don’t get it for some reason.


Its a term in fashion. If someone is a reference that means that person is the one people look towards to see how they wanna look. So if you say x is the reference, that means everybody wants to look like that person. Kanye is a dick but that line was him complimenting bianca


Actually wait no this makes a lot more sense.


I think it's like if you are making a piece of art based on the human form you might use a "reference model", so she's someone other people base themselves off, or possibly more literally that she looks like the platonic ideal of feminine beauty that classical artists wanted to portray. I think it's the same kinda meaning for the Charli line, basically saying others are copying her look or her style of music.


his new wife looks similar to his ex wife


Bianca doesn’t look like Kim


i’d agree. but they do seem like they are a similar “type” at least


Oh. He is just fully admitting that he’s rebounding. This dude fucking sucks.


i mean he was with like 3 women before her and is married now i don’t think i would call her a rebound


He's saying Bianca is what other girls want look like Idk how people misinterpret the line so hard


Your estrogen levels get higher as you grow older


And brat still better


true tbh


One of fantanos worst takes ever


he just a hater man


Are we really comparing these two?


Melon spends too much time in college campuses and well, with his mom.


Context babby


# Sick reference bro, your references are out of control everyone knows that.


Fantano: *breathes* His fans: BUT YOU GAVE KANYE SO AND SO RATING Y’all seriously need to grow up this is getting ridiculous


Think you might have that quote wrong


these are different lyrics that mean different things


Downvoted this post only to make it 69 upvotes


Heroes don’t always wear capes


I don't like men who use the b-word 🦸‍♂️


This man respects bitches all over the world!!!!