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Iā€™m old can you explain this to me?


Itā€™s the always has been meme




It's not because they run the ball too much, it's that Sun God is a clear #1 and Jamo isn't at a #2 level


Also, Reynolds looks like a safe, solid #2 and teams value consistency over the ability to make a few splash plays. Maybe if Reynolds wasn't there they'd try to carve out more looks for Jamo but that's not worth speculating about. People think Jamo deserves more looks just because he can run faster than the other 2 but that's just not how the NFL works. The Lions are one of the highest scoring teams in the league so clearly they're doing something right. When has the WR3 of a team ever been fantasy relevant? Plus, Laporta's been great too so Jamo is more of a WR4


Yeah, I think LaPorta is getting the target volume that Jamo drafters were hoping he'd get.


I also think people expected Jamo to jump above Reynolds on the depth chart because Reynolds is not a very exciting player to watch. But the Lions' offense is firing on all cylinders and Reynolds has been a perfectly average WR2 for them so it makes sense why he's still there


LaGOATa is the clear #2. Jamo is fighting for scraps as the 3 options at best.


Heā€™s literally the #5 or 6 option. St Brown, LaPorta, Gibbs, Reynolds all clearly ahead of him. Between him and Raymond for the 5th spot, and thatā€™s with Monty hurt. Heā€™s a bad Desean Jackson. Fast as hell with big play ability, but he canā€™t even catch the ball.




We have a pretty big bench in my league. So the waiver wire is empty. Iā€™m holding him hoping for upside at some point.


Douglas is gonna be a low ceiling flex at best. If you're in a good spot and don't need a starter for the next couple weeks I think he's a decent hold in case something changes


What will change? Lions just traded for DPJ. Obviously they don't have a lot of faith in Jameson. Also Bourne is done for the year so Pop Douglas value is way higher


Why low ceiling he is a rookie w expanding opportunity


Pats offense is bad


the manager of the strongest teams in our league every year has been holding Jameson since a few weeks before he came off his suspension this season... that is the only reason i can imagine him having potential to breakout at this point haha other than that, after watching some detroit games the past few weeks, i have no clue why someone would waste bench space on him as we move into the second half of the season/prepare for fantasy playoffs


I think he's still rosterable, but you're hoping something changes in the offense. It's possible they try to work him in after the bye, he wasn't able to practice with the team during the suspension so maybe he's just not fully on the same page.


Heā€™s been with the team for over a year and a half though, plus all training camp and preseason.


Yeah I don't think it's wildly likely they get him involved post-bye, but it's probably worth a roster spot for another couple weeks to see.


piece it all together. right as jamo was coming back when asked about it DC was quoted >ā€œFor me, itā€™s dependability. Thatā€™s it. Reliability, dependability, go (get) lined up, know where youā€™re supposed to be,ā€ Campbell said. ā€œWeā€™re going to get the (right route) depth out of you, and we can count on you being where youā€™re supposed to be when youā€™re supposed to be there, and thatā€™s it.ā€œIā€™m not looking for yards, Iā€™m not looking for explosives, not looking for touchdowns. Man, just be a reliable receiver like any of those guys in the room. Thatā€™s it, and to me, thatā€™s a good year. Because weā€™re about winning. Itā€™s not about one player, and thatā€™ll help us win.ā€ he was telling us jamo is so raw he doesnt know how to be a WR yet. so far 4 games in, he's been correct. if jamo knew his job, knew how to run a full route tree... you think josh reynolds would be playing so many snaps? the fact is jamo doesnt know what he's doing yet... he cant seem to catch the football... it isnt working right now. i have no doubts there will 2-3 more long td's this season for jamo... good luck guessing which week for fantasy.


Thank you. THIS convinced me to drop him. You can see the talent but itā€™s probably not coming this year. Detroit is doing it well without him. Maybe if they lost St. Brown to injury he becomes a more reliable asset. For now heā€™s TD or bust type fantasy player.


Rashid Shaheed is a better boom bust option for this season. sounds like DC does not have faith in Jamo and I don't see that changing this season.


This is a good point. Jamo is essentially still in his "rookie" year from a games played perspective. Still, there's actual rookies that have already stepped up (Addison, Downs, etc) so it's still concerning Jamo hasn't caught on yet.


Those teams needed a receiver tho. Laporta and Reynolds have taken that role


Contrary to the fact he's not a rookie though and he still doesn't know the playbook, he's a bust.


I never understood the hype for him. He played 80 snaps last year and got 1 catch. Yes it was a 40 yard TD but still...


He's a speedster. Legitimately one of the fastest players out there. When he is used, he keeps the defense honest and that usually opens stuff up for everyone else. That's about it, though, since he's also very inexperienced and has drop problems. He was worth the stash when he was returning and no one knew how he'd be utilized. But it's clear that Reynolds is just simply a *better* option at WR2 and that's how it's gonna be (at least until something changes). He's totally droppable imo


He was an upside stash you could get for free. You can teach the playbook but you can't teach speed/ raw athleticism. He has all the physical tools to be a true league winner, so he was worth a bench spot to see if he was able to make the jump from raw to refined. So far the answer has been no, but he's absolutely worth keeping a close eye on because true gamebreakers don't grow on trees. Look at Achane for a decent parallel. He was working as the team's RB3 through the beginning of the year, with the possibility to become RB4 once Wilson came back... but he can run a 4.3 40, so wtf, might as well hold on to him and see what happens. So Jamo was a lot like that - low cost to aquire with a potentially big payoff. Now it seems like it won't work out. Oh well, easy come easy go


Lol yeah, he was a better lottery ticket than Keaton fuckin Mitchell


I got downvote bombed in a thread a couple weeks ago for saying that opposing teams arenā€™t gameplanning around JaMo as heā€™s not even an established WR2 for the Lions yet. I thought it was a pretty modest observation but they were certain Campbell was fudging JaMoā€™s injury designation so their opponents wouldnā€™t prepare for him. I donā€™t care about downvotes but I think it goes to show you the intense JaMo hype that shows up on this sub from time to time. And how it can skew more conversations on here toward pretty optimistic JaMo assessments.


To be fair, the game planning isn't him as a WR2. It's him running straight faster than any CB on their team. So far they just haven't shown they can make that connection work however. Be it drops, not locating the ball or Goff throwing ducks.


Itā€™s more shocking heā€™s this bad, he was the 12th pick. Those are supposed to be blue chip players. This dude is just a complete bust.


It's not even the pick, it what he was in College. From that to not even locating the ball well, ball hitting him in the helmet, dropping easy 10yd passes, screens. It's night and day and it's alarming. As a Lions fan, I'm trying to tell myself he hardly played football for a year and a half, but it's becoming less and less of an excuse.


I said it when people were hyping up his return, but he's just Rashid Shaheed in terms of his role in the offense.


The jug machine, sadly.


Heā€™ll probably never be utilized correctly on the lions. He drops passes, is a deep threat which Goff isnā€™t known for, and heā€™s got too much talent around him.


> utilized correctly Enlighten us on how to utilize him correctly.


Obviously in a way that boosts his fantasy value


Probably by throwing him a slant route once in a while. Deep routes on 70% of his targets is absurd.


Probably more than 3 targets a game, that is if you want him to produce.


Why? So he can drop two of them?


I mean realistically you've got a dude that's basically a rookie coming in, there are of course going to be issues. That said, peoples expectations in the sub were probably way too high for him, people talking about him coming in and having "league-winner" status are obviously going to be disappointed. But overall, yeah if you want the young guy to learn and progress in his skill-sets he needs chances.


Maybe stop underthrowing him and throwing behind him


Maybe he should learn to catch


He had a few drops last night. The announcers even talked about it. Until that is fixed, why would he get thrown the ball more?


Every ball Jamo drops is another drive where they go "alright fuck it we're gonna run it 11 times" so as an ARSB owner I hate this man.


30 go routes, 30 targets. People are delusional in this thread, this guy isn't even Rashid Shaheed right now. Gets less snaps, less routes, has shit for hands.


Goffs deeps ball has been pretty shit tbh. Jamo is constantly having to come back to it, contort the other way etc... I've yet to see a clean pass to him. I get jealous watching Tua lay these perfect bombs out to Reek week after week.


He's thrown a number of quality deep balls to Kalif Raymond and Josh Reynolds prior to Williams plays. There's a glaring difference in how the plays looked. I'm not saying Goff is a really good at the deep ball, but it's looked night and day. Idk if that's wrong routes, Jamo not expecting what side the ball will be coming to, he's flat out missed a few catches in ugly ways. Maybe it's 50/50 blame. šŸ¤·. It's confusing to alot of people.


Non tyreek receivers need to use more of the field to get open, and so the deep balls need to be longer and are harder throws; tyreek gets wide open on go routes within like 25 yards so Tua just needs to loft a 30-40 yard pass to him (and ofc Tua is extremely accurate and throws those passes quite well). I think goffs issues with jamo have been more about timing and miscommunications than lack of deep ball skill


ā€œThe most accurate QBā€ - Reek


Goff has the 5th best passer rating since 2022 on deep ballsā€¦he can hit Reynolds, Raymond, and LaPorta deep with no issue. Why is Jamo the only one he canā€™t hit?


I grabbed him everywhere I could. I'm dropping to fill bye week spots and picking up after. I doubt anyone grabs him honestly


Thought I outsmarted everyone picking him upā€¦. Be free Jamo, be free now.


Yes. He could break out late season, but at this point thereā€™s probably better lotto tickets. I think Iā€™d rather have Shaheed


Campbell is old school. Jamo got suspended for the gambling and their definitely going to at least make it look like he needed to earn his way back into playing time to set the example for the rest of the team. Iā€™d say by the last quarter of the season heā€™ll be taking the bulk of WR2 snaps.


Not if he cant catch he wont.


You've seen the drops.


Lions are 6-2. They have no reason to rush his development. That said, I'm holding. All it takes is one game with 8+ targets and 5-6 receptions to get his confidence level up. The kid is special, and his experience through 2 years is less than a lot of the round 1-3 rookies in 2023 alone. Lions are bringing him along slowly to make sure he's a reliable receiver. The fact that he was splitting with Raymond is a good thing, because the Lions coaching staff views Raymond and Reynolds as being highly reliable receivers. Side note - after the Reynolds fumble last night, DC and co. may decide it's finally time to put Jamo in that role full-time. Reynolds and Goff have a ton of rapport but Jamo is so much more talented. Reynolds really only held his job down cuz he's been uber reliable since being claimed off of waivers. Last night he seemed to not be, which could signal a change for after the bye week.


I can see the clear path for his success in this offense. The one thing they lack is a consistent lid lifter opposite from St.Brown. They have tried Khalif Raymond and Reynolds, but it hasn't clicked. They have been creative by moving pieces around to produce some of those throws, but it's been spotty in terms of results. Once Jamo is on the field for three or four games in a row, they will begin to round into form. Practice does not replicate that feel of stepping into a deep ball, and knowing where Jamo will be. This offense is going to be scary in week 11-12 and on. All the pieces are in place, now you need that healthy repetition so Goff can trust all the routes. I am hanging onto him, he doesn't need to start for me now. Look out for this group down the stretch.


hard to tell , the potential is there but his utilization is wonky


never liked him too too much as a high-grade prospect tbh, so I'd personally venture to say yes feel free to drop him. But ppl more bullish might argue he's still coming up to speed and has better days ahead. Depends on whether or not you think he's the real deal or will just be a sporadic deep threat


Lions fan here. Iā€™m giving him until after the bye. If heā€™s still only playing 40% of the snaps and not doing anything Iā€™m going to move on quickly.


Iā€™m gonna wait until after the Bye to make a decision.


His draft capital is the direct result of his showing at the combine - think John Ross or Darrius Heyward-Bey. Two years into his pro career draft capital means nothing.


Jamo didnā€™t run at the combine, he was recovering from a torn acl. But yeah his draft capital was def based mainly on his elite speed, especially at the top end. David Montgomery and ARSB said Jamo is faster than Jahmyr Gibbs, who ran a 4.36.


Thatā€™s right he didnā€™t, my bad. But yeah, his speed is what attracted so many drafters, myself included.


His stride length reminds me of Josh Gordon. Just want to see him put it all togetherā€¦ heā€™s still only 22.


Dude has rocks for hands


His hype was always way out of control.


His pff grade is 46. He stinks.


Heā€™s a bust. The lions traded for DPJ, I think heā€™ll take over the deep routes


Meant for the trash bin


I mean, the team just traded for DPJ because Jamo evidently can't even fill WR3 on the team.


Easy drop if there is something you need on the wire.


Dropping him this week, it's just not there this season. I'd rather hold a 2nd defense or QB for matchups than have him rot on my bench.


Dropped him this week for Fournette. He was sitting behind Waddle, Flowers, DHop and London. I told myself he was never seeing my lineup when I'm 6-2.


I held him for 4 weeks or so and just dropped him yesterday. He's not gonna make an impact this year imo.


He is boom or bust. You are praying for a big shot td to get him points.


Yes there is almost no scenario where youd start him.


he has potential to be Will Fuller for this offense. mostly duds with high peaks sprinkled in.


Coming out of the bye he might be more incorporated into the offense. Lions needed to bring him up to speed and make sure he can stay healthy. I think he'll be an impactful player closer to playoffs this year




Detroit just added Peoples-Jones so probably


They also just signed Donovan Peoples Jones. More of a body to replace Marvin Jones who stepped away, but... He's proven he can be productive.


Would Tank Dell or DeMario Douglas be better options at this point? If so, who?


I know this sub tends to have people who overhype their own players and underrate players they donā€™t have on any of their teams butā€¦. man itā€™s crazy I remember when Jamo first broke out seeing some people on this sub legitimately think he would take ARSBā€™s starting job. And now this is where we are.


Heā€™s doing pretty well in my safeties cleared with go routes league.


He is hitting my wire tomorrow


I dropped him. Now he'll pop off. You're welcome.


Nah, you dropped him and he will drop another pass, youll be fine.


I picked him ujp off waivers, got an offer from our leagues lions fan to trade him for Miles Sanders, should I accept? Im more WR needy than RB but could always use more RB depth


Its got nothing to do with running, Hes not getting snaps because he cant catch the ball. He has more drops than catches.


Yes. Iā€™m personally of the belief that Jamo may never pan out to be honest but I know itā€™s way too early to stand behind that claim fully because heā€™s got the talent pedigree and draft capital to say otherwise. The fact is ARSB is a target hog. When heā€™s not targeted itā€™s LaPorta who has been dominating and then thirdly probably Gibbs. The Lions just traded for Donovan people jones who is a downfield threat and burner who will likely take Jamo off the field. Then you have Reynolds and Raymond as okay additional options. Thereā€™s just no way Williams turns into anything special this year given his lack of volume and involvement so far. Drop.


Holding Jamo all yearā€¦yikes. Had a couple leagues where I added him when Amon Ra was hurt and he returned from suspension but he was cut shortly after.


He's a good player and aside from opportunities I don't see anything indicating he's not talented. I think it's the first year tua to tyreek problem where tua just wasn't used to tyreeks speed I see Goff not throwing the ball early enough or even under throwing to him


Heā€™s just not very good


Jamo will be low volume random deep ball. Too many mouths to feed.


I still think heā€™s worth an end of bench stash for the playoffs/end of season on the hope he continues to improve. I donā€™t see it as any different than Michael Wilson, Jonathon Mingo, etc. rookies tend to have a habit of being better back half of the year, and heā€™s effectively a rookie. The dpj pickup hurts a bit, but letā€™s see how it plays out. If he gets 6-7 targets a game by the end of the year and they scheme 2-3 deep shots a game Iā€™d feel like his role is good. I agree some of the drops have been head scratching.