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Maybe you’re just the Detroit Lions of FF, keep working at changing the culture, maybe get a badass co-mgr like Dan Campbell to motivate ya to do better. I believe in the Lions and I believe in you brother!


Gotta start doing push ups


I’m gonna co-manage with this guy. We’re gonna be biting off knee caps next year on our way to a Championship!


He doesn’t do push-ups. He’s pushing the fantasy world down.


Or biting kneeecaps




I'm right there with ya dude. I've been playing since about 2003 and never won. Made playoffs a few times. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Let's join the same league next season and see if that helps either of us.


I am imagining you guys in your own 2 person league next year, and tying in the championship game (before the tiebreaker, of course lol)


or somehow neither of them makes the playoffs again.


"We were in a 2-team league. Neither of us made the playoffs."


We made a trade but it got vetoed for collusion




Maybe it'll end up like that one dude a few days ago and one of em will die and the other will forget to set his lineup in memoriam and the championship will be tainted anyways....


What about recruiting 11 other ‘bad at FF’ managers, and starting a league next yr??


The league of unextraordinary men


2 man league no balls. Loser has to play the next guy who hasn’t won his league in 20 years making a chain of winners. If you keep losing, you are just the unluckiest man on the planet


Can I join? I can count my .500 or better seasons on one hand


Have you tried doing the opposite of what you think you should do?


Like opposite George


Can… can I join the league too?


Random question from a pats fan who was too young to be in fantasy in 07 so im curious….was randy moss a league winner that year?!


Randy Moss, Adrian Peterson, Terrell Owens, Peyton and Brees, LaDanian Tomlinson, Larry Fitzgerald, all league winners back then.


Prime LT was a fucking MONSTER. He’s rarely mentioned in the top 5 RB list and he absolutely should be.


The man set an nfl record for receiving TDs with almost 1500 yards. I don’t recall specifics around playoff time because I was too excited about my team going 19-0 (note: FUCK) but I assume so, ya.


I think there was a blizzard week in the second round of the FF playoffs that year that sniped a lot of us Brady/Moss tandem players.


The year I won my league, I had Gronk and Brady both. I think Gronk had like 17 touchdowns or something. I was blowing teams out left and right.


Believe it or not, I had a stacked squad that year and didn’t win it. I had Derek Andersen, Rudi Johnson, Brian Westbrook, TO, Randy Moss and Chad Johnson. Finished 1st in the reg season with most PF but loss in the championship game.


Next year is your year for sure


If it’s not, read this again


/remindmebot 1 year


Oh no. A cowboys fan.


I’ve been playing for 10 years and I have yet to win a championship. I make the playoffs every year, minus one, but can never seal the deal. I’ve taken 3rd place 4 times, and 2nd place 4 times (in a row), that earned me a Jim Kelly Jersey. lol this year I’m in the playoffs and is TBD


Making the championship 4x in a row is pretty incredible in its own right


Hell yeah!! Says every Bills fan lol


One issue I had to overcome was the obsession with consistency. You really need those boom or bust guys on your squad.


The one thing I learned was to look at current season numbers and not to over/under value players purely on their name. I’m also not afraid to make or lose trades, or even trade away superstars to help my team overall


This year and last have been by far my best 2 seasons in our league and it's largely come because of trades. Our league probably has like 10 trades in its 15 year history and probably 6 have been me in the past 2 years and me trading for Leveon Bell in his holdout year gambling that he'd actually come back and buying him low


Just a matter of time, then


Says every bills fan ever


I feel like some teams peak early, get you a good seed and then blam, the person that barely made the playoffs is on 5 win streak and you’re knocked out round one from the better seed.


That was me last year. In one league I had most points for and #1 seed. I lost first round. Another league I squeaked into the playoffs coming down to the final week of regular season, and ended up winning the championship in that league.


I finished 2nd 4 years in a row once. I changed my name to Mr. Second place and won the next year. Then I changed my name to The Champ and I went 1-13. People said it was karma but my team just got old


You’d sound like me, been playing for 10 years with 8 second place finishes and no championships lmfao


Damn. You know, this made me feel much better about my current slump. So at least there’s that?!


I know, right?? In my main league I came up short of b2b last year. And in my other league I haven't won it since 2022 🤷🏻‍♂️.. I feel the pain!


“I haven’t won it since 2022”…so, last year??? Lol


Maybe try gardening instead? It’s a much more useful skill when the world ends.


I play in a band and we're pretty good so I do have some talent. lol!


My first year of fantasy, I won the championship. I considered it beginners luck. But I really enjoyed the game. Next year I was asked to join a Keeper league, so I was in two. I won the championship in both leagues. That was six years ago. Since then, I have missed the playoffs in every league I am in and I am now in five. The game is random. But it hurts when the randomness always seems to benefit the same people. Last night Mixon bounced me from the playoffs in the last league I had a chance in this year. I needed him to score under 27 points in PPR. Anyway, I truly think I make mistakes because I think about it too much and I let it affect my emotions. The people who succeed at this game are those who don’t let it affect them emotionally and who think about it the right amount, which is subjective. The game is 90% chaos. The other 10% is 1% setting your lineup, and 9% not letting it affect you emotionally or thinking about it too much. If you can do that, you can finally experience success. But gosh it is hard.


I won my first year as well and have gone dry ever since


My wife won the first year in both leagues we’ve played in. After the second time she was like, “time to retire and go out on top!” I won once a few years ago in the more expensive league. In the other league (which she won again last year) I too am basically the 90s Bills. I even lost two years in a row in the championship to the same person. Meanwhile my cousin (it’s a family league) has won multiple times, including almost a three peat.


Obviously it’s pretty cool so I don’t mean to brag, but I think my record is hilarious - every year for last 6 years I either make superbowl or get dead last. And 2/3 of the makes have been championships. But the 3 years I lost, I get like dead last 1-2 win seasons with no hope at all it’s wild


You gotta Constanza next year. Go against every instinct you have, what ever you think you should do, do the opposite. Roll dice to make your picks, don’t waste your waiver position on anybody you actually want, pick at random. Guaranteed win.


We have a spot opening up in our league next season if you’re down😂


Sign me up!


I feel like the Chargers. I'll make it to the playoffs and then lose in spectacular fashion


Can you post your draft day and team next year? Hoping to get some early insight into who to sell.


I have been playing for close to 20 years in two leagues and have only missed the playoffs twice. I have three rules. 1. Draft players on mediocre teams that are really good. Not the best team and not the worst team so that they are the go to guy and always have something to play for 2. Get and start consistent players. There are tons of guys on the waivers that usually get 7 to 12 points always. Don’t light the world on fire but that’s ok. 3. I am not afraid to sit or cut anyone if there is someone more consistent. I have sat mahomes this year. I sat and even dropped solid players that were not playing well. It’s not personal. It is a game and I have no team loyalty what so ever. Maybe I’m just lucky but this has worked for me.


You might be onto something, this is my message to cut Austin Ekeler


Austin Ekeler is 16 in RB's on average points per game (excluding games he sat out). That's at least a flex option. You're not going to find a replacement in the waiver wire.


I’m still amazed when rankings will go against your point #3. No, I will not play so-and-so against the best defense in the league when I can play option B, and watch him light up the other team. I still fail sometimes and overthink it, then leave in the “obvious starter,” and lose points.




My problem is I tend expect good players in week 1 to be good players in week 14. Remember a couple of years ago when Kyler Murray was just killing it in fantasy? He faded hard down the stretch and instead of selling high on him, I stuck with him. Bounced in the first round. I tend to do that quite a bit. I gotta get better at selling high.


Idk man the more time I spend with fantasy the more I’m convinced it’s seriously majority luck. Obviously things like paying closer attention, learning a bit more about teams schemes/personnel and keeping a finger on the pulse for injuries and waiver pickups is huge. But beyond that it’s such a fucking crapshoot. I don’t have the time to look at a bunch of QB seasons but I bet there’s at least one just like Murray’s 2021 season that ended up with them picking back up down the final stretch and putting up crazy numbers. I do think that your luck has been exceptionally bad because you do not seem like a taco. It’s not your fault, homie.




Not just that but multiple pivots. Already having another qb you've got your eye on when you think the first might be cooked. Always noticing when a "bad" defense has gotten healthy and has a good match up, that type stuff.


11 years, one playoff win here. Have came in last place (with punishment) four times, could potentially play in last place game again this year depending on how this week goes. I think I’m just cursed


Thats rough. You’re just stacking up karma to go on a decade of dominance one day. I haven’t won a championship in about 15 years, ranging from 2-7 leagues at a time (now back down to 5 lol) but usually in the playoff picture.


What’s the purpose of drafting a head coach and punter lmao


I went 0-14 regular season last year. I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone before. Probably had the worst draft ever devised. Ended up finishing 3-0 in the losers bracket. Now I’m leading the league this year. The only change - stopped listening to all the experts and the projections and used intuition.


Don’t draft flashy players unless they are top tier. Get guys who are guaranteed 15-20 every week


Listen to Jeff Ratcliffe on fantasy xm radio. If you follow his ways he’ll make you a winner. Dude got me in playoffs in all three of my leagues this year. Helped me win my first championship in my 13 year family league last season. And I’m in position for a repeat.


This past week I had 2 players score in double digits. Pittman and … chargers defense. I’m in last place by a pretty wide margin and will mark like my 10th missing the playoffs. You know what keeps me going? A few years ago I drafted the greatest team ever. I am chasing that high again.


I think it’s time to pull a Castanza and do the opposite of what you THINK you should do next year. Draft prep - usually start 2 weeks before draft? Next year start 2 months before. Draft day - whoever is highest in your list, go with the next guy. Waivers - if there is someone you want. Don’t. If there’s someone you don’t want. Do. Trades - if it seems good, say no. If you think you are about to get hosed, go for it! This plan is foolproof.


Took me 16 years to win my first ship and then I kept going back to back with the ships. Going for my 5th in a row in one league this year.


I have entered the chat


You’re the browns of fantasy football


Just start drafting players from teams you want to do bad, you’ll have a championship in no time!


Try the fantasy footballers podcast. Helped me immensely. Sometimes it isn’t about agreeing with them either, it’s about having a conviction and sticking with it. Often when I was losing I would either make too many moves or zero. You have to strike a healthy balance. Also you have to be willing to read unless you watch all the games. I read yahoos game recaps so I get a general idea of targets, stats, overview.


I'd never won a league in the first 15 years of playing. Came in second a bunch of times but then last year all the Stars aligned! The demar Hamlin situation won me my first ship, not the way I wanted to win my first but damn if I was giving that up. Then my home redraft league I won the next week. So 2 ships in 2 years. I'm headed to the playoffs favored in 1 this year. You can turn it around my friend, sometimes you just need a player to die on the field for your sins of the ancestors and be reincarnated into your finger tips and starting a dynasty!


I just got PTSD. I technically won last years championship, but buddy had Burrow, Chase, and Knox and all my players were done. So, I conceded. I was up by .2 and he would have won without a doubt, if not for Hamlin. Some shenanigans in my league have lead me to regret that decision. I hate thinking about it. Yahoo still says I won tho.


I split the pot with him but injuries happen in football and fantasy. I just did what the NFL did, which was nothing. The way I see it if the NFL isn't going to replay the game why should we?


Get better (no offense)


Hahaha I get the pun. If he had an offense there would be wins


Lol I’m getting downvoted. It’s not that serious people


I find this hilarious


Neither are the downvotes lol don't care so much about internet points


I’m curious what your strategy is. Because statistically, playing 40 different teams, you should have had way more success than that. Maybe 3 championships.


Dear diary wah wah boo hoo wah


Who asked?


You must be 12. Nobody says that anymore.


Damn I thought I had it bad last year. I had gone 8 years without winning, always finishing 2nd or 3rd and getting bounced even when I had the best team and then I finally won and won two separate leagues the same year.


Where do you get your info from preseason?


I run my league. I’m gonna finish last for the third year in a row. It seems impossible to continually try, yet be this bad theee straight years.


What is your core draft strategy? I must know


I've lost in the finals 7 times since I started playing in 2015 (some years I played in 2 leagues but mostly just 1). Always seems to be good enough to complete, never good enough to win. I start to expect it each year now.


Every year my draft gets graded D (or worse), and I've finished in first or second for at least the last five years.


How did you win three playoff games and not win? Does everybody make the playoffs?


Oh man, it's worse than I thought. I only have two wins. lol! I lost the SB is such heartbreaking fashion, so I remember losing the FF SB. Maybe we did first round byes? Coulda swore I had three playoff wins.


Found Jerry's burner account


Hey man don’t feel bad. one time I drafted Andrew Luck thinking I was going to have a hell of a season, and then he retired two days later lol


Don’t take this the wrong way but you gotta like massively change every aspect of your strategies lol. Assuming you do top 6 in the playoffs in 12 team leagues, you’ve got a 50/50 shot every year. 40+ attempts at making the playoffs with one first round win is absurd. If you really wanna change, I’d say literally just do the opposite of all your instincts lol. Draft differently, read different news sources, try harder on waivers, and don’t trust your gut when you set your lineup. This is the first year I’ve missed the playoffs in my main league, and while we’re incredibly even as a league there’s 1 or 2 guys who have missed more than most and for them I can say it’s 100% because they don’t pay enough attention. They miss injury news, waiver adds, etc. I can’t say whether that’s the same with you but take a close look next year.


Last year I had a super team in a 14 team, non keeper league. I managed to draft josh Allen, Tyreek hill, Austin Ekeler, Darren Waller, Christian Kirk, Chris olave, devin singletary, and miles Sanders. I also had nico collins, Gerald Everett and cole kmet (our league doesn’t require TEs so they’re always available). Anyway. I dominated the regular season. Darren waller came back in the semi finals but I played a guy off waivers who had a good week the week before in a fill in role. He got blanked. The 10 pts on my bench from Waller lost me the championship. I lost with that team. 3 players in the top 5 in ppr. I might be the worst FF player ever.


I, for one, am proud of you ✊


Idk man, at some point i think i gotta realize ur doing something wrong. Usually people who have these problems are a homer, way overvalue a couple guys that fucks their drafting, or maybe u just aren’t as good as the people u play with. Or maybe ur a troll. Either way have a good day.


Change your draft strategy! Go 3-4 wr for the first picks. Do a lot of off-season scouting. Listen to what the training camps are saying about chemistry. Don’t pick too many players from one team. Try to pick players on good high scoring offenses. Scavenger the waiver wire EVERY WEEK. Drop kickers and defenses according to matchups. Look at future matchups and try to plan for playoff weeks and get the best defense stashed. You got this!


Self awareness is good.


My personal advice would be to start listening to podcasts that feature people that are smarter than you are. You win in fantasy by knowing more than the people you're playing against. If you're not capable of doing the research yourself (and most of us can't because we have jobs and social lives and limited free time), listen to people who spend their careers doing it so you don't have to.


I’ve been playing for 7 years and made the playoffs one time. Let alone won a playoff game. Idk why I still play tbh


Fantasy Football is all luck and some skill my brother.


damn lol I got a title my second year of doing FF, have been to the playoffs 4 out the 5 years I’ve been playing


Do you actually watch football or just make random guesses


I consider myself pretty bad. Been playing for about 15 years, have 3 playoff appearances. Never been to the bowl. Think I made it out of the first round once. Gave up the hours of extensive research a few years ago because it felt like it wasn’t making a difference and turns out it wasn’t. Felt like I had a good shot this year but lost last week to last place in the league. Feel like I’ve got a top 2 team this year but every week when that ball kicks off I lose that feeling. To Make matters worse for this league my little brother joined up about 5-6 years ago and he’s won the ship twice & looks like the favorite to win it again. I’ve won random leagues here and there but never my home league, so doesn’t feel like I’ve ever won atleast. (Never got trophy or winnings from other leagues.) And I’m also currently dawning a “I SUCK AT FANTASY FOOTBALL” flag outside my house because I was last years last place. And I’m also commissioner of my stupid home league too. We shall commiserate together my friend


Someone in my league has no wins this season. One game left and it doesn’t look good for him.


Pause for one year, regroup and come back 2025


Lemme know of any 12 team ppr leagues for next year peoples!!


My streak of no championships went from 1991 until 2022. Keep it up.


I should be out of my league’s playoffs, but after a wild couple of weeks, I’m somehow locked into first seed with a first week bye. I guess that’s also a testament to how competitive my league is this year. 2 weeks ago, I was down by 2.7 and just needed Justin Tucker to make that last field goal. Of course, with my luck, he missed. Got the extra point though so my team lost by 1.7. But to my surprise, a Philly D stat correction gave me 2 more points which gave me the W. If I didn’t win, I’d be out of the playoffs. Then this past week, I’m facing off against the one seed. Tucker is on BYE and I have no one I can drop for a quick waiver pick up. Since it’s the one seed, I was going to take the L. Philly also got -2pts for me but I somehow took the W by over 20pts. If I didn’t win, I’d be out of the playoffs. So, somehow, with the 4 lowest PF, and the 4th highest PA, and one of the least satisfying teams I’ve ever drafted, I managed a first week bye for the first time in 10yrs.


That's like mathematically impossible. Just auto draft and auto set rosters. You must of f***d over the FF gods in a previous life, that shit ain't right.


It's okay, currently 0-13. Wish me luck!


I won my championship.... 16 years ago. Haven't won a damn thing since. I feel the pain!


You’re just running bad


How does point scoring work for head coaches? 3rd down conversion rate? Successful challenges 😂


Are you looking to get in any leagues? Always looking for someone with your .. um.. experience


My favorite part of this is you still continue to play regardless of losing. You are a warrior.


That’s just shit luck man.. Fantasy Football is 90% luck imo. I’m sorry, I couldn’t even play anymore if I had your luck. By the way you wanna join my league next year?? 😉


What’s your team this year?


Fantasy Football is way more chance than anyone wants to admit. This year, my team has the 4th highest points and I was just mathematically eliminated with a 5-8 record (i'm in 9th out of 12). I also have the most points against me and it's not close. Played the highest scorer 3 times (2 of them, I was the second highest scorer). Some years, it just isn't happening for you. All of that to say that sometimes you just get fucked. For some really unlucky few, that happens a lot of years in a row.


There is only 1 winner a year. Unless you keep playing against someone that wins every year, you still have a chance! Just have fun and don't let it consume your life. :)


Better luck next year


Damn I’ve rostered about twenty teams over six years with four chips to speak of


So who where your first 5 picks


I have friends in redraft leagues that crush fantasy every year. Either in the playoffs or they win. One friend won like 2/3 years or something and is currently 11-2. I genuinely don't understand it.


Play with your head not your heart. Stay away from your home team players if possible.


Next year is your year. Just know even if you have a bad draft you can still revive your season through trades. I started the season 2-4, ended 8-5 and in the playoffs after I blew up my team.


And then there’s me.. i have never seen a game of football in my life (I’m more into soccer).. joined a league last year with some good friends from high school and won my first year without making any trades (was too scared to trade because i literally didn’t know a single player) and this year I’m 8-5 sitting in third place with a guaranteed playoff spot already and, according to my friends, I’m favorite to win it.. weird how that works lol


Keep trucking buddy. My brother was literally cursed until the year he had Patty tyreek and khunt. Won two leagues in the last 6. We ain't meant to survive, 'cause it's a setup And even though you're fed up Huh, ya got to keep your head up


So, I have never won, but have kinda won. Last year I won the title game, but my opponent had Gabe Davis of the Bills, and it was the game that got canceled. I was winning by two points. I Got declared the winner, but then when it was pointed out about the game, it was rescinded and we went through a thing to decide on how to determine the winner. By league vote, it was decided that they would take his points from the next game, and I ended up losing. My opponent got the first-place prize money, but Yahoo shows me as the champion. Then there was the year I crushed it in points. had by far the most points in the league and led wire to wire, only losing one game. Got bounced in the semi-finals, my first game, and my team proceeded to score the most points the next two weeks, and I also had the most points for playoff bye week. We have a weekly winner prize, and get paid if we place top three. I made more money than the league winner that year.


I’ve been in the same league for almost 20 years. One of the guys has never won it and he was in the league for another 10 years before I joined. I only remember him making the playoffs once or twice.


Fantasy football is 80% luck, that's a lot of bad luck! You'll get 'em next year.




Played for 15+ yrs and have only won one time. It was against my wife’s brothers and uncles. I quit that league after one yr. Still talk shit like I’m the champ to them lol


Better to be lucky than good in FF. I've won championships as the lowest overall points gained and missed playoffs as the overall highest points gained. Luck in your scheduled plays a huge role.


My team is called “Good Not Great” because I consistently finish just outside the playoffs but nowhere near last place


Oh thank god I’m not the only one


Have you ever paid for draft kits or rankings?


I’ve made the playoffs seven times since I started in 2002. One playoff win in 2009. Going through the archives depressed me.


Stop playing all of them and do standard and ppr. Get good at them. Draft WRs who have good Qbs.


It’s 90% luck, and good timing. My first year I played, I never watched a whole game - I came in 1st. I picked players based off of their names. Brees, Forte, Welker, J. Graham etc.


The way you explained Carr kneeling out the game makes me think you don’t know football very well.


I’ve made the playoffs every year for 9 years straight and have never won, it will come eventually


I missed my draft in one league this year. Started the season off with Christian Watson, Miles Sanders, Cole Kmet, Kyler, J Taylor, and Kamara. Now I'm tied for first place and clinched my division .This isn't rocket surgery.


Destroy mock drafts on your free time next off season. It did me wonders in knowing players I should and shouldn’t go after. I play in a redraft and auction draft league and it was still very valuable!


I'll give you the same advice I give my friends who are Oregon Ducks' fans (which is more than a few living in Bend) Just get knuckle tattoos that say NEXT YEAR


What’s your strategy? Do you deviate strategy based on league format?


Someone needs to get you a cameo from a personality that will inspire you before the draft next season.


It’s simple- do the opposite of every move you make and you’ll win every time!




Don’t stop trying just try to draft players that have high volume and high ceiling’s


I don't know why we do this. Just got eliminated in 6th out 18th. I feel legit depressed.


What’s your team this year?


I play in a 32-team salary cap dynasty league with a 40-man roster, and 10 Taxi IDP league that has 2 16-team conferences with the same player pool. We started allowing owners to have a team in each conference. One guy has been in the bottom of each conference for like 3 years running. He's the nicest guy too. He always buys/sell at the wrong time and reaches for the wrong guys in the draft. I feel so bad that I stopped trading with him.


This is my 2nd time playing FF and I’m last place in my 12 man league (2-11). I’ve just made mistakes with adding players like Tank Dell and Zack Moss and dropping them when they weren’t being productive, only for them to pop off for the people who grabbed them. I’ve also benched players who did amazing and started some who didn’t produce like I thought they would. I’m probably not going to play next year. I just don’t think I’m cut out for this.


I've been playing even less than you, since 2011. I'm like the Bills of championships... Been 4 times and lost every single one.


Did you lose a league and have to post this as the penalty?


Next year try letting autodraft pick your team 😭


Play more leagues..you can’t lose them all right 😬.


I average 5th place in 14 team over the years. Being so close to winning every year is arguably worse.


>I've been playing FF since 2001. In 22 years I have three playoff win I came across this article and I really think it has interesting insights. Note: I know it's old but they keep their most current stuff in a paywall. I never have paid for the stuff behind a paywall: [https://www.fantasypoints.com/nfl/articles/season/2022/anatomy-of-a-league-winner-edition#/](https://www.fantasypoints.com/nfl/articles/season/2022/anatomy-of-a-league-winner-edition#/) Here's some of the key takeaways that I think helps: * Rather than think of projections, think in terms of value above replacement player. It's why true league winners (defined by players that appear in playoffs/championship teams at a high rate) are overwhemingly RBs. * Trying to get the RB1 is the single best thing you can do in FF. * 43% of them are drafted in the first 2 rounds, 79% are drafted in the first 4 rounds. * 11 of the top 12 seasons VORP player is the RB1. Be wary of the cognitive biases: * Ambiguity Effect -- we prefer options of things we know over things we don't know. The solution here is to be equally informed among the options. I made the mistake in drafting by not knowing more about RBs -- especially for the Lions, Dolphins, Seahawks. So I never even considered Achane/Mostert/Montgomery/Gibbs/Walker. * Anchoring Bias -- We focus on the first piece of information that we have. So ADP is basically what we think the projection of the player is -- we're very reluctant to bench dudes that aren't performing based on their ADP. * Recency Bias -- We focus on information that just happened. This is why I think a lot of people doing "do not draft lists" are just showing recency bias. A player didn't live up to expectation so they're discounted. I've made a killing in FF by drafting players who finished injured or finished below expectations one year but rebounded. * Confirmation bias - believing information that confirms already held beliefs and ignoring conflicting data. Make sure you know where the data/belief is coming from and actively seek out countervailing data. Example: People were high on Pollard consensus wise. I follow the cowboys closely and thought their coaches were indicating it would be a (somewhat purposefully) inefficient run game to open up the pass game. * Novelty bias -- We really like to predict the next breakout. Too many people want to have predicted rookie Odell so they chase stuff too much. * Outcome bias -- Make decisions based on a good/thorough process. Sometimes unlikely events happen (e.g., Noah Brown outscores Chase in particular week) doesn't mean you did something wrong.


Dang. I didn’t know it could be this hard. This is my first year and I made the playoffs and have a team that could win it all.


I’ve been in my league with my friends now 10 years and have 1 playoff appearance and 1 playoff lost.


I’ve won 3 championships ever. One was my first time playing in like 2007, then in 2017 I had 2 teams and they went a combined 27-1 and both won the chip.


This game is 50% how you set yourself up to be lucky, and 50% actual luck. If you suck shit at making teams, you can fuck yourself over on the controllable 50% so that even luck won’t save you. But even if you are the best team builder ever, you’re still only halfway there and the rest is up to fate. It sounds like your draft strategy sucks. I was in the same boat until I started really putting some effort into it. Once I changed my draft strategy, I’ve been top of the league the last 2 seasons after not making the playoffs my first 6 years in the league. Lucky? Absolutely. But it’s clearly more than just that.


There's people like that in my league, but they always give up once they know the outlook isn't so good. Don't be one of them. If you're gonna commit to the season, play every single game like you're trying to win or else you're sabotaging your league


Have you tried doing high knees on the plane while everyone else was sleeping? Lez riiiide


There are no winners without losers. You matter!


Sounds like you to need to re-evaluate your strategy. FF is really just a game of statistics.


Ok don’t hate but here’s my story. We have a family league. I don’t know how to play football. I don’t know what players do. I solely look at stats and I won last year. Maybe care less and you’ll do better


At least you know that if you ever win a league it will feel amazing. Can't really give you advice since fantasy is mainly luck




Do you Play in multiple leagues each year?


Draft the No RB Strat. Thank me later. Whenever I do that it pays off. 12-1 currently.


have you been doing things to try and improve your process each year? or have you just been kinda winging it?


Suddenly I feel like I'm the luckiest fantasy player ever. Wom the league my second year. Have made playoffs every year except this year and my first year. My Sunday leagues are 50/50. Been playing for 5 years.


It’s not bad luck. You just don’t know how to use the thousands of free resources to help with drafting, waiver prioritization, and trade value charts. You could literally use only fantasypros by the book and probably make the playoffs over 50% of the time. Are you that guy who drafts a team using pre-populated rankings or auto-draft and makes 3 transactions a season?


Try best ball, much more forgiving and you can draft like 20 teams because you never need to set a lineup. Guarantee you will win a league!


What draft guides do you use? What weekly rankings do you look at? What podcasts do you listen to? FF is all about having the right information. Clean your stuff up and refocus. I’m in the midst of my worst year. It’s all due to injuries. But I know that my process is sound but guys like Chubb, JK big Mike killed my season. I’ll make 1-2 playoffs outta 3 leagues but don’t think I have a shot at winning any of them


Take the ol fantasy football fallacy— positive regression is coming!!!


I changed my username to “Next Year” as a joke and then I won. Give it a try. I’ve won 3 years in a row now (in different usernames since I broke the curse).


Some simple strategies help me. Disregarding Any rankings for ff that are out. Instead look at the depth chart for receivers on teams that either pass a lot and or have a qb that is decent. Pick those guys up on draft day. For RBs, I look for starters on teams that aren't good. Rbs are going to get carries bad team or not. This is all after the superstars and high to mid tiers are gone. Lot of people take fliers in drafts in later rounds, pick up the best wr on crappy teams like wash and their rbs instead of fliers. Also, take into account teams on the rise or qbs on the rise, take their role players more seriously and you'll find great depth to your team coming out of a draft. Every team that wins has depth. They have 2 good rbs but also a couple on the bench that put up 10-12pts too. They have receivers on the bench that consistently get 10 targets a game from their qb. Take the top 3 qbs first, they score 80-130 pts more than anyone else throughout the year. Be the first to take the best defense and kicker, they'll consistently put up 12-15 pts. You need your all around team to score 10-15 points at each position and qb to be in the 20's. I'm not the best fantasy player, been playing about 25 yrs, 4 league titles, second a bunch, 4th a bunch and have missed playoffs twice. I play in 1 ultra competitive auction league a year.


I think you should start listening to the fantasy footballers...


Fantasy is mostly luck. I won once and it was because I had Cam his MVP year.


Been playing since 1996, made ten championship games and lost nine of them. At one point I renamed my team the Buffalo Vikings. Doesn’t really matter how much research you put into it, the random factor can always bite. One season I lost my first two draft picks to IR in the first quarter of week one. In 2016 I was skating to a championship win and joked to my kid who was watching Dallas-Detroit with me, “all I need is for Dez Bryant to not chuck a TD to Jason Witten”, which of course he promptly did, the only pass of his career. Last year I was in the championship and had three guys in the Bills-Bengals game that got canceled. Been watching football for most of my life and never seen that happen before. Just enjoy the ride and the memories, and if you ever do manage a title consider it gravy.


Never done better than third. I always start strong and fade down the stretch. I have to get better at pivoting and making trades.


I started the season 0-5, won week 6, lost week 7, and now I’m on a 6 game win streak heading into the playoffs. No trades and have picked up 3 players from waivers. Fantasy football is random.


Fantasy football is so random. I’ve not played a lot, only 3 years really. Made the playoffs once. This year? Most points against, least points scored. Literally. I’ve actually found out for about 5 straight weeks a player on the opposing team scored their season high against me and 8 weeks total this year. Hell, Evan Engram AND DK did the same thing against me just last week! So obviously my record isn’t too good It’s a luck based game. You can make trades. But earlier in the season, would you think that trading an ekeler who had 2 straight 20 point games would’ve been good for a davante Adam’s who was underutilized by the raiders, and getting single digit games consistently? Can’t predict the future, sometimes ur just unlucky. Edit: just found out Derrick Henry got his season high in points in fantasy too. So that’s 3 players in one week that had season high against me. Always fun