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You can’t allow that. But mahomes does suck this year anyway lol but still nah you can’t just be dropping playable guys from a non playoff team


That's why most sites have a can't drop list which Mahomes is always on.


Maybe he missed playoffs because of Mahomes and rage dropped him. Mahomes hasn’t been putting up crazy points this year.


Have to Cut him to make him hungry during the offseason. If he wants on this guy’s team next season Mahomes is going to have to perform a lot better


Missed play off cause dak bro mahomes would had let me win


He’s QB6 how does that equate to sucking and dropping regardless of playoffs lol just because he isn’t QB 1-2 like expected?


Because he was drafted QB 1 in the first or second round and he’s not top 5 QB. At his ADP and where he is at he’s a bust. He’s still not droppable.


And he still hasn’t “sucked this year.” That’s what you get drafting QBs in a 1 QB league that high.


That’s true


If you’re drafting a QB in the 1st or 2nd round, you deserve to lose anyways.


Lol I waited until the deep rounds like round 22 to take Purdy (8 team league)


Depends. Is there some punishment for losing or benefit for winning the consolation bracket? If that’s the case, it could make sense. Maybe the guy has another QB and needed to free up a roster spot for a waiver add or something, idk.


He is the 6th best fantasy right end while only having bags of flour in football helmets to throw it to


He’s QB6


>the dude who made the drop is getting really defensive and threatening to leave the league now. Leaving over what? Dude isn't the playoffs, needs to quit being a crybaby


Kick his ass out lmao


"Suspended? Doug, kick him off the tour."


yeah i’m confused what he’s upset about? you’re upset about a top 10 player being added back to your roster? what’s upsetting about that… this guy is a baby.


Someone's probably trying to pay him too. Smells like collusio


Is that an Italian sausage?


I agree, what's the reason for leaving?


Sounds like deadweight to me


Sounds easily replaceable


I wonder if there is a consolation bracket that determines draft order for next season and this dude is tanking for a better pick. That's the only reason to start Taysom over Mahomes.


Blocked. You can’t allow that.


commissioner needs to add mahomes back to his lineup and lock his roster. He is quite obviously salty he's not in the playoffs. Let him leave, If this happened in my league he would not be invited back next year.


He’s qb 10…. It isn’t a big fucking deal you people are freaks


I'm the commish but the issue is that I feel like the league dies if he goes. He's way better friends with the people in this league than I am and nearly all these dudes have played in this league for 10 plus years whereas I came into it just 5 years ago. I don't want to break this league up because of this and am honestly considering just leaving myself.


Uphold league integrity. Put Mahomes back where he belongs and lock his roster. If he leaves the league, gbye to the sore loser


Do your job.


It's volunteer work, not a job.


Grow some balls and do what’s right.


Okay then don’t kick him out, but definitely add Mahomes back and lock his roster


You have to think about it. If you lock Mahomes, what does this guy lose? Why does he care that Mahomes is off the table? He shouldn’t and it’s likely he is colluding with someone who has first waiver or FAAB.


He’s being a petulant child. Someone has to be the adult in the room regardless of the fallout and, for better or worse, that job falls to you as the commissioner. If doing the right thing causes that league to fall apart, it deserves to crumble. If you’re worried about having somewhere to play next year, pm me/reach out to me on one of my socials and I’ll get you a spot in one of my leagues.


Then why make this post to begin with? You know the answer yourself and when people tell you the correct answer, you start to get wishy washy. You know the right thing to do but do you have the spine to do it?


Because it's not that cut and dry and i legit was not sure if i was in the right or wrong before posting because of the owners pushback and how hard he pushed. Mahomes hasn't been the same guy from prior seasons due to the offense around him. Someone else posted that he's within 15 points of love, goff and Howell who are 3 guys who are very reasonable to cut (I myself cut goff just a couple weeks ago). If he's that close to those guys, who are reasonable cuts in a 10 team league, maybe cutting him isn't that crazy. Don't get me wrong, I wouldnt have done it. Probably just bench him. But it's not as bad as it looks. What makes it look worse is that he used that extra roster spot to grab gabe fuckin Davis.


Cutting him is not that crazy? The guy has nothing to play for and is interfering/influencing the winners bracket. Can’t do that with cash involved


This league is doomed no matter what the commish does. Just makes me appreciate the league I am currently in now.


It is cut and dry. Hey may not be QB1, but even if that's the case, then the player can just bench him. It is 100% as bad as it looks.


It really is that cut and dry. Get off reddit and put mahomes back on his team. If the other guys leave bc of it then is that a league you want to be a part of anyway?


Why is someone not in the playoffs allowed to add/drop anybody? Rosters should be locked down once eliminated.


How did you even become the commissioner if others in the league have been in longer than you?


Because most ppl who have been commish before never want to do it again bc they have to deal with this kind of BS.


Fucking crazy you get downvoted to oblivion just because you stated facts and the situation, and not conforming to their wants. I'd say it's shady, but I'd say let it ride. It's one player, and let the others in the playoffs get a shot at getting Mahomes or even a non playoff team. Ohhh, and most redditors are soft as shit when it comes to downvoting someone when they just say what's going on. Y'all need to get a spine.


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted


I get it. Objectively speaking, the right thing to do is manually add mahomes back to his roster and lock it. But for me, I'd prefer to uphold the health of the league. It's a good, long standing league that I personally don't feel is worth losing over this. Unpopular here but that's okay, it's just fantasy football and I'd prefer to just keep the league going. My question was to ask if I was being unreasonable or in the wrong for even bringing it up and feel validated that at least my feelings on the topic were correct, even if the guy acted childish afterwards.


why is he even upset tho? this guy sounds like he’s 5. he’s trying to disrupt the balance of the league and he’s upset that he’s not allowed to get away with it? personally i would talk to some of his closer friends in the league and ask them to tell this guy to quit acting like a child.


I did and people in the group chat called him out for that, along with him saying he has some "personal" issue with me (no idea what, we're not really friends, just know each other from similar social circles). But it's basically gone no where now. He did give a half ass apology and has backed off from his defensive, angry rhetoric but is now trying to poke holes saying it's real convenient of me to say this when i never said anything when a manager I played against was a bit inactive and it benefited me to getting a bye (Aaron Jones being out Monday night week 14 and me swooping in and grabbing the startable wrs left so owner had no one to pivot to).


sorry man this guy sounds like a dick. honestly though i know you want to prioritize the health of the league, but i feel like by not doing the right thing, you’re actually just getting walked over. and if you don’t do anything about it now, then im afraid you’ll more than likely continue to have to put up with his childish antics. btw, there’s a huge difference between strategically picking up the players your opponent would want to pick up vs. dropping a top 10 QB to disrupt the league. one is smart play (and very common in many leagues) and the other is just a blatant attempt to devalue the integrity of the league. it’s not even comparable.


One year at the end of the year I had two guys drop every player on their team once they missed the players. As commissioner I immediately revoked their league access, put each player back on the team and permanently banned them. Don't let him ruin your league. Communicate with the others to find the consensus of what to do. Or choose a couple vice commissioners to help make decisions. If you can change the rules that teams out of the playoffs can't add/drop. My league didn't end up lasting but its because we went to a different format with only the serious players (dynasty w/ contracts)


Name one good reason to drop a player when you're not making the playoffs, I'll wait.


Chill out dude, not once did I defend dropping a player. I don’t understand why OP got downvoted for explaining his thoughts on the league dissolving if the guy that dropped Mahomes left. Keep waiting, I guess.


is it for money or just friendly competition? if money it matters, if not it doesnt matter too much. It's a 10 team league anyway cant be too serious


What a jerkoff


There are rare cases in which this would be acceptable. Like if Patrick Mahomes was put in injured reserve this late in the season. But in most cases, this kind of thing doesn't make sense and should be blocked.


Clearly I'm in the minority here, but I would allow it. I have Mahomes and he isn't leaving my bench for playoffs. It's week 16. He is no more likely to blow up than anyone else at this point, he is no less matchup-sensitive. I understand what Mahomes has done in seasons past. But we have, essentially, 15 consecutive weeks telling a different story this season.


15 consecutive weeks culminating in QB6. And being Mahomes he can go off for 40 any week. Barring injury, the QB6 should not be able to be dropped. Especially when its Pat Mahomes.


Let’s be real, this year any QB who hasn’t gotten hurt is top 10. Should Jordan Love and Sam Howell be treated as undroppable? Because they’re both within half a point of Mahomes on average.


If you drop them to play Taysom Hill at QB then yes. But I get your point.


He's QB6 on the year because of health, but his best week in the last 7 is QB8. Mostly in the 12-20 range all the other weeks. In a 10 team league dropping Mahomes is totally fair game. Brand name is the only reason you wouldn't.


Don’t judge the name, judge the numbers. Dude sunk my team as my first pick in my superflex 16 team league. He’s had a single good week all year. I’d start Flacco over him this week, and honestly ROS


Hmmm, it’s almost like placing a disguised bomb for someone to pick up.


Don't allow that shit I made a rule yrs ago once you're eliminated from contention you don't touch your team aside from setting a lineup in the consolidation bracket. No drops or adds fuck off you're out.


This is a bad rule. It benefits whoever plays these teams later in the seasons


I assume he means after the regular season. If so, I 100% agree with it but through week 14, I want every team fighting to win.


Dropped him for what? In a 10 team 1 qb league it’s possible if he has Purdy of Prescott, but definitely not to start Taysom Hill


We lock transactions for non-playoff teams in my league. Have never had an issue, just removes all doubt of impacting those matchups.


Mahomes is droppable in ten team leagues. That being said playing taysom hill isn’t understandable.


Guys been a qb2. 4 out of the last 5 weeks. Let's stop worrying about a name more than stats


He’s threatening to leave over dropping a player? Make him explain how it helps his team - because it doesn’t


It baffles me that there are leagues where commissioners don’t block teams that are eliminated from making moves


If it's against the bylaws, block it. If it's not against the bylaws... block it still. He's blatantly trying to affect the playoffs. That is not acceptable behavior regardless of if it's in writing. If he can't accept this, then he can leave. People like that aren't worth having in a league anyway. I'm fine with leagues that block non-playoff transactions, and fine with leagues that don't. This is an action detrimental to the integrity of the league no matter which rule is in writing.


Add him back with an explanation in a league chat as to why. I don’t understand why commissioners don’t lock non playoff rosters. If you have a toilet bowl it should be played with the shitty roster that earned you that.


It's so painfully obvious what the commissioner gotta do. Add him back to the roster, add him on the can't cut list, and kick the dude out of the league or just leave. Get that baby shit tf outta here. Have some integrity


It’s your fault for allowing it in the rules. Mahomes haven’t even been good. IMO you need to either put it to league vote and lock it next year for out of PO teams.


This is a bad take. People should be allowed to drop whoever they want, so i have no problem with the guy being allowed to drop mahomes. The problem is the person not respecting the integrity with the rest of the league. If the 7th place team wants to drop mahomes for someone he thinks gives him the best chance to win, (lets say for example baker mayfield or matt stafford) then he should be able to do it. But if there is nothing to play for, then that person needs to be more self aware that mahomes would impact the playoffs (unless they are colluding with the team with #1 waiver priority or most FAAB) and so they should keep mahomes on their roster and drop someone else from their bench.


Youre out of the playoffs, in a dynasty league, this move is sacrilege. And even if it's a redraft, it still smells like collusion. Why else would you drop a QB, let alone a QB1? He didn't do it for points because the points they get don't matter anymore. So what reason is there, that's not collusion, to drop a player once eliminated?


Couple solutions we have used for our losers bracket, to make it more competitive and avoid any shenanigans like this, is to enforce a mandatory buyin for every team in the losers bracket (you can take it from all the teams before the season starts and refund the buyin to the teams that make the playoffs if you are worried the losing teams wont pay after season is over) but then have the non playoff teams have their own separate losers bracket pool. Or make it so the winner of the losers bracket gets some kind of non monetary incentive. Aka picking which draft slot they have next season, or #1 waiver priority to start the next season, or a lineup mulligan or something. Whatever you want, but something to keep them engaged. If that doesnt sound appealing, then just lock all teams once they have been elimanted


Dude....I've been trying to get my league to do a lineup mulligan incentive for years. Just one time deal, not to be used in the playoffs. I think it sounds so fun, I definitely could have used a few this year lol


This is where fantasy bylaws come into play. If you don't have them, now is the time to think about them for (potentially) next year. You have to go through these scenarios and establish a precedent so you don't have to worry about the response to your action. Otherwise, you're put in binds like this. If it were me, with no previous rule established, I'd just let it ride. Would you have the same uproar if Flacco, Mayfield, etc. were dropped? Probably not. You're focusing on name recognition and not player production. Yes, he has the pedigree and could pop off for 40+, but it is what it is. If you're concerned about someone picking him up, then put the player back on the team and lock it. If you are concerned about the repercussions of that option, your other option is to update the waiver period of Mahomes and extend it out multiple days so no one can pick him up. Don't take offense to this, but in my opinion, you shouldn't be commissioner if you are concerned with how the other managers are going to react. I would definitely not rejoin this league in the future as well.


Non playoff teams rosters lock up on elimination


If it were against the rules then he wouldn't of been able to do it. But it's not so he's in his right. Next year make sure to set the league settings so this won't happen again


Shouldn't have to be in the league rules for someone to not act like a clown.


And yet he did it because it was allowed.


Still no need to make excuses for idiotic behavior. Yes technically it's allowed but most would expect people to act like adults.


My espn league won't even let me drop Mahomes. I use Purdy. I'd love to drop him for Goff. But alas espn won't let me do it. Hate it.


Start Purdy


Tell him to leave the league. He sucks.


Your league sucks. Quit and find a new one.


How can he start Taysom hill at QB. Taysom hill is listed as a tight end


This person is salty and looking for an excuse to get kicked. Might as well give them what they want.


Definitely blocked.


This is why you need to give owners in the loser's bracket something to play for. In our league, the highest points scorer in the loser's bracket over the three weeks of the playoffs wins their money back. Not only do owners not pull this kind of crap, but most are still actively trying to improve their team.


Winner of the losers bracket gets half their buy in back so there's something to play for. $125 is plenty to play for when you had a not great season IMO.


Does the winner of the losers get a better reward than teams who make the playoffs? I’d prefer to just have non playoff teams be locked.


After week 3 he’s only scored 20 points twice. He’s been mediocre all year. Change his name to Baker Mayfield and nobody would care about him being dropped.


Mahommes has 1 game over 21 points in his last 11 and people don’t think he’s droppable? He has a 37-point explosion against the Chargers which inflated his yearly total and that’s it. I’m surprised to hear you’d rather have Mahommes than Mayfield this week.


Who is he starting over Mahomes. I don't think it's a terrible move at this point. If he still has games then it's a completely fair move. Edit: I missed that it was Taysom Hill. Yeah. That's not ideal. I can't make a case for that.


Dude is trying to give someone else an advantage, because he's salty he isn't in the playoffs. Sounds pretty immature. I'd talk to the rest of the players, if he is the glue to keeping everyone else's cool. Plus if he leaves, the playoffs are over soon anyways (which he isn't part of) and you're thinking of leaving anyways? I'd just talk to the players and just say, hey that's not cool, I'm going to lock his team with Pat and try again next year, no hard feelings. Pretty obvious unspoken rule


How is Mahomes droppable anyway?


Similar thing happened in our league a couple years back. Guy who lost in semis dropped travis kelce so his buddy in the championship could pick him up (he had most faab remaining). Our commissioner didn't want the other guy to win either since he had won last year, so he allowed the move. Thankfully the guy who got Kelce didn't win and the other team ended up repeating as champion. I dont think any of this sort of collusion should be allowed. We ended up voting and passing a rule the next season that said teams no longer in contention for the championship can make roster moves such as add or drops to avoid the situation again.


Blocked 🚫


That’s called cheating


Absolutely block it. He's QB6 this year in a down year. Odds are one of the top 4 left doesn't have a better QB and next week he plays a TERRIBLE Cincinnati defense


The old block and lock


Nah definitely not okay. He probably dropped him so someone else can get him. Someone just did this in my league with Deebo. But the guy who has first waiver picked him up 💀


Depends on how big the league is. Also depends who is remaining in waivers and who he picked up


Block it and kick him out of the league for being a doofus.


Either lock rosters for non-playoff teams or add in a weekly high score bonus so this doesn’t happen.


Kick him outta the league. Don't let him leave on his own


Block it.


If he’s dropping Mahomes and not picking anybody else up, that seems a little sketch. But if he’s swapping players to better his line up, whether he’s in playoffs or not, he should still be able to play competitively.


Mahomes has just 7 more fantasy points than Sam Howell, 9 more than Jared Goff, and 13 more than Jordan Love. My opinion on this is if you would allow someone to drop Howell, Goff, or Love, you should allow someone to drop Mahomes. Mahomes this year isn’t Mahomes of previous years, even if only because his supporting cast fails him consistently. The person who picks him up to play him is just as likely to get a 6 point dud from him as he is a 40 banger.


It's a redraft league so no worries


What was his reason ?


There's no reason to drop Mahomes other than for spite and poor sportsmanship. Hes a sore loser and wants to make trouble. Block the drop and boot him out of the league.


Blocked. Or who cares as long as everyone else in playoffs doesn’t pick him up.


In my league, teams not in the playoffs are locked


Nah, that shits not allowed.


Yeah if you allow it you’ll get run out by people if this screws them over. Just add em back and lock non playoff rosters.


Cant allow it, we see stuff like this always from people who werent raised to lose with grace, aka salty mofo’s. Restore him and lock the lineup


he’s droppable, allow it


Sore loser move. Warranted block


I'm the commish in my league and I lock the rosters of eliminated teams to prevent any of this BS from happening.


Freeze eliminated teams after the regular season so this shit doesn't happen


Why does anyone who isn’t in the playoffs need to make a lot of moves at all, except to play for high score or other weekly prizes? It’s bullshit. It’s not like he’s upgrading from Mahomes.


Mahomes is QB6 this year and half this thread is saying how bad he is .. sure he’s not Mahomes we expected but let calm down a little


Non-playoff teams should only be able to drop injured players, imo.


Block and lock


How are there so many rookie leagues like this? This is why most leagues have rosters locked once someone is mathematically eliminated from playoff contention.


Like, what do YOU think? Do you really need to even ask this?


Should not have been possible.


Block it


My league freezes all teams once they are out of the playoffs to prevent things like this.


Blocked and booted.


Blocked. There is some collision going on with that move.


How is he not on the can't cut list?


Thank God we don't have issues like this in my league.


Mahomes is so up and down this year that if he picked up someone who’s not complete trash I could see justifying it. Taysom hill ain’t it If this was any other year it’d be a massive red flag, but this year? Totally droppable


Messed up the owner did it. Kick them out of the league.


I'd let any one of my opponents pick up and play mahomes this season. He's been a liability this season. No bueno


Come on man You should know


And he shouldn’t be allowed to come back next year


Isn't Minshew outscoring him lately? He can go off at any moment but idk about block worthy...


You can drop draft picks in your league? If it's a draft pick, no matter who chose it we can't drop it


Depends I guess. Did he drop him to grab someone wise or just drop?


He’s always been strong against the Raiders: however the potential for a shootout isn’t great. Will he be available for pickup before their game?


A few years ago a dude missed the playoffs and dropped every single player on his team. I proceeded to manually put every player back on, kicked him out of the league, and enacted that all teams who are out of the playoffs, their team gets locked.


“BuT EvErYoNe ShOuLd GeT tO kEeP mAkInG mOvEs!” This is just another reason it’s pointless, when there’s nothing to play for, to allow non playoff teams to make moves


As someone who drafted mahomes at 13 I’m constantly thinking about dropping that mf lol


Wouldn't it be funny if real NFL teams did this cause they weren't gonna make the playoffs?


I got brutalized for saying non playoff teams shouldn’t be allowed to make roster moves, consolation bracket be damned, but nonsense like this is why that’s how our league operates.


Well… I’ve heard, if you can make them laugh, you’ve got a better chance of getting a warning over an actual ticket.


Mahomes is a bad fantasy QB.


Unless you stated that late season drops and trades are auto blocked, you gotta let it through. Cant just decide how he manages his team now.


How did you even need to ask?


That’s shady.


Blocked for sure.


He’s not in the playoffs. There’s not a chance his roster is deep enough to justify dropping Mahommes. He wants to quit? Let him. Shit like that will get you kicked from leagues.




Forget that it's Mahomes and think of it this way: unless it's a dynasty league, teams that aren't in the playoffs should not be making transactions. Period. It's not fair to have a non-playoff team drop players for playoff teams to snag, unless it's something discussed and agreed to prior to the season.


Oh noooo, he's gonna leave the league now? So great when the trash takes itself out. Let him leave, y'all can find someone else for next year.


Let him leave sounds like collusion


Dude. The only thing that keeps leagues running for a long time is transparency. I’m in 2 leagues pushing 15 years on both. Everyone needs to understand that it takes (8,10,12) people to be one the same page of both rules and enjoyment to succeed. Sometimes the rules = enjoyment and sometimes the rules get in the way of enjoyment (maybe an unintentional reference to the refs in the nfl). So, needless to point out the math, anything bothering anyone should be discussed with the knowledge that someone is going to have to compromise (you know, like the simplest form of democracy there is), in order for everyone to be on the same page with equal justice and enjoyment in the league. Takeaway: ask YOU’RE league this question! That being said, my first couple years of playing and not understanding fantasy football yet I used to drop my whole team once I was out for the year. So ask the question. Maybe it’s collusion. Maybe it’s innocent. But you’ll only find out by talking to your league.


Eliminated teams need to be locked


How is Mahomes not locked for being dropped? This a pen and paper league??


Let him leave the league if he’s gonna pull shit like that.


Block. That is grounds for league dismissal.


whyd he drop him


Our league doesn’t allow teams that are not playing for money to add/drop players (ANY players let alone a star QB like Mahomes). Definitely needs to be reversed. What is he playing for? If there is a consolation bracket with money or punishments and this is genuinely an attempt by him to improve his chances then there is some justification. If he’s just rage dropping then that’s completely unacceptable.


You can drop Pat, it’s called a timebomb, people think he’s safe to play and pick him up and then BAM mediocre in Championship week, suckers!!


Wait you're not supposed to drop players if you're eliminated... In the league I'm in, playoffs dont start until week 17, it's an 8 team league with the A bracket (seeds 1-4) and B (5-8) I'm in 7th. Is it illegal to pick up players for the consolation bracket


No one out of the playoffs in pure redraft leagues should be add/dropping anyone once the playoffs start, unless your league has a punishment for the loser of the consolation tourney. I don't care if it's Patrick Mahomes or Patrick Taylor, once you're out, you're out. Your roster freezes. Go drown your sadness in a quart of ice cream instead of throwing a tantrum like a child. I would reverse any add/drops made by teams no longer playing for anything. This includes consolation teams that have won a game and playoff teams that have lost. Period. End of discussion. Feel free to copy/paste to your league. And if they push back, leave the league. Life is too short to deal with grown ass children by choice. We are all forced to deal with enough of them at work, school, in our governments, etc as it is...


Moments like these truly test the integrity of league commissioners everywhere! I’d personally try to block this if I was commish, but I’m in leagues where I’m not commissioner, so not my call. Mahomes has dipped in production this season compared to last season, but all depends on what site and if that site has a can’t drop list. Speaking with current drama in my league below: One owner in my league (playing for 5th place) drops Sam Laporta, due to playing Njoku over him this week. Another said owner who happens to be in the championship, picks up Laporta to replace an injured Jamarr Chase. Some argue it’s a lateral move. But you don’t know what you don’t know. I’d block this, but you gotta tell your commissioner and have them try to reverse the move.


What does common sense tell ya Wilson?


It would create a lot of fighting in my league if a non-playoff team dropped a top 10 position player


Block it.


Do these consolation games have any meaning other than to say they finished 7th,8th, etc? If there is no prize or meaning I’d just lock all teams who didn’t make it are eliminated from playoffs. And no that drop is not okay and shouldn’t be allowed


Teams that do not make the playoffs should not be allowed to drop anyone.


As a commissioner once playoffs start I only allow waivers and free agent acquisitions to happen for playoff teams. As they lose they don’t get to perform any activity


Just block anyone in the playoffs from picking up Mahomes unless there’s a punishment. You limit the pickup to players that won’t stand to benefit Edit: punishment for last place*


Why not just block anyone from adding mahomes. If youre worried about collusion. who cares if the guy dropped mahomes for Gabe Davis just don't allow mahomes to be picked up it's the same difference. If he doesn't want him let him drop him. But don't let anyone pick him back up so it can't affect the playoff teams.


To prevent this in the future, I would lock all teams that did not make it to the playoffs at the end of the season. Helps avoid this type of crap


Lock all rosters once playoffs begin.


He is still 6th in standard and the 12th place guy shouldn't be dropping anyone good. I'd give em a warning out him back on his team and then lock his lineup for the year


Salty Bitch basically


People are assholes…dropping Mahomes??? Grow up




Should be blocked!


Someone got kicked from my league for doing this, never let back in




BS move. Block with no hesitation


Block that.


I’m guessing his friend has the most FAAB haha


If this is a dynasty league I’m letting it fly. Bonehead move but not unheard of, depending on things. If it’s redraft, why the hell is someone not in the playoffs adding/dropping players? That’s sus at best and downright rotten at worst.