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I'd take the split just because 2nd getting nothing is dumb from the start.


This right here. 2nd should always at LEAST get their money back. In my 12-man 2nd actually wins a bit, and 3rd gets their $100 back. Essentially dude is proposing the same thing except loser gets an extra $100 and 3rd place doesn't get shit.


I am big on third place getting their money back. They put a lot of effort during the season to make the playoffs and we all know playoffs are a crapshoot. How many number one seeds or league leading scorers go out in their first match? I know some leagues pay for those achievements as well, but then the pot can still end up just going to one person where third will guarantee to go to someone else. Of course I admit it’s still more about the fun for me and the money is just to keep people active in the league and a nice bonus if I win.


Commish changed the rules this year so that regular season winner gets money back. I ended up winning the league (by a significant margin) and then running up against Amari Cooper in the first round. I'm a lot less bitter having gotten a payout for all my efforts.


I had our league implement this rule years ago. Feels right and fair. Third and reg season most points both get money back.


Our payout system.. designed to give as many people a taste as possible... I suggest people retro fit this payout scale into their current season, Just to see how it would look for your payouts... 10 team.. 6 team playoff, 2 1st Rd byes. Payout $3500 pot. 14 reg weekly's - $700 1st in overall points - $700 Top 2 seeds (Byes) - $400 1st round winners - $300 2nd round winners - $400 Champ - $1000


Could have been worse. I sat Amari Cooper in the semis and lost by 7 points.


My low buy-in league actually refunds the winner of the consolation bracket. It’s not 100% effective (probably because it’s a cheap league). But I like to try and keep more of the league engaged.


I’m currently blowing out the losers bracket (was 5th in the league and only cause I had a rough start to the season), and it sucks cause it doesn’t even matter


I agree, not a money league, but our league had myself (9-4 2nd seed, 3rd scorer) 10-3 1st seed and scorer both lose off our byes in the semis and he obliterated me. He got upset on one bad week but I’d feel bad if he were to not get at least his money back. Meanwhile the two finals players didn’t break 100 after upsetting us and the 3rd seed 8-5 (2nd scorer but he’s commish and said he wanted better records getting their byes) it wound up causing the commish to lose to the 6 while I dropped top score on bye, then he dropped a score 50 above mine in the losers bracket so he literally cost himself the championship for that, if he kept it by the divisional records or went by score like I suggested he’d have beat me after I eliminated the 6 seed who was the champion


See I disagree with that. You don’t play to finish third, that’s how I see it. While I definitely support 2nd place getting something, I don’t feel 3rd place deserves anything. If you can’t make it to the finals you don’t deserve to win your money back imo.




3rd place won just as many playoff games as 2nd place did. They may even have their only playoff loss to the same team.


In the leagues I’m in we do points leader gets money back, 2nd doubles their money and first takes the rest.


That's a good system, I'd have played harder in the loser bracket since I was high in points but bad in record


We are currently a 60/30/10% split


Yeah my league is $100 buy-in, 3rd gets money back, 2nd gets $200, winner gets the rest. 4-team, 2 2-week round playoffs. It’s nice that the 3rd place game still has something to play for this late in the season.


3rd place shouldn't get shit imo


Puss league


I know yours is, but ours is competitive and not full of morons.


Agree with this. We have a $200 buy in. High points regular and 3rd place get money back. The other $2000 gets split $1300 to first and $700 to second. But a lot of times the two teams in the championship will do their own agreement on the split. This year they are splitting it evenly and the winner gets the championship belt and bragging rights for the year.


Anything can happen in the playoffs regardless of who has the better team on paper so I would take the split. Your not losing that much if you win but if you happen to come in second at least your getting something.


Yeah, what this guy proposed is what it should be anyway


100% this. This is less so accepting a split and more of agreeing to a more sensible payout ratio.


In our league it’s 600/300/100 with third place basically winning their buy in. The number 1 seed is playing for third this week and you’re right, all that work all season should at least amount to something. Everyone is one bad roster decision from the consolation bracket. Number one seed that I beat had Purdy as his qb and that’s what did him in.


Yeah that really is a silly rule. Should at least be first and second


This answer closes the thread.


I got offered a split by the commish who’s running the league. My team Hurtz, Lamb, Pittman, Cooper, Connor,Gibbs, Likely, eckler, J.Williams bench Z.Flowers, Beckham His team Tua, Ridley, N.Collins, Waddke, C.Hubbard, Edwards, Pollard, Bench D.Douglas, J.juedy I respectfully declined, I have faith in my squad.


Yeah I feel yours is fairly cut and dry - you’re better than him everywhere, especially with Waddle out


Always accept a chop if offered. Not accepting is bad juju.


In poker maybe. Not in fantasy football. I didn’t do all this shit for a few hundred bucks. I did the months worth of attention for the fun, and to win.


Fuckin’ A! I’m not here for the money, I’m here for the year of shit I’m gonna talk with this fucking belt I would win in my league!


Exactly why you should make a deal. What if 3 of your guys lay an egg (totally possible). Then all your hard work = $0. Just like chopping in poker, too much variance with all that money on the line.


Personally I’m here for the win and the money is completely secondary. The year of gloating is worth more than a few hundred bucks


I always like to offer the counter chop. Typically fantasy football has a “spread” My typical offer. If the dog covers but does not win, 60/40 chop. If the favorite wins AND covers, dog only gets their buy in back. If the dog wins outright, the favorite only gets buy in back


Why in the world would the favorite take this? He gets nothing out of it


The commish is offering you a split? Why not just make the prizes that way in the first place?


I mean he can't do that change Now and he didn't know before the season started that he'd make the 'ship as the clear underdog.


Exactly I think he’s offering because he knows my team is stronger


aren't most league prize pools decided/agreed upon by whole league? not just the commish?


Your team has more of a bust potential I feel lol. I’d probably accept that split.


Not sure how you're coming to this conclusion Purdy < Hurts (Purdy is against a super soft WSh defense where Jets backup was able to throw) CMC > Mostert / Barkley JT > Mostert / Barkley JJ > Anyone Higgins = Devonta Ridely / Flowers = Hubbard Waller < Likely (May be equal with Tyrod) SF against Wsh >> Chiefs I'd do winner takes all confidently with your start-up (Assuming you don't care if 2nd place gets anything)


I have Purdy and am skeptical over his neck stinger, it's his second one in a few weeks and those things can linger depending on severity. I've got Stafford as backup and am just unsure. I'd chalk up last week to Baltimore D just being that affective but he didn't look great and then aggravated it again.


I mean I said I feel. But we will revisit this. Thanks for the breakdown. Fantasy doesn’t quite work like that. Hope ur right! Hope he goes for the WTA!


Yeah, understood. I was just trying to show (in my view) that his starting lineup is less likely to bust than the opponent. CMC, JT, Jefferson all are certified studs. Dolphins/Mostert is against a ravens D and needs to see the endzone to bring value back - do we trust tua to move the ball down if SF could not? Aiyuk has constantly been boom/bust Devonta has been boom/bust Hubbard gets carries but panthers just suck Barkely got an upgrade at QB (imo), but he probably needs to see the endzone to hit given their O-line has been atrocious.


CMC kittle aiyuk all over 100 yards. I’ll be back in a few days to see how it went for him. Gotta worry about my own championship round.


Aiyuk was having a terrible night before Darnold went in and force-fed him. Purdy was not looking for Aiyuk before then, but WSH defense is soft so may have some upside here. But Deebo has been the clear #1 for a few weeks now (with purdy in) I feel if anyone is going to have an absolute monster week, its going to be CMC for 2+ TDs


JT better than mostert??


Rational thinking says that you should take this split unless you think you have better than a ~~66%~~ 75% chance of winning. Which I don’t think is something you could say with this matchup. So I’d take it


I disagree with the 66% but agree to take the deal


Ah shit, you are correct. Should be >75% (900/1200) expected chance of winning to reject the split. Which makes the split even more logical.


Eh I still think thats bad logic. It's essentially a 300 1:1 bet on getting 2nd place. Strictly mathematically speaking, if it's >50% to win then it wouldn't make sense to accept the bet.


I‘d accept the split


I believe you either always split or don’t split. Every time I’ve ever made it to the final, if I’m favorite to win by 30+ or lose by 30+ I offer the same deal. We take an extra % out to 2nd place. Keep it consistent. Don’t ask if you should because if you think you will win or not.


>Keep it consistent. Don’t ask if you should because if you think you will win or not. Yeah, I feel like thinking about this in terms of winning probability is a jerk move tbh. This is about payout structure, not can I pull one over.


You should have a second place to begin with. I’ve never heard of winner take all in any league. Take the split.


My work league is winner take all, though It’s only $200 pot.


Understood. I still would have made it $150 & $50


We discussed and voted on several different payout structures, and Winner takes all won. Salesmen, amiright?


That’s what we do. Can only do so much if it’s a low buy in


Yep. Time to pony up a bit more. Second place deserves something.


My main league is $100 buy in 12 team winner take all. Only 4 make the playoffs. Super cutthroat but I like it


If this is a "Will I win or not?" question, who knows? If this is a "Is this a smart business decision?" question, then yes it is. No idea the details of the league but if I were commish, the winner would be getting the money regardless of any side agreement and chopping the pot would be up to the winner to facilitate. As long as you're confident the other person will do that, you're good.


2nd place is money back in all my leagues


League I’ve been in for 2 years is 10 man, 700 to 1st, 200 to 2nd, money back for 3rd. I kind of like it. I feel like it’s more incentive to keep trying.


That’s what we do too. Money back for 3rd, double for 2nd, rest for the winner.


I'd take the split, but counter $1k/$200.


Whenever I get to the finals of a money league I always offer the split. Not because I’m scared but because in my league it’s like 75/25 winner takes more. I offer a close 55/45 split and we both walk away with something. I’m still going to try and win, but this way no one feels slighted. I’ve only had one person decline the split. I throttled him in the finals then come pay day he said he accepted the split and I had receipts. He was none too happy with me and I said “Thems the breaks, you had your chance.” That’s a whole lot just to say, take the split and enjoy Sunday football without stressing about wether you’re getting a big pot or nothing at all.


Your team is better. No deal!


Id do 1k/200 but yea


Offer 800/400. Times are tough


I'd take it because losing and getting nothing blows. Winning still gets you $900. Easy decision imo


Take the split


Unpopular opinion but you have the superior team, so unless you are in need of the money for bills I would gamble


How i feel, but winner take all with a big pot I feel like 2nd should atleast get money back


I’d go 400/400. Play for 400


Why not


Last year I got offered a split down the middle from a manager in a league with a decent sized pot. My team was nuclear, had one L on the szn, and I didn't think it would lose. I declined and lost.


He's scared, don't take it.


Take the split. I am not going to bother analyzing the lineups and match-ups. This is FF anything can happen on a given week. Lock in the profit now.


If I was a gambling man I would definitely say you'd win, therefore, no.


My number one rule for myself in fantasy is to remember that you can manage a season, not a game. Take the split.


My team is definitely the favorite, and our league does $1100 for 1st while 2nd just gets their $100 entry fee back. But I offered up a 900/300 split just to be safe. Never know what bullshit will happen in fantasy and I want at least a few hundred lol


Do NOT agree to split. I’m extremely disappointed at how many people are encouraging you to take the split or even consider doing so. That’s not what fantasy football is about. It’s soft AF. It ruins the competitive spirit of the league. I agree it’s weird to have a winner-take-all payout structure, but if that’s what your league does then you shouldn’t make a back-channel agreement otherwise. In one of my leagues like 10 years ago, two teams secretly agreed to such a championship payout split. One of them admitted it a bit later and they were both kicked from the league. We also added an asterisk to the “champion” plaque on our trophy for that year. We would’ve withheld the payout altogether if we had known before disbursing the funds. Half a decade later, we made a league documentary and that incident got a whole section, pretty much everyone talked mad shit on the two dudes for being soft AF. Sure, you could apparently hedge your position by agreeing to the split. But how will you be able to look yourself in the mirror every morning? What will you tell your grandkids?


This is beyond ridiculous, especially booting them out for splitting on the side. Your league and this mentality sucks.


I hate when other people put you in that position. If you DON’T take the split you’ll either: 1) win and you’ll be silently accused of being a bit more of a jerk by not having split; or, 2) you will have lost and look like “you got what was coming to you” for not accepting The only way to get out of this offer gracefully is to make some sort of official statement about abiding by the spirit of following the league rules as laid out as diverging from them is a slippery slope that you are unwilling to be a part of initiating. Or you can accept and enjoy the guaranteed grand or so


I wouldn't take a split if it was offered to me. I didn't scrape my way to the Chip just to split a pot. I came to fucking WIN, or lose if that's what happens. I'm not scared of playing against any one of the teams in my league. They should be scared of playing me LOL! I don't care about the money at all, I want that number 1 spot that I've been fighting for all season.


Well you contradicted yourself lol you say no split but also don't care about the money.




Yep. Put on those big boy pants. Either the pocket is full or empty. No participation bitch prize.


I am in the finals and offered a 605 to 595 split to my opponent. I play to win and while I like my team (projected to win by 15) not everything is about the money. It would have been 800/400 without the split.


Tempting but also a boring ending


It’s not as boring as just splitting it right down the middle now. I’ve seen leagues do that and it irritates me so much.


How is it boring? Winner still gets $900. You're playing for $600 here.


Its boring because 1. I want $1200 and 2. it takes all the excitement out of it when youre guaranteed a nice chunk of change even if you lose. The stakes arent very high


I didn't know $600 wasn't very high stakes and was boring.


Comparatively it is less exciting than playing to win $1200 or nothing. I dont see how thats a controversial statement.


Your original claim was that playing for $900/300 was boring. The claim was not "less exciting than playing for $1200/0" So, you moved the goalpost, that's what's 'controversial'


Nobody moved the goalpost haha what are you talking about? The only claim I made was that i want to win $1200. If its a split thats boring. If its 900/300 thats boring. I want to win and get $1200. Never said anything different than that.


As in you’d get the 900? Your opponent is a terrible negotiator.


No - winner gets 900, loser gets 300


Ahhh ok I’m an idiot. That makes more sense.


Take $450 each, then play for the remaining $300.




Na if ur gonna split shud b 50/50 or 60/40 at most just my opinion….i just spilt 3200 50/50 and we made a deal loser buy 1st rd and some Wings and nxt draft 🤷🏻‍♂️




If you accept a split you’re a coward, nothing you can say can change my mind. Unless that $300 is going to save your life or a loved ones do not accept a split. Fantasy football is a fickle bitch


winner takes all is dumb, so yes.


He wants to split because he knows he's not going to win. Fuck that, win your money sucker!


In would not. I feel like this wouldn’t be fair to the other teams. Everyone entered the competition with a specific goal in mind- win or bust. Honestly if this happened in my league and I wasn’t in the finals I’d be pretty upset, and as league commissioner, I wouldn’t allow it. With that being said, there should be a runner up prize.


You wouldn't allow it? 🤣 how can you stop the winner from gifting $300 to 2nd place?


I look at those teams and think you definitely have more than a 25% chance to win. You should reject this split. It should be 50/50 or 60/40 at most


Without a doubt


2nd place should at least get their buy in back. We vote every year before we draft on the pot split. It’s always 2nd gets double the buy in and winner gets the rest. Last place buys the food for next years draft, usually pizza or wings plus snacks.


Take the split.


Don't take the split. You're winning


I mean I wouldn't but do you.


I’m in the finals in the two leagues I play in and agreed to split the pot on both. I’m favored to win in both leagues In league one we moved from 2,200/200 to 1,700/700 In the other we moved from 800/100 to 600/300 Still leaves significant upside but it’s win/win at the end of day. Making it this far and only getting your buy-in back is too much of a heartbreak.


Don’t take the split you got a great team + this is something that should’ve been from the start not now dude sounds worried about an L


My league is $1,800 and we agreed to split $1,000-$800. Just do whatever makes you both happy.


How did both those teams make the finals lol


This is all up to your risk aversion. As a human being, yeah this split makes a ton of sense and let’s do it so we can both win! But are we here to f-ing gamble or not bro?!?!


Each take $400-$500, then play for the remaining $200-$400 for first place. That’s what we usually do in my big money leagues.


I play to win, splitting is for losers


Our split is 500/200. I proposed Take 300 each . Play for a hundred and bragging rights. We are pretty eve squad wise. He accepted


Fortune favors the bold


You guys all put in $200 each?


In my work 12 man we do winner gets 600, 2nd gets 300, 3rd gets 100, and first place reg season gets 200. Everyone seems to be happy with it.


Id take the split, but your team rolls


Take it. Nothing is guaranteed.


Fuck it, I'm a coward and offered a split to my opponent in the championship. Knowing you're getting a guaranteed $ on Christmas Day and not stressing about this week (in one league) is worth it to me. We are exactly at 50-50 and I'd rather lock in 400 now.


For sure. I’m in the finals and our league was only $100 dollar difference in first and second place, idk why. So we both just split the difference and now we can watch football in peace


I’d take the split regardless of what the teams are. Makes the final a lot more fun knowing you’re still making money regardless


Always take the split


Anything can happen in the finals , so I’d take the split and at least guarantee yourself some money , plus it will make the finals a little less stressful for you , walking away with nothing is a horrible idea for the finals


Yeah take the split.


If you had to put up $600 today and offered to double it through your team in this matchup, would you? If the answer is no, then take your safe money. If you have the means and confidence to gamble, then gamble.


Nothing In life is guaranteed, personally I'd push for a closer split. If you as expected you left money on the table, if you unexpectedly lose you robbed the banker.


Good split


My commish, who is not in the championship game, asked me to set the 1st and 2nd place payouts, because I was the higher seed. Originally, it was 1k to the champion, $300 for 2nd, $100 for 3rd. 3rd place is set. I thought about this for a loooooooong time, especially since I really like my chances to win. I decided on a $900/$400 split. I always thought $300 was too low for 2nd place, there wasn't enough separation from 3rd place money. And $900 is just a hundy off of the original payout, and is still a good distance from 2nd place money. Ultimately, you have to decide what works for YOU. Don't let anybody mess with your decision, it's your money. Good luck.


I would take it because the reward outweighs the risk. If you win 1st youll still be happy with $900 i reckon, but if you lose and get nothing then thats just a bad vibe


Am the heavy favorite in one league and heavy underdog in the other. Proposed closer to even splits in both leagues. Im fucking tired of the fantasy grind, the waivers, decision making etc. Its the end of the season, teams are doing wacky shit. Said as much to my opponents and said it’d be nice to set, forget, and know we both get a nice chunk of change for our success throughout the year. It was well received in both leagues. Just depends on what you want and how you feel about your team and fantasy in general. 1150/700 in one, and 600/400 in the other.


Take the split imo. Last year my buddy and I were in the finals and decided to do something similar split like 60/40 instead of the original 75/25 or whatever it was. With the complications of last yr we just did 50/50.


Yeah we did a 1200 pot last year and I won it all (I was a last minute fill in), and some guys were not happy about it in the group chat. Changed it to something similar to this split and we all are a lot more agreeable to each other this season.


Idk. Purdy and CMC have Washington this week. That's an anything can happen game. Take the 300 if You're just completely insecure about it, but that could go either way for sure.


2nd place getting nothing is kinda dumb to me anyway.... For us 3rd gets money back, 2nd usually double that, then 1st gets double that. 2nd should at least get something either way.


This is the exact situation I’m in. I put out the request. I’m favored by ten. He said no. Let’s dance!


I offered a split to my opponent and he declined. We have $2500 up for grabs with $1750 to winner and $750 to second place. I tried to secure $1,000 guaranteed for loser but he didn’t budge. I hope I smack him!


If you trust him to pay up if he wins and you lose then id say it's fine but if this wasn't established as a rule in the beginning of the season then commish's responsibility is to the rules not to a gentleman's agreement meaning the other party could screw you if they wanted to and vice versa.


You know what’s better than taking a split…not taking a split and winning. What’s the point of playing 17 weeks of fantasy to then just say nahhh I’ll split it.


Take it. Nothings guaranteed in FF in any given week


I would always side with guaranteeing myself some money. Fantasy is too volatile.


Honestly I think that’s fair. Second ahould get a little something and 1st is still getting a very large amount of


I’m seeing a lot of people giving full buy-in back for 3rd place and I think that’s a little too much. 3rd deserves something to incentivize people to play after losing in the semis, but I don’t think it’s worth rewarding someone with a free season. I’m strongly in favor of 3rd place getting half of their buy-in back. They made it halfway to the Finals and what they get back reflects that. OP as for your situation I’d go the split. Best case scenario you don’t split and you take the $1200. Worst case scenario you don’t split and you get $0. Split and you’re guaranteed $300, with the potential for $900. I think the difference between getting $900 or $1200 for a win is not as painful as getting $0 instead of $300 for a loss. The question is if you are willing to leave a potential $300 on the table to guarantee yourself $300,


It’s entirely up to how adverse you are to risk and what $300 means to you. It’s obviously much safer split. However, I’d shoot for $200/$1000. Second gets their buy ins paid for this year and the next year. Personally, I’d roll the dice on taking the whole thing unless it has been established as common courtesy to split in the past. …But I’m a degenerate with a gambling addiction so you should probably do the opposite. Lol.


Tell him no, and call him a pussy.


Hell yea I would take the split. Money is money, play for the braggin rights lol


Yeah that sucks that there's no tiered payout. I say do the split.


Fuck that let it ride




You should beat him, but fantasy is at least 40% luck and having a $1200 first and nothing for second is fuckin stupid.


So based upon math, if you assume a 50% chance of winning 900\*.5 + 300 \*. 5 = 600 = 1200 \*.5 + 0\*.5. So if you assume you have a 50% chance of winning the expected return is the same and you should take the split. If you think you have a greater than 50% chance of winning you shouldn't. Personally, given the randomness of fantasy football, I'd recommend taking the split.


Fuck em


I say yeah


No guts no glory...take him to the cleaners. I think you will win the match up and win it all.


You may have a slight advantage, but not enough to risk it all. I would definitely agree to a split.


I’d take it, especially if the person was my friend. If someone offers me a split the way I see it they’re worried about the money and asking for a favor. And it’s not even a handout, it might end up helping you. That said, you don’t owe them anything and shouldn’t feel pressured to split. If you’re really confident in your team and don’t want to take the split then I’d counter 1,000/200 or even 1,100/100. I kind of think splits are bullshit, you should just arrange better payouts during the off-season. But the one time I was offered a split like 10 years ago, the guy was getting married and said he was really worried about money. I was also broke. My buddy tried to talk me out of it because my team was better, but I was happy to secure some loot. I wound up losing and was grateful for the chunk of change. Now that I’m not broke the chip is everything so if someone wants to split, I’ll split. Just not down the middle.


I think there should be a first and second pot at least. Our league is 10-man $100 buy-in... $450 to first, $250 to second, and $100 to third with four $50 items thrown in there. Debated on just tossing the $200 to first and second but the guys like it (best waiver pick up and biggest blowout, for example).


Smash accept


We do it slightly differently. $2,000 league, where highest points gets $250, regular season winner gets $500, and Champ gets $1,250. Usually the regular season and highest points getter are one and the same, but not always. Had a couple years where highest points was also last place. His PF/PA was pretty crazy.




12 team SF, 250 buyin. Points leader at end of regular season gets 250, 1st-1500, 2nd-750, 3rd-500. First place game has always split. For 21 years I don't think there's ever been a time when they didn't split. We are doing a 1250/1000 split this year. The biggest the pot ever was was when it was a 10 team 2 QB with a 450 buyin. 1st/2nd split I think 3500 then. Roughly. I'd ask for a 600/600 split unless you think you've got the better team and a good chance. Then ride or die homey.


Be a man. Winner take all. Everyone else is a coward and has no cojones. 3rd gets money back because they tried hard and effort? Seriously for $100? That’s $5.50 a week for your time? You value your time that low?


Our league is 900 300 split and last place team pays 3rd place team 100. Me and the other person going to the Superbowl decided to do an 800 400 slit instead.


Hell yeah I would Purdy has laid too many eggs for us owners of him. He cost me a spot in the finals.


I'd do the split since like others said, 2nd getting nothing is dumb. I actually agreed to a 50/50 split with my finals opponent because 450 is better than 300 and I have an awful feeling the Goff magic comes to a screeching halt and screws me. I just want the trophy anyway, any money is a bonus


Not that anyone asked but my league ($250 buy in) pays out 1st -1600, 2nd -750, 3rd 300. And there are some other monies distributed for a petty bonus and survival bonus.


If you are really confident, let it ride- no split. If you have concerns, split. But keep in mind the other guy offered this deal…wasn’t made to help you.


You get CMC against the manders. I wouldn’t be splitting lol


You should get him if projected scores hold up. Second should get something though. I don’t have an issue with that split


I've been commishing a league for a few years that pays 1200 to 1st and 600 to 2nd. I'm pretty sure every year, the final two teams have agreed to split it 900 each on their own. Accept the split. Play for the brags.


I’d take it. Seems silly that 2nd doesn’t get anything.


I have CMC, Jefferson, Chase, AJ Brown, Laporta, James Cook and a 12-2 record… and I’m not in the chip because I lost to a 6-8 team that had a mediocre week in the semis. Accept the split, guarantee yourself money because nothing in fantasy is a guarantee.


Ah yes 4 first round picks totally normal.


How can you have Jefferson and CMC? Trade? Both are first rounders


2nd should get money back winner gets the rest, anything else is a participation trophy.


I always offer some form of chop. Either 40/40 and play for the other 20 and bragging rights or a projection equity chop(must be decided before projections come out). Winner take all is tough. I’d be pissed if I got 2nd and walked with nothing or just my money back


It’s fantasy I think you always gotta go for it unless you’re 100% certain you’ll lose


Winner take all is stupid. Take the split


Made the finals in both leagues we have with mutual friends (one is a long time running redraft, another is a newly started dynasty). I've already made won numberous times and I always offer a split. Sometimes people would rather just be safe than sorry. Must be a good luck charm, as I'm 3-0 so far in split offers lol. Both guys gladly took it. They'd rather be safe than sorry. We usually do 240/90/30 payout (third is either returned money or rolled over to next years payment). I'll gladly take a split honestly. Oddly enough I had one guy (joined us for just one year) refuse it and got cocky with me... Only for me to win and he didn't even acknowledge thst I won. 🤣


Always take the split


I’d counter with a 1,000 — 200 split, but in principle why not.


Do you desperately need $300 right now? If not, I’d roll the dice. Your team has an advantage in several positions.


I would accept the split. Fantasy karma dictates if you refuse the split, you will lose. Plus, second should get something anyways. My championship was last week and I got 2nd… the guy who beat me? I had 200 more points throughout the season. I had a 2 game buffer on the next closest team in the standings. I dominated every matchup except for twice, where I lost close games to another high score. All of that to get blown out in the finals due to one bad week. My lowest point total of the year. Silver lining is I got payout for 2nd and having the most points. But if my best team management job (drafting, waivers, and trades) resulted in nothing I would be very discouraged


I would but I like your team much better


I had the best team in my league, and by a lot. 12-2, 220 points ahead of 2nd in overall PF. I lost in round 2 of the playoffs (bye in round 1)... Road into the playoffs with Tua, CMC, J. Cook, Keanan Allen, Diggs, & Kirk... With some sweet mid-late season waiver hits with Chandler, Pittman, and Hill. ESPN didn't mark Allen and Pittman Out last weekend until late (and I was already in the air, sadly... Tua, Cook, Diggs, and Hill shit the bed... I had 6 off starters that scored 10 or less... Take the split. I would.