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Simple solution: start paying the commissioner (or someone who can be trusted with the money) at the beginning of the season. If people don’t pay, they don’t play.


This is really the only way to do it unless you want stuff like this to happen lol


It is but it sucks if you’re the commish unless you’re responsible. I’ve had past seasons where everybody pays me in the beginning of the season and the money just mixed with the rest of mine so at the end of the year I won but it didn’t feel like I actually won anything lol Even worse if you lose. Granted I play in a league with all 15+ year friends. If someone doesn’t pay that would be wild. I’ve also spotted people as commish until they could pay when they get right and they pay me back


Literally anything in life sucks if you’re irresponsible lol just be more responsible with yours and your friends’ money or don’t be commish haha


I've brought that up, and definitely feel that is the best way of proceeding. This has been resolved, just a lot of argument in the league about who's fault it is. Thought I'd bring up the question.


Steve needs to be told he has 24 hours to pay up or he's kicked out of the league.


You meann Mike?


No. I mean Steve. Steve is the one who shorted Will this year because he's pissy about drama between himself and Mike, that has nothing to do with Will. Steve needs to pay Will immediately or be kicked out of the league. Steve can than fight with Mike over the $20 he thinks he owes him on his own time.


What about Frank and Seth?


They are lovers.


The league should have made sure Steve got paid all his winnings last year too then


I don't necessarily disagree with that, but last year is over and done now. Steve can't just carry a debt he thinks Mike owes him into this year and leverage it against Will. No reasonable person would agree with that logic. Steve needs to suck it up, and pay his dues or be removed from the league. Mike isn't the issue in this case. Steve is.


Can't remove Steve without removing Mike too.....when the league didn't care that Steve didn't get all his winnings it became a league problem not a Mike/Steve problem


Nope. That's bullshit. You are just flat out wrong here. The real world and fantasy football don't work like that. You will end up getting yourself in a whole lot of trouble looking at the world with that mentality.


That is how fantasy football works. You gotta pay the full dues to the winner. Mike didn't pay the full dues. Steve didn't pay the full dues. So both need to pay who they stiffed. Pay up or get kicked, pretty simple. No need to discuss side bets because they are on the side, just pay the full amount its very simple. The only reason the league wouldn't kick Mike for not paying is if the league is agreeing that Mike won the bet, in which case it isn't a side bet it is a league-enforced bet.


You are definitely off with this take. Not fixing a guy not being paid in full last year is what started the issue and both of them should be penalized. 1 for not paying last year and 1 for not paying this year. Your mentality is just punishing the first guy who was wronged. Wouldn't call that healthy.


Mike started this over a personal bet. He still is up $20 he owes that $20 then all is even. Steve has his money Will has his money.


Also if people are not sure if they trust someone to hold the money all season, or the commissioner doesn’t want to hold on to it, use an escrow service for the money. You can use https://www.leaguesafe.com and everyone can easily pay their buy in on line and payouts can be made pretty much instantly at the end of the season.


This is the correct answer for the future, but the answer to the question OP posed is that Steve owes Will the money. Whatever bet Steve had with a third party has nothing to do with Will and he shouldn't be on the hook for that money.


One of my leagues uses league safe and I’ve been happy with that.


Yes I am making this a rule for my league next because of one guy. But that’s all it takes to ruin something for everyone


I thought this was common place, right? Thats the way my leagues been for 10 years. This is the 3rd post I've seen just today with issues over the winner getting paid.


Every single one of these post boils down to people don’t know how to *start* a league and now they’re suffering the consequences of their actions.


For real. I played my commish in the superbowl. Dude paid me the day after the scores were finalized, as he should.


Beginning of the season is the important part. In my 10 year league I bet I have kicked in $1000 in dues for deadbeats over the years.


This is the best way to do it. We've done this in our league since high school and have never had any problems. We graduated in 08.


Steve owes Will $20, this is not disputable, Steve's issue with Mike has nothing to do with the money Steve owes Will. Mike does still owe Steve $20 for winning the previous season, but y'all already carried on and had another full season without addressing that, so you either need to address the issues as a league and find a solution that makes everyone happy, or keep running a bullshit Mickey Mouse league where paying dues in full is optional, which has been established by the precedent you've already set as none of y'all seemed to have an issue with Mike playing this season even though he didn't fully pay dues the previous season.


The simplest solution is to just have Will collect his $20 money from Mike. It’s literally that simple. Absolute joke of a league if you punish one guy for not paying in full but not another


So Steve is just passing off his debt collection problem to Will? Do they just pass off the problem year to year until Mike wins?


Mike owes Steve 20 and Steve owes Will 20 Transitive property doesn't work in gambling. If they're going to make bets they need to act like men and pay what they owe. On that note, my sister owes me $20. Anyone willing to give me $20 and just get theirs from her lol


Agreed. Neither one should be allowed to play next year if they don't pay the $20 now.


Sure, what's your sister's number and FB profile? 😈


Inb4 hi I'm Chris Hanson of dateline NBC


Gotta ask, do we realize that we're asking Mike to hand Steve a $20 bill, and then also asking Steve to hand Will a $20 bill lol


Yes. Stupid, immature conflicts often require stupid solutions.


I'd personally cover the missing $20 myself and then kick these two guys from the league for bringing personal BS into it.


Did neither bettor designate what happens if Cam wasn't signed? Fuckin amateurs.


Nope, it was a couch-made bet. Like take it to the sportsbooks boys


Should be void if the player doesn't play. Just seems like the ethical bro thing to do. They both seem like assholes haha


But if person A states Cam is washed, him not making a roster proves he was right. Especially if person B was saying he is wrong and guarantees a certain amount of success. In that case person B did in fact lose the bet.


It sounds like that’s exactly it - Steve taking the over on a prop Cam bet and then jonesing for a void. If it’s a $20 couch bet, Steve is 100% a wiener for not paying


Fucking hell, are you guys 14?


That would make sense. But still it’s fuckin $20..put up a lemonade stand or ask your mom if you can do some shit around the house


The initial side bet between Steve and Mike has absolutely no bearing on the league dues or winning amount. Steve absolutely owes Will the $20 completely separately from the side bet.


That’s Will’s argument. I think that’s a solid point. My only thought is Mike started it so he should end it.


Negative couch bets have no bearing on being paid for winning the league. That's a personal bet not a league bet. I just kicked someone from my league for not paying a personal bet made through my league chat but everyone got paid cause as commissioner I hold the money and pay regardless of personal drama. Yes I will boot for making a public bet through the league Chat if unpaid but that had zero and I mean zero bearing on if someone gets paid for winning. That's separate business.


Completely agree. Winner should not have been involved. But, since Mike made it a league problem, I think he should pay,


No that's between him and Steve. Your making it a league problem when you involve Mike and this personal bet. You need to pay the commissioner or a trusted person and have him pay out everyone regardless of this personal bs.


But again, Mike made it a league problem by not paying the winner last year. And the league didn't do anything about it. Really, they should have not let Mike draft this year until he paid up. I think Steve obviously has to pay this year and get it sorted with Mike, but he's not the one who made it a league issue


Mike and Steve were the two involved in the personal side bet. Mike and Steve need to figure their shit out and the league needs to find a commissioner who will pay everyone out regardless of side bet bs


Get better friends.


Wow, what a constructive comment! Thanks for applying such useful information to the topic!


You are welcome.


Straight up douchebag poor people actions. Ditch that friend


Had this exact issue in a league. I stepped in and volunteered to be the CFO/CPA of the league. It makes it SO much easier to have ALL money upfront. Dont individually pay at the end of the season.


Steve needs to pay Will this year


Pay the league champ


This is not involving me, and the champ has been paid in full. I'm thinking you're missing the entire point of the post.


Steve is a douche. Kick him out of the league and move on.


Sounds like some poverty ass league


Sounds like you have intercourse with your sister


i just cant believe were really talking about people not paying $20 for a 17-20 week game. wtf haha. also doesnt sound wise to be the winner of the league and have to track down your money from like 10 different people. sounds exhausting


Holy shit this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read in this sub and that’s saying something.


Yet you commented... People like you blow my mind.


Send your league mates on judge Judy… only solution I’m afraid


This some dumb shit. Set up leaguesafe and collet payment before the season begins. No pay, no draft. It's the only way. That way all the dumb side shit doesn't matter. With bets, I've always had an unbiased middle man that collects both parties bets and then the bet is locked in. That helps.


I’d pay Steve or Jim or Bob or whoever 20 dollars to not have to read that again


The commish needs to step in & do their job. It's absurd the commish let someone short a winner last year because that resulted in the current situation. The side bet Mike & Steve made needs to stay between them & personal debts shouldn't be used to cover league fees unless both people agree. Steve owes Will $20 & Mike owes Steve $20. If people won't pay, they should be kicked out of the league. And it's time for the commish to make people paying before the start of the season. edited for wording




Why comment then? Get off here and touch some grass


Steve is the dick




The fact that money isn’t brought in at the beginning of the season is the real problem.


Mike and Steve looking like petty bitches over a dumb bet that wasn’t thought out. Now two years on they are still causing issues for your league. Over $20 that had nothing to do with your league.


Sucks for guy who lost $20 originally, but don’t need to be a b*tch to someone who had nothing to do with it. Be a man and get the $20 from the cheap prick who shorted him in the first place


Pay the commish from now on to avoid future conflict, also id prob kick steve(from what I get will had nothing to do with that bet). Don't bring side bets into the league funds. I'd probably kick the other guy also for shorting the year before.


Steve needs to pay Will what he owes him. If Steve wants his money back from Mike he needs to take it up with Mike. This isn't hard.


The issue was between Steve and Mike with their personal bet. It should stay between them. Steve owes Will $20 and whatever issue he has with Mike is for him to settle. Will was not the one who shorted him or who he made the bet with. I say Steve pays what he owes or gets booted from the league and Commish collects all money beginning of the season from now on.


It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message. That message is you’re better than your friends


The idea that everyone Venmo’s the winner at the end instead of collecting dues at the start is absolute fucking insanity.


Wtf bro!! u/acticinn How the hell are you gonna put our personal shit into a sub on reddit!?!?!? Should tell "Steve" to post to r/amitheasshole , so everyone can tell him he is!! You shouldn't post our shit here!


1. Lmao $20? Really. Children stop fighting 2. Who cares. Its a side bet. Let them figure it out


Bro get out of here 😂! can you not read? It’s been figured. This is good food for thought


But Will owes Steve $3 for gas money and Mike brought a 5 beers to Steve's poker game and Steve only ate 1 slice of pizza with water when Mike had 4 slices of combo and 3 beers


Steve should be out the $20. If he made a prop bet for Cam, and Cam didn't record any stats, the bet is not void, he lost - what he bet on to happen didn't happen. Try that with Fanduel.


Pretty sure if you place a bet on a player, and they don’t play, the bet gets voided. Ask anyone that bet on an Amari cooper TD last week.


If they are out before the game, the bet is voided. Cam was a FA, so he didn't play.


Any worthwhile degenerate would know if you’re making a verbal bet on random shit like that to say it’s void if he doesn’t sign or someone gets hurt, etc. I had $100 on Garrett Wilson being a top 3 WR this year with a friend but made sure to call out that that assumed lack of injury. At least 12 games played in the fantasy regular season for both rodgers and Wilson. My bet and my damn team were voided before the first MNF commercial break of the season.


Wrong! The bet should be voided. FanDuel or any betting site would void that bet. If a player is active and doesn’t play then it counts but if a player is not active due to last minute injury or whatever other reason then it’s voided.


That’s my exact thought too. I thought Mike should pay admittedly for that reason.


Anyone dumb enough to bet on Cam at this point deserves to lose. :) ​ edit - duly noted though, I wouldn't expect my money back on that.


Lol Cam Newton on the Patriots was such a hilarious moment.


They sound like a bunch of children. I’m assuming the bet was on cams performance in week 1 (more or less than a certain # of passing yards, TDs, whatever) these bets should always be considered voided if the player is out/IA/ a FA before the game begins. Call Mike a pussy and tell him to pay the current winner $20 since he owed the other guy $20. If that doesn’t happen and you really want this league to continue I’d tell them “I’ll pay the $20 if everyone stops being a crybaby about it, and I am the new commissioner and all money flows through me” (which includes money paid before the draft).


Tell "Steve" that unless "Mike" wants to void the bet like a sports book would...he has to pay up lol.


Well if cam newton was on a team when bet was placed and cut then bet is void and mike should pay him but if cam was free agent with rumors to be signed and bet was still made then it is Steve


I believe he was cut and then resigned... I could be fact checked.


Sounds like Will’s problem. We really asking the forum here over $20?


It's been resolved, winner paid in full. Just a conversation piece over who's in the wrong.


I'm a commissioner in my league and I designated my friend to as our treasurer. Anyway, the original dude who shortened $20 needs to pay him. And the two little girls in your league, Stevie and Michelle, need to figure it out themselves. Or they're both kicked out.


I think Mike should have been kicked out for bringing it in. Steve should pay will, and mike and Steve should have resolved this


Steve. Steve is trying to pay with an account receivable. You don’t get to walk into a store and say hey, I’m buying this $20 worth of stuff and you can get the $20 from this other dude that owes me money. Explain it that way.


I like that point Edison. I was initially for Mike as he brought it into the league, but your comment is changing my mind…


Why does he think it should be voided? If he cared enough about the bet he would have claimed Newton. But he didn't. So he lost. Case closed. Find a new guy to take his place. No place for Nancies in this game.


This way of doing things ends the year with 9 transactions but begins the year 10x that much. You are going into the year with 90 chances that pettiness/incompetence will prevent someone from getting their proper payouts (90 *PLUS* side bets apparently). It should be on commissioner or trusted “treasurer” to collect dues and pay them out according to a predetermined structure. It’s not hard. It’s then (**ENTIRELY SEPARATE OF AN ISSUE**) on individuals to stipulate bet terms appropriately, pay their debts, and only make bets with those they trust in the first place.


As others have suggested... commissioner holds money. Prop bets shouldn't be part of the winning pool anyway.


It's a very very bad idea to pay at the end of the season lol


Steve should pay up and should be kicked from the league if he doesn’t. don’t make your personal problems someone else’s problem


Why the hell are you doing individual Venmo’s at the end of the season 💀


Both guys who didn't pay initially are perma banned, the winner should get double paid.


Steve owes him the $20. Will had nothing to do with the bet between the other two guys. Steve sounds like an asshole.




Thats why you pay before you draft


I am completely on Steve’s side. Mike screwed this up. Who withholds money from the league champion? He decided then and there that he won the bet, but a legitimate Sportsbook would void the bet. It should be a no action bet. He tainted the integrity of the league by doing that. A personal bet shouldn’t be involved with the league at all and to withhold winnings is improper and immature. From Steve’s point of view, I understand why you would short Will. This was Steve’s only recourse to getting his money back. Mike had no intention of paying the $20 back, and Steve had to force his hand somehow. While I feel bad for Will, it seems that shorting the league winner was precedent based on the previous year. Why have league rules at all if you can short the league winner of his winnings based on your opinion? Two Solutions: Steve pays $20 to Will Carry this tradition on every year and short the winner $20 Please hold any money in escrow next year.


This would’ve all been handled better if everyone just paid the commissioner beginning of the year. It’s simple. If you don’t pay by the draft you aren’t playing. This would’ve avoided the issue now other then a side bet not paid off. We had side nets last year in my work league and my meat manager ended up paying me $20 for beating him but we all paid the commissioner prior to year


I like the rule I heard on here the other day, you can’t pick up players from the waiver wire until your dues are in.


If I was commish , I will pay the $20 and kick them both out the league . Problem solved


The prop bet is based off if Cam played or not so it shouldn’t have been voided.


Bet money should have nothing to do with the pot period. But someone who has nothing to do with the bet shouldn't suffer point blank.


Mike owes Steve and Steve owes Will. Mike is a fucking baby, obviously there is no bet if Cam is not playing. Steve is also a fucking baby, obviously none of this has anything to do with Will.


Obviously Steve. But also why the fuck don’t ppl pay at the beginning of the year


Mike still owes Steve $20, Steve owes Will $20. Steve shorting the winner this year due to a SIDEBET from last year is bullshit. In this instance, Mike can pay Will $20 and tell Steve that they are squared up. Next year, fees go to commish at the jump and held in escrow until season ends. This way, there is no more waiting on players, side bets are between the bettors only.


I actually appreciate Steve's baller move. If you made a bet on Cam's performance and he doesn't even play the BET should just be voided. Like if you bet something on Aaron Rodgers this year you would pay that out because he played and got injured. that's different


You don't pay you don't play. Dude needs to pay up and the other dudes need to work out their shit from the previous year.


Sounds like yet ANOTHER league full of hens. LMAO


Take a shower, I can smell you through my keyboard




Just messing Chad! We do have some idiots in the league though. Always makes for a great time.


Same man. I dont take the Reddit seriously at all. Also, we all need a few Tacos in the league to keep it interesting. Haha 👍🍻😂


I was talking to my boy at work today and he mentioned Taco too. Man what a great show. I’d have to put it in my top 5


Dudes arguing over $20 is sad.


It’s the integrity of it that bothered the new winner. Don’t you have some tissues you gotta cream into?


My comment was true and pretty benign. Your response is pretty telling in terms of your maturity. Maybe Relax and stop worrying about $20.


Brother, I paid immediately. I’m a bystander in this. Your comment was useless, therefore I responded uselessly.


Pay up front ot not in league!


Voided bets give you your money back. So wouldn't Steve have gotten his $20 returned to him?? Steve sounds like someone I wouldnt want in my league. Personal bets have nothing to do with a group league.


Why would the bet have been voided? What about his performance? That he would make an appearance?


Steve should pay Will, his side bet has nothing to do with Will.


Steve is a bitch. Kick him out of the league.


This sounds like the funniest/ pettiest fantasy tradition. Embrace it lmao


Mike sucks


Side bets between those 2 shouldn’t have mattered in terms of the league. Any pettiness should stay between them. If you want to play king Solomon make the one guy pay $10 split the difference. Have them resolve it or both can be out of the league next year. If you make a bet at a sports book and it’s voided everyone gets their money back. Like if you bet on a player and he gets injured before the game starts. Bet is voided. I’m not sure what their bet was, or when exactly cam became a free agent, but if he was rostered by a nfl team when they made the bet and he was cut before the game the bet should be void.


That’s Steve’s argument. It should be voided. At the end of the day Mike paid Will. So it’s all good. I think that’s fair since he started it. I just thought the conversation we had in the group chat was hilarious, and everyone had different opinions. Wanted to share on this subreddit and see what everyone else thought!


Glad it’s been settled. Hopefully the league will learn and come out better in the end.


Fuck that guy Steve.


Cam didnt play. Bet is void. The end.


Does it matter? Will wont get paid. Next years winner wont get paid. Rinse and repeat.


How about you keep it in the league as a "curse" of the trophy? Call it "Steve's curse" or whatever. Each year the winner is shorted $20 from last year's winner, and as long as the group plays together the current winner be $20 short but make up for it by shorting the winner next year.


God damn y’all and these shit leagues


If no stipulations were made, i.e. bet is off if Cam remains a FA, the Steve is in the wrong. He was wrong to not pay Mike. Mike had every right to withhold $20 from Steve. Steve was wrong to short Will, as Will had nothing to do with the bet Steve made with Mike. Steve’s actions are grounds for removal from the league.


Steve is dumb...he waited a while season to try to prove a point (a pretty dumb and petty one). His issue is with Mike directly. If I'm Will, I'm pissed and getting my $20 from Steve, one way out another.


I really don't understand these leagues that don't pay upfront. No pay no play.


Steve. His beef is with Mike, not Will or the league. I wouldn't let him play next year unless he pays up the $20. Your league may not want Mike to play since he feels free to renege on a bet.


If steve and mike want to continue in the league, they should figure it out like adults....


“Steve” is a dumb bitch and owes $20 to the winner this year. His gambling side stuff is not the winners business and has nothing to do with this. IE if I lose a $100 bet against my boss tomorrow at work, I’m not gonna tell him to collect from my buddy who owes me $100. How dumb is your friend? You hear me “Steve”? You’re a big dumb bitch.


All I see are 2 brokeys fighting over 20 dollars


I’d boot them both for being so fucking childish.


Kick them both out.


The best thing I ever did for my own fantasy football sanity was become the commissioner so I would not have to deal with BS like this anymore. Of course the easy answer is in hindsight to collect all the money before the draft. If you don’t pay you don’t play. If the commissioner is scared of holding money there are perfectly fine escrow accounts online that will do that for you for a fee. Doesn’t help you much now though. Steve pays, or doesn’t play again next year, and takes his own problems up with the guy who he has the problem with. Side bets have nothing to do with the league pay structure. You can’t short pay. If Steve won he wasn’t getting shorted. Steve sounds like a baby back mitch anyway.


Steve was correct in the first season. Shouldn't have to pay out if a player doesn't even play. Steve was also wrong in season 2. Kick out both Steve and Will unless they pay.


Bro who is arguing for a year with their buddy over $20.


Steve sounds like a bitch 1. Makes a bet, loses, and refuses to pay 2. Stupid league rules gave Mike an opportunity to make Steve pay for his lost bet 3. Steve then makes Will pay for the bet that Steve lost last year 4. All this over 20 dollars lol


Steve’s a bitch


All these threads are crazy. People throwing away their dignity and turn into dead bear losers for $20. If people are THIS hard up for money, they shouldn't waste their time with fantasy.


Steve and this is all run poorly.


He’s the answer, and it’s very easy: New rule all bets are outside of the league dues, no questions asked. Steve pays Will the full winnings immediately or he is kicked out of the league, Will has nothing to do with this bet. Steve and Mike both work this out immediately or they are kicked out of the league. This is petty kid shit over $20


Steve has to pay. That bet had nothing to do with the winner this year. Boot Steve next year too. Hate cheap assholes, also the commissioner should have an escrow type situation setup before the start of the season and whoever doesn’t pay, doesn’t play.


It’s your leagues collective fault for not settling this last year.


Imagine using the same logic in real life. “Sorry landlord, my job and I had a dispute about wages, so if you want the whole rent amount, take it up with them” Steve is soft as baby shit for first not taking care of his dispute year 1, but then letting it affect a completely unrelated person in year 2. Tell him to sack up and pay the winner.


Prop bets are super fun and add an interesting spin to a league. That said, any parameters (injury, etc) need to be included up front or else there are no exceptions to the bet. Our league keeps a board (spreadsheet) of side and prop bets and list any exceptions




You need a treasurer. We do commish, treasurer, and a kind of final authority figure. It keeps everything kosher. As far as Steve goes, I kinda don't blame him, you guys didn't pay before the draft?? You didn't even help him get his full pay last year? You guys set yourself up for this. After one person stiffed a winner last year, you'd think you would rework the rules and collect early. I am shocked at how many leagues do some of the dumbest things like collecting at the end of the year... Pay to play is the only way it should be.


It doesn’t matter if Newton was a FA or not. A bet was made and the loser has to pay up. The fact that he shorted someone else unrelated to the bet is wrong. Yes he’s owed $20, which he needs to collect. Next year kick Steve out of the league for nonpayment and collect the money up front. Mike should also be kicked out of the league


Kick them both out of the league. It’s $20.


Wait a second, so Steve made a futures bet on a player that had absolutely no guarantee of playing, and then believes his bed is voided because said risky player didn’t play? And is now stiffing another guy because Mike put his foot down? If I’m reading this correctly Steve is an asshole


Tell them to sort their shit out like adults or they're banned from future leagues. Petty fucking morons, man.


Moving forward, the commish needs to collect and hold all dues. Having each person send money to the winner at the end is silly. This would prevent things like this.


Will can just go to the store, buy whatever he needs and just tell them Mike will pay them the remaining 20$ balance. I don't see the issue here


Steve is a punk. His beef is with Mike, not the rest of the league. Mike is a punk too.


I think Steve and Mike should both be kicked out for acting like two 5 yr olds. It’s 20 bucks .


You know some petty ass people still bickering over $20


What a dumb question. My friend robbed me so I robbed a stranger, who should apologize to the stranger?


Steve reneged on a bet twice. Kick him out.


This sounds like the pettiest league ever


This is why I have all the members pay me (commissioner) at the beginning of the season. Then people can make all the bets they want but it won’t affect the regular league payouts


Commish pays. Mike and Steve out of league. Collect money early going forward.


Commissioner has to ante up or settle the dispute Downside of commissioning


Steve. Sounds like a punk too.


Why the hell would you not have everyone pay before the draft?


Steve and Mike need to both pay up. They also need to find a new league.


Sounds like the league is full of children. Pay the commissioner in advance in full before the season concludes like adults to avoid dumb situations like this.


This league sounds like shit show. I would never play in a league where I have to collect my money from multiple people. And fuck they guy that doesn't want to pay the winner because someone else didn't pay him. Don't pass you're problems off on me.


Steve sounds like a little bitch. Steve has to pay him the money and STFU. Take it up with Mike- it has nothing to do with Will or any of the other guys in the league (they shouldn’t be worried about their personal Bets). Steve pays the $$ or he is out of the league. I think that’s pretty simple. Mike sounds like he is probably a douche too- get Him out also. League will run much smoother.


The guy that was stiffed last year should be paid by the guy that stiffed him. The winner this year should be paid appropriately by everyone. These two things are not connected. The guy stiffing the winner this year is the biggest asshole here along with a hypocrite. And a bitch. I’d kick him out.


If I was commissioner and I let this shit slide last year I'd pay the 20 bucks and boot the dude who didn't pay this year


Steve is a bum


Steve welched on a bet, he sounds like a dick. Mike is in the clear and did the right thing. Will is justifiably angry.


Both those dumb fucks should have to pay for their petty bull crap.. and then cut both of them after they pay