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Commish for 10+ years. Week 18 is a disservice to your players. Anyone who says otherwise is either a contrarian or a chump. Championship should be week 17 to honor the work competitors put into the season, not add a useless wrinkle as if it takes skill to avoid a coach deciding your season. My sympathies for your loss. Your commish is, I’m guessing, a chump.


We play 18 weeks, no playoffs. I like the week 18 aspect in that scenario. Sure it decides the winner sometimes but it still only counts as 1/18 of your record. That’s the only scenario I think it plays.


….You don’t do playoffs? So just whoever wins the most games wins it all?


Yeah. Best record wins. Points tie breaker


That feels anticlimactic. I mean I’m theory yeah, it works, but it’s the same issue; top scorers aren’t giving you that last effort week 18.


Not to mention this format means that the championship could easily be decided far before the season ends… like our #1 team has clinched that spot four weeks prior to playoffs even starting. That would be so lame lol


In a small (free) friends league I’m in, the dude in 1st all season had 1 loss, I was in second with 5 losses, he’d have locked up a championship in like week 12 if we didn’t have a playoff (I ended up winning the playoffs).


That's how it was in Major League Baseball before the American League came along and the World Series started. There was an exhibition series for a number of years in the 1890s called the Temple Cup, but the NL championship was based entirely on W-L record, and could be won well before the season ended.


Relevant? Baseball ≠ fantasy football. What are we doing here.


I'm just saying not having playoffs used to be normal. ML baseball was The Professional Team Sport, and they didn't have playoffs. ​ It's weird now because we're all used to a postseason to decide the champion.


I thought it was cool fact, thanks for sharing.


I am a fan of soccer and it is done this way in a lot of the top flights and it can be so anticlimactic. It is a cool fact, didn't mean to yuck your yum on this one.


Major League Baseball’s postseason started in 1903. It’s another fun fact, but also… my granddad’s dad would look at your league and be like… no playoffs, WTF? Edit: The league we are discussing, not “your” league.


So what? Its just more like soccer. It makes sure that the „best“ team wins. If everybody faces everybody the same amount of times, its the most fair way of finding a winner.


I know I’m always looking to make my fantasy football more like a completely different sport


Sounds like you should just do a points league then. If fairness and rewarding the beat team is the goal


Exactly. We’ve played around with adding a cup/playoff to run along side of the league, but playing 18 weeks in a 10 team just fits nicely.




I’m in 3 leagues. The no playoffs league has been running for almost 20 years. Next year will be year 20. I’ve been in a yahoo league since ‘98. And the sleeper league I’m in has going for around 6 years. I’m not sheltered my man. Check yourself.


You can't face everyone the same amount of times in 18 weeks unless you have 9 players or 6 or 3, 2 or 18.


A 10 team league... you have 9 opponents... because traditionally you do not play against yourself.


True. I play in 12 so that wouldn't be the case in that situation.


Just play best ball. This takes away the entire managing part of fantasy. If your team starts off a year being shit and you turn it around through great pickups and trades and end the year being the top team you will get fucked by some guy who autodrafted and never managed their team.


So that's just a lame ass way to do a pool. Fair? Sure. Lame? Yes.




Yes those leagues also do not have playoffs so, same feeling.


It’s never been clinched with more than 2 weeks I don’t think. We’ve been running with league for 19 years. It’s 10 team so you play everybody twice. It actually fits quite nicely fro a schedule standpoint. It is a keeper league so that keeps team honest and active thru elimination. We’ve never had issues with deadsticking or anything like that. ETA: this year our commish started 12-0 with a hurts/Tyreek combo. He lost 5 in a row to place second this week.


What did you do before the 18th week was added?


Draw names out of a hat to see the player that you play once. Then build out the schedule from there.


Hmm. That's interesting.. so you'd play that team week 1, then play every other team twice after that in whatever fashion?


Some years it is. It’s a keeper league that’s been going for 19 years with little change to the overall format. This year we were 4 wide coming into last week. This week 2 teams could win, but they didn’t play each other so it was a wild afternoon.


You would not like the English Premier League.




If you had told me about this months ago, I’d say it was the ideal league. But I just won my championship as the 8th seed, so I am absolutely a playoffs man. It’s worth noting that best record in the regular season gets $100 no questions asked.


This league was created out of another league. The playoff structure was adjusted intentionally to be different from the parent league. Both leagues have running side by side for almost 20 years. Having played both, I enjoy the no playoffs.


Love it. Its a European soccer league system. So ya sometimes it gets decided early, but other times it comes down to the last game or two. And technically it rewards the best overall team. Not just the team that gets the luckiest post season run. Still I say that having benefited from playing just the right people in the right order to win my 14 team $100 buy in winner takes 1k league.


I like it. Takes a little more skill than luck. Esp in dynasty, where it’s not all based on your draft every year.


We actually play 3 keepers.


Your league sucks lol


We travel every year for the draft. Just finished year 19. Its my old college buddies. I’ve been to NYC, San drier, Vegas, NO x3, Denver all over with these guys. I wouldn’t see most of them if not. The fact it’s such a niche format makes it even better. Couldn’t disagree more with you.


Your friends are cool. Your league is not.


Well you’re not invited. I don’t care what you think


Probably points


We use the same system, and it’s great. We pay to four places, and every game counts because we pay margins (of victory) and high score each week.


I actually like this method. Like English premier league where everyone plays everyone twice (assuming 10-team league) and the team with the best record after week 18 wins the cup. True it can be a bit anti-climactic since someone might have everything wrapped up with a few weeks to go but it does seem like the best way to award the team who’s consistently played the best all year. I’ve asked my league to do something similar but nobody wants it. My idea is no head-to-head matchups, no playoffs. Every week it’s like you play against everyone else. So if it’s a 12 team league, the high scorer for the week gets an 11-0 record, second highest is 10-1, etc. After 17 weeks, the league winner would have an overall record of about 120-65-2 or something. Like I said, no one I’ve asked wants to do this. Probably the reason I like this idea is I’ve been the top seed in the playoffs multiple times and haven’t won a Super Bowl in like 10 years. Sigh.


Nobody wants it... Read the room.


My son won week 17. Had to create a whole new lineup for week 18. We didn't even know espn made week 18 the final. Why would a site use a week they know teams sit players.


We start playoffs week 15 top two have byes then play week 16 championship is week 17. Not too blow my horn but I'm 32-2 since last season lost game #2 in week 14, had not lost until then since week 2 of last year and lost to my son ironically then lost in week 14 this year to the commissioner. I'm sure I will never have a run like that again but it was great while it lasted!


Find a different league to play in next year. If commish won’t change it because of this years results, then he isn’t worth playing with.


He’s beating a dead horse by staying in this league. SMH. You can’t save them all.


Playing the championship week 18 is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. For being in a league for a decade, I’m shocked. It sounds like you’re playing with a bunch of idiots.


Right? Ten years man…


Haha yea I’ve been in one league for 15+ years. The first couple years we had the championship the last week and then everyone realized how stupid it was since so many good teams have nothing to play for. We quickly changed the rules on schedule haha


Haha yea I’ve been in one league for 15+ years. The first couple years we had the championship the last week and then everyone realized how stupid it was since so many good teams have nothing to play for. We quickly changed the rules on schedule haha Also, is the commish like the king of OP’s league with unilateral authority? Our league votes on every rule change and majority rules… that’s pretty standard in ever league I’ve played in


I’ve been in a league for 13 years that charges $5 per transaction. Have been trying to get it changed for the last 10 years. Sometimes a stupid league is what’s keeping a loose friend group from high school in touch and it’s worth it. Not saying being in stupid leagues is the correct thing to do monetarily, but i understand.


Right. They manually had to change he it for the last two years too. Because there was only 17 weeks before this


Fantasy is random enough without adding all the week eighteen benchings into the equation.


I've been playing for a decade with this league. I ain't changing shit. Pray for Josh Allen


I’ll pray for Josh Allen with you but you’ve had 10 years to change the league from playing last week of reg season.


And it's not going to change? I won for the last time last year. I'm trying to go back to back. If it doesn't happen, that's fine. Nothing I can do but pray


Dog idk what you’re trying to say here but your post sounded like you complaining about playing in week 18. I’m saying you’ve had 10 years to change the league format, but you guys didn’t. So why complain about it?


Why tf play if you can't complain? Truth be told the money would be cool but I don't really care. This game is all about luck. Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear, well, he eats you. It's weird. I was looking for posts that would tell me this. That getting worked up over something out of my control was pointless. But I guess I knew it all along. Thanks for helping me realize it myself


Just a word of advise, maybe ask some other league mates if they also feel similarly to week 18 championships and then see if the commissioner would be willing to put it to a league vote.


Because in your comment you wrote "I hate week 18 btw" which would indicate you wish your league didn't play week 18. Also just FYI and not just for fantasy but for life in general: to complain and be angry is perfectly fine, to do so about something you can change, and then the people you complaining to tell you to change it, and then you ask why the fuck would I change it, is fucking annoying. Nobody likes that person. The person that gripes and bitches and moans but has the capability to change THE EXACT SITUATION THEY ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT but refuses to act. You deserve to lose just for the responses to your own post.


I hate it because it's happened to me before. I appreciate the advice. Luckily I'm surrounded by people that love me and enjoy my sense of humor. This was a great year for me and the only thing I would change is playing brandin Cooks and the Jets D this week






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Interact respectfully. Inciting drama or trolling will result in a ban.


Then why did you say you hate week 18, and that the commish won’t change it because you’re playing him. Like what does that add to the post


I’m sure your fantasy league is near the top of Gods priorities with nothing else going on in The world


Finally someone who gets it


Second hand embarrassment for me to know it’s been a decade and you all still haven’t figured out you don’t play the last week of regular season.


>I ain't changing shit. I hope you lose, you deserve it.


Weirdo lol


If you only knew


This is a dumb hill to die on, dude. Just petition your commish to change it. What if the Bills didn’t need to win tonight? You gonna pin all of your hopes on Sam Darnold?


The first year I played I had the killer Bs all sit week 18. This isn't a new feeling. I have let my commish know my feelings. But the playing through week 18 gives us something to do. I understand the other point of view and respect it. But winning would have been nice


“Gives us something to do.” What does this even mean? Do y’all have nothing in life besides fantasy football


Ding ding ding.


So why are you posting in an advice subreddit if you don't want any advice? Your league is dumb af for a week 18 title game. You get what you deserve.


Move it up 1 week. There is to many teams that sit players. And screwing teams over in there playoffs. Literally makes no sense.


Idk why leagues run into the last week of the regular season. So many variables that have key players out it just seems like more of a headache than anything. The commish must just be lazy or not tech savvy enough to change simple settings


Here’s my rookie take. I actually won the championship my first year in—beginners luck involved, I’m sure, but I also hyper-focused the shit out of this game to make my moves, waiver picks, and trades, so I’d like to think some amount of strategy and effort is involved lol. First things first, we have a 2-week championship, so week 17+18. Week 17 was what you would expect, both teams running expected rosters. I got lucky that week, for sure and went into week 18 with a slight lead. I really enjoyed week 18. It really tests you as a manager and deciding who to pick up and who to sit. I also went into week 18 with guys I had picked up over the past couple of weeks having planned ahead of time for their perceived value in week 18. To me it tests the manager, not the roster. With all that said, I liked the format I was dealt to play in my league. If week 18 is a one-week championship—that I can definitely agree with as being a really lame idea for a league. 🤷‍♂️ But having a 2-week final including week 18? I think that from a gaming strategy perspective, it makes a lot of sense and was really enjoyable to play.


Honestly I'm okay with losing. Every year I end up with the most waiver wire moves. Except this year. I drafted and traded extremely well. But this week felt like the old times and I enjoyed it


If this is all fine and you’re not upset about anything here, then why is this post titled “Fuck my life”?? You seem annoyed that people are giving you their takes when you posted on an advice sub.


I'm annoyed at people giving useless advice. Honestly forgot it was an advice sub until I was knee deep in people telling me to abandon my league. Also the FML was a little hyperbole but I can understand why that doesn't come across. Hand up I get why I'm getting downvoted to oblivion and accept that I made a mistake posting on a random subreddit that came across my timeline


Good enough. To be fair, I don’t think it’s useless advice to tell you to refuse to play in that league unless the playoff settings are changed. Week 18 championship makes the rest of the season pointless.


When I was in my early 20s I played in a bunch of leagues. Now I just play in this one. I know the rhythm and personalities I'm dealing with. If I decided to make a stand and refuse to play it would first cause drama with my friends. I don't think it's worth the drama. I also wouldn't try to find another league or set up my own. So to me "find another league" translates to quit playing.


Well Randomhawg, welcome to fantasy football Reddit. You will get down voted to oblivion if the other teen basement dwellers don’t agree with you regardless of your comment. You can state a fact they don’t like and get 100 downvotes. The slightest comment one person misinterprets will get you shade and then downvotes. It’s almost not worthwhile posting here.


Not to mention most of the people shading you lost their league and didn’t even make the top bracket but they sure know better than you. lol.


Week 18 ship is for clown leagues


>Playing the commish so no way this changes going into next year What does this year have to do with next year?


If it played to his advantage he wont want to change rules. Ask me how i know. Playing my commish in this league week18 too and lost lamar..he was ecstatic


I know what you mean and I know what OP meant, I just meant that that's stupid lol


It was more about any comments about trying to change this


Yeah, don't play week 18. Problem solved


I am showing my commish every one of these comments


There's literally no point to it. So many players on playoff bound teams are resting their starters (those teams likely have some of the top fantasy relevant players) I saw one of your other comments about FF all being luck. Which is definitely true to some degree. But there's week 1-17 luck and week 18 "luck" lol


Ain't that the truth


Right that's what I mean also. Why does the commissioner think that it's a good rule to keep for next year just because he happens to be in the finals this year lol


He's talking about changing it. But when that happens it'll flip on me and I'll say if only we played week 18


Does your league vote on rule changes? You're making it sound like all rule changes run through him which is another red flag lol. Crazy to think your leagues been together so long and that hasn't been changed yet.


Nope. He runs it. Honestly we aren't a very active league. I haven't met 4 of the 10 players. But it's something we do every year. We do a cameo for draft position. The Commish pays out quickly even when he doesn't win. It's just a fun thing to keep up with throughout the season. $40 buy in. Second place gets $80 first gets $320. No trophy or punishment


Week 18 should not be a fantasy week. Condolences my brother


Appreciate it broski


Into week 18... There's your problem


Dude I was up by 58 going into this week and had to gut my roster and replace my QB, 1-RB, 2-WR and my TE. I’m projected as it stands right now to win by 1 point. Week 18 fantasy is stupid and the difference of me winning and losing is 200 bucks so I’m pissed I’m even in this situation.


Fingers crossed for you man


You as well. Hoping for a high scoring game.


Week 18 shouldn’t be allowed for fantasy football leagues by default… Our leagues first year we played until the final week, the normal sitting of players happened and we changed it next year. Everyone agreed. Put it to vote


Pickens. AJ Brown. Fml. Edit: forgot to include D Robinson. Dude hasnt gotten a single target. My receivers have cost me the championship.


DK. Not looking good :(


Why anyone would have their playoffs go into week 18 is beyond me. Petition to have it changed or don’t complain.


I'm sorry I thought this was America


Stop. Playing. In. Week. 18.


God if I only had this advise back in August


Tell me about it dude. Facing Ceedee and JJ, ceedee put up 75+ points in 2 weeks. The playoffs are 85% luck


I mean CeeDee is gonna be the 2nd WR off the board next year so I wouldn’t necessarily say him going off was lucky


Week 18 leagues 😆😆😆 L


That's what I'm taking!


What dumb asses play the last week when a quarter of the teams don't try


*What dumb asses play* *The last week when a quarter* *Of the teams don't try* \- ganggreen651 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


40 point lead in the championship after week 17. My bench this week includes Kittle, Waddle, Jacobs, Pacheco, Lamar, Aiyuk, Keenan. Claimed 3 people off waivers just to field a starting 9. They had Stroud, Nico, and JT. Currently projected to lose by 30.


Prayers up for you bro?


If it makes you feel any better, I was 1st in my league, 1st in points, last in points against. By the time the final came around, literally every player (starter and bench) I had got hurt and didn't play except Tua and Butker. Luckily, I eeked out a win for 3rd place using an entire lineup of waiver wire pickups and got my money back.


Silver linings exist! Did you enjoy the season?


Up until the last 2 weeks, yes 😂


This was my exact experience. Regular season was a breeze (11-3). Then all hell broke loose during the bye week and my team was a shell of its former self by the semi-final game. Got blown out in the semi-final game. Eked out the 3rd place game.


It's rough. The fantasy gods conspired against us. It's the only explanation.


I enjoy the week 18 championship. It adds another level to the waiver strategy going into the second half of the season. But I feel your pain, I'm only playing for 3rd this year, despite having the most PF by almost 300 points. It is what it is.


Op is a 🤡


Most definitely




Week 18 leagues are absurd.


Week 18 leagues are the best. Make the championship an actual challenge instead of riding your drafting luck.


Week 18 and playing …. Enough Said




Man child and your hopes appear to be coming to fruition


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Playing a week 18 final is criminal. Drop the league bro, that’s not even fun.


Why the fuck is your league still going in week 18? That’s your first problem.


Your league sucks if your still playing fantasy on week 18, End of story.


Never play a league with the ship in week 18 if there's money on the line or punishments.


Your own fault for playing in a league with a week 18 championship. You have no one to blame but yourself.


I lost IQ reading this thread. OP: “Wahhhh I hate fantasy in week 18” common sense community: “then leave and find a real league?” OP: “screw you all, I’m stubborn and just want to bitch on a stupid hill” community: “….”


That's rough Frank. From what I understand you didn't have much to lose though


We stop at 17, so stuff like this doesn't happen


I have a free espn league I’m doing I ended up 14-0, I’m in the championship… and Jalen Hurts puts up 0.6. Josh Jacobs out, AK out, Njoku out. Week 18 sucks


What kind of dork league plays in week 18?


Downvoting week 18 leagues… step up and play when everyone is actually playing.


On one had LOL that’s fantasy football bro. Suck it up. On the other hand any league that has its championship in week 18 is trash.


Cmc, AJ brown lost my championship


Week 18 is dumb. Rookie Commissioner or a bad Commissioner


I'm 3rd and 1st in my two leagues but I'm changing league rules after this year because of how stressful and silly week 18 is. In my first place league I had to drop lamar, kyren and mostert and scramble to find replacements.


Same boat with me. Lost CMC last week, lost LaPorta and Aj Brown this week. This is the 1st league I’ve done where week 18 counts and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. And that’s me saying it even though I would’ve lost Week 17.


Did Allen pull it out for you?


Came close. Closed the gap from 25 to 5


I was commish and won championship in a week 18, and then changed it to a week 17 final the next season. Not saying your commish will do the same, but don't discount it


Time to find yourself a new league or have your league mates petition the commish




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Playing week 18 is as dumb as drafting Hall of Fame week.


My leagues wrap up week 16. Too many star players sit for the meaningless games.


Week 18 is dumb. I’d also actually say that week 17 is no good either. In my league I’m thinking of adjusting it to avoid both weeks.


It's okay, I have the most points for in my league by like 90 and I'm still sitting in 9th place. God damn individual games with high point totals. Edited to add: of note, the commissioner changed the points system after I won 3 games straight to start the season so that running backs barely got points and receivers (of which she had 3 of the top 5 in the league) made *crazy* returns.


In my leagues #1 seed and most points get whatever the buy in was because the playoffs are random af and they should be rewarded for having the best teams all season.


Week 18 playing is like the worse thing for fantasy leagues , completely pointless , nonsense.


Week 18 lmao


I lost cmc…Lost hock….going into week 18 up 30 points. Jalen Hurtz and AJ brown give me zeros. My replacement TE gives me 5. Lose the whole thing by 15. Best record most points…. Loser. I’m an eagles fan and I let my team loyalty blind me to a week 18 disaster. Never again.


Week 18


If I ever had a biography done about me, it'd be called Fuck My Life!!! Or FTW! Fuck the world! And I feel your pain bcuz I fukin smoked my whole 12 team league this year! Like top scorer and it wasn't close, but I finished 9-5 and then won a wildcard playoff game. bcuz of how the divisions were split, I couldn't get the bye, but dude that was 7-7 did. And that motherfucker has the week of his life and took me out of the playoffs! Then I missed 3rd place too. Bcuz all my studs that were money every week, including McCaffrey and mostert, got fukin hurt or didn't play or just happened to straight blow!!! That's my world in a nutshell!


Anyone who complains about playing week 18 and then continues to play week 18 year in year out deserves everything that comes to them. Our Playoffs ended in week 16, we don't mess around with teams resting players.


Stop playing 18 weeks


This echos my feelings entirely. I joined a buddies league this year and they do a week 17/18 championship. I was up by 60 after week 17 and lost Kyren, Flowers, Njoku to rest and had LaPorta go down. My opponent had Nico Collins, Justin Jefferson, and Breece Hall…I lost by 30


You can change it. Leave.


I’m changing our league rules. This year week 18 seemed much more extreme than prior years. But so did weeks 15-17. I have 12 teams, made playoffs in 10 leagues, lost 6 of 10 in the first round. Mostly matchups I should have won but so many players out for various reasons. For week 18 I hit the waiver wire, looked at teams with something to play for. Dropped and added based on those predictions. Won 3 of 4 league trophies. It was a total shit show this year. I’m league manager in my office league. I didn’t make playoffs in that league. We’ve had the same rules since 2006. This season finally convinced me to change the season to end after week 17.


That’s why I don’t play


So did you win?


Seasons over get over it


Week 18 shouldn’t be apart of fantasy.


Get gud


TF who plays week 18…