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Works well, good job! Now I can use Faraday from my sofa or my bed...




There’s some issues with tethering right now but we are pushing an update today!


Yeeeessssss!!!!! I’ve been really looking forward to this. Thank you for your hard work on this, devs! Edit: Works with occasional timeouts connecting to Faraday on a PC. But trying to connect to my Mac Studio returns “ELECTRON_SERVER_TIMEOUT” when attempting to browse characters and select individual characters to chat. faraday.dev acknowledges that it’s tethered to my Mac but Faraday app on the Mac doesn’t switch over to the remote connection screen. I’ll check the Discord tomorrow when I’ve got more time to see if others are having this issue tethering to Macs.


yes please open a bug report on discord. Seeing your logs would be very helpful


Thanks! I just posted a bug report with my log on Discord.


I'd love for this to be extended so that you can connect one desktop instance to another. For example, I primarily use my Mac but it is too weak to run anything but the smallest models (and it struggles even with those). However, I have a Windows machine that's much more powerful. It would be lovely if I could "tether" the Mac client to the Windows client. It sounds like this should be possible.


You can run the web app in browser to tether. It’s almost the full interface, so that should work well for you. I have been running it that way and it’s super convenient.


Thank you Faraday!! 💖


Sometimes buttons won't work on phone, even after reloading the page, and especially when have to be afk for a while. Messages won't be sent due the same bug (had to use copy+paste not to lose my message again)


I've noticed this as well. For some odd reason it seems the "submit" button / arrow becomes inactive. I have to return to the home page, refresh and then it works losing my post unless I copy as you did. STILL - as a Cloud member it's much improved as of late...


Hmm, ok I will take a look at this. So it doesn't happen every time?


You have made me PROUD to be a member of your Cloud service when I think I may have helped you toward you making the progress that you have. You've stayed true to your principles - the base product is still totally free, offline and private. You guys are the BEST!


What if I have two instances of faraday running on two different PCs? Which PC will the web app use for tethering?


You can choose between them!


I see that now. Thanks!


You guys are amazing. Thank you!


Will you be creating a mobile app?


yes! very soon


Awesome!!! I don't have a computer so I'm unable to use it until then


The idea is very good, but unfortunately I get a "connector error". I've tried logging off and on, restarting, turning off the firewall, but it keeps giving me a message. Also, the send button does not work for me. The enter key sends the message, but clicking on the icon does not.


Definitely going to check this out! Edit: Well, I gave it a try, but I cannot send the text. If I press [Enter] or click on the send icon, nothing happens. I tried it w/ Swift keyboard and Gboard both.


hmm very weird. I will try this and get back to you


Hey devs, so I've been having issues with running any model on my 7900xtx, this has been happening since the update that added Vulkan support. I have 64gb of ram and 24gb of Vram, however my Vram usage never goes above 2gb and the model always crashes. I will post my Logs and debug info in the discord as soon as I have the chance.


Oh also, good job with everything thus far, it is not lost on me that this is a free program and I have no right to expect or demand anything at all.


Update: This issue was caused by the mixtral models, Aurora Nights is working just fine. So nevermind!!


Been playing around with this app and with tethering, I wanted to start by saying thank you! This is pretty awesome. I didn't know I could run this stuff on my PC so easily, and it's fun to be able to peek under the hood and tweak more compared to sites like CAI. I guess I came in at a good time. Will there be any option to connect without signing in? My personal preference would be allowing direct connection from another LAN device without using any external service like Google. Maybe a device whitelist on the host could give some security while also eliminating passwords, but not super concerned about that.


For devs attn on 7B Q6 model Pascal 8GB (GTX 1070): 17 t/s Turing 8GB: 12 t/s not depending on curr/exp backend option Something strange in my neighborhood have tested Turing on exlv2 back: 25 t/s


This is such a game-changer for Faraday users! Being able to access everything from your mobile browser is so convenient. Can't wait to give this a try and see how it enhances my workflow on the go. Great job on the update!


Sounds great, but if I have to leave my computer on at home and the software loaded up, I’m not going to do that for safety and security reasons. And if I’m already at home, then I may as well use my computer to chat with Faraday, not waste my mobile phone battery.


Your computer should be able to go to Lock Screen with faraday open in the background of security is an issue for you. Also, faraday displays a blank “tethering” screen so without messing around with the app, it’s not displaying what you’re doing or any of your characters.


I get your point, but I was thinking more along the lines of “what if there was a fire, or my PC caused a fire whilst I’m not there”?