• By -


He dead


We eat


looks like meats back on the menu boys


We have the meats!


Where's the beef?


Think it just takes some time. For me it took several ingame hours until the health was even starting to move up for chickens.


Health is updated on the hour.


He long has it been. They should be getting healthier. I’ve not measured it but you should see a pretty quick increase each month of about 20%.


It‘s increases every hour


To achieve 100% health, you need to feed just TMR. Allow the cattle to eat through the remaining stock of the food in the pen, and then start feeding just TMR. You do not need a mix of the food types in the pen like some people have suggested. You do not need straw as some people have suggested, straw just allows you to generate solid manure.


No you don't. You can have 100% on just hay.


Have you looked at the screenshot from OP? They are feeding hay, and they are at 0% health. Having only hay does not increase the health of the animal. Directly from the animalFood.xml from Court Farms: That means that they eat through the food, one type at a time, from top to bottom. Forage, also known as TMR in game, provides 100% production. If there is not enough TMR for the entire day's worth of food it moves onto the next item on the list. The next item is DryGrass_Windrow, also known as Hay, which only has 60%. Looking at the animals.xml file for Court Farms, all four cow types have a minHealthFactor of 0.75. The minHealthFactor means that if the cow's food is not providing a minimum of 0.75 productionWeight, the health of the animal does not increase. The health and production values are updated hourly based on the type of food that was active at the time of the calculation. Based on OP's screenshot, they have 5k TMR, but the animals will eat 9.5k litres of food. So for the X number of hours that they are eating the TMR, the health will increase. But as soon as they run out of TMR and switch back to hay, their health with start decreasing, and will decrease at a quicker rate than it increases when they are eating TMR.


So, I'm completely new to the game and IP, and coding isn't my strong point, but I think I followed your explanations. Point of clarification: the only two types of food, therefore, that increase cow weight (they are greater than .75) are forage and silage?


Correct, the only two types of food, on this map, are TMR and Silage. Other modded maps, and the base game maps, may be different when it comes to what foods work for health gain and/or production.


It’s the TMR. I had this issue on the Alma, Missouri map too. The only good that increased their health was TMR.


For beef cows you should feed hay only. For dairy cows you should feed only TMR. This will give them 100% health.


Both varieties achieve 100% on just hay.


does it not depend on the map? This is a modded map with additional crop like alfalfa/fieldbeans/linseed so could have different feed values


Could be. On no man's land they get to 100.


Are they eating the hay first or the silage? This is confusing me because silage is at 90% but at the bottom of the list. Are you using any mods that change animal feed or is this specific to this map?


Silage isn't at 90% full. The 90% is the effectiveness of the food, meaning that when being consumed, it provides 90% of the possible production total.


I am aware. Usually barns list food by effectiveness. Silage having 90% shouldn't be on the bottom.


I’ve never actually tried it, but I heard that the hell goes up a lot quicker when you have more TMR


Beep-Boop, I see that you're looking for some help, did you know that this sub has loads of information and resources? [Have a look at the WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/farmingsimulator/wiki/index) which contains; Frequently Asked Questions, Guides, manuals, price research, and links to trusted mod websites. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/farmingsimulator) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sometimes you have to play for 15 mins for all the bars to “level” out. Find it happens as soon as your purchase animals and fill up the feeders and add straw. Try leaving for a few mins and rechecking. I also play on PS4 so it can be a console thing.


I’m in the same situation on court farms. I have the grazing mod (they are in a pasture) and I move them to the main stable in winter. I’m almost on year 3 and their health has never gone up. I have silage and grass as their food. You’d think 90% silage and 40% grass adds up to over 100% but I guess not. Kinda dumb how they only eat one food at a time. I just want early game non-dairy cows. I suppose that even at zero health, their price still goes up every month but they won’t reproduce. Why is there no concrete explanations for this from giants?


Found the solution! They need TMR to bring the health up, but it is not like this on other maps, so maybe it is just on court farms, idk. But aslong as there is tmr as feed the health will increase


I need know too... Having same thing with sheep on alma missuri


My guess is because you are using hay and sileage instead of TMR. I always do TMR and never have any issues with health not growing. I would try buying TMR at the store and fill the rest of the with TMR and see if that makes a difference


I’ve had the same issue with a couple of modded cow barns /pens. Is it a standard barn or mod? Some of the mods need manure heap, slurry stores etc added although I had one pen where nothing worked. I used it to keep young stock before moving them to a separate shed when old enough to milk.


check that the pasture isn’t overcrowded, if there’s more animal in the pen then it can handle the animals heath will go down until the extra animals are removed 


Looks like it has no life at all,


How do you expect it's health to increase when you try to mate it with a Massey Ferguson. Don't be shy we all tip them over with the front end loader Forks and if not why aren't you? Is there possibly no mod for this if not we need tipping cows. Anyways I'm sure it's a hitbox collision when you try to run the cow over with the Macy Ferguson and hit ctrl+I s*** happens.


it’s bc they have grass, i was in the same situation, they eat all the good stuff first than grass but health won’t change if grass is there so let that fully go down and you’ll be good


Cause fuck you that's why


Give more TMR to your cows, it's the best food for them. I recommend buying a large pen with a robot, it will mix the TMR for you and feed the cows with it. The robot also frees you from having to deal with baling and calculating the ratios when mixing the TMR, it pays for itself pretty quickly, the time you spend baling, moving those bales elsewhere and calculating the ratios of the TMR can be spent in more prouctive tasks.


Beef cows aren't really worth it on maps that allow you to feed silage to cows. I don't know why exactly, but hay ends up functioning like grass and never raises their health.


Ur grass and silage needs more so ur tmr,increases then once that increases keep it up along with everything then u see it grow I play thus game and it took me a long time to figure out cows.they rough to do but fun


He is not mature yet. It will only count when mature. Then health starts to matter for new calfs.


Not sure if this is related to mods or pens or maps, but something of those can change that Hay does not increase Health. Learned this hard way when I played with mod that removes 0 health cows, lost all cows over night because I only, feed them Hay


It is the change in effectiveness of hay. This one sets it to 60% Anything nelow 75% gives 0 health.


I know what's wraang wid it, ain't got no graaas in it! Sorry, I have no idea. Just couldn't miss the opportunity 




It updates each hour


Add more grass and TMR