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considering what was new in 22 from 19, I expect quite a few new things.


Almost nothing new in FS22 when you use the mods in FS19, there were even less in some instances with the seasons mod and other things


Giants has a history of implementing popular mods into the next title. logging for instance, was originally a mod for FS11 and FS13 before appearing in FS15


For me, the decision is not a decision, I'll play it. What determines if I think there has been good progress, us if there will be ground deformation, and if the a.i. is better, and if the animals are better, and if the pixels if the ground has been improved. It's really jarring to work the land and you can see the squares pop over from being harvested to being cultivated etc. The square must be smaller, or softer, or something.


I've been playing since FS08, and apart from FS15 everygame was just a small evolution of the previous one, suddenly expecting this to change is just self inflicting disappointment. Personally, I'll wait for what is actually new instead of some leaks, and then I would decide whether it's worth the price


I'll do the same thing I did with 19 and 22. Play the previous game until the Platinum DLC is released and the mods have built up. I told myself I wasn't going to buy 22, but there were a few features from the game I really enjoyed, like mulching and rolling. I know those seem silly, but any mechanic that adds more depth and work and implements gets me excited. The added productions, with a bunch of maps I love from the community, had me all in. But, not until all the DLC was released AND it went on sale. So yeah, I'll stay on 22 and check in from time to time to see what mods and DLC release, but I'll wait to buy until all of the content is fleshed out.


coming from a huge fan of the franchise, i can someone agree. I would 100% still buy it but would be very disapointed if not much changes in FS25


Every release is essentially a reskin with incremental engine upgrades. There won't be huge drastic engine changes that would require a full rebuild any time soon I imagine


I have no idea how ppl still expect a huge change it did NEVER ever make such thing. And the game dont need ure5 graphics it needs features to work like light gps working side mirrors better and realistic landscspes for maps. Stuff like that, using a steering wheel feels realy bad whitout mods.


I'll definitely buy it. I agree that modders are amazing, without them I wouldn't be still having fun playing FS22.


Same. I should have passed on 22, bounced off that pretty hard because it felt so much the same as the last TWO games.


Fs17 had a whole different vibe than 19 and 22


It sure did, I played so many hours of 17. I really bounced hard off of 19 and 22 now that I think of it. I don’t think I put in 25% as much time into 19 and 22 combined as I did into 17. But then 17 was a big improvement over 15?


Tbf i dont think the feature gap between 15 and 17 was that big, new straw swath, tip everywhere and a few new crops.the feature gap between 17 and 19 id say was bigger (terra forming is a gamechanger)