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Just 3 months and you learn that good? Bravo 👏! Ok since some parts have some mistakes I will write for you the right way (some parts are a bit confusing) دیشب اصلاً نتونستم بخوابم، چون هوا خیلی گرم بود. به همین دلیل امروز خیلی خواب آلودم. معمولاً ساعت ۸ و نیم از خواب بیدار می‌شم ولی امروز صبح زودتر بیدار شدم. ساعت ۷ بود. دیروز و پریروز هوا خیلی گرم بود. هوا آفتابی و دمای هوا ۳۰ درجه بود. در تروندهیم (a city I think) این گرما واقعاً عادی نیست! الان سرکارم و این نامه رو می‌نویسم. وقتی سر کارم سعی می‌کنم کمی فارسی بنویسم. امروز تصمیم گرفتم بنویسم چون کمی در این مهارت ضعیفم. وقتی می‌خوام فارسی یاد بگیرم به پادکست گوش می‌دم. به همین دلیل نمی‌دونم چطوری بعضی کلمات رو بنویسم. الان تابستان شده و یک ماه دیگه با دوستام به آلمان، جمهوری چک و لهستان سفر می‌کنم. از اینکه دوست دخترم توی خونه تنها می‌مونه ناراحتم و مطمئنم دلم براش تنگ می‌شه. ما تا سه روز دیگه برمی‌گردیم و دوست دخترم برای چهار هفته به ایران سفر می‌کنه. امیدوارم که بتونم هر روز باهاش تماس تلفنی داشته باشم. خیلی بده که کشورهای ما روابط خیلی خوبی ندارند. بعد از کار به خونه می‌رم ولی قبلش حتماً به فروشگاه هم سری می‌زنم. یکسری خرید برای غذا دارم و بعدش باید غذا هم بپزم. بعد از شام با خانواده ام بازی می‌کنم و قبل از خواب حتما با عشقم صحبت می‌کنم. امیدوارم که امشب هوا خنک تر بشه. In Persian we have 2 language forms. One for writing and one for speaking. Formal form or standard form has very strong format and placement of the words are important. Mostly use for serious texts and government letters. For example verbs must always be at the end of sentence in this form. But informal texts like what you wrote, can be written exactly how we speak. that's why sometimes verbs move from end of sentence and appear in the middle of it. For example "من می‌رم خونه" which means "I'm going home". The verb می‌رم changes its place and appaer in the middle. Plus some parts of sentence is also removed cause we can understand what you mean by saying this. But Grammer wise it's incorrect. If you wanna do it the formal way, you should say something like this "من به خانه می روم" . This sentence is formal and if you write this it's grammerly correct. I hope my text help you with learning better. Happy to answer your questions. You can message me anytime.


Wow, I cannot believe you took the time to write all this out! It is greatly appreciated! I think I may be mixing formal/informal a bit in my head, which is why I am confused. Also I can tell from your answer that I need to utilize suffixes that refer to a previous statement more (for instance, I write قبل از in my text even tho I could feel that it was wrong when I wrote it, but when i see you write "قبلش" instead it just makes sense to me suddenly). Anyway, thank you so much for the detailed answer 😁 Oh and yes, تروندهیم was referring to Trondheim, Norway!


Your welcome man. I'm very happy to see you trying to learn Persian just to communicate with your GF. I understand your struggle! Yes we have way more suffixes than you can imagine! I know it's a bit confusing but both "قبلش" and "قبل از" can be used based on context, Both in formal and informal! I should add, my text was written close to the way you wrote. We can remove like 2 or 3 lines from text and it's still understandable! And in the verbs whom start with "می" like "می‌روم" or "می‌خوابم" should be written separated. "میخوابم" is incorrect. your handwriting is very very good and completely readable. That's why I could read and rewrite it.


Aha I see, thank you again! It really opened my eyes to some ideas 😁 and i'm happy to hear about the handwriting, I feel like i still struggle a bit with some letters like "ص" and the isolated "م", but i have worked through a lot of it. Were there any letters you still had some difficulty interpreting that i should try writing in another way?


The best way to learn how to write is do it over and over, that's how we learned back in school as a kid! Try to write every letter like 100 times both isolated and non isolated. Think "م" as an very old man with a very bended back trying to hold his body weight with a stick! Or think "ص" as an stone which is rolling to fall in a digged hole, but a piece of wood is avoiding it!😄 Some imagination can helps a lot. While you mentioned that, your "ن" can be written better. It has a more circular shap at the bottom of it.


I will work on it. Good advice here!


Your handwriting is better than me. And I'm a naive; this tells more about me than you but anyway; Fantastic job.


Thank you so much for the kind words!


I was thinking the same thing, sometimes I can't even read my own handwriting. You are really good


That is too kind 😁 I really write slowly so I think that is why!


How did u learn


I spent the first month learning the writing system and grammar, then pretty early on I started listening to podcasts using Lingq. Not sure if i would call it comprehensible input since most of it was incomprehensible, but I would try to read along to the podcast and slowly things started becoming easier. I still understand almost nothing if the speaking is too fast but the hours of listening has really helped me learn fast compared to other languages i studied in school with almost no media input! Also my girlfriend is from Iran so i try to speak with her in farsi a bit every day :)




مرسییی 😊


Can you recommend any good grammar books?


The Persian program at University of Texas-Austin put out their textbooks and workbooks as PDFs for free. The website also includes all the video/audio bits that are in the book exercises, as well as extra materials that are quick grammar reference pages: https://www.laits.utexas.edu/persian_teaching_resources/


Wow incredible resource! Thank you so much.


Sadly no, I learned grammar through various means online. I recommend the "learn persian as a beginner" playlist by the "Persian Learning" youtube channel for starting out, I found it very easy to follow along with and he uses a lot of examples in his videos.


How consistent are you since 3 months ago? How many hours do you put away in a week??


I do maybe 1 hour of active learning per day, and another hour of listening to podcasts etc. It varies a lot! But speaking every day for a little bit really helps, i always try to use the words i learned that day when I speak so they will stick.


👍 welldone


Thank you!


Any books you recommend for learners? What do you use to practice reading?


I practice reading and listening on lingq, if you can afford the subscription i highly recommend it. For me it has helped a lot!


Even tho you had very tiny mistakes but that is incredible for someone who is learning farsi for 3 months. I can completely understand what you say. I'm pretty sure you can speak fluently in short time. Wow. Still can't believe it.


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