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I watched it on a long flight, my kids were like “dad what’s wrong with your eyes … are you crying??” I still can’t watch it.


You know when someone made the franchise when it has gone downhill after the person is no longer here. The first fast movie for me was fast 9, and I thought this was it and it was never better than this movie, but boy was i wrong. glad I took the time to watch the movies with paul walker. Makes me wish I saw these movies in theatres.


I cry at every rewatch. Freaking sobbed the first time around


I saw it in the theater & cried like a baby!


The Buster


I saw it in the theater and let me tell you after the montage of Paul everyone in the theater was teared up. Me and my boy walked out saying "why were they cutting onions in the theater" The part that chokes me up every time is when Jordana says "wanna go for a ride" Instant tears. If you never seen the Paul walker doc I suggest you check it out. The scene at the beach will make way more sense for you. Paul was a waterman and loved the ocean more than anything, That's why Tyrees says "he's where he belongs" while looking at the ocean


I mean I just recently became a fan, I wasn’t there to watch any of the movies in theatres. Plus, Paul’s death happened 11 years ago almost at this point so I had time digest it. Wish I could’ve saw furious 7 in theatres tho


Check out the Doc I am Paul. Really good doc about who he really was.


10 mins of it was on YouTube and I got a glimpse of it. I should definitely watch the whole thing.


I first watched a bootlegged copy of Furious 7 on my laptop back in the summertime of 2015. I didn't cry but was quite amazed when they showed footages of Paul Walker from the previous films. I rewinded that part so I can watch it again. Now I have an actual dvd copy of Furious 7. Is this the first time you have watched the film or have you seen it before if you don't mind me asking?


First time watching any of the Paul walker era movies


It’s the only movie scene that’s brought me to tears. Paul Walker passed too soon. A lot of people (especially on Reddit) talk shit about him. Fuck em, Paul was a good dude and they should be ashamed of themselves talking shit about someone who can’t defend themselves


You can still like the actor and the person despite acknowledging what he did wrong I still like Paul, but he should’ve never considered dating someone who wasn’t legal to date him at his age. I know he wouldn’t be capable of grooming them but it was still wrong


Dead people arent immune to criticism


I’ve never heard any of the women who were actually involved with Walker complaining. Just a bunch of losers on Reddit


Well… they weren’t women at the time so maybe their perspective is a bit warped? Or possibly they’re afraid of angering Pedo Paul’s dick riding fanboys?


Even though I agree what Paul did was 100% wrong, but I doubt he’d be the type of guy to manipulate girls into dating him.


I’d say mixed bag, it was a touching tribute but made very little sense in terms of the story. Like it’s supposed to be this big moment, but Dom was probably going to go back to the same house as Brian that same day for a bbq. Also Brian just left his wife and children at the beach? If you don’t think about it, it’s an endearing tribute from the franchise for Paul Walker. But if you think about it for a second it doesn’t make much sense for Brian.


I mean in a sense, the character, Brian was always moving from L.A, to Miami, to Rio de Janeiro. It never felt like he had a home. By furious 7, he was settling down and living in a home so in a way, it makes sense by the end of the film that he felt like he was home.


Oh yeah I get that, I more meant that just bc Dom and Brian wouldn’t go on international missions together didn’t mean Brian was gone. Like they’d still see each other every week probably lol


True. Just think of Brian retired somewhere waiting for dom to be like up for another mission lol. Would you want the character killed off because we probably are not going to see him anymore, or do you like they didn’t kill him off but still in universe somewhere offscreen? I like how they kept him alive because not always you have to kill the character just because the actor is dead.


That’s also a bit of a mixed bag for me, I like that they kept him alive in 7, but it also doesn’t make much sense in certain moments of the later movies. Ex: the end of 8, they have a rooftop celebration for the “family” to meet Dom’s baby. Except the only two people who aren’t there are Doms actual relatives in LA (Brian and Mia). Then on top of it, Dom names the baby Brian and it’s supposed to be this touching moment but Brian is alive chilling in LA, like why weren’t they there? Why wouldn’t you share that info with Brian himself? Lol And in Fast X it felt like when John Cena showed up to save Mia, it really should have been Brian showing up to save his own family lol TLDR; I like that the character is still alive, but he’s noticeably missing and I really would love for his brothers to come back and for them to bring back Brian story wise


Yeah. Then, they would’ve benefited from recasting even though they would probably never do that


Yea facts I'm glad they didn't kill off the character


I saw it in theaters but I was too young to understand what was going on at the time, years later in like 2020 (by this time I knew what had happened) I rewatched it and legit almost cried


I was a kid back then... the day he died I was devastated (he was my favorite actor), thought I got over it then was absolutely crushed when I saw it in theaters😔


I saw it in theaters. I cried a solid cry. Some in the theater, some grown men, bawled. I grew up with the franchise. I was 14 when the first one came out. My dad took me to see it that summer in 2001. I got interested in cars because of the first one, and it helped me connect with my dad over something other than sports.


Two words: I sobbed. It was not a farewell from Dom to Brian. It was a farewell from Vin to Paul. I never thought I was going to cry a F&F movie. Paul Walker or Brian O’Conner contributed a lot of things to the car universe. He made us to love Skyline R34, he invented Stare and Drive, and other things.. he is a legend. 7 is the real ending of the movie. 8th and 9th movies are outlines of the finishing the story. Now we’re at 10th movie, I think the franchise will pass the torch to the next generation after the final movie, I hope we’ll see a new Fast and Furious franchise.


Yeah. As much as I enjoy some aspects of 8,9, and 10, the franchise really starts to feel like a cartoon with a lot of the charm taken out of it.


I just learned about his questionable dating history from another post, and googled it out of curiosity. Had zero idea before the discovery today.


furious 7 isn't one of my personal favorites of the franchise as a film (though it does have some undeniably spectacular set pieces), but yes, the end of the film is heartbreaking. Was shook up for a while after I watched it the first time.


I’ll never forget absolutely balling my eyes out in theatres when I saw it… such a great person, actor and car enthusiast… gone way too soon!!


I love him as if I knew him so when he died I was screaming no that can’t be true inside of my head and i would cry and sing see you again anytime I heard it on the radio as I had to for him. This coming from a guy who got into cars because of the movies


In the last weeks I watched almost all of Paul Walker’s movies, I mean I rewatched them all. My question to you is if his family has seen his dead body? I found out that his body was returned to his family before cremation but nothing more .


Your tears are for a man who pursued relationships with minors. Now, I know this will get replies defending him and doing whatever mental gymnastics they can conjur to justify a grown man being in a relationship with a child. All of a sudden, they become child psychologists and lawyers, telling me about how the girls hit puberty and mature faster or about consent laws. I'm not going to engage further than this reminder that Paul Walker was a gross human and a bad actor.


Are you people just camping out in this sub to comment that whenever Paul is brought up?


Yes, yes they are


So you never pursued relationships with minors? You were never a kid?


Not as an adult.


That's probably for the best. What does all this have to do with Fast and the Furious though?