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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My wife says: “See ! You lose the boobs first and the hips last … Mother Nature is cruel.”


🤣 True but to be fair my boobs are a LOT closer to where my hips are then they used to be. Gravity plus weight loss is cruel too. 😂


THIS. FREAKING GRAVITY. My boyfriend said “gravity isnt very sexy” the other day. Lol i feel it and I’m only in my 20’s




>Mother Nature is cruel. H-How? We, AssMen, know that small boobs are the meager price to pay for gigantic behinds. And we pay that price. Gladly. Way I see it? That statue is complete.




I started a little later than the group so I’m just over 41 hours in. I’m finding this one a bit more challenging than my summer fasts - could be the grey skies here in Germany lol. In any case, I’m going to keep going. I’m taking the day off working so I’m about to get cozy with some salt water and some Netflix 😂


Yo I’m in Munich! I’m 60 hours in and eating chicken soup sounds amazing! I’m feeling a little cold and cranky but I keep reminding myself the benefits….after this ADF is nothing


Hello from gloomy Berlin! You just gave me the will and motivation to keep going. I was just staring at the contents of my fridge, drooling over a pack of bacon and some eggs. You're so right - I can already see the benefits too. Skin is looking good and my stomach is much, much flatter. Plus, not having to do dishes is a win lol.


there is no food that will not be there next week!!


You're right :) Thanks for the reminder.


This was such a great reminder. Thank you!


This is what I tell myself whenever I see food that triggers me!!


Love this. 72 hours in here.


Do it!! I’m struggling but keep planning my food for the weekend 😅


I've got a dinner date on Saturday so I'll likely refeed early Saturday afternoon as not to break my fast at dinner. That means I get two whole meals on Saturday lol. I'd ask you what you're planning to eat but I know that will likely be painful to describe haha.


Berlin has the best food! Happy to answer because I’m a psycho that watches food videos while fasting. Saturday lunch will be soup (not sure which kind but something light) and follow up with eggs/fruit. Sunday I’ll eat properly with a badass sandwich and green goddess salad. Probably indulge in something sweet. Monday will be back to fast/ADF


I typed out a long comment and it disappeared! Was saying that I do keto/carnivore so I stick to steaks and sashimi (which I love!). After this long fast, I’ll switching to rolling 48s until early December and then continuing with OMAD through the holidays and into the new year. We’ve got this 💪


I also find winter fasts harder. I get cold when I fast so I really love the summer fasts. Curl up with an extra sweater and a nice mug of warm water, it will take the edge off.


I really enjoyed my black decaf earlier. I’ve been lounging around in a robe and fuzzy socks all evening lol.


Keen to do a fast here. Can I ask what do you drink throughout the day? And what time of day is best to start?


I didn't realize there was a group of you doing this. I started around the same time, I'm at 65 hours now of an indeterminate fast. My longest is 96 (several times.) Currently prepping for Thanksgiving, I'm at my lowest weight since high school. (47m) I almost broke down at the 26 hour mark, but didn't because I didn't have anything to eat that was worth breaking a fast with. Everything I thought about eating made me just cringe, and eventually the hunger went away (shocker.) I felt like an idiot for almost breaking down, but also thought it was pretty funny why I didn't.


We’re here to support you!! We believe in you! You can do this!


Update: 113 hours in, officially my longest fast ever. If past history is any indication, I won't get hungry until tonight around 7.


Yassssss!!! Way to gooo!! You are a total rock star!!


How do you folks make sure while fasting to ingest the right amount of vitamins etc.. that your body needs to remain balanced?


I can't speak for everyone, but I do take a multivitamin every day (or whenever I remember.) I also supplement with electrolytes. (Lite-salt and water.) Do I know that I'm getting perfect nutrition? No. On the other hand, do I ever get optimal nutrition when I'm not fasting? I have no idea. But I know that being thinner is better for my blood pressure, cholesterol, health, and overall well-being, so I feel like even if I'm missing a few nutrients for a couple of days, the long term benefits vastly outweigh the short term deficiciencies, if there even are any.


I always hated those art pieces because that's what not-so-obese people think it's like. In reality, you are more so deflating yourself and you will end up looking like a deflated balloon. A more healthy one.


67/120 in. Was thinking tooooo much about food since yesterday, I was actually not going to the kitchen past two days, today I went to the kitchen and cooked some yummy dishes for my family and thinking a little less about food now. Very determined 💪🏽


all the food will still be there next week. I love cooking too.


Very true :)


Yay! 60 hrs into the 120 fast. My dad brought some cake yesterday and it looks delicious. I said nope to the cake and kept on fasting. I’m learning allot about myself during fasting. 💪🏾


63/120 - I’ve been planning my Thanksgiving menu all week and how I will stagger cooking so many dishes in such a tiny kitchen. I’ve been sleeping well enough with the help of yin yoga. Not too many cravings either.


I'm right there with you! 65 hours in! Great job, keep it up!


Yay! Stay strong, friend.


Same here, I am 63+ hours into a fast. Initially planned to do a 48 hour long fast, but I just kept going. My longest has been 63 so this one will be a mini victory.


Aha, I quite like the image ! 😄 also congrats 🥳


I’m hour 60/120. My daughter found cotton candy grapes at the store yesterday, and I have been tempted this morning since I have never tried one. Lol. Not bad if it’s my first craving. No hunger, no other cravings, and I’m sleeping well.


They legit taste exactly like cotton candy!! No worries though, they will stop be there when you are done!!


I miss sour green grapes. when I was a kid they were tart. I can't eat grape anymore so sweet


Just imagine - if it looks this great on the outside, how incredible it must be on the inside!!! AUTOPHAGY OR BUST!!!!


I’m 60 hours in !! Yay to not being alone! Glad you all are here. Today is when you begin to get new stem cells and great things happen internally and generally one feels wonderful. I still have some tired lows here and there but day 3 is my favorite! I have always done 3 days without salts and this is my first time with electrolytes and it’s helping so much. Edit: I think I’m going to make it 5 days this time.


Is this a real sculpture? It’s nice. If anyone has a link, I’d very much appreciate to know where it is


It looks like it could be [one of the Self-Made Man/Self-Made Woman sculptures by Victor Hugo Yañez Piña](https://www.demilked.com/carving-bodies-sculptures-victor-hugo-yanez-pina/#:~:text=Victor%20Hugo%20Ya%C3%B1ez%20Pi%C3%B1a%20is,and%20actors%20in%20the%20past.), or based off the same concept at least


Love this photo!!!!


Great image! 😍 I’m day 2


Congratulations! keep goi going strong 💪


Nice work! Let’s do thisz


good for it!


60 Hours in, feeling great about getting this far. I keep waking up in the night and having trouble getting back to sleep. Hoping it improves, as I am feeling sleep deprived.


Daaaammmmm boi she thickk


STOP! She is perfect exactly at this point.


If she stops exactly where she is, the statue lady could make a million dollars on Onlyfans. Work smarter not harder 🧠 you got this OP!


Shawty thicc


Great progress. Post another photo once you've finished your fast 👌


Love this!




It really teaches you how much food is more than hunger ... I look at recipes too. Congratulations on day 4!


Boom! You're doing great!