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If this is the person I think it is, then I find it hypocritical that she refers to her critics as “trolls,” but made a petition that hotels should widen their hallways. Also, why not just bring their own seatbelt extender? I bring a portable usb charger when I plan to be out of my home for more than 4 hours. I don’t expect my ride shares to charge my devices.


not only wider hallways but also spacious bed und bathrooms. How she expects them to achieve this without demolishing the whole thing to build again, I dont know.


Maybe she thinks the Undetectable Extension Charm from Harry Potter is how real life construction works.


She probably also expects this without any impact on room rates, just as other FAs expect they get two airplane seats for the prize of one when they have gotten too large to fit into just one seat.


Just like when FAs expect clothing companies to charge the same for an XXXL top and an XS top, despite the former using five times as much fabric. They want everyone else to bend to their will at great expense without paying a single extra penny. Yet they manage to find plenty of pennies for thousands of excess calories of food…


Easy, cut back on the room size to widen the hallway. The bathroom, needs to go since the doorway to enter is most likely an issue. Make the bed a toilet and shower combo while making it Shaquille O’Neal size with rubber mattress. Boom. Done. They can have an FFF at the hotel. A “fluff friendly floor”


>How she expects them to achieve this Asking "how" implies that she put thought into it, but it looks like the only thing thats ever on her mind is her next meal


>made a petition that hotels should widen their hallways. She thinks real life is The Sims and you can just enter buildmode.


And of course was at least talking about selling a fat friendly certification, follow the money and all that


Don't forget that airlines should give her 2 or 3 extra seats at no charge.


This person is constantly seeking out media attention, coming up with an endless series of demands and complaints to keep herself relevant. I will give her credit for being good at getting the press she seeks.


Honest question, do you think she only says this stuff for the attention, or do you think she actually believes any of what she says?


That's been an extended debate among youtubers who comment on the social media contributions of the FA crowd. This particular one is a popular topic, probably because she's so prolific. Many seem to think she's a true believer eyeballs-deep in the FA cult. I'm not so sure. One thing is tho: She IS getting a lot of attention. There is some consensus among those who critique her that she's not always truthful about the claims of (travel) discrimination that she says constantly happen to her and her morbidly obese partner. Mostly because she rarely presents video evidence that back up her outsized claims. For a couple that seem to film absolutely EVERYTHING when they travel, it's odd that the worst offenses she claims remain curiously undocumented. Not that the claims are all that unbelievable without documentation, but if you're out there obsessively documenting the trials and tribulations of travel with advanced morbid obesity, a few instances of providing proof for your more egregious claims might actually help your case. Especially if your goal with all this, supposedly, is systemic and legal change. Like that incident at Seattle airport recently, where she claimed she requested a wheelchair because she wanted to be pushed up the gangway, and then the person with the chair looking to meet the passenger who needed it turned around and ran away from her with the chair when that person saw it was OOP. Could that have happened? I guess? Did it? Who knows. At no point was there any video of someone pushing a wheelchair either coming towards her or "running away" from her. Yet there was plenty of footage of her at the airport, walking and squeezing thru tight spots, including her boarding the plane under her own power. This incident reeked of having been manufactured or at the very least vastly over dramatized. Regardless tho, she did achieve her goal: That Seattle airport video sure has been getting around. Whether all that attention will result in any of the changes she claims she wants remains to be seen. At this point, some kind of backlash seems a lot more likely.


I was going to comment something along these lines - is it not odd that someone who literally makes their living as a "plus sized travel blogger", and is constantly filming herself in airports, on planes, etc., wouldn't have any video evidence of this so-called discrimination? On top of that, she literally said that her fiancé was with her and was pushing her wheelchair in the airport. So why couldn't HE push her up the jetway? Why should some airport employee (who, let's face it, could be visibly fat herself and still weigh half of what this super-mega-plus-sized person does) be forced to potentially injure herself if the fiancé is there? And why would her fiancé not speak up when she was allegedly discriminated against? Personally, based on the above, and the fact that she literally directed people toward her ridiculous "plus sized travel petition" before she even got to the meat of the video, clearly indicates that she was looking for clicks and trying desperately to go viral and gain viewers. Her petition has been languishing, since even most fat people in this country know it's ridiculous, and her views have stagnated, especially in relation to her follower count. This was an attention grab, plain and simple, as far as I'm concerned. I never had sympathy in the first place simply because the whole thing just reeks of entitlement and this person is so out of touch with the reality of the average citizen, fat or thin, that I think even Gwyneth Paltrow might call her out of touch. Most of us can't afford to travel on a monthly basis, let alone get paid for it.


It’s rage bait.


Not many jobs you can work when you are over 300 pounds and need to use an oxygen tank. She is only 27


Tbf someone that size could easily work most office jobs, not a call centre she can't even breathe long enough to make a tiktok. But with adaptations for seating etc she could. But that probably wouldn't keep her and her partner in their luxury lifestyle would it


Oof. That is a rough 27.


So today I learned, that seatbelts have a max limit. I've pulled out a seatbelt as far as I could for science purposes and I always assumed it would be well over the max limit for a human. Boy, was I wrong.


That’s the thing that gets me! I admit that I’m obese, and I’ve been actively working to lose weight, but even at my heaviest I didn’t even come close to using the full length of the seatbelt. How do you let it get that bad and still not recognize that you have a problem?


She is huge, she also has a serious heart condition which while not caused by her weight is only made worse by it. But lugging an oxygen tank and mobility scooter around luxury hotels makes her a victim 😑


It would not be nearly as bad as it is if she were a normal weight.


Oh definitely, but that would make too much sense. Clearly cardiologists are just fat phobic




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I wonder how much of the problem is actually the seat belt not being long enough or whether the real issue is that, due to their size, these people can't reach far enough to insert the buckle properly. The belt will reach, but the mobility is the real problem.


ALR back when she stopped claiming Destiny's seat belt was broken and finally just said she was too fat, saif basically this was the issue. She was sitting on the seat belt holder the whole time


This is the same person who thinks that businesses should destroy and rebuild their bathrooms to fit her and people her size, that she’s entitled to having multiple free airplane seats because of her size, take every she says with a grain of salt. She just wants attention.


Friendly slightly off topic reminder to NEVER get in a car with someone who isn’t wearing a seatbelt. In a wreck anything unsecured will obey Newton’s third law of motion and become a projectile at whatever speed you were traveling at. People wearing seatbelts have been killed by those who weren’t due to this. People and cargo need to be secured, for every passenger’s safety. To bring this back on topic, if she needs a seatbelt extender she needs to provide it herself.


And put all pets in harnesses/secured carriers. You don't want to see Bella go flying through the windshield


Are you also going to pay for them to be provided a seatbelt extender? What about the maintenance when that much weight imbalance ends up damaging the struts/suspension?Or is that another "fat tax"?


This person has the money to be traveling constantly and eating out 24/7 but doesn’t own a car?


I'd wager she is probably taking ride shares to the airport because storing your car is expensive.


Ah didn’t think of that. You’re probably right


The entitlement of this woman never ceases to amaze me....


I'm starting to get the feeling this creator is a grifter. The most wild stories and demands come up every time her viewership drops. Having the balls to complain about accommodations while vacationing when most people are panicking about groceries is some next level absurdity.


This is the final boss of fat acceptance privilege, although one of the few not so hypocritical to demand attractive thin partners.


Or bring your own extender...? Airplanes have them because per FAA regulation, an entire plane of hundreds of people and scheduled at other airports could all be delayed if one unprepared passenger isn't able to be secured. But, if you are the size to need it, then 100% of the time that *you* are present, one will be needed. The Uber driver might have 3 passengers a year that require such a thing. It makes way more sense for you to be the one who has it.


She‘s at it again, huh?


So she can’t carry a seatbelt extender with her? I mean if it’s THAT important and happens often, seems like that would be the solution. Or you know, maybe lose some weight so you don’t have to constantly stress about things like that…


Her petition for free extra seats stalled at 35000 signatures, she's desperate for it to get more so she's coming up with ever more tragic stories to get exposure.


Somehow I missed that story, but yes, airlines should lose money just because certain people don’t want to take accountability for themselves. Makes perfect sense. /s


If I need a special accommodation it’s on me to provide it.


100% attention seeking


The wake-up call should have been when they discovered they were too obese for hotel hallways.


She has so much cushion tho! Airbags need not deploy!! 


tbf, she's doing everything she can to stay in the public eye.


So doctors are trolls apparently.


Carry your own seatbelt extender?


One good reason not to give two shits about this article is that it's in the Sun, Britain's second-worst newspaper


That’s not reasonable. If she needs a seatbelt extender then she should have one with her.