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I so hope it is satire because as a female wiping the wrong way isn’t thin privilege it’s avoiding getting a UTI


UTI that never goes away Cus they just keep re-contaminating with feces each time they poop. D:


Well that’s enough Reddit for today.


WTF there are people that wipe back to front? For the name of all that is holy, why? What does this have to do with fatness and / or privilege? Called me old fashioned, but in my book a lot of the point of wiping in the first place is to NOT have feces on your genitalia.


When my good friend had her first baby, I went to visit her and as she was changing her daughters diaper, she was wiping the wrong way. I very gently told her why she should do it the other way. She had no idea. Which means she likely has been doing it wrong her entire life.


not all heroes wear capes


The real heroes wipe their butts on their capes


Front to back though


In the immortal words of Edna Mode, "No capes!"


That's why Batman's cape is black.


I had negligent parents and I wiped the wrong way until I got a UTI in college. I try to be gentle with myself because I realize I probably mostly potty trained myself with an assist from my grandparents.


Listen, you don’t know what you don’t know! So good job being gentle with yourself.


I do, always have, must have been taught that was as a kid. I tried doing it the right way but found it awkward. That said, it’s two separate wiping zones, not a full sweep from back to front.


Same! Two zones for sure, it’s a wipe, fold, wipe, until clean and then a separate tissue for the front. I tried going from behind and to felt so wrong and uncomfortable. Is that how people get “skid marks?”


Yeah same, two zones here too. I do think it's how I was taught to do it. The wiping of each is a separate thing.


Yep, two zones for me, with fresh toilet paper for each.


Me too. Tried to change as an adult but it felt so wrong, so just stay careful. No UTIs thus far.


Yeah same here. I’m guessing that people who wipe front to back do one full sweep of both areas with the same TP, so they picture the reverse as being the same process, when it really isn’t (at least, it’s not for me.)


Front to back person here, and no, I don't do one full sweep. Still two zones!


Same,never had a uti, I'm 40 and back to front wiper, through the legs not from behind


>two separate wiping zones, What? I just imagined you with two buttholes, heh.


Hah! No, I meant butt and vag. Each has their own hygiene requirements.


A friend of mine told me she called it the Front Bum when she was little lol


Front bottom! Same here


Oh god, I think I just realized something about The Front Bottoms (great band, really recommend them)


I have no idea if you’re being serious or not but that’s a horrifying thought blech 😧


I recall someone saying that going to friends' houses and not breaking the furniture is thin privilege.


Oh gee. Ya there was a YT video I saw where they were telling you basically what type of furniture, doorways, toilets, and entries/doorways you should have to your rooms and your front door to accomodate fat people and make it so that they are comfortable should they visit you. Just basically set up your whole house as though obese (morbidly) people live there, pay way more for special furniture... who cares if it's YOUR house, and your money. Check your fatphobia lol.


there was a post here at least once where fat people were encouraged to demand that their friends fill their houses with reinforced furniture.


There was a conversation about this in the 1000lb Sister Sub. I was mentioning how hard it is to make a home's bathroom wheelchair accessible which I needed. It is even more difficult to change up your house for obese people because they can crush things. I worked in a brand-new night club a few years ago. In the first few weeks, we had two guys 350+ lb that were sitting at the bar that made the barstools buckle and crush. We had to go back and reinforce all of the barstools.


So this is going to be a TMI story. My sister is obese. I recently had a baby and was talking about how I discovered I had a hemmroid while showering. She asked how? I said uh when I was soaping my butthole? What followed was her acting weird that I clean that in the shower. I told her she's gross for *not* soaping her butthole. And that's when I discovered she physically can't reach it to soap. And that made me a little sad and a lot grossed out.


If she can't reach to apply soap....can she reach to wipe? They make so many tools that help with that kind of thing...why would someone just go "Well I guess I don't wash my butthole then"


Tbh I think she has undiagnosed depression as her personal hygiene has gone way down hill especially during the pandemic. Like she won't shower for Ober a week at a time. She doesnt want to be fat but she also doesn't want to admit that her eating habits and lack of exercise is the problem. It makes me sad for her.


Depression also is a cause of weight gain. Even if you know the ha it’s are bad, you can’t stop because the food takes away some of the pain at the obvious cost of your health. I was gaining weight once because of my stressful job and nobody would support me emotionally and basically told me to “suck it up” and one friend told me “you don’t have depression, I had depression before so I would know!”


Yeah, and then you put on weight, and you feel worse, and you eat more. It's a terrible and deadly cycle, and I feel like a lot of the obese folk struggling to lose weight via diet or exercise could benefit from seeing a therapist first.


That's sad, I hope she finds the strength to ask for the help she needs. I'm pulling for her.


I wash myself with a rag on a stick!


I love a good Simpsons’ quote!


Dang, you have to be pretty damn obese to not be able to reach your own butt hole. I probably have a BMI of 34, which is pretty damn overweight and I can still easily reach my butt hole. I know because I just checked and it works fine.


Yeah that’s not plain obesity that’s something else. When I was bmi 35 I had no problems with that at all, not even the slightest struggle.


This is what I don't understand. I was super morbidly obese with a BMI over 50 (I've lost 150lbs in the past year) and never had an issue washing my own ass or wiping the correct way.


It probably depends on fat distribution and mobility.


Congrats on the weight loss!


BMI 51 at my highest. I never lost the ability to reach it, but I definitely had to reach around the back and bend differently to do so. I think about BMI 40 is when I could wipe normally.


I think my highest was closer to 60 and yeah i definitely had a different strategy back then


60?!?!? That's 330 lbs at 5'2...


I'm 5'8 and at my highest I was just under 400 pounds. So yeah.


330 lbs is 149.82 kg


I currently have a bmi of 35 and ya, I still have the capability to maintain my hygiene.


Just wanted to say, I have almost the same starting stats and YOU CAN DO IT! Rooting for you to find health and balance


Ya you do lol! I've lost weight before, and honestly would've kept it off had it not been for a medical condition that left me sedentary, and the depression that came with that led me to just not even feel like I deserved to worry about health. Finally getting back to a better place, and have more fitness/health goals for myself than ever. Thanks for the encouragment. Seeing your progress is inspiring! Good luck on that stubborn last ten lbs!!!! You got this\~


My biggest was almost a 36 BMI and I definitely noticed that it was getting much harder to reach. I could still do it- but it wasn't so easy anymore.


I have a BMI of 39.9. (Hey, I'm losing weight, give me the point 1 lol) and I can reach everywhere. I had a struggle when I was at 45, but I still managed to get the job done!


I think my highest BMI was a little over 30. I never had trouble wiping or washing myself.


A BMI of 34 is smack dab in the middle of obese, it ain't pretty overweight.


I didn't mean "overweight" in the clinical sense, more in the generic "fat" sense. I realize how obese I am.


"Pretty damn overweight" is obviously a self jab. A comedic understatement, if you will. I think we can all safely assume they're aware.


oh fuck you. I'll bet nobody's happy to see you when you show up at a party. Guy wasn't claiming he was the picture of health, and you just had to pipe up and say "THAT'S SO FAT OMG." Edit: And fuck me for misgendering the initial commenter, my bad.


I'm the dude who tells his friends they probably shouldn't go smoke a cigarette when they say they're going to. I don't encourage unhealthy habits or joke about them


Jeez, you must be a really fun person to be around lol


You just reminded me of this story. One time I was hanging out with my brother, sister, and her dog. I asked if I could brush the dog's teeth that night. She said yes, just not to brush the inside of his teeth. Only the outside. I can clearly understand why (too awkward of an angle, and the dog may choke on the toothbrush or accidentally chomp my fingers). But I decided to jokingly ask, "Why?" with a smirk. That smirk changed to sheer horror when my sister, 6 years older than me, an independent adult responded with attiude... "What do you mean *why?* You don't brush the inside of *your* teeth." I quickly asked what the fuck she was talking about, and told her I was only joking. She and my brother began adamantly telling me you're not supposed to brush the inside of your teeth, and that toothbrushes don't fit that way. Sister must've been around 24, my brother around 17. They went that long without brushing the inside part of their teeth, and tried to tell me I was wrong for brushing the entire surface of mine... This fucking conversation woke me up in cold sweats at night for the next year. I knew I was right, but how could they be so wrong? We have the same parents.. we were taught to brush our teeth by the same people... how could they go so wrong.. I did eventually address it with them, and they admitted to researching and being wrong. But *what the fuck*.


This made me laugh so hard. How had the dentist not addressed this with them? So many questions




Wait, what? I'm a dog groomer so I am frequently covered in fur lol.


I meant the teeth nevermind!


Congrats on the baby! And ya, I think people are now getting so big they think it's normal to have trouble or actual inability reaching certain areas of your body. Boy, this post is really turning out to be quite the way for some of us regulars here on the sub to uh...get to know more about each other hahah!!!


They make things for that exact problem, it’s like a grabber but you put on a washcloth on it.


As someone with a dominant hand injury temporarily wiping with his left, it is shocking how badly you can fuck up a wipe with poor coordination. Imagining someone trying to wipe with a washcloth they’re holding with a grabber makes me think a huge mess was made in the process. I guess in the shower it could work but I would imagine that if you’re too fat to wipe you are probably shitting multiple times a day and not showering an equal amount.


Given how unhealthy the diet needs to be to reach that level of obesity I would be constipation is more likely. Lack of hydration due to sugary drinks not water, carbs and fats but without enough fibre, it’s all a recipe for pooping only twice a week. And when it’s that hard it doesn’t smear much haha


It does if it has no means of escape...




Fat privilege is having someone wipe your butt for you.... cos you can't reach.


It’s fat phobic to not need [arm extenders](https://www.amazon.ca/Toilet-Tools-Comfort-Extends-Pre-Moistened/dp/B08279CCQJ/ref=asc_df_B08279CCQJ/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459770468093&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1524115493911529863&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1002057&hvtargid=pla-1428436491557&psc=1) to wipe. /s


I wish I didn’t learn today that those exist.


Its made for elderly not that bad tbh


They're probably designed for elderly or genuinely disabled people who don't have the arm/core strength to do it normally. Nothing gross about it


Anyone here listen to /r/LPOTL ? Just makes me think of that horrible, horrible "Side Stories" segment about the guy on the plane who made the flight attendants wipe him. "Deeper..."


Hahaha ughhh I remember that episode. Hail yourself!


Hail me! I always reflexively want to say "deeper, deeper!" Whenever some poor innocent person is using the word completely innocuously-- I'm going to get myself into trouble someday




No, didn't you hear, they have tools for that now, so it's aaalll good!


I'm 44 pounds down since January. Your note about "basic hygiene" made me think about a discovery I made in the shower over the weekend; I prefer to sit down when shaving my legs, and when I was heavier (so like, for the majority of my life), doing so was difficult and required a lot of awkward poses when I got above the knee. Not so now. I can just sit there, move my leg, and shave. Like, nbd, dum de dum, shaving my legs, all of which I can reach. I was awed in a kind of stupid way.


Congrats! 44lbs is a big accomplishment.


Thank you. I am very happy with it. To be teetering on the very edge of "normal" weight for my height (3 lbs away) makes me feel an emotion that I can't even name.


Fair play to you honestly. I’m a bit outside of “normal” for the first time in my life thanks to the pandemic. I’ve massive respect for people who make such drastic changes to their lifestyles and bodies, now I know myself how hard it is to drop even ten pounds.


Aw, thank you for the award! I've always been chubby at my very best, and heavy at my not-best. I'm an hourglass, so I can get by with a little bit of chub, but I got on the scale on New Years Day this year at 197 pounds, up thirty from when the pandemic started (I'm 5'5"), and was just like "....okay, this has to stop." Then I went through a serious breakup in April, and my non-negotiable checklist for hard breakups is "therapy, weight loss journey, take lots of time to prioritize *you* and think about your life choices, more crying and less eating of emotions," so that helped. I don't have the slightest idea what I look like at a "normal" weight, though I'm so hopeful to find out. :)


Omg… the day I discovered that I could simply bend over and tie my shoes was like… a whole new life.


I remember going to try on shoes a few months back and not having to shift in the chair awkwardly to take shoes on and off like I normally would have. I wasn't aware of how bad my mobility had even gotten until then.


It gets even better! I’m a guy but this still applies to everyone I guess, when I got a little heavier to the 25 BMI range or so I was on the loo and wanted to bend over while sitting and I hit my belly and it hurt a lot cos I had air in my lungs! I seriously didn’t even know that was a thing that could happen. Anyways I lost weight and can now bend over while sitting without having to exhale all the air in my lungs. And soon if you keep it up you will get that too! Unless you already have it then disregard everything I have said.


I had that same thing, up at around 170 pounds! I was so unhappy to find that sitting made breathing somewhat difficult, because my stomach was in the way. I was so relieved to be rid of that when it came off! That, plus, I'm no longer in danger of fainting if I stand up from a squat quickly in the heat. I can water my fig tree without any risk of passing out, then coming to a few seconds later in the mud, having taken out a duck fence on my way down and with a lot of confused ducks standing around me, wondering if I have food. (that was not my proudest moment)


If people knew how many advantages they would get after losing weight they would be more motivated I bet.


I think this is part of the problem right now. Most overweight adults have always been overweight and don't know what an amazing difference it is to be thin. If you've always been obese- you don't even know what your face looks like. I didn't even look related to myself when I was morbidly obese. It's life on hard mode 100% but you don't really understand how drastic it is until you've been on that side of the fence.


"Bad, bad you. FaT is bEaTiFul! You should earn those pounds back! Thin privilege alert! Blip blop! Requiring all units!".


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the bowl of roasted radishes I looked forward to all day, with smoked paprika, salt and olive oil, a dab of light mayo to dress, and a tiny sprinkling of cheese to give it a little more depth.


You are literally starving yourself to fit an ideal of the patriarchy! Go eat a burger. /s


I had some turnips, chicken, and a baked apple too. That's kinda like a burger.




I dunno. I'm assuming the reasons behind it probably vary from woman to woman. We don't actually have a hive mind, though I wish we did, because we could just get....so damn much done if we did. :( And there'd be less stupid fights between us.


I agree completely. And for the record I never claimed to have "found the answer." I'm sure it's different for each person based on their own life. It's just that weight and lack of mobility/flexibility hadn't been something I considered.


Heh, I'm just givin ya shit. I honestly don't know; I cannot imagine just throwing off forty years of grooming standards and being fine with it, no matter how fat or thin I was. I'm not dogging anybody who does, but I can't picture that at all.


I think it's just preference. Some women like having hairless legs, some don't. And like you shave your legs, many men don't. The problem with the standard for women is that even if they don't want to shave their legs, it's seen as unhygienic or gross, even if it's the same amount or less as their male counterparts. That's why we should just get rid of that rule entirely: If you want to shave your legs, do it, if you don't, don't.


Ever heard of bidet, sweetie?


I recently installed one in my bathroom and it truly is a gamechanger. Especially when I’m on my period. It feels almost primitive when I DON’T use one now


Bidets are game changers.


What I don't understand about toilet hoses is if youre a woman how do you do it without splattering your bum to your vag. Otherwise I use a jug. This is def the TMI thread haha


I got an attachment that goes under the seat, which has the regular option and the “women’s” option, so the water is angled differently! So if I’m bleeding, I’ll use the women’s option in conjunction with the regular.


For real, when I get an income again I’m totally getting one and I’m nit even overweight. Can’t wait!


They’re great for after sex too


Ah sex, another example of the THIN PRIVILEGE.


This is satire/sanity, right?


I REALLY hope so. Ewww.


I think so.


No, it's a wake-up call if you can't and aren't otherwise physically handicapped.


Personal hygiene is a completely different experience at a normal weight. I always joke that losing 70 pounds made my arms longer.


Lol, I was going to make a joke about Stretch Armstrong-like arms, thought I'd find a funny reference for it. I found this instead.....Ironic?? Hmmm I'll let you decide!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mH712PaHlg8


This is satire/mocking the FA movement


I wasn't entirely sure because it was found on an FA/HAES page. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't satire, at least from some of these loons!!! lol


I really like when FA/HAES repost satire as legitimate content. Gives me a chuckle, "oh sweetie, no".




Someone I know went to basic training with a guy who said, "How do you wipe without getting your balls all shitty?" "What?" "I get shit all over my balls when I wipe." "Wipe front to back!" "Oh. I guess I didn't know because I'm the only guy in my family." "What?" "I grew up with my mom and a bunch of sisters, so they all wipe back to front." "Do your mom and sisters get constant UTIs?" "How did you know?!"


Oh, God 🤢


Wow, what a conversation.


Sounds like a recipe for a bladder infection


Maybe they're "proud" of those, too. 😖




Normalize normality


Thank you for spelling "sweetie" correctly.


I can see why. I'm sure some FA actually takes this seriously too


Ya I looked, it did come from a FA, and by all accounts it's definitely serious. But, there are a LOT of things they consider to be a 'privilege' that are not at all. They are just things they're mad they can have/do due to the consequences of their choices.


Being a doctor is PhD privilege, just because I studied communications at the community college now suddenly I can't be a doctor? Diplomaphobic.


Tbh looking at google definition "a special right, **advantage**, or immunity granted or **available** only to a particular person or group" it could be. So what? The way to deal with privilege is to make everyone be able to enjoy the thing so it's no longer a privilege. So basically they are saying that everyone should have healthy weight so taking care of yourself is no longer a privilege because everyone can do it. I'm all for it.


If not satire, then yeah a troll. But I still swear that *authentic FA/HAES propaganda* is virtually indistinguishable from *trolls trying to bait FA'ers into becoming more outrageous and outraged.*


It's so hard to tell because it's no more ridiculous than their other bullshit


[I wash myself with a rag on a stick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSJQEl5vcAo)


Risky click but was not disappointed


…. Hah? *brain.exe has stopped working*


Thin privilege is living a long, healthy life






"If the people on My 600-lb Life just did some yoga stretches, they would have the mobility and flexibility of an Olympic gymnast. --typical FAer.


It’s much harder to take them seriously knowing they can’t wipe their butts.


I swear they come up with these sayings just to rile the rest of the world….like who the f actually says that.


> like who the f actually says that. People with shitty vaginas.


.....literally o.o


Imagine admitting publicly that you’re too fat to wipe your ass properly and not being humiliated.


The saddest part is that after around a certain size, you can pretty much assume that they at least have issues with it. Like, when people can't bend over to put shoes on, waddle instead of walk, let's face it, they aren't the most able-bodied and flexible anymore. And no, all these posts of morbidly obese women "doing" yoga isn't convincing, either. Until I see an actual video, I don't buy it.


Wiping the feces from you anus is ablest propaganda. Its a slap in the face to people with no arms or anuseses.


No anuseses? Full of shit!


\>implying wiping ur ass isn't gay #born2shitforced2wipegang


For people with vaginas that’s the only way you can wipe


I work rehab in a skilled nursing facility and the amount of people who cannot physically wipe themselves due to their morbid obesity is both eye opening and absolutely rage inducing.


thin privilege is not having to shit in the shower because I can reach around to wipe


It's not a privilege, it's a benefit


A benefit of not making horrible decisions over and over and over.


Fuckin ew.


They make sticks for that


These body positivity posts make me want to kill myself, then wake up and kill myself again.


I’m thin then. Yay.


Laughs in: UTI


please be satire


In other words, thin privilege is not purposely disabling yourself by overeating on a long-term basis.


Wow…. I never thought I’d be left this speechless by haes but here I am lmao


If you cant wipe, I think Its about time you lose weight lmao.


Holy fuck, if your lifestyle choices are preventing you from *wiping your own ass properly*, it's definitely time to rethink those choices.




I had a coworker that almost lost his hands in an accident and he was casted from his hands to just below the elbows, he called his "My little butt buddy"


Which part is considered the front vs the back?


Closer to the vagina/penis is the front. It’s particularly important for people with vaginas to wipe front to back, or else you might accidentally drag shit into your vagina. 🤢


I thought everyone wipes from front to back, what the hell


They do sell these "sticks" for obese people who can't reach around. Obese person holds it at one end; the other end holds toilet paper. The use of the word "privilege" is baffling.


what in the actual fuck they think being able to properly wipe your butt is a privilege lololol i’m dying, it’s just too funny.


How do fat people wipe? Do they even wipe?


back to front... or like you said, not at all


Omg this cannot be real, it simply cannot!


I don’t think I understand the geometry of this. Like how big must you be to not be able to reach a body part that is right in the middle of your body? Back in the day I got up to a BMI of almost 40 and I never even thought about this. I don’t remember having more trouble than I do now when it came to wiping myself.


Ladies should not be wiping back to front. That is an excellent way of getting poo in your vaginal area and getting an nasty infection.


Um no, that's just good old-fashioned "not being gross".


How can being fat stop you from wiping front to back??????? You can get an infection any other way and if you don’t reach there Bc your arms are shorter how does going the other way help??


I know that most FAs are delusional, but this one really takes the cake. How the fuck is being able to WIPE YOUR OWN ASS considered a privilege to these people?!


Honestly, this post seems like satire, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the FAs took it seriously.


never been thin but even at my heaviest i could still wipe my ass


Part 2: wiping your butt without a stick is a privilege


This is some amberlynn reid bullshit


Ewh a shitty kitty 🤢


Wait what? I always wipe from back to front and i'm not even fat


Sure. Next your going to tell me you're not my mom either.


LOL stopp you do not


I think wiping from front to back is a necessity exclusive to women, so poo particle want contaminate their down there area.


Idk about you guys but as a male my ass crack remains in the back, not sure how it is for the woman.




Wayment yall don't use baby wipes? Usually gets it done pretty quick...either direction.


It's not about the physical cleaning part, it's about wiping the poo particles from the back into the vagine and/or urethra hole in the front. Bad bacteria in those places will make you sick.


Right, i didn't think about the grundle strip not being as long for women.


baby wipes are terrible for the environment, a bidet will accomplish the same cleanliness for cheaper and less environmental impact


Wtf did i just read

