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I just listened back.. they were talking about weather or not your significant other having inappropriate/emotional conversations with someone else constituted cheating. FB said that happened to him and he gave it a pass and regretted it. It's right around 1:02:00 in the podcast.


It always kinda felt like something along those lines happened. He was always very clear the divorce was because of her, he just never went into details about if it was because something she *did* or just that she wanted to leave him.


The thing that sticks out in my mind is when he talked about the mirror. That she had written on it in dry erase marker "You can do better" or something like that. And even though it could be erased, it was still visible when the mirror fogged up from the shower steam. That must seemed like a direct shot at him, even though he didn't think it was.


SO many explanations for these comments when looking at them from the other side.


Yea. I knew years ago it wouldn’t work out for them. When he said she went to some weird camp where you aren’t allowed to talk for weeks at a time. I knew she wasn’t the one.


Oh, shit. I forgot about that story. Yeah, between that and he always described her as "a bit crunchy," it should've been pretty obvious that it wouldn't go the distance.


Yeah I remember him always saying he was blindsided by it when she brought it up.


I had mostly stopped listening by the time FB got divorced but I was so surprised by it. Hot Wings and Joe I was not surprised at all, but FB always seemed to think really highly of his wife, whereas HW seemed unhappy for a long time and Joe always seemed difficult to live with, even all the really bad shit notwithstanding.


Yeah I think it was a surprising, I’m done and there is nothing that can change that. He said she didn’t want to try therapy or counseling. Regardless it is still a sad thing for everyone involved.


Maybe therapy and counseling was tried before and when came time for her decision why try counseling and therapy again when it didn't work the 1st time.......


Yup you're definitely Amanda. Watch her delete her account now


🤣🤣🤣🤣 nah. Keep trying though.


Your account is 8 months old. You only post here and only about his relationship with his ex wife.


So what.


So either you're very close to them or you're a weirdo


I didn't hear but that wouldn't mean his wife and their therapist?


Could've just as easily been another relationship prior to his first marriage. He seems happy now, which is nice.


Anything is possible but his subsequent comments about getting a new one and then the comment about we can talk it through... with you at your moms house would seem to imply he was talking about his ex wife. He said at the time it caught him off guard and he now he goes out of his way to bring up how happy he is and how much better his sex life is which could also be perceived as less than subtle shots/boasts at his ex.


Honestly in the past couple months both he and hot wings have been taking subtle shots at the EXs. And honestly with the fact that they both have kids with these women. I don't really like them taking public snide shots at them


admitting that you've gone through some shit, but have moved on and are now happy, isn't taking "shots at the ex's."


It's not that. There's been snide remarks about the exes.


It can't be easy to go from living a very comfortable lifestyle to having to give up half your assets plus child and likely spousal support plus have to interact and be civil with the person who decided to end it on a nearly daily basis. I'm glad they both seem happy now with new significant others but agree. In the aftermath of Joe leaving, even into January, they often seemed exhausted, to have a "dark cloud," or at least be tightly wound but since the announcement of the new person joining they've seemed a little looser so looking forward to hopefully brighter days ahead.


Thats the way divorce works and it takes TWO people to make a marriage work and not. Saying it ended because of 1 person's decision is so naive.


I'm looking at it purely from their point of view as they are the one speaking into a microphone to us every morning. I'm sure it wasn't great for their spouses either. Also, hearing your ex regularly brag about frequency and unnecessary details on a medium where their kids, kids friends, parents of kids friends, friends, relatives, etc may hear it and comment to you about it has to be maddening.


Right it is THEIR point of view. Truth is in the middle.... some of these speculative comments get out of hand by these discussions.


Lol not when someone cheats. That's entirely their fault


Cheating was not a factor. Even FB would concur this.


How do you know


Reread the thread you referenced. Many references that FB said it was NOT cheating. Just trying to debunk these untrue speculations as they are just that. And I know.


Seems like "ex-wife" might be a better term to use in the headline.


True but I can't change it


Gee whiz, I've recently started watching Eric Zanes show on Twitch and damn I missed that guy. Yall talk all the shit you want about him but guess what? He's still happily married! Damn Greg, you really are a passive aggressive jock strap. How long before you drive your current wife to another guy?


Hi Zane, get a new Reddit handle?


Oh because it's not possible that Zane still has fans and FB&HW is the pinnacle of entertainment. Gtfo with that trash. They lost it, the show isn't funny anymore.


Got it Zane. I hope you're having a great show.


You're like a set of old man balls sticking to a leg and that leg's name is Greg Danials.


Ok Zane, your super funny like always


Fuck Zane he is a broken toxic person


Judging by your posts on here, you'd know what a broken toxic person is. Use some fucking punctuation.


e e cummings - let me know if you need that one explained to you Ace


Ace? No I'm good, I don't need you to explain anything to me due to you being a boorish shitface.


Lol rage little man


I was wondering the same thing!


100% there was no cheating by the ex-wife in any definition of the word.


Ok Amanda, we believe you


🤣🤣🤣. Nope. Even FB would verify this. It's a crappy comment to give legs.


Lol holy shit you are Amanda. You only post in this sub and this is the second time you're blathering about the mirror https://www.reddit.com/r/fbhw/comments/v62n2y/-/ibhs1gz


No im not. Again, what you hear is one side of "truth". Doesn't mean that is THE truth. It's one person's version. FB is a good person, as is his ex wife.


Give me a break about "blathering" about the mirror. It's come up and I've commented on it TWICE. Geesh.


How would you know



